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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Fire in the Sky

Created by Pitbull > 9 months ago, 30 Oct 2013
WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 12:03AM
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At about 8:45pm tonight I was outside and looked up at the night sky to see what seemed to be a parachute flare let off by someone near by. Watching and waiting for it to fall it just looked to be floating for a while. It had a bight orange glow and I would estimate it was less than 2kms from my place in the northern suburbs. It was moving away toward the north with an inclination of about 10 degrees.
I called the wife to come and have a look at it. Then it appeared to accelerate away into the distance. We looked on Google for 'Orange lights in the sky' and f@#$ me - the it was in a few other countries around the world.
Now, I couldn't have been the only one who saw this. The other thing I noticed is that the was no sound. I thought maybe a chopper or light aircraft - but no sound being that close. Did anyone else see it?

WA, 1849 posts
30 Oct 2013 12:21AM
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I remember a similar question posted here a while back about similar light in the norther suburbs.

WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 12:24AM
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Just for the record, no drugs or alcohol were consumed prior to or during this viewing.

Was there an answer to the previous sighting?

WA, 3271 posts
30 Oct 2013 12:59AM
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Venus setting is responsible for more flare sightings than actual flares. Has anyone got today's paper handy? Check the Night Sky for what time Venus set.

5 posts
30 Oct 2013 6:49AM
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Venus is white Pit bull and getting high in the sky so unless it was white it wasn't Venus I saw something similar some months ago in Cairns

WA, 8773 posts
30 Oct 2013 7:06AM
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someones been lighting their chemtrails

WA, 1849 posts
30 Oct 2013 8:33AM
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Pitbull said..

Just for the record, no drugs or alcohol were consumed prior to or during this viewing.

Was there an answer to the previous sighting?

Not from memory. I tried to do a search but didn't find it.

This link might help if it was trackable

QLD, 6808 posts
30 Oct 2013 10:56AM
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Pitbull said..

At about 8:45pm tonight I was outside and looked up at the night sky to see what seemed to be a parachute flare let off by someone near by. Watching and waiting for it to fall it just looked to be floating for a while. It had a bight orange glow and I would estimate it was less than 2kms from my place in the northern suburbs. It was moving away toward the north with an inclination of about 10 degrees.
I called the wife to come and have a look at it. Then it appeared to accelerate away into the distance. We looked on Google for 'Orange lights in the sky' and f@#$ me - the it was in a few other countries around the world.
Now, I couldn't have been the only one who saw this. The other thing I noticed is that the was no sound. I thought maybe a chopper or light aircraft - but no sound being that close. Did anyone else see it?

Looks like this International Space Station rubbish burned in the atmosphere together with private spaceship returning to Earth after first successful mission to ISS.
Alternatively clould be famous Thatcher comet leftover

WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 5:29PM
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Chris6791 said..

Venus setting is responsible for more flare sightings than actual flares. Has anyone got today's paper handy? Check the Night Sky for what time Venus set.

From where I was standing (looking north) Venus was in the west at about my 9 to 10 o'clock. This ball of light was spitting distance and movig away at a rapid speed.

WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 5:35PM
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Toph said..

Pitbull said..

Just for the record, no drugs or alcohol were consumed prior to or during this viewing.

Was there an answer to the previous sighting?

Not from memory. I tried to do a search but didn't find it.

This link might help if it was trackable

Hey! That's cool. Nothing showed over my house at that time though.

WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 5:36PM
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Macroscien said..

Pitbull said..

At about 8:45pm tonight I was outside and looked up at the night sky to see what seemed to be a parachute flare let off by someone near by. Watching and waiting for it to fall it just looked to be floating for a while. It had a bight orange glow and I would estimate it was less than 2kms from my place in the northern suburbs. It was moving away toward the north with an inclination of about 10 degrees.
I called the wife to come and have a look at it. Then it appeared to accelerate away into the distance. We looked on Google for 'Orange lights in the sky' and f@#$ me - the it was in a few other countries around the world.
Now, I couldn't have been the only one who saw this. The other thing I noticed is that the was no sound. I thought maybe a chopper or light aircraft - but no sound being that close. Did anyone else see it?

Looks like this International Space Station rubbish burned in the atmosphere together with private spaceship returning to Earth after first successful mission to ISS.
Alternatively clould be famous Thatcher comet leftover

No. Nothing like that.

WA, 19 posts
30 Oct 2013 8:09PM
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try it again tonight with drugs and alcohol. if symptons persist,consult the doctor.

NSW, 1500 posts
30 Oct 2013 11:13PM
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Smoke on the water?

WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 8:30PM
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This is what it looked like - but a hell of a lot closer.

Mark _australia
WA, 22850 posts
30 Oct 2013 8:47PM
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Just out of interest - not doubting you - what elevation (10deg at 2km is not very high) and distance..... and more importantly how did you ascertain distance? Eg: at night a car far away looks like a motorbike close, as 2 headlights become one at distance. Trying to figure out your frame of reference to state it was 2km away...

WA, 1267 posts
30 Oct 2013 8:54PM
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When I first saw it, it was nearly directly above. I'm guessing about the distance but it sure looked closer than 2kms. As it moved away the distance from the ground was slightly increasing.

I'm surprised that no one else saw it last night. I am in the vicinity of Kingsway Sporting Complex.

WA, 142 posts
31 Oct 2013 8:55AM
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chinese lantern ????

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
31 Oct 2013 11:12AM
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airjunkie said..

chinese lantern ????

Sounds about right.

QLD, 6808 posts
31 Oct 2013 11:14AM
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airjunkie said..

chinese lantern ????

we are just lucky that recent rains brought the end to fire season.
In second war Japs been sending incendiary balloons across ocean to raise firestorms in California.
we may have reminiscence of third column here

WA, 2775 posts
31 Oct 2013 11:05AM
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Pitbull said..

When I first saw it, it was nearly directly above. I'm guessing about the distance but it sure looked closer than 2kms. As it moved away the distance from the ground was slightly increasing.

I'm surprised that no one else saw it last night. I am in the vicinity of Kingsway Sporting Complex.

Not too far from us-[we are about 200 metres from the Alexander heights shops]
My best estimate is they are now launching from close to Frangipani Park.

The kids? in our area have been messing around with bin liner hot air balloons, and usually have lightsticks [night time] or a CD for a reflector [daytime] and other assorted stuff hanging under the balloons

I sprung a couple of kids walking past our place on the way to another park with one of thier balloons and had a look.
Turned out that "park launching" is harder- easier from home.

Heat source for the balloon is a bottle top with cotton and metho, hairdryer or heatgun to assist lift-off,
The lightstick or whatever is hanging underneath as ballast is to reduce tendancy to tip over- and as an unintended side benefit- to confuse pitbulls

I dont mind the local kids doing this sort of stuff- at least these ones are not blowing up letter boxes or grafitti-ing or belting around our street on trailbikes with dodgy mufflers

The last launch I saw, the balloon went straight up for ages until it found a breeze and wandered off north[ish]


NSW, 4521 posts
31 Oct 2013 3:02PM
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airjunkie said..
chinese lantern ????

Yep, and in earlier linked YouTube video, there are several of them, which is what you would typically expect when some kids set of a group of them.

WA, 1267 posts
31 Oct 2013 5:36PM
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sn said..

Pitbull said..

When I first saw it, it was nearly directly above. I'm guessing about the distance but it sure looked closer than 2kms. As it moved away the distance from the ground was slightly increasing.

I'm surprised that no one else saw it last night. I am in the vicinity of Kingsway Sporting Complex.

Not too far from us-[we are about 200 metres from the Alexander heights shops]
My best estimate is they are now launching from close to Frangipani Park.

The kids? in our area have been messing around with bin liner hot air balloons, and usually have lightsticks [night time] or a CD for a reflector [daytime] and other assorted stuff hanging under the balloons

I sprung a couple of kids walking past our place on the way to another park with one of thier balloons and had a look.
Turned out that "park launching" is harder- easier from home.

Heat source for the balloon is a bottle top with cotton and metho, hairdryer or heatgun to assist lift-off,
The lightstick or whatever is hanging underneath as ballast is to reduce tendancy to tip over- and as an unintended side benefit- to confuse pitbulls

I dont mind the local kids doing this sort of stuff- at least these ones are not blowing up letter boxes or grafitti-ing or belting around our street on trailbikes with dodgy mufflers

The last launch I saw, the balloon went straight up for ages until it found a breeze and wandered off north[ish]


Maybe plausible, but this thing (when it moved away - at a guess) was probably doing 600km/h when it disappear ed to the north.

Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
31 Oct 2013 11:01PM
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That was a tribute to Lou.....put on by the Gods for the benefit of those without internet

WA, 142 posts
31 Oct 2013 11:54PM
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Pitbull said..

Maybe plausible, but this thing (when it moved away - at a guess) was probably doing 600km/h when it disappear ed to the north.

the various jet streams reach up to 400 - 500kph but they are generally slower than that most of the time (about half that speed) and as they are narrow passages they can appear to give suddden aceleration to balloons / lanterns etc

WA, 1267 posts
1 Nov 2013 9:43PM
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airjunkie said..

Pitbull said..

Maybe plausible, but this thing (when it moved away - at a guess) was probably doing 600km/h when it disappear ed to the north.

the various jet streams reach up to 400 - 500kph but they are generally slower than that most of the time (about half that speed) and as they are narrow passages they can appear to give suddden aceleration to balloons / lanterns etc

Nah, mate.

Mark _australia
WA, 22850 posts
1 Nov 2013 10:14PM
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If it was closer, like 100m away, a gust at 30kn would make it LOOK the same as an object at 2km doing 600kph.

It is amazing what feat people attribute to a simple light under a hot air balloon, (as SN descibes)

WA, 6415 posts
2 Nov 2013 4:55PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Fire in the Sky" started by Pitbull