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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Enough is Enough... Please explain?

Created by GypsyDrifter > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2010
WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 2:56PM
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Sorry for Venting..
But Now at our 32nd uninvited boat for the year...
I am pretty unimpressed...

I understand that times are tougher and people will risk their lives in
a crappy boat with crappy conditions...

But i want to see it STOPPED....Not slowed down...not more boats...
Just Stopped.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And whats this business of heading to Christmas Island..
Heading there....So has every one heard our country is run by idiots!!
What? are they just going straight to Christmas Island...instead of the extra sea
miles and cost getting to the Australia Coast....

I know the good sea weather for these trips are nearly over for the year...but we shall see...
The last boat had 3 Crew...what 3 paid crew....the last one 4 crew...
What are we just a pattsie country with no backbone...

Again Sorry for the vent.

WA, 4642 posts
29 Mar 2010 3:33PM
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Don't be too harsh GD.
A boat trip up there at this time of the year can be very appealing.

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 3:35PM
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Well It is Great fishing, you won't starve to death!

WA, 90 posts
29 Mar 2010 4:08PM
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Does anyone know who made this statement

Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 per cent of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country.

130 posts
29 Mar 2010 4:33PM
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She only said what a lot of Aussies were thinking at the time.

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 4:47PM
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wheelnut said...

Does anyone know who made this statement

Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 per cent of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country.

Pauline Hanson’s Maiden Speech in Federal Parliament
Tuesday, 10th September 1996.

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 4:58PM
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My issue as a layperson is I don't have much of a clue about this
situation apart from commonsense, but they say this affects the immigrants and refugees
that have applied to this country and gone through all the right channels.
They can offer our country skills and alike and have sat in their homes waiting
for sometimes years (putting their lives on hold) for the phone call or in some cases I guess a Letter to say they have been accepted and can start their new life.

I was lucky I was born Grandparents set me up for a better life in a GREAT country...they paid their way...and did all the right things ....

But still that is not my issue...

WHY!!!!!!...with this government are the boats coming?

(ok I'll get off my high horse now...)

WA, 1305 posts
29 Mar 2010 5:14PM
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Well said Gypsy, my sentiments to the letter!!
When I worked on Christmas Island there were only about 1300 people there, If the swell was up and the supply ships couldnt dock we would always run low on certain foodstuffs, was truely a p!sser,
I wonder what the locals think about being the dumping ground for who KNOWS WHO!!!

WA, 373 posts
29 Mar 2010 5:22PM
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imagine the desperation of a parent to risk the lives of their children to take a dangerous boat trip into the unknown for a chance of a better life, perhaps leaving behind relatives that they may never see again. I dont think you do this unless you are desperate. Seriously imagine it, go on, try, reef your children out of bed in the middle of the night, to meet a shady charcter who promises to get you out of a place you cant bear to be in any longer, a place where perhaps you have generations of attachment, but little hope as despot after despot tear the place apart, can you blame a parent for seeking to improve its childs life?

WA, 1194 posts
29 Mar 2010 5:26PM
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i am prob a bit out with my figures as I'm just parroting what was said on the ABC insiders last sunday.....

in the last 30 years approx 22000 have arrived in Australia by boat, where as we have accepted approx 3 million through normal appropriate immigration channels.
so on that figure alone its a small percentage of Que jumpers.

i think the majority that come by boat are coming from a hardship of life most Australians cant relate too. i don't think they should be let loose, at least until due process is taken for security reasons, i also don't like the idea of the boats coming here mainly because of my quarantine concerns. especially up north in such remote difficult to control and contain areas, but they are human beings looking for a better life like anyone would want.

WA, 15849 posts
29 Mar 2010 5:39PM
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I bet there have been a few boats that have made it but the passengers didnt once the boat sailed away with their money and left them to perrish up on the west coast.

So they have three options if they choose the boat ride - die in the open ocean - die in the desert - sit in a camp for 2 years and get fed.

None of them sound that nice to me

If they knew the risk would they still do it?

NSW, 9029 posts
29 Mar 2010 8:45PM
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Lets just forget there was a massive civil war in Sri Lanka. Right now the government there is settling old scores. Even officers in the army are not immune from being arrested.

I hope you didn't see the video of the Tamil prisoners being dragged out into a field, naked, with bound wrists and ankles and then shot in the back of the head.

Thats what these people are trying to get away from.

The question I ask is why they are coming here? Why not seek asylum in India which is much closer? I'd like to see our government working more closely with countries between here and there.

However despite that Australia has signed agreements on how to treat refugees that turn up here. As mentioned by CWamit, the numbers arriving by boat are tiny compared to those arriving by plane.

Most asylum seekers in Australia come from China. We don't hear anything about them as 99% of them arrive at an airport.

QLD, 5610 posts
29 Mar 2010 8:14PM
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Maybe there should be some more follow up data on boat refugees as compared to "fly in" refugees. Are they more likely to assimilate and become Australians or are they more likely to retain the culture/horror they escape from ??? Australia is not "New Sri Lanka"(or new whatever) it's Australia....fair dinkum.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Mar 2010 7:08PM
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I find these threads a bit disturbing.

NSW, 5784 posts
29 Mar 2010 10:30PM
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what i find disturbing is someone who values the preening and dressing up of a cat over the value of a human life.

NSW, 7063 posts
29 Mar 2010 10:54PM
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Hey Gypsy,

Boat people do not want to be here! They choose to come here because they are in fear of their lives and they make the choice for that reason and that reason alone!

If you had a neighbour banging on your door asking to come in because someone was going to kill them would you turn them away?

People do not choose Australia as a refuge because of our government, they choose it as a destination because they believe they will find refuge from tyranny.

Think outside the square and ask what the "government" is doing to influence foreign powers to change their ways and keep their people happy and at home.

Jumping on the band wagon and "venting" shows a significant lack of insight into the true reality!

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 8:31PM
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arancini said...

imagine the desperation of a parent to risk the lives of their children to take a dangerous boat trip into the unknown for a chance of a better life, perhaps leaving behind relatives that they may never see again. I dont think you do this unless you are desperate. Seriously imagine it, go on, try, reef your children out of bed in the middle of the night, to meet a shady charter who promises to get you out of a place you cant bear to be in any longer, a place where perhaps you have generations of attachment, but little hope as despot after despot tear the place apart, can you blame a parent for seeking to improve its child's life?

My answer to that is Yes! /
Because It is 90% Young active men not women and children doing this voyage
on the whole....they might have families they have left but there is a reason for that...
They get into our country and then apply for the families to come
do you hear much about women and children coming and then setting up house and a job and then applying for there husbands and family to come..NO!

Oh I am hot headed about this

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Mar 2010 8:39PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

My answer to that is Yes! /
Because It is 90% Young active men not women and children doing this voyage
on the whole....they might have families they have left but there is a reason for that...
They get into our country and then apply for the families to come
do you hear much about women and children coming and then setting up house and a job and then applying for there husbands and family to come..

Can you prove this with a link to something credible or is this just crap you've made up?

You should get out more, go to some of these countries see the abject poverty that these people live in stay with their families, try and understand the persecution some experience for only exercising a democratic right like voting.....something that our society takes for granted

Who wouldn't put everything on the line to better themselves and their families.

We're all from the same planet, we all bleed we all have emotions. Why should the fact that your born in a particular country in a particular political environment preclude you from health care, education, secure housing employment..........

...and why shouldn't western societies accommodate these populations that we have taken advantage of for so long.

Illegal immigration has a long long history in Australia just ask the unconscious black fella in your local park how Immigration has helped his community.

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:06PM
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poor relative said...

GypsyDrifter said...
My answer to that is Yes! /
Because It is 90% Young active men not women and children doing this voyage
on the whole....they might have families they have left but there is a reason for that...
They get into our country and then apply for the families to come
do you hear much about women and children coming and then setting up house and a job and then applying for there husbands and family to come..

Can you prove this with a link to something credible or is this just crap you've made up?

You should get out more, go to some of these countries see the abject poverty that these people live in stay with their families, try and understand the persecution some experience for only exercising a democratic right like voting.....something that our society takes for granted

Who wouldn't put everything on the line to better themselves and their families.

We're all from the same planet, we all bleed we all have emotions. Why should the fact that your born in a particular country in a particular political environment preclude you from health care, education, secure housing employment..........

...and why shouldn't western societies accommodate these populations that we have taken advantage of for so long.

Illegal immigration has a long long history in Australia just ask the unconscious black fella in your local park how Immigration has helped his community.

Ill answer you 1st PR I don't take my life or others lives for granted...
But if we are going to take in extra people other than what is allocated..lets make provision for them.

Ok I did say I am a layperson and wanted a please explain...
not a vendetta at me.

I am plainly sick at this government..not the political side...just the
pethieticness on this issue...I am certainly not out to crucifie the people
that run away from there country...due to is that our country seems to be doing nothing about it yet.

These are old statistics..but I will find you new ones late "PR"

The number of people in immigration detention on Christmas Island varies at any given time, as some detainees may be granted visas and resettled on the mainland, while others may arrive in the meantime.

When the Commission visited in August 2008, there were only four people in immigration detention on Christmas Island. At the time of the Commission’s July 2009 visit, this had increased significantly to 733 people, including 82 children, 28 women and 623 men. Of the 82 children, 54 were unaccompanied.

At the time of writing, there had been 828 new arrivals since the Commission’s visit.
Does this help you PR?

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:08PM
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theDoctor said...

what i find disturbing is someone who values the preening and dressing up of a cat over the value of a human life.

You are nothing like my doctor..
but the cat with ears is a Easter thing...
Did I bite well?
Nothing more nothing less

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:14PM
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What a fantastic country we live in whereby children are locked in detention stripped of their freedoms for not even breaking a law.

A last resort? - Report of the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention was tabled in Parliament on 13 May 2004.

The Inquiry found that children in Australian immigration detention centres had suffered numerous and repeated breaches of their human rights.

In particular, the Inquiry found that Australia's immigration detention policy failed to protect the mental health of children, failed to provide adequate health care and education and failed to protect unaccompanied children and those with disabilities.

Check this

Your only a layperson until you educate yourself.

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:17PM
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cwamit said...

i am prob a bit out with my figures as I'm just parroting what was said on the ABC insiders last Sunday.....

in the last 30 years approx 22000 have arrived in Australia by boat, where as we have accepted approx 3 million through normal appropriate immigration channels.
so on that figure alone its a small percentage of Que jumpers.

i think the majority that come by boat are coming from a hardship of life most Australians cant relate too. i don't think they should be let loose, at least until due process is taken for security reasons, i also don't like the idea of the boats coming here mainly because of my quarantine concerns. especially up north in such remote difficult to control and contain areas, but they are human beings looking for a better life like anyone would want.

I have empathy for every living thing...THESE PEOPLE have to pay good money to get themselves on a boat and get here.

But they seem to be heading for Christmas Island Lately...
It's a far way down to get to the Australia why is every 2nd boat pulled up before or outside Christmas island?

WA, 2371 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:29PM
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P.R. you again like I have place OLD satisctic..of
on land detention centres...

These are new people about 2008 to 2010 on Christmas island

Let the Women and Children go..Here Here...

Abuse is crap..same as our oldies are getting in Nursing homes...

AGAIN my issue is.....what has happened to make the captains of the boats
the people smugglers...think we are such a soft touch...

I LOVE people ...we do all bleed the same blood....

But I don't like the way Australia is NOW taken for a soft touch!

Hardship in every country rips my hearts out. the people are coming because we have made our selves so open to not standing our ground and they think she will be right...

Sorry but I am sick of it...and I do feel the life on Christmas island for the real locals is so not the same...

WA, 4485 posts
29 Mar 2010 11:02PM
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poor relative said...

I find these threads a bit disturbing.


Not as prolific as 4 yrs ago at least.

Why don't we talk about the real problem. Dwarfs.

Ever since LOTR 1-3 they have just taken over the place and can't be stopped.

WA, 4642 posts
29 Mar 2010 11:23PM
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poor relative said...
Blah blah blah,... Why should the fact that your born in a particular country in a particular political environment preclude you from health care, education, secure housing employment..........

Simply because the political and religious environment which their ancestors have left them is incapable of providing the same benefits as the environment that our ancestors left us. And yet they cling to it tenaciously and refuse to accept the obvious fact, that it is serving them very poorly and in all likelihood will continue to do so.
Look at the mess England is in because it ignored for a long time this very fact. Immigrant groups are now in sufficient numbers in that country that the original culture of the land is being swamped by the introduced culture of the new inhabitants. And this is the very same culture that gave rise to, and cultivated the system and conditions they fled, supposedly in terror. ???

...and why shouldn't western societies accommodate these populations that we have taken advantage of for so long.

Western societies taking advantage?
Nowhere near the advantage that their own people have taken of them.
There have been billions and billions of dollars ploughed into those countries over the past decades trying to drag them into the 21st century. Most of it is syphoned off by the fat bloated leaches at he top while their own people, of the same blood and religion live in "abject poverty" as you so rightly said, under their very noses. It's criminal.
It is happening right now in a big way in Afghanistan. Fat bloated leaches building small enclaves of mansions from the very money that is sent in to rebuild the country, while their own people live in ruins. IT IS CRIMINAL!

Same in the middle east. All the umpteen billions of oil dollars that have poured into that region over the last 50 years and it has been wasted on palaces and other extravagances while large proportions of their own people live as beggars.
The rest of it is poured into armaments so they can go and beat the crap out of their neighbours, of the same culture and religion as themselves. ???
It makes me angry every time I see documentaries on it.
And then they say it's because they are being mistreated by the west.
And some of us repeat the line. To accept responsibility for the mess they are in is just excusing bad behaviour on their part. Stop doing it!

If their culture and religion was so great, why hasn't it managed a more even distribution of their wealth?
Why doesn't it provide the "health care, education, secure housing employment.........." that you mention?

I do not want to live in a Muslim country. If I did, there are plenty to choose from without converting this country into one.

The people that come here pass through a number of Muslim countries to get here, the last one being Indonesia.
They are safe in Indonesia. They are not escaping torture and terror when they leave Indonesia to come here. At that point they are simply looking for an economic benefit, which obviously exists here.
In my view, they are welcome so long as they leave their political and religious beliefs at the border. It should be a condition of entry.

Illegal immigration has a long long history in Australia just ask the unconscious black fella in your local park how Immigration has helped his community.

Exactly. Excellent example. Look what happened to them simply because they weren't organised enough to have a proper border protection and immigration policy.
Don't we learn anything from that?

I don't have any gripe with any Muslim immigrant personally. I have no doubt most of them are decent law abiding people who I would be happy to associate with.
However, I do have a problem with them collectively on the basis that I strongly believe that when the numbers build up, as they surely will with an open door policy, we will in 50 years or so, be a Muslim country.
Their is ample evidence around to show me that this would NOT be a good thing.

Show me one country with a Muslim/Christian mix that does not have internal cultural conflicts.
Do you really think Australians could handle this any better? I don't think so.

QLD, 12351 posts
30 Mar 2010 2:46AM
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GypsyDrifter said...
Abuse is crap..same as our oldies are getting in Nursing homes...

Nursing Homes which are being staffed by refugees who have been shoved through the qualification process for "Aged Care/lessness" just for the sake of making them employed.

These helpless older citizens are being roughly handled, not properly washed, inappropriately fed with their dessert food poured over their main course to save on washing up and their personal possessions stolen.

I have been told about this by a friend who has worked in aged care for many years. The dedicated staff who work in this field have been told to keep quiet about these abuses while the newcomers are being favoured with escalation up the qualification and supervisory ladder.

All sides of government in Australia have been soft and hypocritical on the refugee issue and have allowed themselves to get into the position where the tail wags the dog.

Western society has no reason to feel guilty about less advantaged societies as it has always uplifted those less fortunate. Some of the methodology was questionable but the result is not.

There will no doubt be a lot of dissenters to that idea but consider the alternative.

What if European culture and technology had never left it's home. Never went to the Americas, never went to Asia and never went to Australia.

I submit that it would have stagnated and the dark ages would still be upon the whole world, wars would rage and tribalism would be the order of the day.

It has been said of the middle eastern conflict that it can never be solved because it is tribal.

If people want to go back to what happened to Australia 200 years ago, they should not stop there. If we are going to go down that track we need to go back to Cain and Abel, figure out which one was right and kill all the decendants of one or the other or make some sort of bulldust apology.

A recent 2 or 3 part doco on ABC presented credible evidence that Australian Aboriginals and Europeans are both descended from the same group of homo sapiens that left Africa some 100,000 years ago. How do you like that one brudder.

Also, Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" presents credible evidence that one human group's progression ahead of another's is an effect of geographic location.

No person can be criticised for leaving tyranny and despotism and going to freedom. The real heroes do it where they are. Freedom is a state of mind. It is not necessary to travel to another country to get it. Read some of Og Mandino's writings and others who survived the concentration camps of WW2 such as The Anne Frank Story.

For something more contemporary watch the movie "In The Name Of The Father", the story of the "Guilford Five", starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Emma Thompson.

A very good point you raised Gypsy Drifter. Why are the refugee boats headed straight to Christmas Island rather than the Australian mainland???

The answer is quite obviously economic. It is economic for the people smugglers. Less distance to travel and just a slap on the wrist from the Australian government. If they went to Indonesia they probably would not survive more than a year of the gaol term.

Time economic for the refugees. The word is out and they know that Christmas Island is beyond capacity and that the Australian government is in a total ethical quandry and this is their fast track to Australian entry and a better economic freedom.

If they were serious about political freedom, they would fight for it in their own country.

Garrett had it back to front in "The Power and the Passion" when he said "It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."

"It is better to LIVE on your feet than die on your knees."

WA, 90 posts
30 Mar 2010 2:13AM
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Can someone explain why papers, passports etc ONLY vanish in that area of the sea
Or is it the cellulose Bermuda Triangle

NSW, 7063 posts
30 Mar 2010 6:46AM
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That is bull**** Getfunky, I have not seen a dwarf for yonks. And dont try and tell me that they are too small to be seen!

I would say that folk tend to head for Xmas Island because it is closer, therefore cheaper and because they know that it is a processing unit and because that is where they are likely to end up anyway.

NT, 104 posts
30 Mar 2010 7:54AM
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Something I remember from past debates on this issue is "the majority of illegal immigrants arrive by plane". Interesting that the focus is put on those arriving by boat.

I think we need a broader debate on the whole immigration issue here in Oz.

I am personally pretty pissed of with the amount of new people coming to live and work in WA. In my work place there are more people born outside Australia than here, where I live 3 out of 5 neighbours are new arrivals.

What advantage do we gain by opening up our special part of the world to all comers.

I would like to see all immigration stopped from this date forward. I want to protect the quality of life we have now so my children can enjoy the same!

The race and the method of arrival of immigrants are not important. The competition for good jobs, cheap housing and land and uncrowded waves fishing spots are very important.

VIC, 114 posts
30 Mar 2010 9:46AM
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did you ever think of the thousands of illegal immigrants that come to our shores via all the major airports and stay. all the whinging poms and the like, hoards of unskilled people that also bleed the system dry. incidentally way more that the people that come on boats, like 10 fold more. it aint just the boat peeps, they just get the publicity

VIC, 114 posts
30 Mar 2010 9:48AM
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we should all chip in, buy a jolly galleon and commence piracy and sink their shabby boats to the bottom of the sea yeah that,ll learn em


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Enough is Enough... Please explain?" started by GypsyDrifter