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Gillard govt lifts ban on live exports??

Created by Hiko > 9 months ago, 7 Jul 2011
Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:02PM
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japie said...

Mark _australia said...

^^^ Logman they current Govt MADE it their issue.
what amazes me is that instead of investigating

Mark Mark Mark, no that is entirely incorrect.

A highly contentious film was shown on four corners depicting ill treatment of animals exported from Australia.

That is what made the whole thing a public issue.

I am aware of the doco.

What I meant was the Govt could have quietly gone and ensured the exporters and Indo abbatoirs did their job by sticking to the rule about only selling to responsible ab's. The issue was some ab's onsold stock (rarely) to smaller shonky ab's, not hard to fix as 99% of the industry was compliant.

However, the Govt saw an opportunity to look good so they hastily (ie: fk all thought used) shut it all down and screamed from the rooftops about doing it, just to make sure we all knew.

That's what I meant about 'made it their issue' - they made a big show of it but fked it up.
What was needed was not a kneejerk reaction surrounded by fanfare, rather a properly considered lasting solution.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
8 Jul 2011 12:07AM
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cam0063 said...

Is interesting following this guys...

“I'm all for live animal export and happy that the ban has been lifted.”
I am a career cattle farmer – long term and have been involved in Live Export as a supplier and worked in the Aussie side of the Export industry. I fully support exporting to markets which have world recognized animal welfare standards and practices in place equal to our own and only those! Yes the total ban contained a knee jerk reaction and has been a disaster for Australian Agriculture. However it is not all B&W or easy...

“Is it really worth denying a whole very profitable, close and farmer sustaining industry for the sake of a couple of dodgy joints? Why not just specify that you will not supply those particular places?”
We have been exporting to buyers who supply approx 120 abattoirs in Indonesia [possibly more]. Post the 4 Corners episode, consultation within industry took place that came up with approx 50 abattoirs that were believed to use stunning and satisfied all welfare standards equal to ours. Then it dropped to 25 abattoirs that met our equivalent standards. Then as talks progressed it dropped to 7 definite and maybe 10 at most suitable abattoirs. This held a massive grey area and the minority was no longer a minority... We could have supplied the definite's and I wish we had that opportunity, however the scale of the problem at hand soon appeared much larger.

“I mean bloody hell, the footage wasn't even that disturbing at all.”
I found it blooding sickening and a bloody disgrace witnessing what I saw and that we had cattle going to those types of operations. Disturbing is an understatement! I have been a long time supporter and supplier of cattle to this Indo market and to think that our cattle had been treated like that enraged me! Any animal treated in such a way is shocking... Here is a quote from one of Australia's largest cattle producers [Heytesbury] supplying the Indo export market – “Profits are not an excuse for an animal to be treated that way," I totally agree as do many others.

“Would it be better if they just bought from another country and treated the animals the same way?” They have been importing Buffalo from India for quite sometime already. The first time I heard of it was approx 8 years ago. The Indonesian buyers have also been looking to Brazil and Africa for a number of years and have been deliberately reducing the number of Aussie cattle entering Indonesia since they imposed a 350kg live-weight ceiling for each suitable animal at the commencement of the export season in 2010. As of 2010 our live cattle exports to Indonesia have dropped 33%! They find a cheaper supplier, they will go there...

“I am sure that the cost of refrigerating most of an animal is cheaper than shipping the whole animal and feeding it onboard.”
We Aussies have some of the highest production and labour costs in the western world and this is also the case in Agriculture. They buy our cattle live and lighter in weight as it is much cheaper for them to ship them, grow them and finally process them there. This is why our live export trade exists. These countries can not afford and/or will not pay the substantially higher cost for our beef grown and processed here. Another issue is Halal slaughter. Tho we have Halal slaughtermen in near all Australian abattoirs, there are still the Islamic followers who will not accept stunning or us doing it here. This is a problem right now as they will not fully agree to stun in all Indo abattoirs that previously received our cattle. Actually some senior Indo Agriculture officials have said they will sign no guarantee. There is a push in some Islamic quarters to have reversible stunning [as against non-reversible stunning] – where the animal awakens after the knife cut/slash and is alive to bleed to death. For many purists, the animal must be alive as it bleeds! I wont go into that, tho will say – Thats F@@k'd!

“I am embarrassed by their actions, and completely understand why Indonesia may be offended.” Indonesia offended? When I was actively involved in the live export industry I remember another occasion when Indonesia refused to renew import permits at the 10th hour, for our cattle. It was a political stunt and designed to hurt our producers and bring down prices. They reversed it sometime later, but let the industry sweat, to show they had the upper hand. Some years later, as the export season was to commence in 2010, they dropped the 350kg live-weight bombshell on us, which suddenly made many 1000s of cattle ineligible due to being over weight for the "new" specs and if you could get them to take any slightly heavier cattle, the price paid was brought back considerably. Last winter - Many 10s of 1000s of cattle left WA's North for the eastern and Sth OZ markets at a financial loss to the station owner because of this. If it wasn't for high demand from the interstate buyers due to the great season they were having, many of our WA Station owners who were reliant on Indonesia would have been finished because of the 2010 export season! Indo bureaucracy does as it wants, when it wants and always has. They are in this as a business and for the money and at times with little care for us. Dont worry too much about offending. I dont!

“1. the MLA is the responsible authority......and they aren't. THEY jeopardized the live trade by not ensuring the animals were dealt with humanely.” I agree - The MLA and Live Corp have much responsibility to hold in this. Yes we farmers, well a number of us are trying to make them accountable right now. Including me personally. We fund them thru a compulsory levy. After 18 years we got to this stage. They had plenty of time to get the job done right, but they didn't! Ludwigs predecessor who knew of the Indonesian animal welfare issues 2 years ago and did nothing, also has a hell of a lot to answer to.

I am happy to hear the Export ban has been lifted on "APPROVED" facilities. Maybe some of the station owners can ease some of the loss they will make this season and the follow on affect it has to so many other Non Ag industries and business. This Indo situation is the last straw for me, my trust in their bureaucracy and their side of the export industry is gone. I have nil faith in the MLA or Live Corp and am not impressed by the previous Federal Ag minister and his staff. Not super impressed with the current one either, tho I would hate his job! So I wont be supplying cattle in the foreseeable future into Indonesia....

Sorry mate you've obviously posted this on the wrong forum. This forum is for people who speak out their arses

WA, 56 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:10PM
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Hahaha Logman I can do that too and have been complimented on doing so on occasion. Well I think they were complimenting!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
8 Jul 2011 12:12AM
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"sorry loggy , I know by your previous posts you have a red headed blow up doll with a big nose ,whom you love, I dont mean to offend her"....... Hell, I get more action out of the redheaded blow up than I do out of my old Penny Wong doll

WA, 1227 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:32PM
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theDoctor said...
watched news tonight of some space cadet tipping cow blood over herself in protest to live export...

According to the news report it was fake blood!

theDoctor said...
if you eat meat you didn't kill yourself, you have no right to judge or comment


log man
VIC, 8289 posts
8 Jul 2011 12:40AM
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dinsdale said...

theDoctor said...
watched news tonight of some space cadet tipping cow blood over herself in protest to live export...

According to the news report it was fake blood!

theDoctor said...
if you eat meat you didn't kill yourself, you have no right to judge or comment


Totally agree Dinsdale(first time ever I think)

WA, 1227 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:46PM
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log man said...
Totally agree Dinsdale(first time ever I think)

Nah, 2nd time I think . Even Barn agreed with me on something a couple of days ago. I ran outside to watch the sky fall .
All's good .

WA, 7671 posts
7 Jul 2011 11:07PM
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Life in Labor: The Hollow Men

1229 posts
8 Jul 2011 6:12AM
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Cam 0063
Thank you for your post you obviously know more about it than most of us
I believe humans are humane one goes with the other
Its unfortunate that these sort of practices go on and only gets action when it comes to public attention
I remember in the 80,s in Queensland a truck was found filled with live CRIPPLED kangaroos that were being transported long distance until someone heard a noise inside at a truckstop I have never forgotten it but it would not surprise me if it still happened

QLD, 3954 posts
8 Jul 2011 8:33AM
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Hiko said...

Cam 0063
Thank you for your post you obviously know more about it than most of us
I believe humans are humane one goes with the other
Its unfortunate that these sort of practices go on and only gets action when it comes to public attention
I remember in the 80,s in Queensland a truck was found filled with live CRIPPLED kangaroos that were being transported long distance until someone heard a noise inside at a truckstop I have never forgotten it but it would not surprise me if it still happened

I second that, thanks for posting. It seems to be very hard to get real information from media with their own political and business agendas.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
8 Jul 2011 8:24AM
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log man said...
Hell, I get more action out of the redheaded blow up than I do out of my old Penny Wong doll

Oh don't, I am eating breakfast

WA, 56 posts
8 Jul 2011 8:37AM
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Thanks Hiko and CMC... I wish the atrocities had never happened. I wish the Government and especially Industry personnel [MLA and Live Corp] had done the job required when establishing the market from the outset and policing within. As concerns were brought to light over the years, they should have been dealt with. However this all didnt happen as it should have. Dealing with other cultures is its own challenge as is with foreign Govt. Dealing with ancient religion and large numbers of followers that will not change makes it especially hard. However the market is animals - live animals and as to their welfare, they deserve better from us than we have seen. The whole industry isnt bad and much of it operates very well, but there is a massive problem that had been kept quite. It cant continue as it had... There will need to be an investigation into this and I hope it is thorough. Right now we have to be vigilant and move forward but not without caution and remember what has happened can not happen again.

WA, 2960 posts
8 Jul 2011 9:45AM
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log man said...

dinsdale said...

theDoctor said...
watched news tonight of some space cadet tipping cow blood over herself in protest to live export...

According to the news report it was fake blood!

theDoctor said...
if you eat meat you didn't kill yourself, you have no right to judge or comment


Totally agree Dinsdale(first time ever I think)

I agree, and a broken clock is still right twice a day!..

I think the ultra vegetarians should have stayed out of it as they cloud out legitimate rational concerns for animal welfare.

The Blood Cadet seems to be just using it as a platform to cry about people eating meat. We need protein, and life is no doubt tough for a cow, we breed them to be eaten.

I still don't understand why people don't have a problem with the method of slaughter... Whats more important, minimizing the suffering of the unfortunate bovine, or maintaining a backwards Religious practice?

It seems like a no brainer to me, send them the cows and make them us a bolt gun ffs..

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
8 Jul 2011 2:06PM
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dinsdale said...

subasurf said...
I'm all for live animal export and happy that the ban has been lifted.


I'd sooner see the jobs in Australia for Australians. Unless someone finds some undiscovered cows people will need to buy their beef somewhere.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
8 Jul 2011 2:09PM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...
Hell, I get more action out of the redheaded blow up than I do out of my old Penny Wong doll

Oh don't, I am eating breakfast

What about a Tony Abbott doll

NSW, 6937 posts
8 Jul 2011 4:36PM
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westozwind said...

As mentioned before, the idiotic govt. may have lifted the ban, but the Indonesians are going to have a field day with this.
They will source cattle from other countries that don't give a S$%t about animal welfare. The practices will continue, but NIMBY.

Bollocks! This trade is about dollars, very big dollars. We produce cattle cheaper here than is possible anywhere else in the region. If you think commercial reality is likely to be swayed because of some political clap trap then you are being naive.

What do you reckon the odds are on the MLA palming off a bit of red face money out of our kitty are?

And how much sway do you reckon the cattle industry has?

Have a look on Google Earth for Walcha, just south of Armadale. It is a town of 2000 people right in the middle of nowhere. The town has had 4, yes four, banks that have never closed down. There would be about 150 farms of over 1000 hectares in the district all of which stock 1 cow to the hectare. The only other place this is possible is in the Southern Highlands.

That is 1000 calves from each farm that go north to be fattened virtually every year.

And 150 millionaires surrounding Walcha! It does't show though, pretty sad little spot in my opinion. Gets down to -12 as well but it is where I learned to kite.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
8 Jul 2011 5:37PM
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Pugwash said...

Life in Labor: The Hollow Men

I think you'll find that hollowmen was written in the time of the most excellent Howard government.... ahhh it doesn't matter Gillard is responsible for the Howard government

WA, 1227 posts
8 Jul 2011 3:52PM
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Little Jon said...

dinsdale said...

subasurf said...
I'm all for live animal export and happy that the ban has been lifted.


I'd sooner see the jobs in Australia for Australians. Unless someone finds some undiscovered cows people will need to buy their beef somewhere.

Me too actually, but we've priced ourselves completely out of the market. We import darn near all our manufactured goods because, again, we've priced ourselves out of our own market.

As for spare cattle floating around; Sth American countries particularly, and some African countries too, will slip in like Flynn as soon as there's an opening. Probably cheaper than us too. Same goes for stuff like iron ore and coal. Brazil is waiting right now to slip into our markets.

Until we get our labour costs competitive we're gonna struggle to sell anything with added value - even to our own population.

QLD, 12337 posts
10 Jul 2011 12:55PM
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Pugwash said...

Wowsers... Julia's crew had nothing to do with it... it is all someone else fault. Here is a picture of a river in Egypt:

That would be the river of Denial!!

QLD, 12337 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:16PM
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dinsdale said...
Brazil is waiting right now to slip into our markets.

You better believe that. Go onto ABC/iview and see the recent Foreign Correspondant article.

Brazil is predicted to become the 5th largest economy of the world in a few brief years.

If Australia does not get it's wits about it soon, it will get owned if that has not happened already.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:20PM
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cisco said...

dinsdale said...
Brazil is waiting right now to slip into our markets.

You better believe that. Go onto ABC/iview and see the recent Foreign Correspondant article.

Brazil is predicted to become the 5th largest economy of the world in a few brief years.

If Australia does not get it's wits about it soon, it will get owned if that has not happened already.

So Cisco ,what your saying is the stand we made to get the abbatoirs up to standard is wrong and we should have done nothing because then the Indo's will go somewhere else to buy beef?

WA, 7671 posts
10 Jul 2011 12:16PM
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log man said...
I think you'll find that hollowmen was written in the time of the most excellent Howard government.... ahhh it doesn't matter Gillard is responsible for the Howard government


Let me re-phrase that, BOLLOCKS!

The Hollowmen first aired July 2008, 8 months after we were blessed with Kevin 07 - who was so bad, the Labs own hollow men executed their own guy after some detailed programmatic specificity.

QLD, 12337 posts
10 Jul 2011 2:49PM
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log man said...

cisco said...

dinsdale said...
Brazil is waiting right now to slip into our markets.

You better believe that. Go onto ABC/iview and see the recent Foreign Correspondant article.

Brazil is predicted to become the 5th largest economy of the world in a few brief years.

If Australia does not get it's wits about it soon, it will get owned if that has not happened already.

So Cisco ,what your saying is the stand we made to get the abbatoirs up to standard is wrong and we should have done nothing because then the Indo's will go somewhere else to buy beef?

Don't know how you got to that one but there you go again trying to read my mind.

I am not saying anything like that.

What I will say is that like several others here I don't believe the 4 corners story was anywhere near the whole truth and was used by somebody to push an agenda.

Further, the Gilly (Dilly) government's reaction was total knee jerk and as free from brains as a frog is feathers.

The Australian electorate sat on the fence at the last election and we ended up with a weak government no matter which side got the fringe dwellers' support.

Social and moral ethics are important but should not override economic common sense.

WA, 1305 posts
10 Jul 2011 1:05PM
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as free from brains as a frog is feathers

Can I use that sometime mate

QLD, 12337 posts
10 Jul 2011 3:26PM
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Yes, along with this government has as much grip on reality as a dog on lino!!

Edit:- BTW where did you find the cool avatar of Vibes?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2011 3:42PM
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Pugwash said...

log man said...
I think you'll find that hollowmen was written in the time of the most excellent Howard government.... ahhh it doesn't matter Gillard is responsible for the Howard government


Let me re-phrase that, BOLLOCKS!

The Hollowmen first aired July 2008, 8 months after we were blessed with Kevin 07 - who was so bad, the Labs own hollow men executed their own guy after some detailed programmatic specificity.

Your right , I'm dead wrong


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gillard govt lifts ban on live exports??" started by Hiko