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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Frequent Flyer points

Created by Greenroom > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2011
WA, 7608 posts
29 Dec 2011 10:50PM
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Hey does anyone know when the bronze, silver, gold and platinum stats change? How many points do you need to go from let's say silver to gold? Thanks.

WA, 104 posts
29 Dec 2011 11:41PM
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Hey Greenie,

It's not done on your points balance but on your yearly accrued status credits which is that other number that appears on the top of your FF statements. Also noted in a similar spot on your statement is your anniversary date.
On that date your previous status credits get wiped and you start from scratch for the next 12months. You need 400 to get to Silver 800 for Gold 1200 for Platinum.
Silver doesn’t really get ya much more, just a bit more baggage allowance and a few other things. It’s when you get to gold that it get’s good with access to the Lounges etc. Hope this helps

WA, 3271 posts
30 Dec 2011 1:28AM
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WA, 104 posts
30 Dec 2011 11:50AM
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Make that...
300 for silver
700 for Gold
1400 for Platinum

WA, 46 posts
30 Dec 2011 2:20PM
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Yep, and if you don't maintain your status points at the levels required each year when it starts over again you drop a level - bastard company I worked for went & changed carriers the day I reached platinum - now back to bronze with a few hundred thousand points I'll use one day - oh well, you win some, you lose some.

WA, 7608 posts
30 Dec 2011 8:10PM
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Sweet thanks for the help.
Looks like Im about to turn gold if its 700.
If I have calculated it correctly it looks like I will go platinum within a year

WA, 229 posts
30 Dec 2011 10:54PM
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I used to care about being a gold/platnium frequent flyer. They want you to feel special.

Thank god, I get to sleep in my own bed every night now. Must be pathetic bronze now.

QLD, 6149 posts
31 Dec 2011 2:56PM
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if you really get enuf then you can get silver gold platinum for life! serious mileage though. Like that george cloony movie? forget what it was called.

QLD, 4087 posts
3 Jan 2012 3:27PM
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North said...

...Silver doesn't really get ya much more, just a bit more baggage allowance...

Only if you fly business class... [}:)]

Thing about being Gold or Platinum, do you really want to spend that much time in the air in a year?

WA, 361 posts
5 Jan 2012 1:05AM
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Only if you fly business class... [}:)]

Have a look-32kg if silver, 23kg if nothing. thats economy

QLD, 4087 posts
5 Jan 2012 4:34PM
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shark said...

Have a look-32kg if silver, 23kg if nothing. thats economy

Dyslexics untie!

I only looked at the number of pieces... :-(

NSW, 9205 posts
5 Jan 2012 10:10PM
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Platinum flyer here. Cash is better.

When you look at the extra costs having (annual fee) and paying with (2%+ extra) and paying off any interest no frequent anything is worth it, nor credit card points.

The only reason I fly with Virgin is because their times are perfect for me, and their prices are usually the best, or close to it. I flew the equivalent of to the moon with them last year.

The Lounge is very so-so. You do get free alcohol, but I don't really feel like much before I fly home. The food is super plain, the best you can make is a ham and cheese sandwich. There was a super thai soup but that's been discontinued.

I don't even take luggage, not even carry on so luggage is useless. They know frequent flyers don't take much luggage by the way. The best thing is being up front of the plane I guess. That's my reward.

If you have Qantas Gold they'll move you straight to gold on Virgin. That was hardly a loyal thing to do for the rest of us that had been flying Virgin all this time, eh?


Since Tiger has a new CEO, previously the CEO of Virgin Blue, they have the best on-time record. Some airports they've moved into the main terminals with everyone else. The only downside to them are the hippies they attract as passengers.

Jetstar will beat anyone's price if the flight is within an hour or so of their flight, by 10% (or is it 15%?). It's in small writing on their website, have a look.

Summary: You'll save a LOT more by shopping around and paying cash for all your items instead of trying to accure credit card points, that are worth next to nothing.

WA, 7673 posts
5 Jan 2012 7:29PM
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Tips from Pugsie:

Fly business class, then it doesn't matter

Oh, unless you have platinum or platinum one, and you can go to the first class lounge and can get upgraded to a first class seat...

But, you can always take the secret door from the business lounge to the first class lounge and still get the silver service

QLD, 12351 posts
6 Jan 2012 3:50AM
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evlPanda said...
Summary: You'll save a LOT more by shopping around and paying cash for all your items instead of trying to accure credit card points, that are worth next to nothing.

Awww! That is a bit harsh Panda. I've heard that if you spend $50,000 you get enough points to get you a free bus trip to Kempsey.

WA, 657 posts
6 Jan 2012 3:23AM
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GreenPat said...
Thing about being Gold or Platinum, do you really want to spend that much time in the air in a year?

Totally valid. I've got Gold and might get Platinum this year. I'd trade it in a heartbeat if it meant I could stop flying for a bit. So sick of being away from home.

NSW, 4460 posts
6 Jan 2012 12:39PM
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evlPanda said...
Platinum flyer here. Cash is better.

When you look at the extra costs having (annual fee) and paying with (2%+ extra) and paying off any interest no frequent anything is worth it, nor credit card points.

The only reason I fly with Virgin is because their times are perfect for me, and their prices are usually the best, or close to it. I flew the equivalent of to the moon with them last year.

The Lounge is very so-so. You do get free alcohol, but I don't really feel like much before I fly home. The food is super plain, the best you can make is a ham and cheese sandwich. There was a super thai soup but that's been discontinued.

I don't even take luggage, not even carry on so luggage is useless. They know frequent flyers don't take much luggage by the way. The best thing is being up front of the plane I guess. That's my reward.

If you have Qantas Gold they'll move you straight to gold on Virgin. That was hardly a loyal thing to do for the rest of us that had been flying Virgin all this time, eh?


Since Tiger has a new CEO, previously the CEO of Virgin Blue, they have the best on-time record. Some airports they've moved into the main terminals with everyone else. The only downside to them are the hippies they attract as passengers.

Jetstar will beat anyone's price if the flight is within an hour or so of their flight, by 10% (or is it 15%?). It's in small writing on their website, have a look.

Summary: You'll save a LOT more by shopping around and paying cash for all your items instead of trying to accure credit card points, that are worth next to nothing.

I should add... with a plan to do some travel to Europe and USA in June.

Not sure accepts cash, I know none of my eBay purchases do, and cash didn't give me back:


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Frequent Flyer points" started by Greenroom