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Goodbye to my 4 legged friend

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 13 Mar 2012
3777 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:19PM
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Molly the golden retriever says thank you to all the Kite-surfers she chaced windsurfers sails she walked on & fisherman's bait she tried to retrieve , all the wonderful dogs she met and played with on the beaches in Western Australia Unfortunately the pain has become to much i need to be put to sleep because i have cartilage

Please remember me for the good times and i love the beach and everyone i made smile.

Life is just as beautiful as before and much more so in other areas of my life. I continue to grow and prosper in the blessing of today to make way for a better tomorrow. I still have my struggles and obstacles to overcome, but in the overcoming of such obstacles, a greater joy in living is produced. Without struggle there can be no growth I wish only the best that life has to offer for you.
May Gods blessing for you be great and innumerable and struggles few and far between. Take care and God Bless - Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow ..
Loved 4 ever

WA, 947 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:24PM
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I'm very sorry to hear about Molly Buster, loosing a member of the family is always very very hard

6657 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:25PM
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Nice post mate - I hope you can find another hound to get some joy from soon as you can too.
Been 10 years since I did the same and I still can't btw

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
14 Mar 2012 12:31AM
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Onya bustawa, you did her proud. A good friend gone. Condolences to you and your family.

3777 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:39PM
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Our four legged friends don't live for ever or as long as humans. Its just so incrediablly difficult parting with them.

WA, 4564 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:44PM
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Tough loosing your 4 legged mate always unconditional friendship from our little mates. Always remember the good times Buster
Lost me ol 4legged mate a few years back now, still miss him heaps. Cant get another, to tough to loose.
They have a profound affect on our lives.

WA, 83 posts
13 Mar 2012 9:49PM
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Huge huge hugs!

QLD, 6806 posts
14 Mar 2012 12:02AM
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Sincere condolences
I hope she will meet my Monty in dog heaven soon

3777 posts
13 Mar 2012 10:58PM
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Molly And Monty will be best friends Macro Throw that stick in heaven and its 4 legged "friends for life" never forgotten !

WA, 24860 posts
14 Mar 2012 5:10AM
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Sorry to hear your loss Buster,I had the same issue and result with my 14 year old retriever Bear some three years ago.

Great breed

NSW, 2110 posts
14 Mar 2012 8:52AM
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Hey Buster
Sounds like you gave Molly the best life a dog could have, its a heart wrenching thing to put your dog down, but also the kindest when they are in so much pain.
Cheers Boof

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
14 Mar 2012 9:09AM
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Sorry to hear that Buster. I know the huge hole that's left behind, but it does get easier.

WA, 1305 posts
14 Mar 2012 6:33AM
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busterwa said...

Our four legged friends don't live for ever or as long as humans. Its just so incrediablly difficult parting with them.

Lost my mate last year after 12 years , it was damm hard

Chin up mate remember the good times

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
14 Mar 2012 9:50AM
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The beauty of dogs is that they give so much and ask for so little in return.
Just a bowl of food, water and a pat and they give unconditional loyalty and love in return.

Sorry to hear about your loss busterwa

NSW, 893 posts
14 Mar 2012 10:05AM
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Dont mean to hijack your thread Buster.

I buried my little mate "Pepper" yesterday, I share your pain. Found her a nice shady tree to rest under. Sad day.

WA, 15849 posts
14 Mar 2012 8:34AM
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From a big human doggie, my thoughts go out to you and Molly. Its a sad day indeed

The only thing we ever remember about pets is the good times after they are gone

QLD, 1499 posts
14 Mar 2012 1:17PM
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Sorry to hear that

We give our dogs whatever love/time we can spare,
they give us their all!

It's the best deal man even had...

WA, 1089 posts
14 Mar 2012 11:43AM
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We are all put on earth to learn important lessons, like how to have fun, love and forgive.... a dog already knows these things and so does not need to stay that long to learn it.

3777 posts
14 Mar 2012 1:55PM
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Thanks guys she was laid to rest this morning @ 09;00 buried under the shade of he favorite tree

i guess all pet owners have to go through it eventually i think we all become so attached to them !!! means your a good dog owner!!!.

If only people had the same compassion and love as animals the world would be a much friendlier place !!

You should throw a picture up of Pepper stuk .

ill have a beer for all our fallen 4 legged comrades tonight (Pepper Monty and Molly) !
Difficult thing to do i guess you have to acknowledge the pain they are in and make the rational decision that ultimately benefits the dog. (take the pain away)

QLD, 7932 posts
14 Mar 2012 4:17PM
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mate it is a sad day for you. yet be stoked for the wiked times you shared. it is almost a year to the day that Sparticus left our gang for rainbow bridge,he was a week short of 18. still dearly missed. here is a pic of the naughtiest animal in the world,miss you mate and, all the best for ya busterwa

VIC, 1301 posts
14 Mar 2012 11:47PM
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sad news boys, I dread the day...... whoever invented dog years got it all wrong

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
14 Mar 2012 9:33PM
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All our thoughts with you buster.

I dread the day when our best friend and my confidant isn't with us.
She is just fantastic and adored.

Dogs just make the family complete.

Heres a pic of our faithful Ellie.

WA, 2503 posts
14 Mar 2012 9:36PM
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Deepest condolences Buster, losing your best mate sucks arse

WA, 3145 posts
15 Mar 2012 10:07AM
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My family feels your pain Buster & Stuk

3777 posts
15 Mar 2012 12:29PM
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Thanks for the kind words fellas !!!! i had a few beers for the "Dogs of seabreeze"

NSW, 893 posts
15 Mar 2012 4:37PM
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busterwa said...

Thanks for the kind words fellas !!!! i had a few beers for the "Dogs of seabreeze"

Yeah the arvo I buried her I went and sat on the grass next to her and had a beer, few tears to dont mind sayin.

QLD, 3424 posts
15 Mar 2012 3:41PM
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"Girls" and myself are with you

WA, 2371 posts
15 Mar 2012 3:33PM
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Stitch said...

Huge huge hugs!

Nice post


WA, 936 posts
15 Mar 2012 10:25PM
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Happy that Molly brought you a lot of good memories buster. Rest in peace little one

NSW, 517 posts
16 Mar 2012 8:27AM
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been 3 years ,i feel your pain mate

QLD, 538 posts
16 Mar 2012 11:12AM
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Oh Busterwa

we send you so many hugs over your loss of Molly. I feel your heart wrenching and weeping but you know Molly is relieved of all that terrible pain now.

So Much Love from Trace, Natalya, and Saskia......aboard Bad Influence in Queensland


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Goodbye to my 4 legged friend" started by busterwa