Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Gay Marriage ............ Anyone?

Created by log man > 9 months ago, 4 Dec 2011
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Dec 2011 6:31AM
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barn said...

laceys lane said...

i keep seeing religion,christians and bigots lumped together and its un informed

try actually reading the Rabble and see what it teaches about being a christian

things like love, compassion, tolerance, goodwill and do unto others as you would have them do to you etc.

You can find that stuff in a Batman Comic, or an episode of Survivor Amazon if you look hard enough..

The book you speak of, is full of stories, if you want to find a story about tolerance in it then you can.. If you want to find justification to oppress a minority, you can..

What do I see?

I see the story of Lot, who offered his daughters up to a horny mob who wanted to Sodomise some angles staying in his house. Then after God killed everybody sparing only Lot and his lovely daughters* they went and lived in a cave and the daughters got him drunk and raped him..

This story teaches me what, exactly?

Or what about the praiseworthy Abraham? Who was so obedient to your God that he was prepared to murder his innocent son. WTF? Why didn't Abraham tell God to cram it, that's his son!

*Where is Mrs Lote? Why God turned her into salt, of course..

Mark Twain said...“It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.”

very selective of you there barnsy which i would expect from some one with your views. what don't like the bits about jesus in the new testament?

see, you just pick the parts that suit you. you can take any text from any book and twist it around. the parts you have quoted are the old testament. the new testament is the way.

you don't know anything about it really and have shown your lack of understanding

yes stories,history and 'teachings'.

our entire culture and laws of the land are based on the teachings of the bible.

i do understand its hard for you to accept that

NSW, 123 posts
9 Dec 2011 10:01AM
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laceys lane said...

barn said...

laceys lane said...

i keep seeing religion,christians and bigots lumped together and its un informed

try actually reading the Rabble and see what it teaches about being a christian

things like love, compassion, tolerance, goodwill and do unto others as you would have them do to you etc.

You can find that stuff in a Batman Comic, or an episode of Survivor Amazon if you look hard enough..

The book you speak of, is full of stories, if you want to find a story about tolerance in it then you can.. If you want to find justification to oppress a minority, you can..

What do I see?

I see the story of Lot, who offered his daughters up to a horny mob who wanted to Sodomise some angles staying in his house. Then after God killed everybody sparing only Lot and his lovely daughters* they went and lived in a cave and the daughters got him drunk and raped him..

This story teaches me what, exactly?

Or what about the praiseworthy Abraham? Who was so obedient to your God that he was prepared to murder his innocent son. WTF? Why didn't Abraham tell God to cram it, that's his son!

*Where is Mrs Lote? Why God turned her into salt, of course..

Mark Twain said...“It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.”

very selective of you there barnsy which i would expect from some one with your views. what don't like the bits about jesus in the new testament?

see, you just pick the parts that suit you. you can take any text from any book and twist it around. the parts you have quoted are the old testament. the new testament is the way.

you don't know anything about it really and have shown your lack of understanding

yes stories,history and 'teachings'.

our entire culture and laws of the land are based on the teachings of the bible.

i do understand its hard for you to accept that

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)

Marrying a divorced woman is adultery. (Matthew 5:32)

Don't have sexual urges. (Matthew 5:28) (at all!)

Let everyone know you are better than the rest. (Matthew 5:13-16) (this explain soooo many attitudes )

"Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)

NSW, 2496 posts
9 Dec 2011 10:26AM
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barn said...

laceys lane said...

i keep seeing religion,christians and bigots lumped together and its un informed

try actually reading the Rabble and see what it teaches about being a christian

things like love, compassion, tolerance, goodwill and do unto others as you would have them do to you etc.

You can find that stuff in a Batman Comic, or an episode of Survivor Amazon if you look hard enough..

The book you speak of, is full of stories, if you want to find a story about tolerance in it then you can.. If you want to find justification to oppress a minority, you can..

What do I see?

I see the story of Lot, who offered his daughters up to a horny mob who wanted to Sodomise some angles staying in his house. Then after God killed everybody sparing only Lot and his lovely daughters* they went and lived in a cave and the daughters got him drunk and raped him..

This story teaches me what, exactly?

Or what about the praiseworthy Abraham? Who was so obedient to your God that he was prepared to murder his innocent son. WTF? Why didn't Abraham tell God to cram it, that's his son!

*Where is Mrs Lote? Why God turned her into salt, of course..

Mark Twain said...“It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.”

thats sounds like a real "glass is half empty" point of view.

WA, 2960 posts
9 Dec 2011 8:04AM
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laceys lane said...

very selective of you there barnsy which i would expect from some one with your views. what don't like the bits about jesus in the new testament?

Exactly, I cherry picked the parts that suited me. Just like you can cherry pick 'teachings' like tolerance and love. You search the Bibe for stuff you want to hear because you're probably a good person. Tolerance and love are tenants of humanity, not Christ-insanity..

see, you just pick the parts that suit you. you can take any text from any book and twist it around. the parts you have quoted are the old testament. the new testament is the way.

Ahhhhh backpedaling, you never specified the New Testament.

But, the New Testament is a vindication and completion of the Old. You can't have one without the other. Jesus was a Jew, he had a complete indifference to the creation of any new Religion.

He was also a madman, what kind of man sees it fit to redeem people of their sins? He never consulted the people hurt by these sins. If somebody steals my car, I don't give a hoot if Jesus forgives him, I want my car back...

And what are we to make of the whole Crucifixion shenanigan, how does Jesus sacrificing himself redeem our sin (Adam eating the apple). What kind of justice system is that? It's Human sacrifice!! Human sacrifice is the centre of Christianity, an not just any Human, it's the mother of all sacrifices, that of the Son of God, who is himself God, who comes back to life anyway so it was all pointless. Madness. It's scapegoating.

you don't know anything about it really and have shown your lack of understanding

yes stories,history and 'teachings'.

our entire culture and laws of the land are based on the teachings of the bible.

i do understand its hard for you to accept that

No they aren't. Are you saying before the bible people murdered each other and thought it fine?

No, we pick the good parts from that book, ignore the bad. This is because we are mainly good people.

Jesus never said anything about keeping slaves. Nothing about womans rights. Nothing about homosexuals. Nothing about preserving the environment. Nothing about illegal music downloads. Nothing about viruses and bacteria being the reason for disease (not demons)..

Jesus said...
Take no thought for the morrow.

Wtf is that supposed to mean, Jesus you're an idiot..

QLD, 5396 posts
9 Dec 2011 10:20AM
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Honestly why do certain people Hijack posts with religious arguments are they just argumentative or is there some underline mental obsession with religion

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
9 Dec 2011 11:24AM
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When I was 10 I was in Sunday school and they said it is harder for a rich man to go to heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. That was when I decided this was not for me but maybe you just have to imagine a very big needle

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Dec 2011 4:03PM
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barn said...

laceys lane said...

very selective of you there barnsy which i would expect from some one with your views. what don't like the bits about jesus in the new testament?

Exactly, I cherry picked the parts that suited me. Just like you can cherry pick 'teachings' like tolerance and love. You search the Bibe for stuff you want to hear because you're probably a good person. Tolerance and love are tenants of humanity, not Christ-insanity..

see, you just pick the parts that suit you. you can take any text from any book and twist it around. the parts you have quoted are the old testament. the new testament is the way.

Ahhhhh backpedaling, you never specified the New Testament.

But, the New Testament is a vindication and completion of the Old. You can't have one without the other. Jesus was a Jew, he had a complete indifference to the creation of any new Religion.

He was also a madman, what kind of man sees it fit to redeem people of their sins? He never consulted the people hurt by these sins. If somebody steals my car, I don't give a hoot if Jesus forgives him, I want my car back...

And what are we to make of the whole Crucifixion shenanigan, how does Jesus sacrificing himself redeem our sin (Adam eating the apple). What kind of justice system is that? It's Human sacrifice!! Human sacrifice is the centre of Christianity, an not just any Human, it's the mother of all sacrifices, that of the Son of God, who is himself God, who comes back to life anyway so it was all pointless. Madness. It's scapegoating.

you don't know anything about it really and have shown your lack of understanding

yes stories,history and 'teachings'.

our entire culture and laws of the land are based on the teachings of the bible.

i do understand its hard for you to accept that

No they aren't. Are you saying before the bible people murdered each other and thought it fine?

No, we pick the good parts from that book, ignore the bad. This is because we are mainly good people.

Jesus never said anything about keeping slaves. Nothing about womans rights. Nothing about homosexuals. Nothing about preserving the environment. Nothing about illegal music downloads. Nothing about viruses and bacteria being the reason for disease (not demons)..

Jesus said...
Take no thought for the morrow.

Wtf is that supposed to mean, Jesus you're an idiot..

you still don't understand, i guess you don't want. don't soldiers and brave men give there life for their country- are they idiots.
the difference is he gave his life for his enemies too. and he gave his life, but the real mission so to speak was to take the sins of the world . at that point god turned from him because he then represented sin, hence the line- father why have you forsaken me. there is a reason for the old testament and the new testament. its way to deep to go into here.
again i'm not a practising christian

being an ardent anti christian, you should read the new testament. those born again loonies you hate take their main beliefs from the new testament

not asking you to believe, but you would be informed, know your enemy/product, go the source so to speak.

the stuff you are coming up is really silly and your getting fired up about it. at least be well informed with your views of christianity.

anyway that's enough of this

WA, 1916 posts
9 Dec 2011 3:04PM
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I reckon the federal labour party is trying to win a few gay votes, and set a point of difference to the Liberal/Abbot opposition.

they probably have lost the Christians, who are anti gay

They lost the greens, who don't wont nuclear.

Maybe I'm a cynic, and Joolia just wants an all inclusive country. Big hug peeps.

WA, 4485 posts
9 Dec 2011 3:08PM
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Once again it should be reminded that religion should not inform the laws of this land.

Gay marriage has zip to do with religion and is a matter of eqal rights and respect.

Marriage has existed LONG before the 3 big religions in this country (as have all forms of sexual orientation) so it is a ridiculous argument to say that G&L marriage should not be allowed for the whole of our society because it is not allowed by your brand of faith.

Get over it - G&L marriage will happen eventually. I'm pretty sure the earth will not end on that day.

Maybe those of strong faith would be better to start cleaning out the kiddy fiddlers and those that hide them within organised religions/organisations. Now that is a sick form of orientation and has no place in our society.. no argumant there. Probably a much better direction to vent your anger and energy in that direvction too IMO.

NSW, 6451 posts
9 Dec 2011 6:37PM
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getfunky said...

Maybe those of strong faith would be better to start cleaning out the kiddy fiddlers and those that hide them within organised religions/organisations.

Whats wrong with kiddy fiddles.

WA, 2960 posts
9 Dec 2011 3:51PM
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First off, for those who don't like Religion being brought up, I agree it is unfortunate but as we have seen, the main opposition to gaylords being fabulous is the Religions, Xians, and Muslims.. Religion has everything to do with Gay Marriage..

So don't read past here if you don't want to read about Jebus. This thread is dying anyway..

laceys lane said...

you still don't understand, i guess you don't want. don't soldiers and brave men give there life for their country- are they idiots.

Soldiers don't sacrifice themselves for their country, usually the goal is to take the other mob out in some kind of battle. How would an army hanging from crosses get anything done? Some kind of Crack Suicide Squad?

the difference is he gave his life for his enemies too. and he gave his life, but the real mission so to speak was to take the sins of the world . at that point god turned from him because he then represented sin, hence the line- father why have you forsaken me. there is a reason for the old testament and the new testament. its way to deep to go into here.
again i'm not a practising christian

The practice of scapegoating was to find a goat and load the sins of the village onto it, and send it off to die in the desert. It's a farcical Justice system. In the case of xianity it's not a worthless Goat, it's the Son of God ("Where gonna need a bigger Goat", somebody was heard saying)

So, JC sacrificed his life for the inherited Sin of all humans, which was Adam eating the Apple. The Sin was passed down the male line thru sperm, hence why Jesus was without Sin, as he had no earthly father. JC got himself caught and died for 3 days, and somehow this resolved the who Apple incident.

God now forgives human sin, because Jesus, who is also God, sacrificed himself to please God, who is Jesus and also is a Ghost(?)..

Now, if you don't buy the Apple story for the reason for Jesus dying, you probably think Jesus died for all human sin, past, present and future.. Then this would mean there is no longer any Sin?

It's some kind of whacked Justice system if you ask me.. Total nonsense.. Why couldn't God just forgive us? without the whole blood sacrifice thing?

being an ardent anti christian, you should read the new testament. those born again loonies you hate take their main beliefs from the new testament

not asking you to believe, but you would be informed, know your enemy/product, go the source so to speak.

I'm not anti-Christian, I'm anti-Christianity, the people are fine, just the ideas are questionable..

the stuff you are coming up is really silly and your getting fired up about it. at least be well informed with your views of christianity.

anyway that's enough of this

This concludes Barns Bible Class.

Resume thread.

WA, 15849 posts
9 Dec 2011 4:02PM
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^^ No no, please stop

NSW, 123 posts
9 Dec 2011 8:18PM
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Silence said...

laceys lane said...

barn said...

laceys lane said...

i keep seeing religion,christians and bigots lumped together and its un informed

try actually reading the Rabble and see what it teaches about being a christian

things like love, compassion, tolerance, goodwill and do unto others as you would have them do to you etc.

You can find that stuff in a Batman Comic, or an episode of Survivor Amazon if you look hard enough..

The book you speak of, is full of stories, if you want to find a story about tolerance in it then you can.. If you want to find justification to oppress a minority, you can..

What do I see?

I see the story of Lot, who offered his daughters up to a horny mob who wanted to Sodomise some angles staying in his house. Then after God killed everybody sparing only Lot and his lovely daughters* they went and lived in a cave and the daughters got him drunk and raped him..

This story teaches me what, exactly?

Or what about the praiseworthy Abraham? Who was so obedient to your God that he was prepared to murder his innocent son. WTF? Why didn't Abraham tell God to cram it, that's his son!

*Where is Mrs Lote? Why God turned her into salt, of course..

Mark Twain said...“It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.”

very selective of you there barnsy which i would expect from some one with your views. what don't like the bits about jesus in the new testament?

see, you just pick the parts that suit you. you can take any text from any book and twist it around. the parts you have quoted are the old testament. the new testament is the way.

you don't know anything about it really and have shown your lack of understanding

yes stories,history and 'teachings'.

our entire culture and laws of the land are based on the teachings of the bible.

i do understand its hard for you to accept that

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)

Marrying a divorced woman is adultery. (Matthew 5:32)

Don't have sexual urges. (Matthew 5:28) (at all!)

Let everyone know you are better than the rest. (Matthew 5:13-16) (this explain soooo many attitudes )

"Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)

still waiting for a comment from laceys... those are all from the "cool" testament...

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
9 Dec 2011 9:22PM
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I read most of the new teastament but I thought Lord of the Rings was better, the characters had more depth and the magic more realalistic.

Anyway which is the real GOD? The jewish, the chritian or the muslim? They can't all be right?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Dec 2011 8:37PM
Thumbs Up

barn said...

First off, for those who don't like Religion being brought up, I agree it is unfortunate but as we have seen, the main opposition to gaylords being fabulous is the Religions, Xians, and Muslims.. Religion has everything to do with Gay Marriage..

So don't read past here if you don't want to read about Jebus. This thread is dying anyway..

laceys lane said...

you still don't understand, i guess you don't want. don't soldiers and brave men give there life for their country- are they idiots.

Soldiers don't sacrifice themselves for their country, usually the goal is to take the other mob out in some kind of battle. How would an army hanging from crosses get anything done? Some kind of Crack Suicide Squad?

the difference is he gave his life for his enemies too. and he gave his life, but the real mission so to speak was to take the sins of the world . at that point god turned from him because he then represented sin, hence the line- father why have you forsaken me. there is a reason for the old testament and the new testament. its way to deep to go into here.
again i'm not a practising christian

The practice of scapegoating was to find a goat and load the sins of the village onto it, and send it off to die in the desert. It's a farcical Justice system. In the case of xianity it's not a worthless Goat, it's the Son of God ("Where gonna need a bigger Goat", somebody was heard saying)

So, JC sacrificed his life for the inherited Sin of all humans, which was Adam eating the Apple. The Sin was passed down the male line thru sperm, hence why Jesus was without Sin, as he had no earthly father. JC got himself caught and died for 3 days, and somehow this resolved the who Apple incident.

God now forgives human sin, because Jesus, who is also God, sacrificed himself to please God, who is Jesus and also is a Ghost(?)..

Now, if you don't buy the Apple story for the reason for Jesus dying, you probably think Jesus died for all human sin, past, present and future.. Then this would mean there is no longer any Sin?

It's some kind of whacked Justice system if you ask me.. Total nonsense.. Why couldn't God just forgive us? without the whole blood sacrifice thing?

being an ardent anti christian, you should read the new testament. those born again loonies you hate take their main beliefs from the new testament

not asking you to believe, but you would be informed, know your enemy/product, go the source so to speak.

I'm not anti-Christian, I'm anti-Christianity, the people are fine, just the ideas are questionable..

the stuff you are coming up is really silly and your getting fired up about it. at least be well informed with your views of christianity.

anyway that's enough of this

This concludes Barns Bible Class.

Resume thread.

ah, you do know, now it all comes together now!!!!
. however , he takes your past sins, and future sins if you ask for his forgiveness. jesus intercedes or is your pathway to god because he has taken yours past and presents sins.

god, if you believe in god, didn't make robots, he wanted man to have a free will to love him- like your children.

but he can't except sin. i' must say that part is hard to get my head around

barn, i did like your last answer.



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage ............ Anyone?" started by log man