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Gay Immigrants ?

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2012
2614 posts
10 Sep 2012 4:05PM
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evlPanda said...

Macroscien said...
As you can see on my own example above misrepresentation's on his action could provoke also attack the is trying to restrict human rights, not to protect the country.

Kiterboy, you seem good with this. Для меня это все китайское.

...sorry Macro, but you have to admit it's pretty damn hard to read.

and Macro, dude, there is no way in hell a Muslim terrorist/fundamentalist is going to pretend to be gay. He'd rather die a thousand times. Honestly.

He says that restricting entry into the country on the basis of such a politically charged topic, is bound to be misinterpreted and attacked.

I don't think it's too far fetched for terrorists to-
- Pretend to be gay, in the name of their deity, to achieve their goals (they've pretended to be women before)
- Recruit actual homosexuals to carry out their instructions, to avoid being killed by the religious zealots, and by doing so cleaning their slate, so to speak, for the afterlife

The thing is though, they would need a resident here already to make the entry by marriage thing viable.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:07PM
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Security surrounding terrorism is taken very, very (perhaps too) seriously in this country. There's no ****ing way in hell you're going to be able to circumvent security checks like that just because of your sexual orientation.

Test it on just a civilian level if you want. Go to the airport in drag and as you're going through the scanners yell out "bomb!".

WA, 1103 posts
10 Sep 2012 4:09PM
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I'm not particularly worried/concerned about the sexual preferences of our migrants or potential migrants Macroscien, but sometimes an idea can be like a fart….best not let out….

Macroscien, mate, perhaps it's just time to let this thread fall by the wayside? Your idea, misguided as it might be, has opened pandora's box but in doing so, it hasn't portrayed you in a glowing light....just a thought….

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:29PM
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There are four ( at least) ways to immigrate to this country:
-skilled worker program
-business and wealth
-humanitarian asylum seekers program
-jump the boat !
and there is the fifth element !
-family re-connection

Guess which one will be the easiest to smuggle unwelcome elements.....

Mark _australia
WA, 22412 posts
10 Sep 2012 4:44PM
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I don't think we have a lot to fear from homosexual Muslim boat people terrorists.

They never be able to choose a backpack that goes nicely with their robe.

WA, 6913 posts
10 Sep 2012 5:03PM
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I'm guessing it this thread that chased Mac and Dude away

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
10 Sep 2012 7:33PM
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TAS, 2967 posts
10 Sep 2012 8:14PM
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I think I spotted one down at Westfields, not sure though, what do you reckon?

WA, 4642 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:20PM
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It's just not possible.
I've been reliably informed that there are NO gay muslims. Full stop.

WA, 15849 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:34PM
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pweedas said...

It's just not possible.
I've been reliably informed that there are NO gay muslims. Full stop.


QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 8:47PM
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The new legislation is just matter of time, that the fact.
As I am not opponent just an advisor to create new law is such way to avoid future nasty surprises. It is up to legislators how...
Bad law is worse the no law at all

WA, 485 posts
10 Sep 2012 7:09PM
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Ok - (and I feel like I'm jumping down a rabbit hole by even entering this discussion).

Why is it easier for a terrorist to fake a gay marriage, than a heterosexual marriage?

Mark _australia
WA, 22412 posts
10 Sep 2012 7:13PM
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tmurray said...

Ok - (and I feel like I'm jumping down a rabbit hole by even entering this discussion).

Why is it easier for a terrorist to fake a gay marriage, than a heterosexual marriage?

Duh - cos only the blokes come over on the boats

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:04PM
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Macroscien said...

There are four ( at least) ways to immigrate to this country:
-skilled worker program
-business and wealth
-humanitarian asylum seekers program
-jump the boat !
and there is the fifth element !
-family re-connection

Guess which one will be the easiest to smuggle unwelcome elements.....

Umm, I'm guessing the fifth one as it is the fifth element. Yes, I'm locking that in.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:08PM
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tmurray said...
Why is it easier for a terrorist to fake a gay marriage, than a heterosexual marriage?

IMO the traditional marriage is much easier to investigate by immigration department officer. Some rules apply and quite easy to spot a fake.
Ie young attractive lady that marry over internet old dude but millionere seems still to be reasonable choice , but a begger - that will rise suspicion.
I am not sure if any rules could be applied to gay marriage at all.
Since such possibly could be based on different levels -physical or emotional- IMO everything possible -then impossible to verify..

WA, 421 posts
10 Sep 2012 8:20PM
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Macroscien said...

tmurray said...
Why is it easier for a terrorist to fake a gay marriage, than a heterosexual marriage?

IMO the traditional marriage is much easier to investigate by immigration department officer. Some rules apply and quite easy to spot a fake.
Ie young attractive lady that marry over internet old dude but millionere seems still to be reasonable choice , but a begger - that will rise suspicion.
I am not sure if any rules could be applied to gay marriage at all.
Since such possibly could be based on different levels -physical or emotional- IMO everything possible -then impossible to verify..

QLD, 1496 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:45PM
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da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:51PM
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10979 posts
10 Sep 2012 8:57PM
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WA, 1549 posts
10 Sep 2012 9:10PM
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Does it matter if they sniff bungholes or ride leaky boats..

If they come here illegally then they should be shipped off to manis island for some dengue R and R and a long wait.

you cant get into kitestock without a ticket. Same should apply for our borders

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:13PM
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In the whole thread wasn't a single contra argument against my thesis.
But plenty of abuse, red fingering and insults.
Sad to say but as a society we didn't grow up to discuss any difficult minority problems.
If you try to rationally investigate any of this topics : racial, religion, handicap, women rights ,native and sexual orientation response is easy to predict.
So smart people just avoid it at all cost or give up before even start a quarrel.

As for me, as a neutral observer the result is indifferent.

Suppose that I wanted to discuss this difficult matter on the forum in the intelligent and logical manner, unbiased and without offending anybody.
And I can not ! The place as forum created to discuss, exchange view, learn.

As a society we are still on Neanderthal level and Arabic revolution, Afghan war is the best example that people can not just talk or listen. Must fight on the streets till the blood

WA, 485 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:03PM
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So how much money would you want to have a fake gay marriage with an aspiring immigrant?

And how far would you go to convince the department of immigration that it's real?

WA, 682 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:16PM
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Macro, it's red thumbing not red fingering or should that be brown fingering in this case

WA, 3271 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:50PM
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Macroscien said...

As for me, as a neutral observer the result is indifferent.

Suppose that I wanted to discuss this difficult matter on the forum in the intelligent and logical manner, unbiased and without offending anybody.
And I can not ! The place as forum created to discuss, exchange view, learn.

Nuetral? Didn't you start the thread? hardly makes you nuetral on the subject.

Intelligent and logical? I have to confess I'm still confused as to what your original post was referring to (taking a moment to assume it wasn't a gay or muslim slur) or where you are still trying to drive this thread.

WA, 12 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:26PM
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Macroscien, your concern seems to hinge on the assumption that faking a gay marriage would be much easier than faking a straight marriage. I don't see why you would assume that. I don't know specifically what the requirements are for getting Australian citizenship for a spouse who lives overseas, but I don't think it's that easy. And if it is that easy, then people will be running the scam already, gay or not.

505 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:53PM
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If someone is intent upon entering Australia with the sole purpose of killing as many 'infidels' as possible, it is very very very unlikely that they would need to fake being homosexual to accomplish this. Macroscien, read a little/lot about the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and the point I am trying to make will become clear. I think the correct term is Green over Blue Incident?

WA, 3271 posts
11 Sep 2012 12:03AM
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Google is your friend.

Same sex relationships have been recognised by Immigration for more than three years when it comes to spouse/partner visas.

Still seems like a long-winded way to get a terrorist into the country.

And here is a simple, 58 page booklet on Partner Migration into Australia, I still think it will be easier to get on a boat and claim asylum.

I'm still dubious as to your homophobic tendencies, if your concern is for getting terrorists or criminals into the country via partner migration why did you single out gays in your original post?

WA, 726 posts
11 Sep 2012 6:53AM
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pweedas said...

It's just not possible.
I've been reliably informed that there are NO gay muslims. Full stop.

Sorry Pweedas you have got that one a bir wrong. Huge % of muslims are of the homosexual pesuasion. Been that way for centuries. They are not open about it but most camps have young boys, usually orphans there to do odd jobs and sevice the troops. The old pommy explorers mention it in their exploration diary's etc when they first ecountered it. Got a couple of mates over that way in security in Iraq and its still pretty popular nowdays according to them.
They probably deny being homo and technically are paedos but homo's nonetheless in my mind. I think the Catholic church based their antics on the arabs.
Lot of the history books etc mention it as the norm in that part of the world,

QLD, 6806 posts
11 Sep 2012 9:04AM
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The reason to single out gays in immigration law is that criteria as so broad that could accommodate everybody willing to fake it or use that law for other hidden agenda.
There is subtle difference in immigrating women 7 month pregnant with 2 children already and so called gay partner.
If you can't spot any I give up.
Obviously genuine gays could feels offended by any suspicion.
The same apply possibly to all minority groups that usually claim equal right and receive actually much more then mainstream.
-women rights in any family dispute
-black american petty criminal that turn anything into racial discrimination

and such criteria could accommodate now absolutely everybody

Tell me now why people still jump onto boats instead of filling form 801, pay postage and wait in safety of their own house for approval?
Unless obviously there are genuine asylum seekers that could not afford to wait any longer and their life in danger in the place where they are.

2 years waiting by your TV,computer, and fridge full of beer at is still shorter then 5 years in concentration camp on remote islands..

NSW, 4453 posts
11 Sep 2012 9:53AM
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Woohoo... I can bring my best mate over!

Oh wait he won't even come here on holiday, bcos he says Australia is the most boring place on Earth and only 3rd world people want to come here cos they already farked their own country... his words not mine... yes I told him we have a rock, a bridge and an Oprah House, or is that Opera House.

I told him our economy is going super well, and the economist says we're one of the best places to live... he said he'd take 100% unemployment over living in an uncultured red neck fly infested dust bowl at the ass end of the world, a days travel and a life of debt away from anywhere remotely interesting.
He believes Curiosity has more chance of finding intelligent life on Mars than it would in Australia... don't shoot the messenger!

Maybe if I tell him we love homos, he might not see Australia as a cultural and intellectual vacuum.
Oh but then Gays are all good, God is not... he's Catholic and he takes his wife and kids to Mass more than once a year.

Peace, bruv.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Immigrants ?" started by Macroscien