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Give 800 take 4000

Created by felixdcat > 9 months ago, 9 May 2011
This topic has been locked
WA, 7674 posts
10 May 2011 1:56PM
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^^^Nice rant

Just a few points:

dinsdale said...
Then the "colonial" powers moved in and began to rape the resources, as you suggest.

I don't recall writing anything about raping resources - just bombing counties with oil.

Don't give me any sop about all the poverty either.

Sop? Where?

So please, don't dribble on about the west causing all their poverty - they do that for themselves far better than we could, and they have done for millennia.

Don't recall anyone claiming poverty is some parts of the world was related to action of the "west".

The bombs, the poverty and Islam are not necessarily related - at least not in the simplistic way you propose

The remark was tongue in cheek - and it is fact.

So, back to the comments from japie and Little Jon, which were about poverty and bombing... I will stick with this:

dinsdale said...

Little Jon said...

japie said...
Poverty breeds discontent, people flee and they want to come here. When they do it serves a double purpose in that it keeps seemingly intelligent people from looking at the root cause.

Wake up folks!

Stop the bombs and you will stop most refugees. we used to get lots of Iraqis, now were get Afgans and I read there is now more the 250k Lybians so how many of the Lybians should we accept?

Hmmmm. Neither of you know much about Islam then, do you.

The bombs, the poverty and Islam are not necessarily related - at least not in the simplistic way (Pugsie) proposes

The point of all this - what does the comment regarding Islam have to do with comments on poverty and bombing leading to people choosing to emigrate

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2011 1:59PM
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( ! ) Butscratcher, butscratcher get your butscratchers!!

NSW, 176 posts
10 May 2011 4:04PM
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dinsdale said...

Pugwash said...

dinsdale said...
Hmmmm. Neither of you know much about Islam then, do you.

Please share your superior knowledge dinsdale...

I am curious how comments regarding poverty and having bombs dropped on you are related to Islam...

Actually... This may be obvious - If you come from the good ol' United States, you drop bombs on people who are poor and are of Islamic faith Especially if they live in a country with loads of oil

Firstly (and an extremely brief synopsis), the oil riches were there before the bombs. Then the "colonial" powers moved in and began to rape the resources, as you suggest. However, for the most part that changed many years ago. Look, for example, at Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Libya, Iran and many more. I'm quite certain that you don't pretend that the oil rich countries of the middle east aren't swimming in riches, brought about by their oil sales. Don't give me any sop about all the poverty either. India is likewise an extremely rich nation. Their poverty, like the middle east's poverty. exists because of their religious beliefs/system. The rich are rich beyond imagination, and the poor, likewise. So please, don't dribble on about the west causing all their poverty - they do that for themselves far better than we could, and they have done for millennia. The bombs, the poverty and Islam are not necessarily related - at least not in the simplistic way you propose. The terror started decades before the bombs first dropped, and the poverty has been there for millennia.

There are myriad impoverished nations around the world. Name all the non-muslim ones causing global terror - any type of terror for that matter. There must be some out there, but I can't think of any.

You really, really won't like this, but the west became wealthy and civilized because of its religious/beliefs/foundations too - Judeo/Christian! Yes, we're becoming rapidly less and less civilized , but I contend that that's a result of moving rapidly away from those Judeo/Christian roots into the mire of secular moral relativism. That's another topic for another day.

As an aside, now that the Tamil Tigers have been squashed (and I'm not commenting on whether or not I agreed with the way it was done) and the IRA has calmed down, please name me one "terrorist" group that is not Muslim. Don't anyone dribble on me any rubbish about the Yanks being the terrorists.

As for Islam, in reality it's far less a religion than it is a political ideology - an extremely dictatorial ideology. Rather than me reinventing the wheel have a good in depth read of a couple of these sites first, then come back to this post and continue on .... (particularly the "About Islam" link)
or even read the Quran for yourself.
There are so many resources out there I'm surprised you missed them all.

Back to our poor impoverished uninvited immigrants. Some of them, I am fully convinced are genuine refugees, fleeing massive injustice, horror, war, violence and any other superlatives you can find in that context. BUT, they're running from Islam, (and sharia) because Islam is the cause of the violence and horror etc. In general, they're not running from what the coalition forces are doing there (whether or not you agree with what the coalition forces are doing there is utterly irrelevant in this context). I sincerely wish there was a way to weed them out from the rest, but alas and alac, they all have their papers destroyed. If I was a genuine refugee I'd want some way to prove it!

Many of them are coming here (and every other western nation) for a far more sinister purpose. Have you had a bit of a look at what's happening all over Europe and the UK? Do really think we're immune to all that? Islam has a purpose, and it's setting about that purpose now! "Well, what about the majority of peace loving muslims?" you ask. When I see peace loving muslims marching in the streets in countries all over the world, protesting about the mongrels who have hijacked their peaceful religion I'll believe. Until then, the vast majority of muslims, whilst not actually out there killing people, agree with what their "brothers" are doing - and I'm right! Islam has NOT been hijacked - it's just starting to show its true self. As I asked in an earlier post, "Have none of you heard of the Muslim doctrine Al-Taqiyah? " Google is your friend!

In reality, this subject is far too big for this forum, so I'd suggest that you do a little study and research into Islam and its many facets for yourself. I've given you some good places to begin, and each of those has loads of links to continue. Bear in mind that our mainstream media (msm) tells almost nothing of what's actually happening in the world. That's how so many conspiracy theories seem to be invented I believe. We know we're not being told what's happening, so it's only natural for people to try to fill in the blanks for themselves.

Any'ow, mine isn't superior knowledge - it's common knowledge, to those who do study Islam and it's place in the world today. Oh, and before I forget, kiteboy dave, you're right, but there are categories of illegals too. Some more innocuous than others. Some, many, most arrive here, blend in, work and probably eventually integrate into Oz society/culture. Their progeny may well become upright Oz citizens. The Muslim experience, around the world is exactly the opposite. There have been studies undertaken in Britain revealing that 2nd and 3rd generation muzzies (from immigrant parents) are more radical than their forebears. They don't integrate! In general (though not exclusively I must admit) the Muslim ones are to be avoided - at all cost!

Every time I read through my diatribe I add more bits, so it's time call it it quits now and allow myself to be crucified.

ps I don't necessarily agree with having western armed forces in the middle east.

dinsdale that was nail on the head commonsense i applaud your mini essay enlightening the less educated persons making comment.
top of the class mate well done.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
10 May 2011 2:28PM
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dinsdale said...


Its all ****ed up if you ask me.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 May 2011 6:05PM
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dinsdale said...

Pugwash said...

dinsdale said...
Hmmmm. Neither of you know much about Islam then, do you.

Please share your superior knowledge dinsdale...

I am curious how comments regarding poverty and having bombs dropped on you are related to Islam...

Actually... This may be obvious - If you come from the good ol' United States, you drop bombs on people who are poor and are of Islamic faith Especially if they live in a country with loads of oil

Firstly (and an extremely brief synopsis), the oil riches were there before the bombs. Then the "colonial" powers moved in and began to rape the resources, as you suggest. However, for the most part that changed many years ago. Look, for example, at Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Libya, Iran and many more. I'm quite certain that you don't pretend that the oil rich countries of the middle east aren't swimming in riches, brought about by their oil sales. Don't give me any sop about all the poverty either. India is likewise an extremely rich nation. Their poverty, like the middle east's poverty. exists because of their religious beliefs/system. The rich are rich beyond imagination, and the poor, likewise. So please, don't dribble on about the west causing all their poverty - they do that for themselves far better than we could, and they have done for millennia. The bombs, the poverty and Islam are not necessarily related - at least not in the simplistic way you propose. The terror started decades before the bombs first dropped, and the poverty has been there for millennia.

There are myriad impoverished nations around the world. Name all the non-muslim ones causing global terror - any type of terror for that matter. There must be some out there, but I can't think of any.

You really, really won't like this, but the west became wealthy and civilized because of its religious/beliefs/foundations too - Judeo/Christian! Yes, we're becoming rapidly less and less civilized , but I contend that that's a result of moving rapidly away from those Judeo/Christian roots into the mire of secular moral relativism. That's another topic for another day.

As an aside, now that the Tamil Tigers have been squashed (and I'm not commenting on whether or not I agreed with the way it was done) and the IRA has calmed down, please name me one "terrorist" group that is not Muslim. Don't anyone dribble on me any rubbish about the Yanks being the terrorists.

As for Islam, in reality it's far less a religion than it is a political ideology - an extremely dictatorial ideology. Rather than me reinventing the wheel have a good in depth read of a couple of these sites first, then come back to this post and continue on .... (particularly the "About Islam" link)
or even read the Quran for yourself.
There are so many resources out there I'm surprised you missed them all.

Back to our poor impoverished uninvited immigrants. Some of them, I am fully convinced are genuine refugees, fleeing massive injustice, horror, war, violence and any other superlatives you can find in that context. BUT, they're running from Islam, (and sharia) because Islam is the cause of the violence and horror etc. In general, they're not running from what the coalition forces are doing there (whether or not you agree with what the coalition forces are doing there is utterly irrelevant in this context). I sincerely wish there was a way to weed them out from the rest, but alas and alac, they all have their papers destroyed. If I was a genuine refugee I'd want some way to prove it!

Many of them are coming here (and every other western nation) for a far more sinister purpose. Have you had a bit of a look at what's happening all over Europe and the UK? Do really think we're immune to all that? Islam has a purpose, and it's setting about that purpose now! "Well, what about the majority of peace loving muslims?" you ask. When I see peace loving muslims marching in the streets in countries all over the world, protesting about the mongrels who have hijacked their peaceful religion I'll believe. Until then, the vast majority of muslims, whilst not actually out there killing people, agree with what their "brothers" are doing - and I'm right! Islam has NOT been hijacked - it's just starting to show its true self. As I asked in an earlier post, "Have none of you heard of the Muslim doctrine Al-Taqiyah? " Google is your friend!

In reality, this subject is far too big for this forum, so I'd suggest that you do a little study and research into Islam and its many facets for yourself. I've given you some good places to begin, and each of those has loads of links to continue. Bear in mind that our mainstream media (msm) tells almost nothing of what's actually happening in the world. That's how so many conspiracy theories seem to be invented I believe. We know we're not being told what's happening, so it's only natural for people to try to fill in the blanks for themselves.

Any'ow, mine isn't superior knowledge - it's common knowledge, to those who do study Islam and it's place in the world today. Oh, and before I forget, kiteboy dave, you're right, but there are categories of illegals too. Some more innocuous than others. Some, many, most arrive here, blend in, work and probably eventually integrate into Oz society/culture. Their progeny may well become upright Oz citizens. The Muslim experience, around the world is exactly the opposite. There have been studies undertaken in Britain revealing that 2nd and 3rd generation muzzies (from immigrant parents) are more radical than their forebears. They don't integrate! In general (though not exclusively I must admit) the Muslim ones are to be avoided - at all cost!

Every time I read through my diatribe I add more bits, so it's time call it it quits now and allow myself to be crucified.

ps I don't necessarily agree with having western armed forces in the middle east.

Wow, this is one of those posts that is far more interesting if you read between the lines. The content is the usual, "look out it's the Muslims" stuff. But between the lines is another one of those "I've got a real thing about Muslims,foreigners,(people of colour) Invaders, other cultures etc deals. Then the great search starts, the desire to find "the REAL truth" and it's always the selective search of information that will turn up one gem that can support the theory.

Mark _australia
WA, 22862 posts
10 May 2011 4:17PM
Thumbs Up

log man said...

dinsdale said...

Pugwash said...

dinsdale said...
Hmmmm. Neither of you know much about Islam then, do you.

Please share your superior knowledge dinsdale...

I am curious how comments regarding poverty and having bombs dropped on you are related to Islam...

Actually... This may be obvious - If you come from the good ol' United States, you drop bombs on people who are poor and are of Islamic faith Especially if they live in a country with loads of oil

Firstly (and an extremely brief synopsis), the oil riches were there before the bombs. <snip> ps I don't necessarily agree with having western armed forces in the middle east.

Wow, this is one of those posts that is far more interesting if you read between the lines. The content is the usual, "look out it's the Muslims" stuff. But between the lines is another one of those "I've got a real thing about Muslims,foreigners,(people of colour) Invaders, other cultures etc deals. Then the great search starts, the desire to find "the REAL truth" and it's always the selective search of information that will turn up one gem that can support the theory.

Why read between the lines? How about just what he actually wrote?
I love how you talk about others selective search for info, but you talk about reading between the lines (ie adding your own slant to his post).. Strikes me as a bit incosnistent (selective? )

WA, 4642 posts
10 May 2011 5:08PM
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log man said...
Wow, this is one of those posts that is far more interesting if you read between the lines. The content is the usual, "look out it's the Muslims" stuff. But between the lines is another one of those "I've got a real thing about Muslims,foreigners,(people of colour) Invaders, other cultures etc deals. Then the great search starts, the desire to find "the REAL truth" and it's always the selective search of information that will turn up one gem that can support the theory.

OMIGOSH! another morman! They're everywhere!
That is exactly what they said to me when I pointed out that what they were trying to get me to believe was completely contrary to what is clearly written in the scriptures.
Their answer was to "read between the lines" and to "listen to what my heart told me".
Both of these are bad advice and neither will bring you any closer to the facts of a matter.
If you want to know exactly what something means then be content to read what the words say.

People that make a habit of reading between the lines usually end up reading whatever they want to read. And that will usually be rubbish.

WA, 1227 posts
10 May 2011 5:56PM
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Woohoo!! That sure livened things up.

James, you purposely take parts of my statements completely out of context - the context of the discussion about illegal immigrants and out of the context of my rant. Read what I said, in context, then come back with some answers to it or something constructive.

To all, of course Islam must be central to the discussion, because the vast, vast majority of all the illegals, both here and overseas are muslim, and Islam is at the center of all the problems. ALL global terrorism is muslim. Muslim terrorism began long before The coalition forces began dropping bombs in the middle east. It was japie (not James - I apologize) who said, "Poverty breeds discontent, people flee and they want to come here. When they do it serves a double purpose in that it keeps seemingly intelligent people from looking at the root cause." Said poverty is prevalent all over the world, but only poor muslims want to kill people. NO OTHER RELIGION on Earth is out there slaughtering any one who dares to question them. And no-one should kid themselves that it's not about Islam, when they produce videos telling us it is, when they shout "Allahu Akbar" as they blow innocents to smitherines and when they march in the streets (Europe, UK, USA) with placards proclaiming loudly that it is.

The problems with this whole illegal immigrant thing here in Oz, as in other western nations, eventually comes down to the incompatibility of Islam within a civilized, secular western nation.

"Have none of you heard of the Muslim doctrine Al-Taqiyah? "
Please, read this and learn! Or, if you wish simply Google the term (Al-Taqiyah). and try a link of your choosing - all the ones that I've tried say pretty much the same thing. Al-Taqiyah is a real, used muslim doctrine.

Islam is an ideology which is probably the most evil yet devised. Various historians credit Islam with more dead bodies than even Stalin's 80 odd million. Hitler was no more than a babe in the woods compared to the real pros, Stalin and Mao, and Islam has a pile of deadens equal to their combined total and we actually argue about whether or not we should be allowing it to take root in our country.

In summary, why should we care about all these illegal immigrants coming to our country?
Because they're overwhelmingly muslim, they bring Islam with them, and Islam is trouble wherever it goes.
Any'ow, that's me done on this topic. Relax now

Cheers all


WA, 7674 posts
10 May 2011 6:33PM
Thumbs Up

dinsdale said...

Woohoo!! That sure livened things up.

James, you purposely take parts of my statements completely out of context - the context of the discussion about illegal immigrants and out of the context of my rant. Read what I said, in context, then come back with some answers to it or something constructive.

I liked your rant... I may not agree with it all, but it was a good explanation!

Me - take things out of context

I'm glad to see a lively discussion!

BTW - tonight is budget night... which should be a real hoot

WA, 1227 posts
10 May 2011 7:16PM
Thumbs Up

Pugwash said...
I liked your rant... I may not agree with it all, but it was a good explanation!

Me - take things out of context

I'm glad to see a lively discussion!

BTW - tonight is budget night... which should be a real hoot

Thanx for that. I don't really like making enemies (not with 1.3 billion of them out there in Islam land ). I think I might have misunderstood some of what you said.

Yep, looking for some lively debate once the budgets out

Cheers, and thanx again.

QLD, 12352 posts
10 May 2011 9:24PM
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dinsdale +2

WA, 7674 posts
10 May 2011 7:35PM
Thumbs Up

No enemies here dinsdale... That's the good thing about the SB crew.

The different opinions are always interesting to read...

VIC, 8 posts
11 May 2011 12:44AM
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dinsdale said...

Woohoo!! That sure livened things up.

James, you purposely take parts of my statements completely out of context - the context of the discussion about illegal immigrants and out of the context of my rant. Read what I said, in context, then come back with some answers to it or something constructive.

To all, of course Islam must be central to the discussion, because the vast, vast majority of all the illegals, both here and overseas are muslim, and Islam is at the center of all the problems. ALL global terrorism is muslim. Muslim terrorism began long before The coalition forces began dropping bombs in the middle east. It was japie (not James - I apologize) who said, "Poverty breeds discontent, people flee and they want to come here. When they do it serves a double purpose in that it keeps seemingly intelligent people from looking at the root cause." Said poverty is prevalent all over the world, but only poor muslims want to kill people. NO OTHER RELIGION on Earth is out there slaughtering any one who dares to question them. And no-one should kid themselves that it's not about Islam, when they produce videos telling us it is, when they shout "Allahu Akbar" as they blow innocents to smitherines and when they march in the streets (Europe, UK, USA) with placards proclaiming loudly that it is.

The problems with this whole illegal immigrant thing here in Oz, as in other western nations, eventually comes down to the incompatibility of Islam within a civilized, secular western nation.

"Have none of you heard of the Muslim doctrine Al-Taqiyah? "
Please, read this and learn! Or, if you wish simply Google the term (Al-Taqiyah). and try a link of your choosing - all the ones that I've tried say pretty much the same thing. Al-Taqiyah is a real, used muslim doctrine.

Islam is an ideology which is probably the most evil yet devised. Various historians credit Islam with more dead bodies than even Stalin's 80 odd million. Hitler was no more than a babe in the woods compared to the real pros, Stalin and Mao, and Islam has a pile of deadens equal to their combined total and we actually argue about whether or not we should be allowing it to take root in our country.

In summary, why should we care about all these illegal immigrants coming to our country?
Because they're overwhelmingly muslim, they bring Islam with them, and Islam is trouble wherever it goes.
Any'ow, that's me done on this topic. Relax now

Cheers all


Remarkable, I disagree with every single line of that. Really! Ok from the top then......"illegals".....No (again)they're claiming refugee status....under the UN convention we signed it is not "Illegal". Yes Islam is at the centre of this .......because wars are being fought in countries in the mid east..... wars make refugees. Up until last year a large number of our Refugees came from Sri lanka, yep civil war, and pretty soon refugees will be coming from Libya after the uprising. 40 years ago refugees were coming from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and people were saying those people won't assimilate. It was wrong then and it is wrong now. NEXT....Islam has no place in a civilized society....bollocks, does the USA count. Al Tagiyah......Mate have you heard of the Catholic church?, The crusades, the "born again" movement.... have you heard of Christianity?When it comes to indoctrination,torture,religious wars,the destruction of civilizations Muzzies are running a long second place to Christianity!Totaling the numbers of dead from Muslim/ Christian wars(if we really have to) YOU HAVE GOT TO BE BARKING MAD if you think Islam is responsible for more deaths than Christianity. OK I'll shut up, cause it's kind of pointless, sad and pointless. Sad because of whats between the lines. Thinly veiled bigotry,prejudice,xenophobia and inhumanity.

WA, 1227 posts
10 May 2011 11:33PM
Thumbs Up

LOGMAN said...
Mate have you heard of the Catholic church?, The crusades, the "born again" movement.... have you heard of Christianity?When it comes to indoctrination,torture,religious wars,the destruction of civilizations Muzzies are running a long second place to Christianity!Totaling the numbers of dead from Muslim/ Christian wars(if we really have to) YOU HAVE GOT TO BE BARKING MAD if you think Islam is responsible for more deaths than Christianity. OK I'll shut up, cause it's kind of pointless, sad and pointless. Sad because of whats between the lines. Thinly veiled bigotry,prejudice,xenophobia and inhumanity.

Wow!! Your ignorance is breathtaking. The very least you could have done is read up on the topic so that you wouldn't have to resort to such unmitigated ad hominem vitriol. A old wise friend of mine (now deceased unfortunately) once said, "You can argue with almost anything in this world, but you can't argue with ignorance." I have no argument for you.

Have a nice life.

WA, 4642 posts
11 May 2011 12:06AM
Thumbs Up

LOGMAN said...
Mate have you heard of the Catholic church?, The crusades, the "born again" movement.... have you heard of Christianity?

I've heard of all those but I've never heard of any of them strapping explosives onto their children and filling their minds so full of baloney that they see blowing themselves up in the midst of a group of innocent bystanders as the way to bring them great rewards in an afterlife.

And really,.. can't you find anything a bit more recent than the crusades??
They were nearly 800 years ago.
I know lots of bad stuff went down then but how long can you hold a grudge??

You see the problem is, some societies haven't moved past that sort of thing and I don't see why we should have to be dragged through it again. Not by catholics, not by born agains, and certainly not by muzzies as you call them.

Oh,.. and incidentally, since you quote the crusades, they were also largely a war between christians and muslims to remove muslims from the holy land since they had previously taken it over by some sort of earlier immigration scheme.
"The koran or the sword" was the war cry back then. The previous inhabitants had the option of either accepting islam or getting run through with the sword.
I was a convincing argument and they got a lot of converts with that policy.

You probably shouldn't quote the crusades to back up your point.

WA, 1227 posts
11 May 2011 12:51AM
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In case anyone is interested (logman look away now) ...

If you don't think these sites are reliable enough, Google is your friend.

WA, 3856 posts
11 May 2011 8:50AM
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As you know we run a friendly open vibrant community, however of subjects we don't cater for is religious debate. There are many forums where you can pursue this...

Seabreeze should be part of your antidote to stress, not add to it.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Give 800 take 4000" started by felixdcat