^^^Nice rant
Just a few points:
Woohoo!! That sure livened things up.
James, you purposely take parts of my statements completely out of context - the context of the discussion about illegal immigrants and out of the context of my rant. Read what I said, in context, then come back with some answers to it or something constructive.
To all, of course Islam must be central to the discussion, because the vast, vast majority of all the illegals, both here and overseas are muslim, and Islam is at the center of all the problems. ALL global terrorism is muslim. Muslim terrorism began long before The coalition forces began dropping bombs in the middle east. It was japie (not James - I apologize) who said, "Poverty breeds discontent, people flee and they want to come here. When they do it serves a double purpose in that it keeps seemingly intelligent people from looking at the root cause." Said poverty is prevalent all over the world, but only poor muslims want to kill people. NO OTHER RELIGION on Earth is out there slaughtering any one who dares to question them. And no-one should kid themselves that it's not about Islam, when they produce videos telling us it is, when they shout "Allahu Akbar" as they blow innocents to smitherines and when they march in the streets (Europe, UK, USA) with placards proclaiming loudly that it is.
The problems with this whole illegal immigrant thing here in Oz, as in other western nations, eventually comes down to the incompatibility of Islam within a civilized, secular western nation.
"Have none of you heard of the Muslim doctrine Al-Taqiyah? "
Please, read this and learn! Or, if you wish simply Google the term (Al-Taqiyah). and try a link of your choosing - all the ones that I've tried say pretty much the same thing. Al-Taqiyah is a real, used muslim doctrine.
Islam is an ideology which is probably the most evil yet devised. Various historians credit Islam with more dead bodies than even Stalin's 80 odd million. Hitler was no more than a babe in the woods compared to the real pros, Stalin and Mao, and Islam has a pile of deadens equal to their combined total and we actually argue about whether or not we should be allowing it to take root in our country.
In summary, why should we care about all these illegal immigrants coming to our country?
Because they're overwhelmingly muslim, they bring Islam with them, and Islam is trouble wherever it goes.
Any'ow, that's me done on this topic. Relax now
Cheers all
No enemies here dinsdale... That's the good thing about the SB crew.
The different opinions are always interesting to read...
In case anyone is interested (logman look away now) ...
If you don't think these sites are reliable enough, Google is your friend.
As you know we run a friendly open vibrant community, however of subjects we don't cater for is religious debate. There are many forums where you can pursue this...
Seabreeze should be part of your antidote to stress, not add to it.