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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Gay Immigrants ?

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2012
QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 1:05AM
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You do realize that once my replacement arrive here,
you will not be able to show him that easy Red Finger on SB, do you?
Mohamend will blow with IED whole street away in revenge, they are a bit nervous I must say...

on another hand ,
because they are also known not to be monogamic, the gay terrorist needs at least 10 Aus to serve him well
maybe worth the risk

as for you Doggie instead of fresh meety boooobs you will have boooby ( traps) for dinner now with this new order

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:45AM
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Am I the only one who ignores the content and just keeps coming back for the Engrish?

WA, 6415 posts
13 Sep 2012 1:59AM
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Mark you can't spoke properly.

WA, 726 posts
13 Sep 2012 7:48AM
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A 23-year-old man is expected to face court after he was arrested during a series of counter-terrorism raids across Melbourne yesterday.

Officers with the joint counter-terrorism team searched properties in Narre Warren South, Craigieburn, Hallam, Officer, Springvale South and Noble Park.

If this rag head they arrested last night turns out to be a Gay immigrant can you imagine the grin on Macros face and the egg on some others?
Fark that would be almost as priceless as Robbie Farrahs "twitter" episode

WA, 4485 posts
13 Sep 2012 7:51AM
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Macro the kind of people we don't need in this country.. is you.

Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under the rock you came from.

WA, 726 posts
13 Sep 2012 8:16AM
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What would be a good name for this organisation of gay terrorist immigrants?
The "GTI national front" this group at least need a cool name?

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 10:44AM
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getfunky said...

Macro the kind of people we don't need in this country.. is you.

Thank you for advice

FlySurfer said...

I'm just waiting for Greece or Italy or Spain to leave the Euro...

I been thinking about California or Florida ( for similar mild climate) but can't decide which has better windy clean water. I am a bit affraid of aligators and pytons all over Florida

Beaglebuddy said...
Wrongo, in the US we have freedom

If your country is a bit more tolerant to ( a bit crazy) scientist?
oooo ! not again another IELTS ???

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Sep 2012 10:46AM
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worrier said...
If this rag head they arrested last night turns out to be a Gay immigrant can you imagine the grin on Macros face and the egg on some others?
Fark that would be almost as priceless as Robbie Farrahs "twitter" episode

Macro has some idea that being gay means you can completely circumvent the security policies that occur when you get a visa. This is simply not true to the point of being ridiculous.

What I've learned more that anything from this thread is why Europe has had more intolerence, paranoia, war and death than anywhere else in the world.

Also that some people are cheating on the IELTS ( English language tests that are required for permanent residency and citizenship. There are other standards one is supposed to adhere to as well.

Perhaps we have an illegal immigrant on SB? [}:)]

WA, 726 posts
13 Sep 2012 8:52AM
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Are you implying that Macro is a member of the GTI? and is infiltrating SB
to promote his real agenda?

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 11:03AM
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evlPanda said...
why Europe has had more intolerence, paranoia, war and death than anywhere else in the world.

Europe has simply just a bit longer and more complicated history.
Beside history as a subject is also present at school curriculum.
Possibly that is why that is the most peaceful place on the Earth these days.

QLD, 3666 posts
13 Sep 2012 11:03AM
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6 pages is a lot of concern about Gay Immigrants...

My 2 cents ... Gay immigration is as funny as Gillard's sex appeal

WA, 15849 posts
13 Sep 2012 9:15AM
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Macroscien said...

evlPanda said...
why Europe has had more intolerence, paranoia, war and death than anywhere else in the world.

Europe has simply just a bit longer and more complicated history.
Beside history as a subject is also present at school curriculum.
Possibly that is why that is the most peaceful place on the Earth these days.

WA, 15849 posts
13 Sep 2012 9:17AM
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QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:44PM
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I think I am done here.
You know, I can't watch Jack Ass TV show. I just can't stand and watch stupid people hurting them self.
Even If I told you thousand times that gay community has nothing to do with terrorism.
Similarly Muslim religion HAS NOTHING TO WITH TERRORISM.
both could be very easy exploited by merciless circles interested in spreading horror and destruction ( terrorist organisation).
Similarly Nobel is not at fault that his second biggest invention is used in IED everyday.(first is obviously Nobel Prize )

Next time
You call me
when you have Alien Invasion problem

I could be more helpfull there

VIC, 5000 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:53PM
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getfunky said...

Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under from which the rock you came. from.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
13 Sep 2012 11:21AM
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Sailhack said...

getfunky said...

Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under from which the rock you came. from.

No, Sailhack

"Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under the rock from which you came "

10980 posts
13 Sep 2012 11:47AM
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Macroscien said...

I think I am done here.

Good, would you like a nice cold drink

10980 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:01PM
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Hey Macro.... What if once here they infiltrate the Salvos, does that means Red shield appeal will be donating to terrorism... And will they be wearing my clothes I donated?

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Sep 2012 2:26PM
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Macroscien said...

evlPanda said...
why Europe has had more intolerence, paranoia, war and death than anywhere else in the world.

Europe has simply just a bit longer and more complicated history.
Beside history as a subject is also present at school curriculum.
Possibly that is why that is the most peaceful place on the Earth these days.

1989 Romanian Revolution
1991 Ten-Day War
1991–1992 South Ossetian War of Independence
1991–1993 Georgian Civil War
1991–1995 Croatian War of Independence
1992 War of Transnistria
1992 Ossetian-Ingush conflict
1992–1993 First War in Abkhazia
1992–1995 Bosnian War
1994–1996 First Chechen War
1997 Unrest in Albania
1998–1999 Kosovo War
1998–present Republican Dissidents Conflict
1998 Second War in Abkhazia
1999 Dagestan War
1999–2009 Second Chechen War
1999–2001 Insurgency in the Preševo Valley

21st century

2001 Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia
2002 Perejil Island crisis
2004–present Kurdish–Turkish conflict
2004 Unrest in Kosovo
2004 Adjara crisis
2007–present Civil war in Ingushetia
2008 War in South Ossetia
2009–present Insurgency in the North Caucasus
2011–present Kosovo–Serbia border clashes

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Sep 2012 2:28PM
Thumbs Up

SP said...

Hey Macro.... What if once here they infiltrate the Salvos, does that means Red shield appeal will be donating to terrorism... And will they be wearing my clothes I donated?

And what about animals? Have we considered animals used to deliver weapons? Gay, Muslim, terrorist cats? The horror!

WA, 6993 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:32PM
Thumbs Up

evlPanda said...

Macroscien said...

evlPanda said...
why Europe has had more intolerence, paranoia, war and death than anywhere else in the world.

Europe has simply just a bit longer and more complicated history.
Beside history as a subject is also present at school curriculum.
Possibly that is why that is the most peaceful place on the Earth these days.

1989 Romanian Revolution
1991 Ten-Day War
1991–1992 South Ossetian War of Independence
1991–1993 Georgian Civil War
1991–1995 Croatian War of Independence
1992 War of Transnistria
1992 Ossetian-Ingush conflict
1992–1993 First War in Abkhazia
1992–1995 Bosnian War
1994–1996 First Chechen War
1997 Unrest in Albania
1998–1999 Kosovo War
1998–present Republican Dissidents Conflict
1998 Second War in Abkhazia
1999 Dagestan War
1999–2009 Second Chechen War
1999–2001 Insurgency in the Preševo Valley

21st century

2001 Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia
2002 Perejil Island crisis
2004–present Kurdish–Turkish conflict
2004 Unrest in Kosovo
2004 Adjara crisis
2007–present Civil war in Ingushetia
2008 War in South Ossetia
2009–present Insurgency in the North Caucasus
2011–present Kosovo–Serbia border clashes


Europe ??

More like Asia minor ??

WA, 15849 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:37PM
Thumbs Up

evlPanda said...

SP said...

Hey Macro.... What if once here they infiltrate the Salvos, does that means Red shield appeal will be donating to terrorism... And will they be wearing my clothes I donated?

And what about animals? Have we considered animals used to deliver weapons? Gay, Muslim, terrorist cats? The horror!

Suicide dolphins?

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 2:39PM
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Sailhack said...

getfunky said...

Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under from which the rock you came. from.


You successfully graduated kindergarten program.

Even maybe primary

Now you acquired all skills necessary to succeed

Your ENGLISH skills are brilliant
(by our standards )
Australian Department of Education.

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 2:47PM
Thumbs Up

Mark _australia said...

Sailhack said...

getfunky said...

Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under from which the rock you came. from.

No, Sailhack

"Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under the rock from which you came "

"Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under the rock where your place is"
that's better, but somehow threatening ...
are you sure that stoning is not that common here ?

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 2:59PM
Thumbs Up

doggie said...

evlPanda said...

SP said...

Hey Macro.... What if once here they infiltrate the Salvos, does that means Red shield appeal will be donating to terrorism... And will they be wearing my clothes I donated?

And what about animals? Have we considered animals used to deliver weapons? Gay, Muslim, terrorist cats? The horror!

Suicide dolphins?

Actually exactly opposite is true.
According to the latest US military newsletter trained Dolphins are the only available means in whole warfare arsenal to detect modern underwater mines in the Red Sea!

WA, 3519 posts
13 Sep 2012 1:07PM
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felixdcat said...

doggie said...

felixdcat said...

Already happening....................... look at the boats.................. no many females there????? all young men and kids????? are they pedophil as well??????
rest my case!

FFS Felix

Just taking the pisssss!

I am all for gays guys..... more boobs for me! Just import more and more! Less competition!

WA, 485 posts
13 Sep 2012 1:24PM
Thumbs Up

Macroscien said...

tmurray said...
I find your statement offensive

thank you, there is question, there is answer
easy like that
What I like the most is that you said ' the statement is offensive' not that I offended you asking the question if something if offending....
to simplify
If security guard at air plane gate do ask you if you have a loaded gun or bomb you just simply say that you don't have one instead of abusing that poor uniform guy for even accusing you at such thing.

I was going to respond to this, then I just thought F*k it. I actually have no idea what you're talking about.

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Sep 2012 3:29PM
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tmurray said...
I actually have no idea what you're talking about.

I just politely thanked you that you didn't feel offended by me asking a question.
You could always change your mind

in other words
If your TV News Channel brought you bed news, you are not going to take an axe and smash TV set in half ,,, in order to kill that b***tch on the screen that dare to tell you bed news

WA, 15849 posts
13 Sep 2012 1:38PM
Thumbs Up

tmurray said...

Macroscien said...

tmurray said...
I find your statement offensive

Thank you, there is a question, there is an answer.
Its easy like that.
What I like the most is that you said, "the statement is offensive" not that I offended you by asking the question if something was offending....
to simplify
If security guard at an aeroplane gate asks you if you have a loaded gun or bomb you just simply say that you don't have one instead of abusing that poor uniformed guy for even accusing you at such thing.

I was going to respond to this, then I just thought F*k it. I actually have no idea what you're talking about.

Fixed, sort of....

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Sep 2012 3:55PM
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Macroscien said...
If your TV News Channel brought you bed news, you are not going to take an axe and smash TV set in half ,,, in order to kill that b***tch on the screen that dare to tell you bed news

You have to get 7.0 for IELTS (English test) to get a permanent residency in Australia. There are small a percentage of people born here that, that only speak English, that wouldn't get a 7.0.

I'm not saying that macroScience is an illegal immigrant, but I don't see him saying anywhere that he's not one.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Immigrants ?" started by Macroscien