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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Expendable - Schapelle Corby

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2012
NSW, 4460 posts
6 Feb 2012 3:11PM
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QLD, 6808 posts
6 Feb 2012 3:07PM
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If our goverment have to choose between two wars:
- one with Indonesia over Corby
- another with Japan over whales,

i personally prefer to go and die on the second.

You choose too

Corby or the Whale

dilemma ..

thats the tough one....

VIC, 5904 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:38PM
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Macroscien said...

If our goverment have to choose between two wars:
- one with Indonesia over Corby
- another with Japan over whales,

i personally prefer to go and die on the second.

You choose too

Corby or the Whale
dilemma ..

thats the tough one....

Defiantly the whale !!!!,

NSW, 4188 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:47PM
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1 hour 42 minutes? I would not have thought the issue was all that complicated - even if it was a conspiracy!

Is there an "idiots guide" available? (for folks like me)

VIC, 859 posts
6 Feb 2012 11:57PM
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I literally fell asleep...

I'm also confused, that is neither Corby or a whale....

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
6 Feb 2012 11:57PM
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Flysurfer, some of your best work yet. This is some Class A **** right here. It should be shown in schools.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
6 Feb 2012 11:59PM
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SandS said...

Macroscien said...

If our goverment have to choose between two wars:
- one with Indonesia over Corby
- another with Japan over whales,

i personally prefer to go and die on the second.

You choose too

Corby or the Whale
dilemma ..

thats the tough one....

Defiantly the whale !!!!,

I'd be more than happy with the "whale" or as I prefer, Denise

QLD, 6808 posts
6 Feb 2012 11:18PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

1 hour 42 minutes? I would not have thought the issue was all that complicated - even if it was a conspiracy!

Is there an "idiots guide" available? (for folks like me)

For scientist to check if 'theorem' is true of false you don't need to go through every possible result. One false and land it in waste bin.
Same with video, in first few minutes so much nonsense that rest is just a waste of time ...

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:38PM
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I am bemused that it is always the stoners who claim she is innocent or should be released for some reason....

VIC, 5000 posts
7 Feb 2012 9:34AM
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The brother did it...but she knew he would, so guilty by association (tough sentence still).

5 posts
7 Feb 2012 11:00AM
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Yep, and some Aussies still believe Lindy Chamberlain killed her baby. Both cases are modern-day witch burnings, trials by media. Wake up and watch this film. No-one takes marijuana FROM Australia TO Indonesia, unless they want to burn their cash. That's confirmed via multiple press reports, data from the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, and via a Freedom of Information request to Australian Customs. Check out this blog post, as well as the embedded links (they're important) . . .

UN figures clearly show that high-grade marijuana was selling in Australia (around the time Schapelle flew), for $US31 a gram - while the highest price in Indonesia was US30 cents a gram.

Further, the baggage handlers on duty the day Schapelle flew (8 Oct 2004), were well-seasoned in using innocent passengers as unwitting drug mules, as this press article shows . . .

Which is also backed up by Ray Cooper, former Head of Internal Investigations for the Australian Federal Police . . .

Then (of course), one of these baggage handlers, with a history of trafficking every kind of drug, was paid around $1.6 million of your tax dollars to shut the hell up about corrupt police. Here's the articles . . .

And here's some slides which give a more comprehensive background . . .

And we must all remember Occam's Razor . .

WA, 2371 posts
7 Feb 2012 11:08AM
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^^^^^ what the

It does not matter what I believe.....guilty or not guilty
But I do feel she has been there long enough and now 2012 should come back to Australia

SA, 4093 posts
7 Feb 2012 1:39PM
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log man said...

SandS said...

Macroscien said...

If our goverment have to choose between two wars:
- one with Indonesia over Corby
- another with Japan over whales,

i personally prefer to go and die on the second.

You choose too

Corby or the Whale
dilemma ..

thats the tough one....

Defiantly the whale !!!!,

I'd be more than happy with the "whale" or as I prefer, Denise

strange looking whale

WA, 2371 posts
7 Feb 2012 11:24AM
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^^^^^thats not shapelle and thats not a whale...
does that mean there was no marijuana either

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
7 Feb 2012 11:38AM
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Morigen said...

<snip> No-one takes marijuana FROM Australia TO Indonesia, unless they want to burn their cash. UN figures clearly show that high-grade marijuana was selling in Australia (around the time Schapelle flew), for $US31 a gram - while the highest price in Indonesia was US30 cents a gram.
Further, the baggage handlers on duty the day Schapelle flew (8 Oct 2004), were well-seasoned in using innocent passengers as unwitting drug mules, as this press article shows . . .

So if nobody takes pot from Oz to Indo (and thus Schapelle is innocent) then why would the baggage handlers be sending it?

NSW, 4460 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:26PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

1 hour 42 minutes? I would not have thought the issue was all that complicated - even if it was a conspiracy!

Is there an "idiots guide" available? (for folks like me)

I was counting on you folk to do the reviews/analysis... there must be somebody who gives a fark, she was on TV like everyday for years.

WA, 3271 posts
7 Feb 2012 12:37PM
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FlySurfer said...

GalahOnTheBay said...

1 hour 42 minutes? I would not have thought the issue was all that complicated - even if it was a conspiracy!

Is there an "idiots guide" available? (for folks like me)

I was counting on you folk to do the reviews/analysis... there must be somebody who gives a fark, she was on TV like everyday for years.

So you haven't watched it either then flysurfer?

NSW, 4460 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:54PM
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Chris6791 said...

FlySurfer said...

GalahOnTheBay said...

1 hour 42 minutes? I would not have thought the issue was all that complicated - even if it was a conspiracy!

Is there an "idiots guide" available? (for folks like me)

I was counting on you folk to do the reviews/analysis... there must be somebody who gives a fark, she was on TV like everyday for years.

So you haven't watched it either then flysurfer?

1hr 42mins, get real! I watched like 2mins.

WA, 3159 posts
7 Feb 2012 12:59PM
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FlySurfer said...

Chris6791 said...

FlySurfer said...

GalahOnTheBay said...

1 hour 42 minutes? I would not have thought the issue was all that complicated - even if it was a conspiracy!

Is there an "idiots guide" available? (for folks like me)

I was counting on you folk to do the reviews/analysis... there must be somebody who gives a fark, she was on TV like everyday for years.

So you haven't watched it either then flysurfer?

1hr 42mins, get real! I watched like 2mins.


VIC, 5000 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:07PM
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FlySurfer said...

1hr 42mins, get real! I watched like 2mins.

That's the Seabreeze way these days isn't it? Sign of the times on how busy we are, getting others to do our R&D;

1. Start a new post on a controversial topic by posting a youselesstube vid (without watching it)
2. Let the usual suspects dissect it to near exhaustion.
3. Then jump back in and take a stance based on either the best argument...or the funniest response.
4. Don't forget to mock the usual delusional posters (sorry PM33).


WA, 6913 posts
7 Feb 2012 1:46PM
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Mark _australia said...

Morigen said...

<snip> No-one takes marijuana FROM Australia TO Indonesia, unless they want to burn their cash. UN figures clearly show that high-grade marijuana was selling in Australia (around the time Schapelle flew), for $US31 a gram - while the highest price in Indonesia was US30 cents a gram.
Further, the baggage handlers on duty the day Schapelle flew (8 Oct 2004), were well-seasoned in using innocent passengers as unwitting drug mules, as this press article shows . . .

So if nobody takes pot from Oz to Indo (and thus Schapelle is innocent) then why would the baggage handlers be sending it?

To be honest Mark if you watched the video you would see that a task force had proved that drugs were being smuggled from state to state by baggage handlers. Its was not a trumped up charge it was a Fed eral Givernment Task Force called Mocha and it proved that it was happening. In Fact a arrest was made on the day in Sydney so the drugs were never removed in Aus (Sydney) hence ending up over in Bali.
The Government completed the cover up by saying that its was not plausible for baggage handler to be involved, yet they had a report showing just that in there hot little hands. I will say this i will never travel overseas after checking my bags at last point in Aus and i have been told that by mates in the Baggage industry.. Oh and they especially love surfboard bags

5 posts
7 Feb 2012 2:00PM
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Mark, the baggage handlers didn't DELIBERATELY send it to Bali - it was just one almighty stuff up, they should have removed the drugs in Sydney. Schapelle flew from Brisbane to Sydney, and then on to Bali. Get it? Look back at the links I posted, especially the one related to the comments by Ray Cooper, former Head of Internal Investigations for the Australian Federal Police.

5 posts
7 Feb 2012 2:06PM
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And excuse me, but am I missing something here? I posted info above relating to a QANTAS baggage handler who was paid $1.6 million of YOUR money by the Government to shut the hell up about corrupt police, and it's like water off ducks back? Hullo, anyone out there? Wake up Australia . . .

WA, 2371 posts
7 Feb 2012 3:40PM
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A full moon tends to bring the nutters out

WA, 6913 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:03PM
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Morigen said...

And excuse me, but am I missing something here? I posted info above relating to a QANTAS baggage handler who was paid $1.6 million of YOUR money by the Government to shut the hell up about corrupt police, and it's like water off ducks back? Hullo, anyone out there? Wake up Australia . . .

The problem is people just can't believe that our government could do this stuff. Let alone a reason for doing it in the first place.

4214 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:24PM
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She's innocent.

Nobody could be that farkin stupid.

WA, 15849 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:34PM
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Morigen said...

And excuse me, but am I missing something here? I posted info above relating to a QANTAS baggage handler who was paid $1.6 million of YOUR money by the Government to shut the hell up about corrupt police, and it's like water off ducks back? Hullo, anyone out there? Wake up Australia . . .

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:36PM
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Guilty as charged i reckon.

I believe that they have been doing it for years.

5 posts
7 Feb 2012 4:58PM
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Well Gypsy Drifter, a Full Moon also (obviously), brings out people who are too dense to read mainstream news articles, here's the info re the (now), very rich QANTAS baggage handler which I posted above . . .

Plus read this article, and scroll down to the paragraph headed "Tom" . . .

WA, 3271 posts
7 Feb 2012 5:14PM
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Scotty88 said...

She's innocent.

Nobody could be that farkin stupid.

Hell yeah they can. If there wasn'y a never ending supply of stupid, invincible, crazy and idiotic people I'd be out of a job.

WA, 15849 posts
7 Feb 2012 5:17PM
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Chris6791 said...

Scotty88 said...

She's innocent.

Nobody could be that farkin stupid.

Hell yeah they can. If there wasn'y a never ending supply of stupid, invincible, crazy and idiotic people I'd be out of a job.

True that


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Expendable - Schapelle Corby" started by FlySurfer