The way I see it, wanting to rule over others is as natural as gravity. World domination is in our genes and the real oldest profession.
There is definitely an active group right now trying to, and by and large succeeding in creating a world order where they dictate policy.
Not granular policy, general policy.
I've been following their movements of this group for well over a decade.
Accurately predicting the future is essentially impossible, but given a number a variables it is possible to render a trend... the accuracy of which only time will tell.
We're in a fairly critical phase.
They've established/bought governing groups... even in Africa with the African Union.
They've limited our ability to resist their changes.
They've achieved the "flattening" of the world to an extent.
They've built up their asset reserves with the last "credit crunch".
And now comes the "domino".
Every market economy system based on debt has been lined up to fail when a key piece is toppled.
By fail I mean the economy and its current way of measuring success, "growth".
They didn't get China to float its currency, but the show must go on.
When the key piece is toppled, the 1st layer is trigger to collapse... credit.
There will be no credit... "debt" available and completely irrational exchange rates.
The solution has already been proposed... monetary and fiscal union. Central banks will lend to who ever needs the liquidity at fixed exchange rates.
Union will obviously require the adoption of standardized policies.
Should this stage fail, the stagnation will quickly degrade to low scale conflict to direct the citizens anger away from the local governments, and then I assume escalate.
The escalation will inevitably lead to demoralization and the same group will again bring the factions together.
I don't want to delve too deep in to the future, as everyone who does, tends to unwittingly help mould it. And right now I feel a lot of my thoughts are being shaped by both the alternative and popular media.
On a basic level I think societies should be based on love. Using the word love seems to have turned in to something lame, something of a bygone era, flower power laadidaa... but why?
Love for our fellow people, love for our animals, love for our planet... Yep, even love for Loggy and Soggy.
Love comes from the heart up, not dictated from the top down.
Maybe resisting the urges of your genes and instead loving, is a nice way forwards.
I know those hippy communes quickly disappeared after the criminalisation of weed, and other psycho actives... but they may have been on to something.
Fly, that is one of your best posts yet.
Only I disagree with "The way I see it, wanting to rule over others is as natural as gravity. World domination is in our genes and the real oldest profession.".
The only time primitive people come into serious conflict with their neighbours is when there is scarcity of resources, which interestingly is the basic origin of money. Primitive tribes generally have a very sophisticated structure and though they may be led by an individual there is generally a counsel of elders. Folk that rely entirely on the environment to survive develope incredible skills, least of which is maintaining harmony within the group by modifying behaviour on a personal level for the groups benefit.
A Julia Gillard or a Tony Abbot would find themselves on a very low footing and would have to modify their behaviour significantly in order to survive were they to find themselves and all their mates miraculously transferred to the Amazon. Sociopaths and pychopaths and any with loose conscience have no place in a successful society.
Otherwise spot on mate!
japie: everybody doesn't have the urge to rule over others, but I think man unlike other animals, is a very social mammal with quite defined hierarchies.
A lot of our cognitive capacity is geared towards influencing/participating in our social networks... this is done subconsciously in most cases.
If you create a professional association are you being passive or active in your leading... what if this association has a rule? You're creating a construct which people follow.
Take this forum... there are rules and people who enforce them.
The difference from running a forum to running the world is perspective.
Again, the way I see it.
For anyone who doubts the intent to create a One World Government - New World Order, maybe you should switch on the telly to the mainstream media and listen to them talking about it.
It never eases to amaze me how people can do some sort of psyops on themselves and deny the truth.
you know.....the sun doesn't come up in the morning when it clearly does,the earth is NOT stationary...yes folks, it really is stationary,pumping industrial waste into our reservoirs not bad,etc,etc.
"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched."
-- George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter
Heyyyyy.... maybe that's what Obama meant? Maybe he was going to nick down to the supermarket for some bread and packet of World Domination to have for lunch?
You know the REALLY astounding thing in all of this ........ on a forum of , I don't know , maybe 50 regular posters that there's maybe 6 regular contributors that are totally open to this sort of stuff.
OK so where does it come from, I mean the desire to participate in these Crazy, zany, off the wall ideas. Sure its egotistical but people who are outwardly completely normal functioning peeps also believe the US government are testing the bodies of UFO survivors after they crashed in area 52 or secret cabals of JEWS tinkering with the worlds economies or the British royal family being secret reptiles, 9/11, NWO etc etc yet these same people are allowed to operate heavy machinery, drive cars with the rest of us. There's a thought maybe the should be dedicated "conspiracy theorist" lanes on freeways so we can all be safe.Wow awesome vid FL must have taken years with all those edits. But, that aside how weird that we always come back to 9/11, its like the way no one is interested in science but everyone is an expert on global warming. Personally, I don't know but for me experts get precedence and if you've got a theory that defeats the accepted wisdom the go for it, if you win then i'm right there............. but the alternatives, the theories put forward by FL,JP,peter, etc don't hold water. How strange when you've got a theory that is clearly on the fringes of the mainstream(the US gov. destroyed the WTC to make JEWS rich or something), and come, on can we just accept that that is not a common view, that being called a denier is a little rich when the denialism is clearly on the other side of the argument.
It's like at school when you would bully that poor unwitting little bastard with a small head in "D" class and yell out " hey Cripps you little pinhead" and all Cripps would come back with was........ " no you're the pinhead".......followed by an uncomfortable silence. I was clearly NOT a pinhead( I sported a superb mullet at the time) and the whole confrontation made me feel very unsatisfied. It's the kind of argument that makes no bloody sense at all. Being accused of being a denialist by a denier is well freaky.people in general are too scared of a Paradigm shift.
accepting it was a inside job,well that is acceptance that their schooling,uni,media are a part fraud....a step too far for most.
imagine getting top marks in history to find later you achieved top marks in a fraud....history as we are told it, is close to a complete fraud.
watched doc last night about harmful effects of fluoride linking it to kidney and bone disease.
my mum,very large tea tap drinker suffers from both....coincidence?
anyway, today tried to get her to drink Pureau filtered water.
reply,i watched that on television it's all a lot of sh/t.
the ''experts'' on television,you just can't beat the quantity and quality of brainwashing by the ''suits.''
way too hard to beat,they have us in a vice like grip [matrix] of unbelievable magnitude.
my mum takes her cocktail of big pharma drugs nightly,perhaps a pharma lobotomy is the main reason for our inability to wake up!
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” – Aldous Huxley
About the only thing I find surprising in any of this lot is that the thread hasn't been locked yet.
But today, flu is better. I might even be able to do some work on my new tiller! Woohoo!
^^^ Funny that. Would seem rather silly to lock one of the few threads that goes beyond one page, the discussion is lively and not too much dung gets flung.
If somebody gets tired of a subject they are quite welcome to move on to another thread.