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Electric Car conversion made easy

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 10 Jul 2012
QLD, 6806 posts
10 Jul 2012 11:09AM
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Thanks to not so new concept conversion from petrol or diesel could be easier and cheaper then we tough ( in nearest future).
Instead of trying to fit electric motor and connect to existing power drive, remove all together and attach new wheels with inbuilt electric motor already.
Concept is so cleaver because also allow for broad competition between wheels manufacturer, regardless of any big car manufacturer willingness to capture or dominate the market.
You still may have your favourite brand car - Mercedes, Holden or Toyota but wheel with wide power range of inbuilt electric motor, you could choose like tyres today. Michelin looks promising and since 2004 when concept was presented the time is coming...

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Jul 2012 11:39AM
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It's the future!

WA, 2331 posts
10 Jul 2012 2:02PM
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Unlimited recharges, no toxic chemicals, no heavy metals

no brainer really

WA, 4642 posts
10 Jul 2012 3:58PM
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30kw per wheel? So you would need 10 wheels to get 300kwatts.
That would look a bit silly.

WA, 14731 posts
10 Jul 2012 4:25PM
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pweedas said...

30kw per wheel? So you would need 10 wheels to get 300kwatts.
That would look a bit silly.

I don't know. I think electric motors have a much better torque spread, so that 30kw may feel like more than you think, plus there would be no driveline losses.

With presumably, 120kw at the wheels, that should be a reasonable performer.

Although there would be people overvoltingthem/supercooling them to get more than the stock 30kw out

NSW, 9029 posts
10 Jul 2012 6:35PM
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pweedas said...

30kw per wheel? So you would need 10 wheels to get 300kwatts.
That would look a bit silly.

The linked article

says older electric cars made in the early 20th century had motors putting out about 1 kw and that was adequate for city driving. So 120 kw should be fine. There are plenty of cars out there that have power outputs less than 120 kw.

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
10 Jul 2012 4:46PM
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The PML mini has 4 X 120kw hub electric motors. Goes 0 - 60mph in 3.7 seconds. Each wheel assembly weighs 24 kg, replacing the original hub wheel and brake assembly that weighed 22.5 kg. Uses the original mini suspension. I presume they need such powerful motors to be able to pull up sufficiently well on regenerative braking. The super acceleration is maybe just a byproduct of wanting to do away with traditional brakes altogether.

QLD, 6481 posts
10 Jul 2012 7:01PM
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the home made hydrogen-on-demand mods people have added to their cars look interesting.

since my surfing cars worth nothing, i thought i might try putting one on and see if it works

WA, 4642 posts
10 Jul 2012 5:05PM
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Don't bother. It's all a con.

VIC, 5000 posts
10 Jul 2012 7:28PM
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pweedas said...

Don't bother. It's all a con.

Don't know about that - a couple of local kids did well converting their car a few years back (don't know what happened to them, went quiet very quick!)

QLD, 6481 posts
10 Jul 2012 7:46PM
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so simple, even uncle hick billy bob can install it as in this video, finds a new use for his bong, and he fully endorses it

WA, 1227 posts
10 Jul 2012 5:55PM
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FormulaNova said...
I don't know. I think electric motors have a much better torque spread, so that 30kw may feel like more than you think, plus there would be no driveline losses.

Electric motors produce maximum torque at zero revs and it drops off from there as the revs build. Hence, they're excellent for quick acceleration from a standstill, but not so classy for overtaking at speeds higher up the scale. Because of this attribute they would be ideal for inner city commuting. All you need are suitable batteries at a less than extortionate price.

QLD, 318 posts
10 Jul 2012 8:08PM
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Electric motors are also rated where the motor can produce 30kw continuous, not peak. Peak will be much more but obviously only for a limited amount of time.

A 30kw petrol engine is rated at its absolute peak power, if producing this power for a long amount of time would cause engine failure anyway.

WA, 4642 posts
10 Jul 2012 6:19PM
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Sailhack said...

pweedas said...

Don't bother. It's all a con.

Don't know about that - a couple of local kids did well converting their car a few years back (don't know what happened to them, went quiet very quick!)

All those 'hydrogen from water' and browns gas generators are a con.
You can never get the same energy out of burning the gas as you had to put into the system to split it into hydrogen and oxygen in the first place.
They appear to work really well for a short demonstration because the power needed is sucked out of the battery. Once the battery is flat then it all falls in a heap because the battery is recharged by the engine which is running on the hydrogen that is generated by the battery,.. which is recharged by the engine which is running on the hydrogen that is generated by the battery,.. which is recharged by the engine which is running on the hydrogen that is generated by the battery,.. which is,.. and so on.
If each step was 100% efficient then you would at least break even, but each step is inefficient so it quite soon flattens the battery and the car is again just running on petrol and trying to recharge a flat battery.
The idea is not new. It's been around for a hundred years.
It's always announced with much fanfare as some great new invention. Suckers flock in and hand over their money for shares in the company or to buy plans so they can make it themselves.
Some of them put one on their car and if they want to hit the headlines they announce it as a huge success,... and then it quietly fades away because it is all a big smoke and mirrors magic trick.
It doesn't work.
It never has.
It never will,
because the underlying principle is wrong.
The tried and true principle is, You get nothing for nothing.

If you want to amuse yourself then go ahead and do it but DON'T PAY ANYONE ANY MONEY.

{edit} I just read the article listed on that link. It was in June 2008.
Gee! If it was even half as good as they said it was you think they would have made a killing flogging it off by now.
I wonder why we haven't heard any more about it??
Oh,.. I know. Big Oil paid them a million dollars to shut them up?
I don't think so.

VIC, 8020 posts
10 Jul 2012 8:24PM
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This baby runs on petrol !

In San Francisco, CA.

VIC, 5000 posts
10 Jul 2012 9:27PM
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pweedas said...

{edit} I just read the article listed on that link. It was in June 2008.
Gee! If it was even half as good as they said it was you think they would have made a killing flogging it off by now.
I wonder why we haven't heard any more about it??
Oh,.. I know. Big Oil paid them a million dollars to shut them up?
I don't think so.

...or worse, to be honest I haven't heard of them since the article was published!

QLD, 6806 posts
12 Jul 2012 3:58PM
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before you post negative comment on this, think nobody ask you to trade your SUV or ute on eggomobile, since the comfort in live is the most important you truly deserve (for the most), but as alternative to crowded trains, buses - at similar or cheaper costs to use - that can be seen as improvement.
Maybe hire like bikes now ?
Don't need helmet at least

NSW, 9202 posts
12 Jul 2012 5:13PM
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That video was smoking hot!!!

1595 posts
12 Jul 2012 4:31PM
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Macroscien said...
before you post negative comment on this, think nobody ask you to trade your SUV or ute on eggomobile, since the comfort in live is the most important you truly deserve (for the most), but as alternative to crowded trains, buses - at similar or cheaper costs to use - that can be seen as improvement.
Maybe hire like bikes now ?
Don't need helmet at least

Then it can double as a coffin and they can bury you in it because if a car hits you it will squash you like a grape.

1595 posts
12 Jul 2012 4:34PM
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For the hydrogen nonsense to work it would have to defy the laws of science.
Talk to me about affordable batteries that hold a big charge then electric cars will be worthwhile but only because they can't tax the fuel like they do petrol.

WA, 15849 posts
12 Jul 2012 4:44PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

For the hydrogen nonsense to work it would have to defy the laws of science.
Talk to me about affordable batteries that hold a big charge then electric cars will be worthwhile but only because they can't tax the fuel like they do petrol.

How do you dispose of the batteries once they sh!t themselves?

QLD, 1499 posts
12 Jul 2012 7:09PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

For the hydrogen nonsense to work it would have to defy the laws of science.
Talk to me about affordable batteries that hold a big charge then electric cars will be worthwhile but only because they can't tax the fuel like they do petrol.

Unless, of course, the fuel (electricity supply) is from a power station that burns fossil fuel and there is a carbon tax in place!

WA, 14731 posts
12 Jul 2012 5:13PM
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Macroscien said...
before you post negative comment on this, think nobody ask you to trade your SUV or ute on eggomobile, since the comfort in live is the most important you truly deserve (for the most), but as alternative to crowded trains, buses - at similar or cheaper costs to use - that can be seen as improvement.
Maybe hire like bikes now ?
Don't need helmet at least

I think these would be great if you could dock them with a train carriage for the long haul joourney, and then unlink it at the other end.

Maybe link two of them together side by side, so you could have a passenger and only one person steers?

Maybe a congo line....

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jul 2012 7:18PM
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I would consider one of these if they were in Aus.

VIC, 5000 posts
12 Jul 2012 7:25PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

For the hydrogen nonsense to work it would have to defy the laws of science.
Talk to me about affordable batteries that hold a big charge then electric cars will be worthwhile but only because they can't tax the fuel like they do petrol.

How about a DeLorean with a flux capacitor that runs on old rubbish...I swear I saw one once somewhere that went so hard it left burning tyre marks on the road!

QLD, 6806 posts
12 Jul 2012 8:24PM
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If you think a bit, imagine that in developed countries very soon everybody want one 4 wheels vehicle as we have.
Give them 12 cylinders or eight at least (because that desire for power under the hood is conversely proportional to grey matter under the scalp)
Multiply that by 2 or 4 billions at least to see the scale of the problem.
I would rather see them in eggomobile. You could fit 14 in one car park space, or take to your appertment in high rise skyscraper if fits into the lift only

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jul 2012 8:39PM
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The Egg Mobile is WRONG !!! Looks like the most dangerous vehicle I have ever seen.... Top heavy... decent side wind would topple it over...

Scooters will be amongst the last gasoline vehicles left running... Simple, and cheap, and they work.

My money is still with "light carbon fibre three wheel mountain bikes with lightweight shell, electrically powered". In short, it would be an U-CAR. Ultralight Car.

You only need about 2kW of power, and the whole thing can be as light as 100kg. The physicists in the room understand that a 100kg vehicle will use considerably less energy than a 1500kg vehicle.

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jul 2012 8:50PM
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Here's my two favorite electric light weight vehicles.

Plus the dirt bike industry is adapting to noise complaints... They are are developing electric bikes will virtually ZERO noise, other than a low hum for the electric motor, and the quiet splatter of some gravel, grit, and mud hitting the mud guards!!

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
12 Jul 2012 6:53PM
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VW has been working on the L1 for a while. The design criteria is an acceptable car that goes 100km per litre. It's a good looking car to boot.

QLD, 6806 posts
12 Jul 2012 8:56PM
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Simondo said...

The Egg Mobile is WRONG !!! Looks like the most dangerous vehicle I have ever seen.... Top heavy..

I can see egg mobile as prototype for something better. What we need is all weather vehicle and I agree with you 100% no more then 100kg.
Egobile could/should travel in more horizontal position and stand up for parking or slow peace movements. This cocoon should protect well in the case of accident - better then motorbike do.

10979 posts
12 Jul 2012 7:14PM
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Macroscien said...

If you think a bit, imagine that in developed countries very soon everybody want one 4 wheels vehicle as we have.
Give them 12 cylinders or eight at least (because that desire for power under the hood is conversely proportional to grey matter under the scalp)
Multiply that by 2 or 4 billions at least to see the scale of the problem.

Not really, these are US numbers and they show a reduction in both 6 cylinder and 8 since 2008.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Electric Car conversion made easy" started by Macroscien