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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Flouride in water is bad

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2012
2224 posts
14 Apr 2012 2:48AM
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Just been reading up on flouride in water it's no good it effects brain development and is used in rat poison levels in city drinking water fluctuate and often go above legal limits .it has been used in wars to dull down prisoners make them unable to function and we allow our government to put it in our water

QLD, 918 posts
14 Apr 2012 8:49AM
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But you should see my smile!!!

360 posts
14 Apr 2012 7:24AM
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I agree we should get that nasty stuff out of public water. Since the addition of fluoride to the public water supply, there has been such a marked decrease in the prevalence of dental decay that it is starting to affect dentist's incomes. If government were to act now and remove fluoride, the current sad state of affairs would quickly reverse in as little as one generation, thereby ensuring continual prosperity for future generations on dentists.

In many areas, government officials also have the audacity to add another deadly poison to the public water supply. This chemical is so toxic that it has even been used as a weapon of mass destruction. A worldwide ban on chlorine in municipal water supplies should be instituted immediately. Bacteria is naturally found in water and chlorine is rarely found naturally, we must stop messing with the natural.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
14 Apr 2012 9:35AM
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New rule: If you can't spell it you are not qualified to comment on it.

QLD, 12353 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:03AM
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sabydent said...

I agree we should get that nasty stuff out of public water. Since the addition of fluoride to the public water supply, there has been such a marked decrease in the prevalence of dental decay that it is starting to affect dentist's incomes. If government were to act now and remove fluoride, the current sad state of affairs would quickly reverse in as little as one generation, thereby ensuring continual prosperity for future generations on dentists.

You know that is not true Brian. Dentist's incomes have gone down because flouride has rotted people's brains making them too stupid to know when they should go to their dentist.

QLD, 1499 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:10AM
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My dentist has been doing very well for himself. I wouldn't mind but I find it hard not to compare his bills to what kiting gear I could get for the same money!
Root canal treatment = new kite
Couple of fillings and clean = new board
Ohhh the injustice of it all....

SA, 137 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:06AM
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Ive had fluoride in my water as a kid I go to the dentist every 5-10 yrs he says come back and see me in another 5-10yrs just turned 40 mite go and see him again if i can be bothered

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
14 Apr 2012 8:52AM
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It might be generally true about nice teeth n flouride
I have brushed my teeth every day(twice at least) all my life and grew up with flouride in the water and at 40 my teeth are sh i t, luck of the draw i guess

SA, 137 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:57AM
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the other thing about teeth is bottle fed and breast fed babies if you go to any of the 3rd world countries you see the breast fed babies have great teeth the bottle fed babies have rotting teeth

WA, 866 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:35AM
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And it is getting worse. They are now blending the fluoride with dihrydrous monoxide!

10980 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:00AM
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So is there fluoride in my beer? Soft drink? coffee? All I assume are made from tap water?

So what does it take to get fluoride out of the water?

WA, 866 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:03AM
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SP said...

So is there fluoride in my beer? Soft drink? coffee? All I assume are made from tap water?

So what does it take to get fluoride out of the water?

Wine is safe. Drink lots of wine to avoid fluoride danger!

10980 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:07AM
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Yeah, I'll get casks cause then I can put the shiny foil bag over my head after I drink it

2224 posts
15 Apr 2012 3:05AM
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There is no evidence to prove people in flouride treated countries have better teeth than those who don't it is proven to calcify the pineal gland and lead to early Alzheimer's and flouride also once calcified turns into aluiminium which the body struggles to process a lot of European countries have actually stopped putting it into water for due to its long term health effects

NSW, 2005 posts
15 Apr 2012 5:48AM
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So when you say that flouride makes people dumb, what do you mean ?

Damn was looking for punctuation, couldn't read the whole thing without taking a breath.

NSW, 371 posts
15 Apr 2012 11:36AM
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If you manage to have bad teeth with it in the water, you wouldn't have any without it. Great stuff... Still plenty of work though!

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
15 Apr 2012 1:06PM
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Razzonater said...

... and flouride also once calcified turns into aluiminium ...

1. See new rule above

2. Calcium + Fluoride = Calcium Fluoride. If it was "turning into aluminium" you'd have discovered the art of alchemy and/or nuclear fusion.

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
15 Apr 2012 12:32PM
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Fluoride (correct spelling) turns into aluminium?
Ya who what?

Hey Razzonater have you heard of dihydrogen monoxide and how dangerous it can be?

NSW, 4460 posts
15 Apr 2012 3:16PM
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Ha ha!

You've just had a big ass "Conspiracy Nut" label slapped on you.

What next Vaccines have heavy metals, WTC was a demolition job, NSA is using social media to foment civil unrest, ... ????

PS: Doesn't matter a how true the Flour in the water is bad for you thing is, it breaks with indoctrination.

WA, 866 posts
15 Apr 2012 2:40PM
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I spent some money buying chemicals, so I could test mixing flour with water.

I wasted my dough ;-)


Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
15 Apr 2012 2:54PM
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Razzonater said...
flouride also once calcified turns into aluiminium which the body struggles to process a lot of European countries have actually stopped putting it into water for due to its long term health effects

Me fail chemistry? Thats unpossible

2224 posts
15 Apr 2012 2:56PM
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It causes calcification on you Pineal gland ever wonder why there's so much Alzheimer's and people with bipolar disorder you guys can tease me all you want I'm just trying to open your minds but that may be hard as the pineal gland is also referred to as the minds eye or the Egyptians called it their third eye it is what makes humans spiritual apparently maybe type into google effect of flouride on children or perhaps effect of flouride on the brain I understand this is maybe disturbing to some people and it's easier to have a laugh then look at the real issue sure the flouride may have already damaged your brain which is clear from some of the responses but maybe those of you with kids should have a look at normal unflourinated water or have a bit of a look at the negatives flouride has only been put in water for about 40 50 years so what happened the couple of thousand years before

WA, 1305 posts
15 Apr 2012 3:43PM
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All the water I drink is Distilled
all the beer I make is with distilled water , hic,
So, hic, I should be safe,

hic ,

NSW, 9205 posts
15 Apr 2012 6:21PM
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Razzonater said...

It causes calcification on you Pineal gland ever wonder why there's so much Alzheimer's and people with bipolar disorder you guys can tease me all you want I'm just trying to open your minds but that may be hard as the pineal gland is also referred to as the minds eye or the Egyptians called it their third eye it is what makes humans spiritual apparently maybe type into google effect of flouride on children or perhaps effect of flouride on the brain I understand this is maybe disturbing to some people and it's easier to have a laugh then look at the real issue sure the flouride may have already damaged your brain which is clear from some of the responses but maybe those of you with kids should have a look at normal unflourinated water or have a bit of a look at the negatives flouride has only been put in water for about 40 50 years so what happened the couple of thousand years before


NSW, 4460 posts
15 Apr 2012 8:43PM
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Razzonater said...

something about flour-ide

2224 posts
15 Apr 2012 8:24PM
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Calcium and flouride create calcification some would call this osmosis others electrolysis or rust I enjoyed reading about the post from the guy who cleans his teeth everyday regularly who has bad teeth .too much flouride can cause this in western Australia two rocks has no flouride in their water and the council has been trying to add it all the locals signed a petition against it due to the fact that they were intelligent enough to research it as there free will had not been affected by flouride poisoning .their is a saying "what's got into them" must be something in the water"

NSW, 5784 posts
15 Apr 2012 11:03PM
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QLD, 2776 posts
15 Apr 2012 11:33PM
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Razzonater said...

Calcium and flouride create calcification some would call this osmosis others electrolysis or rust

so much completely incorrect chemistry in one sentence. it is all very wrong.

if this is what a non-fluoridated enlightened brain produces then pass me a jug of town water asap.

WA, 1675 posts
15 Apr 2012 11:09PM
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stamp said...

Razzonater said...

Calcium and flouride create calcification some would call this osmosis others electrolysis or rust

so much completely incorrect chemistry in one sentence. it is all very wrong.

if this is what a non-fluoridated enlightened brain produces then pass me a jug of town water asap.

I will send some over for you mate
personally I am against it but I don't wan't to sound like razzonater

NSW, 2005 posts
16 Apr 2012 1:59AM
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Razzonater said...

It causes calcification on you Pineal gland

He right, flouride causes calcification on 'me' Pineal gland...
Causes me lose , and . in my sentences.

WA, 6415 posts
16 Apr 2012 2:03AM
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The poisoning of the northern European race thru fluoride...USA,Canada,UK,Aust,N.Z is designed to stop us from waking up from the trails/haarp above our head,etc,etc. And if we do,we have been so pacified down by the effects of fluoride that we just accept lambs to the slaughter.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Flouride in water is bad" started by Razzonater