You do realize that once my replacement arrive here,
you will not be able to show him that easy Red Finger on SB, do you?
Mohamend will blow with IED whole street away in revenge, they are a bit nervous I must say...
on another hand ,
because they are also known not to be monogamic, the gay terrorist needs at least 10 Aus to serve him well
maybe worth the risk
as for you Doggie instead of fresh meety boooobs you will have boooby ( traps) for dinner now with this new order
A 23-year-old man is expected to face court after he was arrested during a series of counter-terrorism raids across Melbourne yesterday.
Officers with the joint counter-terrorism team searched properties in Narre Warren South, Craigieburn, Hallam, Officer, Springvale South and Noble Park.
If this rag head they arrested last night turns out to be a Gay immigrant can you imagine the grin on Macros face and the egg on some others?
Fark that would be almost as priceless as Robbie Farrahs "twitter" episode
Macro the kind of people we don't need in this country.. is you.
Take your ridiculous intolerant views and go back under the rock you came from.
What would be a good name for this organisation of gay terrorist immigrants?
The "GTI national front" this group at least need a cool name?
Are you implying that Macro is a member of the GTI? and is infiltrating SB
to promote his real agenda?
6 pages is a lot of concern about Gay Immigrants...
My 2 cents ... Gay immigration is as funny as Gillard's sex appeal
I think I am done here.
You know, I can't watch Jack Ass TV show. I just can't stand and watch stupid people hurting them self.
Even If I told you thousand times that gay community has nothing to do with terrorism.
Similarly Muslim religion HAS NOTHING TO WITH TERRORISM.
both could be very easy exploited by merciless circles interested in spreading horror and destruction ( terrorist organisation).
Similarly Nobel is not at fault that his second biggest invention is used in IED everyday.(first is obviously Nobel Prize )
Next time
You call me
when you have Alien Invasion problem
I could be more helpfull there
Hey Macro.... What if once here they infiltrate the Salvos, does that means Red shield appeal will be donating to terrorism... And will they be wearing my clothes I donated?