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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Former NASA Climatologist explains

Created by ADS > 9 months ago, 9 Jul 2011
WA, 365 posts
9 Jul 2011 11:16AM
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This a very well balanced summary of the issues of global warming/climate change by former NASA Climatologist.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
9 Jul 2011 4:12PM
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It appears Prof Spencer is also an advocate of Intelligent design

WA, 2960 posts
9 Jul 2011 5:17PM
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log man said...

It appears Prof Spencer is also an advocate of Intelligent design

Nicely spotted.. The wiki paragraph with him talking about the short falls of Evolution is mind fu*&ing to the 33rd degree..

There is as much evidence for evolution as there is for the orbit of the Earth..

Not going to waste 9 minutes listening to a Creationist talking about science.

Essendon v Richmond 40 minutes woop woop


*Edit- Geez it gets worse, how is this balanced?.. He is a signatory of a Creationist Group with this statement!!
"We believe Earth and its ecosystems — created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence — are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth's climate system is no exception."

Here is some quotes on Intelligent Design..

Spencer is a proponent of intelligent design as the mechanism for the origin of species.[25] On the subject, Spencer wrote in 2005, "Twenty years ago, as a PhD scientist, I intensely studied the evolution versus intelligent design controversy for about two years. And finally, despite my previous acceptance of evolutionary theory as 'fact,' I came to the realization that intelligent design, as a theory of origins, is no more religious, and no less scientific, than evolutionism. . . . In the scientific community, I am not alone. There are many fine books out there on the subject. Curiously, most of the books are written by scientists who lost faith in evolution as adults, after they learned how to apply the analytical tools they were taught in college."[25] In The Evolution Crisis, a compilation of five scientists who reject evolution, Spencer states: "I finally became convinced that the theory of creation actually had a much better scientific basis than the theory of evolution, for the creation model was actually better able to explain the physical and biological complexity in the world... Science has startled us with its many discoveries and advances, but it has hit a brick wall in its attempt to rid itself of the need for a creator and designer."[26]

In summary he is batsh!t crazy.. And very un-balanced

WA, 365 posts
9 Jul 2011 8:44PM
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"Not going to waste 9 minutes listening to a Creationist talking about science."

So you did't watch it? No comment about the content or his argument?

Typical Socialists - always play the man, not the ball

NSW, 9029 posts
9 Jul 2011 11:23PM
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Oh well,

they will be happy when their power bill goes up even more than what it has been. Making us poor to save the planet is what its all about.

Can someone explain to me as I don't really understand why Australian companies are going to be taxed for carbon dioxide emissions while at the same time Australian companies are exporting as much coal as they can dig up and as many other hydrocarbons they can find to sell to whoever wants to burn them?

I don't really know how it can be said that carbon dioxide emissions are such a problem in Australia but as long as foreigners have the cash, they can burn as much stuff as we can sell to them.

BTW with all this cold weather I wouldn't mind it if the planet did warm up a bit like it did 1000 years ago.

NSW, 2005 posts
9 Jul 2011 11:34PM
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This very week some religious society was handing out at the door a pamphlet on evolution, based on said Spencer mostly. Nicely made little pamphlet, but all circular reasoning, i.e. "could it be it's not evolution... many scientists believe... for instance Spencer... who has produced fines books on the subject.. to which many scientists now adhere (no names)... therefore it's not selection", etc.

Unfortunately for the 2 ladies, I have a diploma in the field, and working from home, I had time for them. I let them in and managed to destroy every little single sentence that were wrong and misquoted, they were about crying by the time they left. Never even knew what denomination they were, probably spencerism.

Even followed them down the street as they went to other houses.

Bunch of whackos, but I had fun really.

WA, 2960 posts
9 Jul 2011 10:05PM
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ADS said...


"Not going to waste 9 minutes listening to a Creationist talking about science."

So you did't watch it? No comment about the content or his argument?

Typical Socialists - always play the man, not the ball

I saw his comments, content and arguments on Wiki.. I can read it in less than 9..

Fot those who don't know, Intelligent Design proponents are the intelectual trash of the earth, they came about in response to a ruling on the separation of Church and State in America, which banned the teaching of creationism in schools.. So all the Creationists got together and a renamed it 'Intelligent Design'.. Which argues that everything has a Creator, but they don't say who.. (Flying Spagetti Monster)

It's the same clown in a different suit. Not to be trusted. And they have all jumped on the "Climate scientists are evil" bandwagon..

But since the Bombers game is over, I watched the video..

I liked how he drew stereotypical fear mongering caricatures of scientists.. Thats an ID trick.. Scientists are evil.. Bla bLa bla bla.. His argument is basically that we should just continue, business as usual, and hope for the best..

Just like the Easter Islanders cutting down their last Palms, fingers crossed, let the good times rollolololololo..


pierrec45, nice work, that gave me a laugh!.. I had some the other month, they didn't know what a trilobite was (I was gunna fetch my fossils).. And then they disproved evolution by explaining that Dogs can interbreed??

WA, 365 posts
9 Jul 2011 10:28PM
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"I liked how he drew stereotypical fear mongering caricatures of scientists.. Thats an ID trick.. Scientists are evil.. Bla bLa bla bla.. His argument is basically that we should just continue, business as usual, and hope for the best.. "

"Scientists are evil" Huh? He's a climatologist, who has worked at NASA!!!! To me that makes him a scientist -clearly.

What exactly did you not like /agree with in his argument? Or do you want to keep
playing the man and not the ball?

NSW, 2510 posts
10 Jul 2011 12:31AM
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ummm... evolution is still a theory.

NSW, 2510 posts
10 Jul 2011 12:40AM
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anyway, the evolution thing is not relevent here.
i became a bit cynical about this video as soon as politics was mentioned.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:06AM
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saltiest1 said...

anyway, the evolution thing is not relevent here.
i became a bit cynical about this video as soon as politics was mentioned.

I know . Why do the feel the need to do that . Surely their funny ideas would suck in more people if they didn't feel they had to let fly with "the communist Obama!!!" or the "one world dictatorship" type conspiracy junk. As soon as you hear that stuff you just go .....nutter.....

QLD, 3954 posts
10 Jul 2011 7:19AM
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Funny isnt it. I watched the video and never even picked up on the religious side of things.

Regardless. I find it ignorant of society as a whole to dismiss global warming ooops climate change (because we are not consistently warming) as a function of the natural weather and climate cycles of the planet itself.

It is proven that the ocean levels have risen and fallen, we have had ice ages etc etc all in the past. Are we honestly expected to believe that just because now we have Iphones, Internet, electric cars etc that we control the weather as well???

I mean how many more times the CO2 has the Chilean Volcano alone spewed out in the last 2 weeks than the whole human race ever?

Actually this sounds like a recant of my point but I am sure that our pollution and mistreatment of the planet has had some effect I just dont believe that it as much as we are lead to believe.

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2011 8:07AM
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ADS said...

Huh? He's a climatologist, who has worked at NASA!!!! To me that makes him a scientist -clearly.

What exactly did you not like /agree with in his argument? Or do you want to keep
playing the man and not the ball?

He may have the quals, but he is an outlier from the general scientific consensus.. Sure he is a Scientist, there are bad scientists, and he is one..

Here is a logic trail from Betrand Russel. I apply it to the climate thing, none of us are qualified to make the call, we have to listen to the overall consensus, not the outliers.

(1) that when the experts are agreed, the opposite opinion cannot be held to be certain; (2) thet when they are not agreed, no opinion can be regarded as certain by a non-expert; and (3) that when they all hold that no sufficient grounds for a positive opinion exist, the ordinary man would do well to suspend his judgment.

saltiest1 said...

ummm... evolution is still a theory.

Just a theory like gravity.. A scientific theory is as close as you can get to fact in science.. Only maths deals in Proofs.. There is NO stronger theory in Science than Evolution.

anyway, the evolution thing is not relevent here.
i became a bit cynical about this video as soon as politics was mentioned.

The evolution thing is just another warning sign, a reason to take this guy with a pinch of salt, same as the politics.. It's like an intellectual 'You Must Be This Tall To Enter' except to boots out all the woodducks...

WA, 365 posts
10 Jul 2011 8:51AM
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Hey Barn

He is a scientist of whom you in your wisdom have made a judgement call regarding his credentials.

You still have not answered my question, so for the last time here it is:

What exactly did you not like /agree with in his argument?

NSW, 4460 posts
10 Jul 2011 12:31PM
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Creationism vs Science.

Creationism: There's an entity we call God that started the process of creation.
Science: Everything started from nothing in a big bang.

Creationism: Humans evolved by design through a process of adaptation.
Science: Humans evolved through a process of random mutation favouring traits beneficial to the environment.

There are numerous holes in theoretical evolution, mostly due to lack of evidence.

Stupidity (lack of reason) is the most dangerous and expensive trait known to me. I know it has cost me dearly, don't let it cost you by not rationalising your thoughts.

Scientist claim that CO2 prevents infrared radiation escaping in to space.
There is no claim CO2 prevents infrared radiation entering.

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2011 10:39AM
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ADS said...

Hey Barn

He is a scientist of whom you in your wisdom have made a judgement call regarding his credentials.

You still have not answered my question, so for the last time here it is:

What exactly did you not like /agree with in his argument?

I made a judgment on his credentials, and it's a wise one. I follow the ID vs Evolution debate in the states, it's something of interest to Biologists, for obvious reasons. And being familiar with all of teh ID arguments, I can dismiss an educated person who holds them as a whakoloon.. His statements I quoted above on evolution are so wrong it's not funny, so why would I expect him to approach the Climate debate with a level head?

Would you trust a Climate Scientist who believed the Earth was flat?. This is the kind of scale of 'wrong' he is out by.


My problems with his arguments was that;

He was appealing to our emotions, claiming we will go back to the stone age if we try and prevent damaging our ecosystem.. Scare mongering.

He was claiming we do not have enough evidence. When we do have enough evidence to suggest something should be done. Appealing to everybody's distrust of science is a nasty trick..

He claims we should wait longer as climate changes slowly. When its probably easier to act now, rather than later.. How is it a bad idea to moderate our use of a finite resource?.

He claimed the ecosystem self regulates. Which it does, but it takes eons and usually leaves many species extinct. The dinosaurs say hello.


But this has all been hashed out before, all his arguments have been dealt with by honest, low paid scientists..

Here is a refutation to every 'Climate Skeptic' argument conceived. Can I be bothered to re-type them all here for the sake of one youtube video? no. There will just be another climate youtube posted next week..


FlySurfer said...

There are numerous holes in theoretical evolution, mostly due to lack of evidence.

Of course there are holes, how did the Pigeon evolve the ability to navigate by the earths magnetic field? **** knows, we need more pigeons.. But Evolution as a whole it is true. We share a common ancestor with Pigeons, and our divergence from them was powered by the genetic variation and the natural selection of favorable traits. Anybody wants to argue about this, then meet me in a new thread at 3pm..

WA, 421 posts
10 Jul 2011 11:04AM
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FlySurfer said...

Creationism vs Science.

Creationism: There's an entity we call God that started the process of creation.
Science: Everything started from nothing in a big bang.

Creationism: Humans evolved by design through a process of adaptation.
Science: Humans evolved through a process of random mutation favouring traits beneficial to the environment.

There are numerous holes in theoretical evolution, mostly due to lack of evidence.

Stupidity (lack of reason) is the most dangerous and expensive trait known to me. I know it has cost me dearly, don't let it cost you by not rationalising your thoughts.

Scientist claim that CO2 prevents infrared radiation escaping in to space.
There is no claim CO2 prevents infrared radiation entering.

who made god?

NSW, 4460 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:04PM
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barn said...
We share a common ancestor with Pigeons, and our divergence from them was powered by the genetic variation and the natural selection of favorable traits.

Science and creationism/religion say we share everything in common big bang/God.

You say "genetic variation", but this is taught as "random mutation".
Personally that doesn't make sense to me.

I believe the we intentionally evolve.

Example: Bill likes to freedive; Bill can only hold his breath for 2 minutes; Bill has a kid, Ted; Bill teaches Ted to dive; Soon Ted can hold his breath for 3 minutes; Ted has a kid.... within 10 generations there are subtle "genetic variations".

In reality it takes much longer cos Ted's kids hate swimming. But in controlled environments it takes only 3 generations to bread personality characteristics in and out of a species... no random mutation.

NSW, 4460 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:05PM
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Ados said...
who made god?

Same thing that made the big bang.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:05PM
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FlySurfer said...

Creationism vs Science.

Creationism: There's an entity we call God that started the process of creation.
Science: Everything started from nothing in a big bang.

Creationism: Humans evolved by design through a process of adaptation.
Science: Humans evolved through a process of random mutation favouring traits beneficial to the environment.

There are numerous holes in theoretical evolution, mostly due to lack of evidence.

Stupidity (lack of reason) is the most dangerous and expensive trait known to me. I know it has cost me dearly, don't let it cost you by not rationalising your thoughts.

Scientist claim that CO2 prevents infrared radiation escaping in to space.
There is no claim CO2 prevents infrared radiation entering.

OK flysurfer, that's it then. This is the crux of your disbelief in the theory of the green house effect
. OK, so if it can be answered successfully and to your satisfaction the will you go know what ,I've changed my mind about this....????
. NO IT WON'T, you'll just shift to the next red herring and then when that is debunked.......well, surprise, surprise you'll just move to the next point.
That is just denialism. [left]
you have a point of view and you trawl information to try to find bits that will fit your point of view

WA, 421 posts
10 Jul 2011 11:37AM
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FlySurfer said...

Ados said...
who made god?

Same thing that made the big bang.

Does that mean 'God' evolved from a previous 'God' and so forth?

NSW, 2510 posts
10 Jul 2011 2:08PM
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barn, a sientific fact is something that has been proven by repitition.

Theory is an assumption, or a method of explanation of which is falsifiable. ie can potentially be proven as false.

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
10 Jul 2011 2:26PM
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FlySurfer said...

Ados said...
who made god?

Same thing that made the big bang.

A whole lot of nothing got smaller and smaller and smaller and then exploded and became something.
Wow. That si credible.

Hey Barn just for sh!ts and giggles -

Please explain how the conservation of angular momentum requires that all celestial bodies that are thrown out from the big bang would have to spin the same way.

But some dont.

Likewise the accepted moon formation theories about a bit of a planet breaking off due to comet strike, thus creating a moon that orbits the aforementioned planet. Some moons spin backwards which is impossible under all the evolution / big bang based assumptions

NSW, 9029 posts
10 Jul 2011 5:13PM
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Does it really matter if the author of the video has a different set of beliefs on the origin and development of life compared to his contemporaries? Science cannot prove how life began on Earth or if there is other life in the universe. Until we know for sure if life does exist on other worlds or celestial bodies or not, science can't say for sure how life started and developed here. Science today has little understanding of the vast majority of terrestrial life, the microbial life. In the meantime theories are developed based on the evidence available.

The issue the video addresses and what we face is there is to be a massive change in public policy that is going to affect all aspects of Australian life. The reason for this change is based on the theory of human induced climate change. The video brings up some explanation of reasons for climate change that are not caused by human activity.

To date has it been categorically proven that human activity is influencing the climate? There must be a huge number of variables affecting Earth's atmosphere. It seems that the proponents of the carbon tax turn all the variable influencing factors into constants except for one, the level of pollutants that are released by human activity into the atmosphere.

I believe this sort of thinking lead to some of the worst decisions in human history. The sort of decisions that destroyed the lives of many millions as public policy emphasised 'scientific' purity before reality.

NSW, 1317 posts
10 Jul 2011 5:55PM
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i always refer to a higher authority when it comes to evolution and intelligent design!!

NSW, 4460 posts
10 Jul 2011 6:13PM
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log man said...
OK flysurfer, that's it then. This is the crux of your disbelief in the theory of the green house effect. OK, so if it can be answered successfully and to your satisfaction the will you go know what ,I've changed my mind about this....????. NO IT WON'T, you'll just shift to the next red herring and then when that is debunked.......well, surprise, surprise you'll just move to the next point. That is just have a point of view and you trawl information to try to find bits that will fit your point of view

OK log looks like we're on to something here.

1.- If(you explain by what mechanism 1 Carbon atom with an oxygen atom either side of it allows infrared radiation to pass one way but not the other)
Then(I'll accept CO2 can cause warming).

The youtube video, with the 2 lights is complete BS.

We can address the other issues once we address the 1st.

@Ados: not sure about God evolving... maybe recursive self-similarity; fractal.

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2011 4:49PM
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LOL.. Does anybody want me to start a thread proving evolution by natural selection, and thus disproving intelligent design? I would be happy to do it for the sake of the exercise. I promise it will be better than my Feral thread.

It would be within the rules of the forum cause Intelligent Design in a Scientific Hypothesis and nothing to do with any banned subjects..

Mark, whats this about Big bang conservation of angular momentum of celestial bodies? I've never heard of it, maybe that could be a new thread also, will need a wiki link to relevant page.

Also, a Scientific Theory is as good as it gets in science.

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
10 Jul 2011 5:03PM
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barn said...

LOL.. Does anybody want me to start a thread proving evolution by natural selection,

I would love you to.

Because all we have ever seen is change within species, NOT significant changes producing a new species.

Therefore it is still theory and unproven.

Not fact, and certainly not science - which is study of observable phenomena and repeatable

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2011 7:10PM
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FlySurfer said...

log man said...
OK flysurfer, that's it then. This is the crux of your disbelief in the theory of the green house effect. OK, so if it can be answered successfully and to your satisfaction the will you go know what ,I've changed my mind about this....????. NO IT WON'T, you'll just shift to the next red herring and then when that is debunked.......well, surprise, surprise you'll just move to the next point. That is just have a point of view and you trawl information to try to find bits that will fit your point of view

OK log looks like we're on to something here.

1.- If(you explain by what mechanism 1 Carbon atom with an oxygen atom either side of it allows infrared radiation to pass one way but not the other)
Then(I'll accept CO2 can cause warming).

The youtube video, with the 2 lights is complete BS.

We can address the other issues once we address the 1st.

@Ados: not sure about God evolving... maybe recursive self-similarity; fractal.

No ,I can't, but others

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2011 5:21PM
Thumbs Up

Mark _australia said...

barn said...

LOL.. Does anybody want me to start a thread proving evolution by natural selection,

I would love you to.

Because all we have ever seen is change within species, NOT significant changes producing a new species.

Therefore it is still theory and unproven.

Not fact, and certainly not science - which is study of observable phenomena and repeatable

On it, gimmie a bit.. brb

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2011 7:27PM
Thumbs Up

log man said...

FlySurfer said...

log man said...
OK flysurfer, that's it then. This is the crux of your disbelief in the theory of the green house effect. OK, so if it can be answered successfully and to your satisfaction the will you go know what ,I've changed my mind about this....????. NO IT WON'T, you'll just shift to the next red herring and then when that is debunked.......well, surprise, surprise you'll just move to the next point. That is just have a point of view and you trawl information to try to find bits that will fit your point of view

OK log looks like we're on to something here.

1.- If(you explain by what mechanism 1 Carbon atom with an oxygen atom either side of it allows infrared radiation to pass one way but not the other)
Then(I'll accept CO2 can cause warming).

The youtube video, with the 2 lights is complete BS.

We can address the other issues once we address the 1st.

@Ados: not sure about God evolving... maybe recursive self-similarity; fractal.

No ,I can't, but others

oh look a little movie, he makes funny sounds


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Former NASA Climatologist explains" started by ADS