Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Gillard Vs Abbott...

Created by Lost73 > 9 months ago, 16 Jul 2010
QLD, 12326 posts
24 Jul 2010 2:50AM
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Yeah. The parallell and connection with Aussie Bob is too hard to ignore.

As a piece of history we should all recall how his backside was put in the place.

Just when it was looking like the impossible might be achieved, ie Bill Hayden and the Labor crew unseating the Fraser, Howard, Peacock Gang, they went to Bill just a few weeks before the election date and said:-

"Listen here Bill. How about you just step aside and let our new rising young Turk in. Aussie Bob will do the job and the dirty work. We got a great job lined up for you. G.G. is as good as it gets and the only bum you will even have to sniff let alone lick is the one in Porkingham Palace."

"So how about it Bill?? He has all the necessaries like being Rhodes Scholar and all and if you don't agree your life will be crap from here on."

They have done the same job on Rudd and he will get the snazzy job at the U.N.

Then you have got Brown Bob on the sidelines saying "Carbon TAX won't be a problem Jules. You can count on us for that one."

Face it folks. We are buggered.

VIC, 1579 posts
24 Jul 2010 12:10PM
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ahhh, at last here's the new TV campaign ad.

WA, 4485 posts
26 Jul 2010 11:05AM
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So Julia - snuggling up to Hawkee or Tony snuggling up to Lil Johnee are the two choices? Not much choice there really.


WA, 6650 posts
26 Jul 2010 11:53AM
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getfunky said...

So Julia - snuggling up to Hawkee or Tony snuggling up to Lil Johnee are the two choices? Not much choice there really.


And we should fight for our right to that party

NSW, 451 posts
26 Jul 2010 4:46PM
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Third party: The Cyborgs

Robots run by the power of the people. Decisions made instantenously from votes cast online by registered and identified Australians. The public made this country, why can't we control it? Wouldn't that be the life. Every choice, every policy sent to our phones or computers for us to have a good old democratic fight over.

And how about that debate last night.. I've heard better discussions on Q&A.

Could these two parties be the worst to ever disgrace our country?

QLD, 12326 posts
26 Jul 2010 10:54PM
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No need for a third party. Two is two too many. Political parties should be banned.

All local candidates for parliamentiary election should be independant of party politics and affiliations.

Election of the prime and other ministers as well as the speaker should be by popular vote ALL of the local parliamentiary representatives.

Beaurocrat's and diplomat's jobs should be reviewed and open to application by the general population, post each election.

All of the above probably impossible but I think the only method for true representation of the people's will.

Another way of doing it is by annual referendums on important issues such as is done in Switzerland. Swiss national service is a great system too.

NSW, 4453 posts
26 Jul 2010 10:59PM
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Well after what we saw on Sunday, it's clear... we're farked.

WA, 575 posts
27 Jul 2010 9:08AM
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deXtrous said...

Decisions made instantenously from votes cast online by registered and identified Australians. The public made this country, why can't we control it? Wouldn't that be the life. Every choice, every policy sent to our phones or computers for us to have a good old democratic fight over.

Run by the power of the people you say.

Can you imagine if you're style of parenting was to take votes from your kids?
Do you want more sugar?
Do you want to stay up all night and play playstation?
Do you want to do your homework?
How about a block of chocolate for dinner every night?
Do you want me to bash up that nerdy kid at school for you?

The truth is that the general public doesn't know how to run a country. We elect people to make the right desicions for us (apparently). No more faggy refurendums.

NSW, 4453 posts
27 Jul 2010 11:34AM
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mattyjee said...
The truth is that the general public doesn't know how to run a country. We elect people to make the right desicions for us (apparently). No more faggy refurendums.

OMG, there's something really wrong with what you're saying... are you equating Australians with children and politicians with parents???


The great majority of Australians wouldn't be interested in the great majority of decisions. BUT there would be a minority of highly capable and dedicated individuals and groups releasing formation and voting.

The fact that the person was on the public policy forum and read the issues and proposed solutions before he/she/they voted would already make them more qualified than our "elected" leaders.

The senate was designed for this very purpose but that was in the days before the "Information Age".

NSW, 864 posts
27 Jul 2010 11:47AM
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FlySurfer said...

The great majority of Australians wouldn't be interested in the great majority of decisions. BUT there would be a minority of highly capable and dedicated individuals and groups releasing formation and voting.

Yes. Trouble is, they're probably going to be people like the christian groups and other people highly committed to their own agenda.

WA, 4485 posts
27 Jul 2010 3:54PM
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Kids have more honesty, less prejudice and more sense than most of the oz public.

They know you can't trust a hairy wingnut getting around in sluggos.

270 posts
15 Aug 2010 7:47AM
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Who will win? The Witch or Abbott? Bad enough having a dictator in Queensland, but a witch in Canberra too?

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
15 Aug 2010 10:04AM
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Don't forget rAbbott only got the lib leadership by stabbing Malcolm Turnbull in the back - after backflipping on his climate change 'beliefs' because he saw the political gain in it. So he not only stabbed his leader in the back he shot down Labour's chance to get climate change legislation approved in the same move... all to help Mr rAbbott.

PS I'd prefer an Athiest in charge then a mad catholic any day.

NSW, 5780 posts
15 Aug 2010 10:56AM
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I laugh at how everyone believes they have an oppotunity of anything like a real choice.

for ten years the media told us howard was gonna win and he won, then the kevin 07 thing started and nobody even blinked or cared to think when he won.

then early this year his shine began to dull, thanks to the media telling us that his shine was beginning to dull.

we don't have elections we have selections, votes are lost in a paper trail of preferences.

labour or liberal it doesn't really matter when they're all fabians.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
15 Aug 2010 1:42PM
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OOh those scary Fabians!

NSW, 4453 posts
15 Aug 2010 3:21PM
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theDoctor said...

I laugh at how everyone believes they have an oppotunity of anything like a real choice...

WA, 14676 posts
16 Aug 2010 5:25PM
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Leaving the conspiracy theorists aside, apparently some "economists" have now agreed Labor's stimulus approach was a good thing:

What would economists know? They probably don't even go to the pub.

Yet another hint that the rest of the world DID go into recession. I can't believe economic policy had anything to do with it, and I think Labor just wasted our money. If only they had done nothing and I could have had heaps of spare time


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gillard Vs Abbott..." started by Lost73