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Gas Smell Near Domestic Gas Meter - Question

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 5 Sep 2011
VIC, 8020 posts
5 Sep 2011 5:47PM
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I tried ringing AGL, but gave up. Figured this next question could go through to a 22 year old Admin Person anyway, and not a Gas Installer with good general knowledge on gas...

There is a bit of a gassy smell around my gas meter some days. Some days I can smell it at 2-3 metres away. I know there is a regulator, and a little bit of gas might vent through that.... But is it normal or unusual to smell gas at 2-3m away from the gas meter/regulator....???

Today, there seems to be no smell.... But I did have a 2 hour surf, plus I've just cracked my 2nd stubby.... Should that effect my smell?

WA, 15849 posts
5 Sep 2011 3:59PM
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My Mum & Dads meter always smelled a bit gassy, when you were right next to it but never had a problem with it.
The one at my place seems to be fine.

QLD, 2770 posts
5 Sep 2011 6:05PM
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make up a soapy solution and spray it over all the fittings and connections. if there's a leak the soap will bubble

WA, 3519 posts
5 Sep 2011 4:10PM
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Wait for night time and go with a lit candle, move the candle around the gas meter. If you see a big blue flame and can smell the stench of burnt hair it means that you have a gas leak!

WA, 4485 posts
5 Sep 2011 4:25PM
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Cut down on the beans bud.

3777 posts
5 Sep 2011 4:29PM
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Bad advice felix.

The gas is odorless what you are smelling is an additive to the gas to (surprisingly) make it easy for detection. The best way as mentioned before is to spray soapy water to the regulator to a possible leak from the fittings.

Correct me if im wrong but i don't think a regulator should be dumping to atmosphere. We sometimes have problems with pneumatic regulators If it gets turned of and turned back on slowly some of the seals in the reg fail to seat properly. causing a leak.

All suggestions aside mate i think if you are worried there is a gas leak you will need to contact someone with a gas license He/she will check out the system pressure test it and sign the test/maintenance work carried out off
do not touch it yourself.

What types of gasfitting licences are issued?

Class G - Covers all gasfitting work except gasfitting work classified as of Class I, E, or P. [Includes general gasfitting - Natural Gas, LP Gas or mixed gases. Also includes installation and servicing of Domestic, Commercial, Caravan and Marine craft installations]
Class I - Covers gasfitting work on a consumer's gas installation associated with a Type B appliance [Industrial - including all Type B appliances - installation, commissioning and servicing]; or on piping that has an operating pressure of more than 200 kPa, not being gasfitting work referred to in paragraph (a) or classified as Class E or P.
Class E - Covers gasfitting work associated with a mobile engine.
Class P - Covers gasfitting work on a gas installation associated with the storage and dispensing of gas for the refuelling of a motor vehicle as defined in section 5 of the Road Traffic Act 1974.

Classes may be restricted e.g. Installation only, Commissioning Type B appliances up to 1,000 MJ/h

In Western Australia, there are over 6,000 licensed gas fitters. Suitably qualified gas fitters hold a Permit, Certificate of Competence or, in some cases, a Gasfitting Authorisation.

Permits and Certificates can be restricted to installing and/or servicing of Natural and/or Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

Western Australian gasfitting permits are generally in the form of a yellow (buff for apprentices) plastic card style registration. There are no cards for authorisation holders.

3777 posts
5 Sep 2011 4:32PM
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A good reason why you don't fiddle with your gas metre

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Sep 2011 7:36PM
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simondo, as mentioned, a odour is added so you can smell it and if you can smell it you have a leak. you don't need soapy water, you need a lic gas fitter or the local authority.

VIC, 8020 posts
5 Sep 2011 8:29PM
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Thanks guys. I will get onto AGL tomorrow.

NSW, 2495 posts
7 Sep 2011 11:11AM
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wish i saw this 1 earlier.
i am a gas fitter, and heres what u do.
call a gas fitter.
they will diagnose the problem - either the vent on the regulator is venting gas due to a faulty diaghram,
a screwed connection is loose, rubber seal perished, a seal on a device is damaged, or (not likely) a hole in a pipe.
more often than not its a simple solution and theres no need to worry about $$, and keep in mind there is every chance you are paying to keep the leak going if it is down stream of the meter.
please dont **** around with the gas stuff. it gets ugly.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
7 Sep 2011 12:51PM
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Unless you live in the bush and use bottle gas

Then a smell is normal and means the cylinder is a bee's d1ck away from being empty

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Sep 2011 3:25PM
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Just did the soap spray. There is a leak at the regulator, before it gets to my meter. I will let them know!

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Sep 2011 7:18PM
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Once I got through to the correct department. The leak was fixed within 2 hours... Hats off, well done boys! The young bloke was even a Cats supporter !! Go Cats !!

NSW, 2495 posts
30 Sep 2011 7:36PM
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VIC, 5000 posts
30 Sep 2011 7:44PM
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Only 3 weeks to work it out? Wow, you move fast!

WA, 15849 posts
30 Sep 2011 5:55PM
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Sailhack said...

Only 3 weeks to work it out? Wow, you move fast!

Too busy surfing the grommet

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Sep 2011 9:46PM
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Thanks Doggie!

Yeah, we had a nice run of swell actually, plus busy watching the Cats win Finals Footy !!

Minor gas leak was WAY down the list !

The list;
Earn some money for the family
Earn some money for the next surfboard
Muck about with son
Keep the wife happy
Take the dog for a walk
Stand Up Paddle
Take some cheques to the bank
Cash out
Get Grand Final Tickets (GO CATS!)
Get some beer
Put beer in fridge
Take a board into local glasser for minor repair
Drink some beer
Call Mac
Check the surf
Eat some pistachio nuts
Put some salmon in the oven
Eat salmon
Sort out gas smell near meter....

^^ Salmon recipe;

NSW, 2495 posts
30 Sep 2011 10:27PM
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well at least the priorities are right

6657 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:44AM
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Glad to see you got the Gassssss drama solvered Simo ..... but how in the Big Swell Water God's sake did or do you get away with keepin' the other half at 6th place in the "priority list" ?????
My ex-GF had to be 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th was appearing to be orgasmic during the weekly skirt 'n shirt bargain hunt , 6th , (5th was staying home when her old dragon was over for my weekly oral flogging - but at least then I could get on the turps out in me garage with her dad Arthur who was eternally grateful for me shaggin' his daughter and has been in the dogbox for 40 years the poor old codger , we still catch up for a clandestine shandy or thrice by the way .... he's a good old broken shackled bloke) and you don't want to know what 7th - 10th involved - it's pure evil to man's natural pride ......

NSW, 2005 posts
2 Oct 2011 4:45AM
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Simondo said...

I tried ringing AGL, but gave up. Figured this next question could go through to a 22 year old Admin Person anyway...

And who might be in God-knows-what-country, no? All outsourced?

NSW, 2495 posts
2 Oct 2011 11:31AM
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BulldogPup said...

Glad to see you got the Gassssss drama solvered Simo ..... but how in the Big Swell Water God's sake did or do you get away with keepin' the other half at 6th place in the "priority list" ?????
My ex-GF had to be 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th was appearing to be orgasmic during the weekly skirt 'n shirt bargain hunt , 6th , (5th was staying home when her old dragon was over for my weekly oral flogging - but at least then I could get on the turps out in me garage with her dad Arthur who was eternally grateful for me shaggin' his daughter and has been in the dogbox for 40 years the poor old codger , we still catch up for a clandestine shandy or thrice by the way .... he's a good old broken shackled bloke) and you don't want to know what 7th - 10th involved - it's pure evil to man's natural pride ......

struth! my mrs deserves a medal then!!!

VIC, 8020 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:14PM
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^ Yes, struth! Ditto, my Mrs deserves a medal also!

6657 posts
2 Oct 2011 8:27PM
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Struth - yes said that many times I did ..... selected a shocker i did (and the ex-GF & her old dragon were bloody WCE fanatics which naturally peeved this pup no end) .... thank the water gods I had a half decent "mancave" to recluse in - ah yes that old couch/settee had my hairy bum plonked in it a few wintry nights , me and a mate Richo got plastered in there numerous times whilst firmly in GF purgatory and bonkless misery - isn't it marvellous what numerous shandys and an undying sense of humour can fix!
You two posters above this pup are indeed lucky fellows by all indications.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gas Smell Near Domestic Gas Meter - Question" started by Simondo