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F#^&* Insurance Companies

Created by ka222 > 9 months ago, 7 Mar 2008
VIC, 633 posts
7 Mar 2008 12:51PM
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Not really too much to do with sailing but i am sooo pissed i have to tell someone!

4am this morning some low life peice of ** of a person smashed the backwindow in on my van, and stole stuff out of the back of the van along with the mag wheels.
Now unfortunatley I had taken the wheels off to get new tires put on them so I put the mags in the back and the stock wheels on it. So I was pretty sure the insurance company would not cover my wheels (even though there on the policy) as they were in the van rather than on it.. So I just rang the insurance company and they told me the good news that not only will they not cover the wheels they will not cover anything inside the van stolen, and wont even replace my window or wiper!!! They say that becuse the van was not moved it doesnt look like it was an attepted theft and appears to be an "act of violence"

they then told me that I should talk to my house insurance about covering what was stolen from inside the van!

For fu*# sake why do we bother paying insurance? F*** YOU to AAMI and Just car insurance you are as low as the peice of crap who broke into my van in the first place. I can promise you if the police find a finger print on that thing and find where you are you will get intoduced to the end of my skinny carbon mast base.

Which brings me to my point I know its so stupid but after sailing espesially when the forecast looks good for the next day I often leave my gear in my car... Now when i have my two boards and all my sails, my mates 2 boards and his sails and my dads gear too, there is more value on the gear than my damn van...

So I guess none of that would be coverd then???

Has anyone else had issues with insurance and gear??

thats my bitching for today anyway

VIC, 633 posts
7 Mar 2008 12:56PM
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yeah these wheels:
so if anyone gets offered some wheels like this it would be the right thing to do to inflict as much pain as possible on the person selling.
I have plenty of suggestions if any needed....

WA, 45 posts
7 Mar 2008 11:17AM
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Get out your policy and read the fine print carefully. No matter how bad the policy/insurer is surely they have to cover the window, especially if it was at home not in some high risk location.

Whats the definition of an 'act of violence' - police should be able to help there. Never heard of random acts of violence that take the effort and time need to steal stuff. If stuff is gone it is theft pure and simple.

Ring and ask for the supervior/manager and go up the line till you get some satisifaction. Just dont swear.(instant postage to bottom draw)

This totally totally sucks. Been there recently with 2 new motorbikes, and they were set up for the other 3 if I hadnt been home to interupt them. No insurance at all on bikes stolen but they did replace the window the same day.

VIC, 633 posts
7 Mar 2008 1:26PM
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Yes well thats what I would have thought, they condradict them selves by saying that it was an act of random violence of smashing the window and not theft but then acknowledging that the wheels were stolen from inside the van in the first place!

Its probably a waste of time argueing anyway, as I will have to pay for the excess ($500) and the window and wiper is probably worth less... but better look into that!

glad its not my sailing gear or motorbikes that are missing though...

QLD, 1628 posts
7 Mar 2008 12:40PM
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Looks like a dark tint on that van HTF did they know the wheels where in there???
Just got back from the tyre shop hmmmmmm they had your address and knew the wheels where in there..Sounds like an inside job to me.Hard to prove though.
Anyway most insurance companies give you one windscreen/piece of glass per year without affecting you no claim bonus.Maybe try that angle...

ACT, 372 posts
7 Mar 2008 2:09PM
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Its definately worth fighting! Just keep going up. Ask the name of the person you're speaking to at the start of each call. Read the fine print. Make serious threats about legal action and consumer affairs. I'd ring consumer affairs and get their view too.
How could the car be broken into without an act of violence? Would the thief massage the car nicely until it opened its own doors?

WA, 45 posts
7 Mar 2008 12:14PM
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Stribo said
Looks like a dark tint on that van HTF did they know the wheels where in there???
Just got back from the tyre shop hmmmmmm they had your address and knew the wheels where in there..

Did you?

QLD, 1628 posts
7 Mar 2008 1:22PM
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Stribo said
Looks like a dark tint on that van HTF did they know the wheels where in there???
Just got back from the tyre shop hmmmmmm they had your address and knew the wheels where in there..

Did you?

VIC, 633 posts
7 Mar 2008 2:38PM
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Nope hadnt been to the tyre place thats why there were just in the back.
The bottom line is the damn wheels are on the insurance policy and the value agreed on but they have weasled out of paying becasue its what they do.
I can assure everyone that i have cancelled all my policies i have with AAMI
and they can go and F*** themselves

WA, 45 posts
7 Mar 2008 12:52PM
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ka222 said The bottom line is the damn wheels are on the insurance policy and the value agreed on but they have weasled out of paying becasue its what they do.

Its only 6hours ago, the cops probably havent even been yet. The only time I give up is when the excess is more than the costs and by the looks of those wheels thats not the case.

If you have a case, kick butt.

QLD, 1628 posts
7 Mar 2008 1:58PM
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Speaking of insurance.Has anyone seen Micheal Moore's movie "sicko".
Shocking to say the least and Johny Howard was trying to americanize Australia's health system.What a money hungry , GWbush ass kissing ****er.Glad he's out.Keep the health system public.

WA, 6277 posts
7 Mar 2008 1:05PM
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Did you see on the news recently he's over in seppoland telling all and sundry how Kevin07's reversal of his workplace agreements was "the first time a government has reversed a piece of legislation"? Geez I wonder why. The phrase "out of touch" comes to mind.

Anyway KA222, sorry to hear about your loss, but thanks for the heads up about that lovely Amy girl in the ads. I won't be asking for her phone number...

ACT, 372 posts
7 Mar 2008 4:01PM
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Just emailed this to AAMI -
If everyone complains, they might do something about it.

I was just told by a friend that his wheels were stolen from his van. They were in the back of the car ready to be taken to get new tyres. The back window was smashed so the thief could enter and steel the wheels. Your company told him you will not pay for the damage or the wheels, because the damage was an act of violence and the wheels were IN the car as opposed to ON the car.
That is the single most disgraceful excuse I have heard from an insurer. Under no circumstances will I, my family, nor my friends be engaging AAMI for ANY insurance ever. You’re a disgrace and your behaviour is absolutely disgusting and dishonest.
I would like to know what act of theft is not an act of violence, or are you not able to explain that?
Yours truly

NSW, 714 posts
7 Mar 2008 4:16PM
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Well done Revhead, only issue now is that it looks lke the insurer is actually "Just Car Insurance" and not AAMI. There is robably someone there scratching their head right about now.
AAMI underwrites Just Car, but they are not the same company.


NSW, 9202 posts
7 Mar 2008 4:28PM
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Yeah, they have a point though. They insure the car, not what's in it. You could be driving around with the Mona Lisa in your trunk. They insure against the value of the car only.

However if the wheels were specifically mentioned I think you've got a case.

They might also be covered under home & contents, surely one or the other.

If you ever feel someone is ripping you off:

ACCC have helped me out with timber blind companies and Telstra. Its amazing how far backwards they bend over when the ACCC gets involved.

VIC, 633 posts
7 Mar 2008 4:30PM
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Revhead said...

Just emailed this to AAMI -
If everyone complains, they might do something about it.

I was just told by a friend that his wheels were stolen from his van. They were in the back of the car ready to be taken to get new tyres. The back window was smashed so the thief could enter and steel the wheels. Your company told him you will not pay for the damage or the wheels, because the damage was an act of violence and the wheels were IN the car as opposed to ON the car.
That is the single most disgraceful excuse I have heard from an insurer. Under no circumstances will I, my family, nor my friends be engaging AAMI for ANY insurance ever. You’re a disgrace and your behaviour is absolutely disgusting and dishonest.
I would like to know what act of theft is not an act of violence, or are you not able to explain that?
Yours truly

Thats awesome!! lets all get on it!

imagine if they pricks took your gear.. and then it was windy!
does anyone have any specific insurance that they THINK would cover gear or contents of the car??

QLD, 6481 posts
7 Mar 2008 3:30PM
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but i think their argument will be that they were in the car and not bolted onto it, which would make them harder/slower to remove i'd imagine.

either way, damned frustrating for you anyway ka222. sorry to hear it

on the forums like this it's probably not wise to talk about what we keep in our cars, i'd imagine crooks will be reading forums like this to see where people are going and what they are taking, particularly if you like to sail in remote locations like some of the WA spots

EDIT - so here's a tip, just say your going to the train, or the shearwater

VIC, 633 posts
7 Mar 2008 5:01PM
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Well if any of them are reading please PM me your home address so I can just come around and say hi with my mates and just hang out were not pissed off anymore.. promise!!

QLD, 10 posts
7 Mar 2008 5:13PM
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It's frustrating but unfortunately this is how insurance works.

Have a look at what most people have these days:

Health Insurance: Rort. Top Cover and you still pay ****loads out of pocket, and still have to wait to see specialists.

Car Insurance: Fire, Theft and Accident. Does not cover valuables stolen from car.

Home Insurance: Covers the value of the land and house. Buy a property for 400,000 you don’t get to build a 400,000 home should it burn down.

Contents Insurance: Covers everything in the house and shed.

Contents Advantage (or Accidental or whatever): in addition to your contents insurance you pay a premium to get “Premier” insurance where anything you own is covered outside of your house. Example 1: you load up the van with 3 grand worth of kit to head early next morning. Van gets rolled, you get money. Example 2: You pull up at the local break bakery hanging for the traditional “Metallica” Roll (Sausage Roll in a Long Roll with Sauce) come out after 5 minutes and some F&^$#@ has decided he needs the gear more than you??!! You still get money.

Fine print:

Premier insurance sounds great but still only covers you to a certain amount. If you want more you have to pay more. Make sure if you have 3 grands worth of gear that you’re covered. At the end of the day you have read the fine print. Make an assumption and you make an ass out of u and umption.

Yep, been done before.

Haircut makes a good point too. 5 years ago jetskiis were going missing way too quickly... didn't take a rocket scientist to work out all the guys were doing was reading pwc forums waiting for them to spill their guts...

WA, 7608 posts
8 Mar 2008 1:32AM
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If it was me I would have jacked up the van and taken the old wheels off and hid them or taken them to a mates house then put the van back onto blocks. Then called the insurance company. Seriously Its been done before
If your gear ever gets stolen out of your car NEVER EVER tell the insurance company that! Cut the lock off your shed and claim it on your contents insurance. Simple

WA, 45 posts
8 Mar 2008 10:22PM
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greenroom said
Cut the lock off your shed and claim it on your contents insurance. Simple.

.... only if your shed is included on your contents policy [}:)]

WA, 7608 posts
8 Mar 2008 11:12PM
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greenroom said
Cut the lock off your shed and claim it on your contents insurance. Simple.

.... only if your shed is included on your contents policy [}:)]

You would have to be an idiot to store your windsurfing gear in the shed and not have the shed on your contents insurance
Make sure you have photos of your gear and serial numbers written down.
Put an alarm on your shed and get it monitored. Or if you cant afford monitoring your alarm get it self monitored.
Having your premises alarmed makes your insurance cheaper And gives you piece of mind

NSW, 584 posts
10 Mar 2008 11:13AM
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Greenroom said...

If it was me I would have jacked up the van and taken the old wheels off and hid them or taken them to a mates house then put the van back onto blocks. Then called the insurance company. Seriously Its been done before
If your gear ever gets stolen out of your car NEVER EVER tell the insurance company that! Cut the lock off your shed and claim it on your contents insurance. Simple

but what if the police come around to investigate.... and take finger prints. etc?

QLD, 2314 posts
10 Mar 2008 11:50AM
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bigmark100 said...

Greenroom said...

If it was me I would have jacked up the van and taken the old wheels off and hid them or taken them to a mates house then put the van back onto blocks. Then called the insurance company. Seriously Its been done before
If your gear ever gets stolen out of your car NEVER EVER tell the insurance company that! Cut the lock off your shed and claim it on your contents insurance. Simple

but what if the police come around to investigate.... and take finger prints. etc?

6-12 months in prison is a wonderful thing. I can guarantee that you spend longer there for insurance fraud than the lowlife that took your gear would.

34 posts
10 Mar 2008 12:04PM
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Yar man this is very bad for sure.
In South Efrica we use a different approach to keep the bawsterds at bay

VIC, 633 posts
11 Mar 2008 11:53AM
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I guess that would have worked if I was sitting in it at the time!
or just sitting in it with a bat or something...

VIC, 633 posts
11 Mar 2008 11:59AM
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mkseven said...

bigmark100 said...

Greenroom said...

If it was me I would have jacked up the van and taken the old wheels off and hid them or taken them to a mates house then put the van back onto blocks. Then called the insurance company. Seriously Its been done before
If your gear ever gets stolen out of your car NEVER EVER tell the insurance company that! Cut the lock off your shed and claim it on your contents insurance. Simple

but what if the police come around to investigate.... and take finger prints. etc?

Yeah I know everyone keeps telling me I am an idiot by owning up they were in the back. The chick at the insurance company starting filling out the claims form to pay out and everything, and I did the right thing by being honest and then I get screwed by them!

When I went to the cop shop in the morning, to fingerprint it (they found nothing on it) there was a guy who lives a few streets away who had his window smashed and 2 subs, amps ipod etc stolen at the same sort of time. The cops said there was 10 cars smashed into in the area. Its not even a dodgy area!!

One good thing is they got a massive hand print on his side window they got good prints off.... i guess it now comes down to how much the cops can be f*@#$% doing anything... and in all my experiences... that is NOTHING!

6-12 months in prison is a wonderful thing. I can guarantee that you spend longer there for insurance fraud than the lowlife that took your gear would.

VIC, 633 posts
13 Mar 2008 12:35PM
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So i got a call from the cops yesterday who caught the guys who broke into my van. they got back some of the stuff but the wheels were sold straight away.
i dont see why they cant trace them but cops dont seem to think i have much chance of seeing them again..

Anyway it makes you not have much faith in the system seeing as they caught the fu**wits... yet i still dont get any compensation as the victim...

So basicly i am out of pocket about $2000 with the window and the wheels etc, the guys they have caught had around 30,000 worth of stolen property from cars - laptops, tom toms, cd players, WHEELS etc half of which they have already sold off. so they have profited from the sale of my wheels and what ever else they have stolen, money which doesnt sound like they need to pay back ( if they do it doesnt go to the victims) so they get slapped with a fine, that is probably not going to exceed the profit they have made from the sale of mine and everyone elses stolen property, so they will probably come out with a profit still, a criminal record (which they probably have 50 of already so doesnt mean ****) and me and every one else looses out.

The cops told me that if i want to take it any further i would have to take a civil action and sue them myself, which the legal fees are going to out way the 2g i am out already so its not really worth it, and some dead****s have really not learnt a lesson have they??

the system doesnt work

34 posts
13 Mar 2008 10:55AM
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Yar man but now you have a name to work with...

WA, 45 posts
13 Mar 2008 11:31AM
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now where is your imagination....

court cases have all sorts of info in them and I presume you always carry a jack...[}:)]

ACT, 372 posts
13 Mar 2008 2:18PM
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Try victims of crime payment. Not sure if it applies, but worth looking into anyway.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"F#^&* Insurance Companies" started by ka222