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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Food Inc

Created by japie > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2010
NSW, 7065 posts
26 Aug 2010 6:57PM
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Watched this movie on a flight to Dubai after losing my reading glasses.

For anyone who has an interest in what goes into food this is a must. The state of agriculture in the united states is very dire indeed. And what happens there generally flies here, usually a bit later.

Reveals how Monsanto holds a patent over Soy seed and has reduced seed cleaners from three per county to six in the entire country. When their gma **** cross pollinates and is found in an "independant" famers field they hit him with a law suit. The legal costs generally get people to see things thier way.

How the fda tried to shut down an organic chicken farmers slaughter operation but backed off when he demonstrated bacteria in his open air facility was insignificant when measured against the supermarket chooks which are bleached with chlorine!

Quite a lot of positive stuff coming out too, particularly from an organics viewpoint.

Animal cruelty warning, Fly! DO NOT WATCH BEFORE OR AFTER A MEAL!

NSW, 5784 posts
26 Aug 2010 7:47PM
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not to mention the frankenstien freak that is gmo cotton

lots of people in the know screaming thats whats killing the bees

lots of people on the alternative heath front screaming thats whats causing morgellons

lots of people in numerology screaming monsanto is 666

but hey, listen to both sides make up your own mind....

why exactly do they bleach chicken...?

NSW, 7065 posts
26 Aug 2010 8:53PM
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theDoctor said...

not to mention the frankenstien freak that is gmo cotton

lots of people in the know screaming thats whats killing the bees

lots of people on the alternative heath front screaming thats whats causing morgellons

lots of people in numerology screaming monsanto is 666

but hey, listen to both sides make up your own mind....

why exactly do they bleach chicken...?

Why do they bleach chicken?

Same reason as you would wash a dog that had been living in it's own sh1t for weeks on end before you let it in the house.

I used to load manure out of a Rotary Dairy outside Bathurst. The abject conditions those poor animals lived under was quite soul destroying. They lost so many animals that a true cow cocky would have despaired

So why do they bleach chicken? Because they live in their own sewage farm and are force fed by changing light cycles to the degree that their bones cannot support their weight so they actually have to sit in their own waste most of the time.

For the short period that they are alive these semi mobile protein machines are fed antibiotics to keep them from being overidden by the microbes that they eventually have to bleach to make them vaguely edible.

Fortunatley they have a very large sieve right at the end of the process that filters all of the stuff out. Not!

Just make sure that you fry it really crispy

WA, 6277 posts
26 Aug 2010 7:47PM
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theDoctor said...

not to mention the frankenstien freak that is gmo cotton

lots of people in the know screaming thats whats killing the bees

Got a linky there Doc for that?

Been wondering about the bee problem for a while. The only thing I could find was this:

QLD, 5283 posts
26 Aug 2010 11:38PM
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food inc is a really good doco to watch. five stars.

NSW, 7065 posts
27 Aug 2010 12:54AM
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I lived up at Walcha with ABC regional as my only company for a while.

That whole bee thing is old news which is what is so frightening - it ain't getting through. How sick do we have to get before we wake up?

We are all one and part of the whole set up - if we f11k up one slight bit of it we detract from the very thing which nutures us.

Gotta make some profit, hey Heime Z!

The only quote I can see any worth in from the bible is this:

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass into the kingdom of heaven.

WA, 6415 posts
27 Aug 2010 12:16AM
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AJ talks about the poison in big pharma drugs,the water and depleted uranium.

warning! this info may cause permanent insomnia!

NSW, 7065 posts
27 Aug 2010 3:08AM
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petermac33 said...

AJ talks about the poison in big pharma drugs,the water and depleted uranium.

warning! this info may cause permanent insomnia!

Am reading john le Carre's Constant Gardener for the umpteenth time. It has a special place in my head.

He writes in the postscript of his research: " I came to realise, that, by comparison with the reality, my story was as tame as a holiday postcard."

Take away the hype for a moment, and ask youself if, if there could be a gain in it? Likelihood is that there is some truth in it.

The pharmaceutical industry is so corrupt it's heart it black.

I have mentioned before. In the mid seventies I was working in the Kalahari. A farmers wife told me how she injeted her "farm girls" every month to stop them conceiving.

How many guinea pigs died?


Alex Jones really gives me the ****s.

WA, 6415 posts
27 Aug 2010 3:01AM
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i'm 98 percent sure A.J is not controlled opposition,unlike Glen Beck who is a puppet/actor of the establishment.[and a damn good one]

that Julien Assange bloke from Wikileaks,definitely controlled opposition.

Japie have you watched the 2 hour doc by Anthony J Hilder, 911 the Greatest Lie Ever Sold?

Hilder should have won an oscar for his part in this movie/doc.

it is more the bigger picture than 911.

i kid you not, that documentary is a friggin MASTERPIECE.

in the last 5 years i have watched it over 20 times,my best mate around 20/30 times.

i love the bit ,he's walking down hollywood boulevard and says ''90 percent of these hard working people are going to go...that's the plan all across America''.

NSW, 5784 posts
27 Aug 2010 10:03AM
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you don't get away with exposing the plan unless you are controlled opposition...

look what happened to matt simmons when he pointed out what bp was really doing in and what was really happening in the gulf.

alex jones is a member of the very same organisations he "exposes"

its how "they" will get away with saying... "well we told you so"


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Food Inc" started by japie