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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
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1862 posts
16 Mar 2012 10:06PM
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I don't get it. Can someone enlighten me on this issue?

Seems to be a big issue now. When I was growing up, learning about the world. The homosexual people I knew made a point about being different, but were looking for a society where they were accepted and acknowledged for their contribution by the wider community.

I think they are well and truly accepted and acknowledged for their contribution to broader society now.

The thing I don't get is, now that they've achieved their goal, they want to be the same as the rest of us heterosexual plebs, they no longer want to be seen as any different to the rest of us.

I'm biased, in that I think you choose to be homosexual, I don't think people are born wired to be homosexual. Why is homosexual marriage such a big deal?

Is the homosexual marriage debate to do with legal rights over children or is it something else?


Thinking more about my post, it's clear that this is just another distraction that the illuminate have designed to prevent me thinking about real issues.

WA, 83 posts
16 Mar 2012 11:06PM
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I also just don't get it. Why can't they get married? How on earth does it make any difference to everyone else?

QLD, 12325 posts
17 Mar 2012 1:09AM
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adolf, you are a brave soul to be opening up this subject.

I don't completely agree with you when you say:-

"I'm biased, in that I think you choose to be homosexual, I don't think people are born wired to be homosexual."

Some people are born with chromosomal imbalances or peculiarities that manifest physically and mentally resulting in homosexual or lesbian behaviour. I have the greatest respect for these people as they face an internal sexual identity battle that must cause great trauma for them.

Those I believe are only a small percentage of the so called "gay community". The rest I believe make a concious choice to be homosexual or lesbian, for whatever moralistic excuse they can think up, and then, because they know they should not be behaving that way, think that by shoving it up in every-bodies face and saying it is normal behaviour, they are justified.

The push for "Gay Marriage Rights" is just shoving it in peoples faces on a grander scale.

Heterosexual couples don't normally go around in public feeling each other up and neither should same sex couples.

WA, 4564 posts
16 Mar 2012 11:20PM
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Stitch said...

I also just don't get it. Why can't they get married? How on earth does it make any difference to everyone else?

more to the point, why are the homosexual group making such a huge fuss about it if this is the scenario you and a huge like minded pose?.
i just dont get that either. And big fuss, I mean some very powerful people making big waves if not getting each his/her own way in this debate, from Penny Wong level across Government and business alike.
Got me stuffed

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
17 Mar 2012 12:19AM
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Gay people should be able to experience the same things as other married people in the wider community. It's only fair.

They should be able to invite 200 family and friends to a celebration and expect a great response.

If the happy couple call the celebration a 'Civil Union' only 80 will rock up.

But hey, call it a 'Wedding' and the lucky couple will discover that everyone they invited will want to go. This has been happening since the born of time. All Humans know that Weddings have endless amounts of free beer and free food. And like moths to a flame....

Short term popularity and the extravagant 50 grand credit card bill will follow. Now that's equality.

Then as a happily married couple in an egalitarian society they will discover that the stay at home married Partner will now get harassed by Centrelink.

Centrelink will explain that in a marriage the income earned by the working partner cancels out nearly all the benefits that the non-working partner was receiving before getting hitched.

Equal rights, it's a 2 sided coin!

3777 posts
17 Mar 2012 4:40AM
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Probably got more to do with the fact XXXXX church don't support same sex marriage and the government did acknowledge it The major XXXXX church would be deemed "discriminative" by same sex couples.

I support acknowledgement of same sex couples but i think they may and try and rewrite traditional wedding values of the XXXXXX church. IF they are accomodated already with a religion that supports the same sex marriage it should be honored .
I think alot of politicians are traditional churchies and probally dont want it in.

NSW, 9029 posts
17 Mar 2012 8:26AM
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As mentioned above by Elroy it will be interesting when Centrelink gets involved. All those female sole parents living with their girlfriends and stay at home blokes living with their boyfriends. It will save the taxpayers a bit of coin.

It would be better to depoliticise the issue by giving communities and individuals the power to decide who can get married and who can't, rather than the state.

Interesting as the institution of marriage becomes less important overall in society with heaps of people living in defacto relationships, it seems some homosexuals are prepared to die in the ditch to get it.

Mark _australia
WA, 22358 posts
17 Mar 2012 8:15AM
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As the saying goes "I think they should have the right to get married so they can be miserable like everyone else"

As I said in the last thread about this I am strongly against it being called marriage as it is NOT marriage and never can be - but if they want to hook up and have a legal union then go for it

Totally against a right to have kids though and that is one of the stumbling blocks to gay marriage - will they have equal rights to adopt children who are then raised with no mum or dad influence.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Mar 2012 10:52AM
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What about these adopted children ?
Do they have something do say ?
What about their rights to be raised in family they do prefer ?
Orphanage is not a "dogs pond" ....
Could such child could take the action to the court when grow up - like stolen generations did ?

IMO HS could do whatether they want as long it is not effect other people life directly.

WA, 485 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:16AM
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(shaking head that I'm even getting involved...)

few points you guys seem to be missing

1. Centrelink already treats gay de facto / hetero de facto / hetero married in exactly the same ways, it's only when 1 partner dies or is sick that the legal status is significantly different - and significantly to the detriment of gay couples

2. if being gay is a 'choice' are you all saying that you feel you could make that choice? That you could choose not only the sex part but to fall in love with and make a home with a member of your sex. I don't think I could, it's just not the way I'm wired.

3. Lots of gay couples (especially) women already have children, it's harder for men and I doubt the legal status of being married will make it any easier for gay men to 'acquire' children. It's already almost impossible to adopt Australian children and very very difficult to adopt from overseas.

4. Not all gay people want the same things, some may want (or have wanted) to be "different", lots and lots and lots want to be the same. For some but not all this means marriage

5. I don't think that you can say that gay people are truly accepted until they have exactly the same rights as everyone else. This includes the right to marry. Civil unions etc are still different and seen as inferior.

6. Yes I think it is inevitable that gay marriage rights will be passed, and that soon enough a gay couple will want to be married in a church and there will be legal action and the traditionals will squeal and carry on blah blah blah

NSW, 5780 posts
17 Mar 2012 12:51PM
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You know that immense feeling of relief you have when you pass a particularly large poo...?

All that pain and strain and feeling like you're being split open from the inside out...,

And then when it's done, just that feeling of relief...

That it hadn't killed you, you don't require stitches and it's finally out of you finished and gone..?

That's what I imagine gay sex to be like...

It's not the plugging away at their butt that they crave...

It's that feeling of relief they get when it's finally over.

As a society, if we really want To afford people that harm themselves for the sensation of cessation from harm the same rights, we'd lock homosexuals up in the loony bin along with teenagers who cut themselves for attention and people who buy enya cd's

As for lesbians... They're just a bunch of ugly man haters....,
It's not societies fault you're ugly and you can't get a root...
(it's your parents')

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:53AM
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One exeption to the HS having children should be allowed
cloning - when available
assuming that this same genotype will be happy to be raised in similar , well known environment...
but I am not so sure even about that (that genes describe HS deviation )

WA, 3145 posts
17 Mar 2012 10:12AM
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Mark _australia said...

I am strongly against it being called marriage as it is NOT marriage and never can be - but if they want to hook up and have a legal union then go for it

Totally against a right to have kids though and that is one of the stumbling blocks to gay marriage - will they have equal rights to adopt children who are then raised with no mum or dad influence.

Agree 110%

I have no problem with gays at all, I don't give a rats what anyone does in their bedroom it's none of my business but I don't agree with gay marriage or gays adopting kids

QLD, 14393 posts
17 Mar 2012 12:20PM
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aw come on guys,

if 2 kiters want to commit in a beautiful union then i say why not.

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Mar 2012 1:28PM
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For 1000's of years (prehistory) men and women have been committing themselves to one another, creating a social bond in order to raise a family.

Then at the turn of the 20th century Freudian psychoanalysis came about, and certain individuals, and collectives decided to break the family unit in order to create their vision of society; one where the father is the state.

Naturally most people rejected it, and so they decided to break the family unit through subversive initiatives.

Gay marriage is just 1 of many of those initiatives.
Divorce incentives, sexual equality, social services, children suing, minimize family interaction, children's rights, rampant pornography...

Yeah I know this all happened by itself, nobody planned it from a cave in Afghanistan... go watch MTV, there's a doco of a couple of homos adopting kids, and drink some coolaid.

WA, 344 posts
17 Mar 2012 10:31AM
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I love watching the religious lobby on TV droning on about the sanctity of marriage. I really think they need to get down to the family law courts at about 10 in the morning to watch the sanctity in action.

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Mar 2012 1:45PM
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Stitch said...

I also just don't get it. Why can't they get married? How on earth does it make any difference to everyone else?

Most kids until they've been taught to grieve, feel no loss when people outside their family unit die.

So lets face it, what difference does anything make to you? If somebody dies or starts thinking different how does that impact on you?
What if we started allowing incest, would that make a difference?
What if we started ritual sacrifice?
But now if you take society as a whole and forget about your ego centric view, maybe then it does make a difference.

Now try and compare morality of today's average teenager, with that of 70 years ago.
Imagine a homo couple adopting a child.

1862 posts
17 Mar 2012 10:47AM
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If some people are hard wired to be homosexual, then other people must be wired to be murderers, thieves, humanitarians or whatever. If people are hard wired to act a certain way, why can't this be determined at birth?

Given that out of the few people who choose to be gay and that not all of them want the same things. It must be a very tiny percentage of the general population wanting this marriage thing.

Why is it such a big issue, why is it so important to only a few people? I don't think gay marriage will ever get up. I'd rather our government take better care of people with real disabilities, rather than a few outspoken people who choose to live a certain lifestyle.

The few homosexuals who want to get married and have children that badly should become hetrosexual.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Mar 2012 1:18PM
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Gestalt said...

aw come on guys,

if 2 kiters want to commit in a beautiful union then i say why not.

but what about their kids , if they do prefer windsurfing ?
they could not hide the board under their bed ...
(us you see it works perfectly in opposite when windsurfing couple have kiter kid ...)

WA, 229 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:48AM
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Why would homo's want to give up the free and easy life for marriage?!

QLD, 1499 posts
17 Mar 2012 2:07PM
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As I've said before....

"I'm in favour of gay marriages....
.... as long as both chicks are hot!"

QLD, 2770 posts
17 Mar 2012 4:36PM
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wow. i'm ashamed to read this forum at times.
it's a reminder of just how backward so many people still are.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
17 Mar 2012 2:41PM
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NSW, 5780 posts
17 Mar 2012 5:42PM
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as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?

QLD, 825 posts
17 Mar 2012 5:27PM
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^^^ not funny doctor don't go there..

I had a few gay male friends. I never had a problem, just a little bit weird watching the 2 being a normal couple on the lounge -- but you get used to it. Never tried nothing om me and where good people.

They talked about children and said it was not a problem to not have any. Never talked about marriage.

What I have found is Males keep it quiet and do not really bother anyone, it's the female's that like to make a song and dance where ever they go and you can see yourself when you go out. The guy's quiet - clean - generally more sophisticated. The female's rough - loud - very loud - alway's stir the guys only to tell them to fxxx off when they think (flamming dreaming) "I'll convert her you watch".

Marriage yes - and people who say no why? and don't say religion[}:)]
like Mark said IMO Children should be a no no.
Hard enough for children at school. Go back 15-20 years and it still would have been difficult.

3777 posts
17 Mar 2012 3:41PM
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Aslong as they dance like this on there wedding night !

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Mar 2012 6:42PM
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theDoctor said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?

If a guy does a guy up the poop shoot all the blokes say thats disgusting and unnatural.
If ya mates missus lets him do her up the poop shoot like in the movies all his mates say,,you lucky bastard,my missus wont let me???
I think thats kinda funny

If the gays/lesbos want to get married, let them, who cares, is it really gunna affect your life in any way?

Does marriage mean much these days anyway?
How many people do you know that are on their second or third marriage?
Till death do us part, is what they agreed on, so they should stay together till they kill each other

If they want to marry, let them,
Why shouldnt they have to give someone they now hate, a house, like the rest of us

NSW, 5780 posts
17 Mar 2012 7:27PM
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youngbull said...

^^^ not funny doctor don't go there..

if it was NATURAL, homosexual intercourse would produce an offspring, as ol' dave has told me via a many a nature doco, a natural intercourse would do.....

many of my friends are of the queer persuation, including my current house'mate', tolerance doesn't make it natural, my best mate, painfully straight as a dye earns his keep dancing in gay clubs... axelandra the great was apparently great at tossing the male salad, our current pm keeps a beard on hand for the mainsteam media...

on a conspiracy/protical bent, we are (in totality) our chemical make up, which is/can be influenced, via diet, or vaccine, our brain chemistry, which is influenced (determined) by our chemical bent. we are a big bag of chemicals, controlled by our influences, which are introduced chemicals. pre determined introduced chemicals.
ergo: homosexuality (as a norm) is an unnaturally influenced chemical bent

welcome to agenda 21

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Mar 2012 7:38PM
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theDoctor said...

youngbull said...

^^^ not funny doctor don't go there..

if it was NATURAL, homosexual intercourse would produce an offspring, as ol' dave has told me via a many a nature doco, a natural intercourse would do.....

I hope you don't eat fish doctor, because they change sex. How unnatural is that?

Green thumb if you'd like to be the opposite sex for a bit of a try. (...and what, exactly, does that mean? )

NSW, 5780 posts
17 Mar 2012 7:47PM
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yeah well, unless you got a contract with jim rose...

hemaphrodite ain't quite natural either, well it might occur naturally but human(sic) evolution ain't built upon it

4214 posts
17 Mar 2012 5:40PM
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“Two fellas and a cocker spaniel don't make a family”
—Paul Keating

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf