For all the Murdoch sheeple (I have never, ever used that word before):
Completely stolen from here btw:
From what you have read and heard, what percentage of Australia's annual immigration intake are asylum seekers arriving by boat?
Looking at the reality - in 2008/9 there was a total of 1033 asylum seekers that arrived by boat (give or take a handful where definitions get tricky) and settler arrivals of 158,021. So in the 2008/9 year it came to around 0.7% as a percentage.
In the 2009/10 year there have been 4916 people arrive by boat as of the 26th of May. There's still a month left, so let's be generous on the upside and say that it might go up to 5500 if a small flotilla arrives this month.
The planned migration intake this year is 182,450 - the migration intake of 168,700 + the 13,750 in the humanitarian program.
This would make the proportion of boat people 3%.
So let us be generous (because we're generous sorts around here) and say that those answering around 5% and those answering less than 1% are both in the ballpark - the former for what will probably be this year's result and the latter for the last year the data has been completed.
Tabling up the results, we get:
When 44% of Coalition voters are off with the fairies on asylum seeker numbers, is it any wonder that Abbott and Morrison deliberately exploit that ignorance at every opportunity for their own base political advantage?
I'd be interested to see who cost the taxpayer more the last couple of years, refugees running for their lives or builders and insulators ripping us off.
Hmm, very interesting Mr Panda.
from these figures you can see that we went from an annual percentage of illegal immigrants of .7% under the previous policies to around 3% with just a very small easing of the present government policy. And it was just a very small easing.
And that policy is still a mile off being an "open door" policy.
My point is, and always has been, what would the numbers be if we had an "open door" policy to all illegal immigrants.
My bet is if the policy was eased a bit more, the percentage of illegal immigrants would quickly rise to 30% of the annual immigration intake, then 50%, then 90% and then 150% and then,.. etc etc.
The world is not short of people who would love to trade the hole they live in for a nice place in the sun that we live in. Unless we are willing to accept them all, at some point we have to say "enough" and shut the door. If we don't intend to do that and just say "come one come all", then sooner or later this little lifeboat we are sitting in will sink along with the the wreckage that these people come from.
The only workable solution is to assist these people in their own countries to recognise that their religion and / or government has turned cancerous and to do something about cleansing it. Until that happens there will be a never ending stream of people wanting to escape it.
Asylum seekers rescued off Australia
June 8, 2010, 6:24 pm
5 boats in 5 days.
Dozens of suspected asylum seekers have been rescued by authorities after their boat's engine failed off Australia's northwest coast.
A Customs plane spotted the stricken vessel on Tuesday near Scott Reef, north of Broome, and the Ocean Viking ship was dispatched on a rescue mission.
The boat's 35 passengers and two crew are now on their way to immigration facilities on Christmas Island.
Opposition Immigration Spokesman Scott Morrison said the troubled vessel was the third illegal boat to arrive in distress in less than a week.
"This is yet another reminder that there is nothing compassionate about the Rudd government's policies that encourage people to get on leaky boats and put their lives in the hands of people smugglers," he said in a statement.
The nationalities of the passengers have not been revealed but if they come from Sri Lanka or Afghanistan they will have to wait to be processed in line with new government rules.
The devil's advocate (or beat till firm and glossy !! - I am enjoying Master Chef at the moment)
This appears to be the Never ending story subject 4 the forum..
In march - ish I posted comments on the imbalance of new arrivals: immigrants to boat people...
Normal migration = just under 300,000 per year - Legal
Population - approx 22,000,000.
Boats = 0.01204% (really smal in the scheme of things)
Migration = 1.35% (on top of internal growth rate is high)
The bulk of the arrivals will head to a major city. For arguements sake there are 5
Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane.
An attractiveness index might distribute them..
Perth 25% = 75000/ year or 1442 / week
Adelaide 5% = 15000 / year or 288 / week
Melbourne 25% = 75000/ year or 1442 / week
Sydney 30% = 90000 / year or 1730 / week
Brisbane 15% = 45000 / year or 865 / week
I wonder if the vitriol this subject triggers is a response to the ever increasing presence of different cultures - in everyday life - caused by the sheer numbers of newbies through immigration - and the only non-blatantly racist reaction to this is kick the boat people??
I wonder what could happen if we insisted that all immigration had to come via (shonky) boat, be placed in a concentration camp in a remote isolated spot for minimum of 6 months.
Be obliged to live a minimum of 500 kms from a state or territory capital for 4 years from acceptance. Be handed a pending or 'P' plate citizenship subject to not breaking the law for 5 years - 3 strikes and you are out policy. ... Yarda Yarda Yarda - You could call them Ab .. Abo... darn what is the word I am looking for...[}:)]
Bottom Line...
Too much attention on boat people...
The legal immigration is likely too high at present (infra-structure is not keeping up)
but it is driven by the need (perceived) to keep the economy growing to sustain proposed budget spending.
As the aside....
We should insist all future posters to this topic have to post a Top joke entry with a green thumb status before chundering on in this one.
I started the ball rolling....
whew, i`m glad they know exactly how many boat people are coming in, and none are slipping under the radar.
Oceanic Viking in new asylum seeker drama
June 9, 2010
THE Customs boat at the centre of a diplomatic stand-off with Indonesia last year has rescued more asylum seekers bound for Australia.
The Oceanic Viking yesterday picked up 35 asylum seekers and two crew on a boat spotted south west of Scott Reef.
The passengers will be transferred to Christmas Island.
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The Oceanic Viking made international news when 78 Sri Lankan refugees refused to get off it in Indonesia, triggering a stalemate between Indonesia and Australia. The government was eventually forced to offer rapid resettlement to all refugees on board to coax them off the boat.
Australia, New Zealand and the US were among countries to resettle the refugees. Four are still detained on Christmas Island after receiving adverse security assessments by ASIO.
Australian officials to help reintegrate Afghan deportees
June 9, 2010
AUSTRALIA is preparing to deport hundreds of asylum seekers to Afghanistan, and immigration officers will be sent to Kabul to reintegrate them.
In a significant policy shift, the federal government has allocated $5.8 million for two immigration staff to work on the reintegration of returned Afghan nationals in the capital.
It has set aside $8 million to complete a housing project on the outskirts of Kabul for deportees with no property to return to. The plan coincides with a European push to force growing numbers of child asylum seekers back to Afghanistan.
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The Guardian reported on Monday that the British Border Agency was setting up an ''integration centre'' in Afghanistan for unaccompanied minors found not to be owed protection in Britain. Norway is preparing to open a reception centre in Kabul. Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands were investigating the return of Afghan children, The Guardian said.
The Australian government ceased processing refugee claims from Afghanistan on April 9, drawing condemnation from human rights lawyers and international refugee groups. It is not scheduled to review that decision for six months. Already immigration officials are rejecting refugee claims at a higher rate. Almost half of the past year's 480 refusals have been concentrated in the past two months, a Senate committee has heard.
The chief executive of the Refugee Council of Australia, Paul Power, yesterday cautioned against the presumption that Afghanistan was a safe place to return asylum seekers.
Mr Power said it was ''surprising'' the government predicted refugee claims from Afghanistan would fail in sufficient numbers to warrant a ''special arrangement'' to reintegrate them.
In the budget in May the government said immigration officials would be deployed to Kabul to ''liaise with the Afghan Government and international organisations to assist in settling and reintegration of returned Afghan nationals''.
The European plan was criticised for allowing child depravations with little to guarantee their safety on their return.
A spokesman for the Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, said he could not comment on future deportations.
''We cannot preempt the independent review process.''
Australia was in discussions with the Afghan government on returning those who had no lawful right to remain in Australia, a spokesman for the Immigration Department said. ''Return arrangements are made case-by-case.''
He confirmed the Australian government was funding the AliceGhan Housing Project at Barikab, near Kabul.
''AliceGhan supports accommodation needs of landless Afghan returnees from neighbouring countries and internally displaced people,'' he said.
When the returnee centre was finished this year it would provide shelter for 1025 landless Afghan families, he said. The department had spent $8 million on the AliceGhan housing project since 2005.
I havn't been following this thread mainly because whatever is said here will have little influence on government policy.
I will say this however for what it is worth.
Migrants in Australia have a higher rate of home ownership and a lower rate of incarceration in prison than Australians.
This means that on average,migrants are harder workers and more honest than natural born Australians
Brace yaself - I'm sure there is a quad-palm brewing.
Aside from our international legal requirements (yeh a trifling matter kinda like oil companies requirement to clean up their sh!t)
Basic human compassion is what is boils down to.
How do I arrive at that? When living in Malaysia as a nipper of 4yrs, to this day, I clearly remember coming across an old frail beggar (the 1st of many similar events) at the Butterworth ferry terminal - I can see him crystal clear as I type. He wasn't hawking or anything, just sitting there looking like he might pass away at any second. Anyway, I made my parents stop and later I pestered my poor parents as to how someone could not have food, clothes or shelter because we did - and plenty of it. Obviously they couldn't give me an answer. Life - the world and the many fortunes/misfortunes are not easily explained in a few words or a thousand.
To this day that sense of fortune for what I (and we in this country) have compared to those less fortunate stays with me and informs my decision making. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to say I'm a saint and you lot on the other side are not, it's just that the early experiance had a strong affect on me and so it helped form my values and my view on the world beyond my breakfast bowl.
Looking after fellow human beings is high on my list. Wanting another plasma screen or more spendies (like everyone) is on the list but just further down the line.
We have so much and if not for hasty poll driven policies the costs from refugees would not be so great. Think about that for a sec.. the dodgy policies driven by public anger/ignorance/opinion actually increases the cost of dealing with refugees that will be arriving one way or another.
Finally - it doesn't surprise me that refugees make a better go of a chance in Oz and have less crime etc atrributed to them. They appreciate the chance they have been given and probably contribute more back into society in many ways than the ignorant couch potatoes out there guffawing at Hey hey it's redkneck day. I guess i probably feel a sense of similarity to them that I appreciate what I have and want to share rather than barricade myself behind my possessions.
Two asylum boats carrying 119 intecepted off WA
June 12, 2010 8:03PM
TWO vessels carrying a combined 110 asylum seekers and nine crew have been stopped by the Royal Australian Navy off WA's far-north coast.
Custom's vessel Triton found a suspected illegal entry vessel with 59 passengers and five crew north-west of Ashmore Islands about midnight on Friday.
HMAS Larrakia came across another vessel north of Christmas Island with 51 passengers and four crew late on Friday evening.
Both groups will be taken to Christmas Island for security and health checks.
They will be placed in processing suspension if they are Sri Lankan or from Afghanistan.
Just for you rellie, got to concentrate on the road while yre thinkin of this , tis good, laughter is healthy. From The West;
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Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Jerry Spimgfield05:58pm Thursday 10th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
I'd love to be "locked" up there Rob. Right now I work from dusk to dawn to pay my rent, pay the increased power bills, water charges, phone and internet bill, buy food and petrol just so I can survive and be able to go to work again tommorow. How I'd love to be sent to a tropical...
Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Peter Link06:13pm Thursday 10th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
When will Australia wake up and understand that these people are going to cause hell here in Aussie. Look at the major crime in the city's - Mostly Arabs
Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Bob06:46pm Thursday 10th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
Thousands of Australians are living below the poverty line. Spend Australia’s money fixing our real “at home” problems on existing Australians and let the queue jumpers take their chances as they come. We really look stupid to the rest of the World when we cant look after our own ex Tax...
Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Bob07:16pm Thursday 10th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
Rudd and the ALP, why have you abandoned the Australian tax payers. We are losing our jobs, homes and lifestyles, so you can throw our money away on queue jumpers, the massive cost for all these refugee centres? It is downright criminal when real Australians, pensioners, ex military and homeless...
Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down1Michelle Watson08:02pm Thursday 10th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
THANK YOU ROB!! At last a voice of reason, mercy and compassion. Keep standing up for justice in this environment of greed, fear and misinformation. What a great nation this would be if we cared more for those less fortunate than ourselves.
2 Replies0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Brad12:37am Friday 11th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
the pioneers of white australia were all boat people. thou hypocrites. it is rightfully the decision of the aboriginal people who can enter this country. genocide doesn't make us the rightful owners
Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ian05:06am Friday 11th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
BEND OVER - Us Aussies are getting ****** once again. Like I have said before, blow just one out of the water, and you will never see one come here again.
Reply0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Malcolm M07:55am Friday 11th June 2010 WSTReport Abuse
If they don't like it here, what did they have back home( to start with ) ???? Oh by the way we are only getting afgahnie's in derby curtin detention centre , they should tell the truth, another Rudd stuff up ! from someone within the inside, of curtin ....
not comments from over educated has been uni students
Now there's a quote from an unimaginative dickhead,
Please explain minim , oops maxim, he just seems annoyed at the fact that he works hard to support his family, and others get so much for doing nothing,is that so wrong ?
That tinfoil is wayyyy toooo tight