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Gopro V Contourroam

Created by Gwendy > 9 months ago, 5 May 2012
SA, 472 posts
5 May 2012 7:58PM
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I'm seriously thinking of investing in a Gopro setup. My son is trying to convice me the Contour arrangement is better.

My knowledge in this technology is limited. Would appreciate the opinions of the tech guru's of SB.

WA, 2519 posts
5 May 2012 6:44PM
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All I can say is my son and 4 of his mates all have the GoPro Hero 2. The footage has been excellent, both land based and in the water... plenty of different modes, and there's heaps of accessories, and from what I have seen I think there's an on-line editing suite.

For what it's worth, his yr 9 media teacher asked him to bring it in - and now he's using it for stop motion movie making...

I have never heard of the Contour Roam...

QLD, 139 posts
5 May 2012 8:46PM
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Been thinking the same, and the gps feature on th contour seems like a good idea, both have HD both 170degree angle, similar battery life I think.

WA, 245 posts
5 May 2012 7:04PM
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I personally would go for the gopro even if it's just because I know the product, I know that lots of people speak highly of it and it gets a LOT of accessories.

SA, 472 posts
5 May 2012 8:51PM
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I've heard a lot of good things about the Gopro and a couple of mates use them.
Never heard of the contour until my son just mentioned it. he reckons its alluminum cased rather than plastic and more compact. Also has a wider angle. They look impressive on their website.

Hoping someone here uses one.

WA, 245 posts
5 May 2012 7:29PM
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hmm yeah now checking out where you can buy both of the cameras and all of their mounts. The contour does actually look really good!

it doesn't allow for a kite or chest mount though, where the gopro does

VIC, 8020 posts
5 May 2012 9:39PM
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Go Pro;
Generally speaking, the footage is technically amateur at best. Depending on your sport, and mounting, it is almost always very "bumpy" and "jerky" on image quality... I have seen a stack of excellent unique footage from Go Pro's, but when mounted on your or your board, the video motion footage is technically average, but it can still be interesting...

Haven't seen too much footage, but from what I've seen I've been impressed.
I would say contour give a more professional finish, with less shakes... perhaps less fish-eye effect... Conceptually, Contour takes in more light / bigger lens, so that ticks some extra boxes too.

Short answer, get both!

There's the new tripod mounted system too... You wear a gps wrist band, and the camera follows you around... That's the one I would consider... Beach security is a minor issue. Dogman in The Sup Forum uses a more primitive version of this... No tracking... He just leaves a camera rolling on a tripod on the beach... Result, more usable footage, and better footage to impress any sponsors...

VIC, 8020 posts
5 May 2012 9:43PM
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NSW, 6451 posts
5 May 2012 10:16PM
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^^^^În that comparison vid, the GoPro looks better than the Contour,

but the vid was probly posted by GoPro

WA, 397 posts
5 May 2012 8:35PM
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also consider Drift Innovations, I looked into this last year and ended up buying Drift HD 170, mainly because it's versatility - you can change all the settings on the camera, check the footage etc. Countour or gopro (at the time) did not have this functionality or full color display.

Used it few times skiing, mountain biking & sailing, happy so far

NSW, 1718 posts
5 May 2012 10:41PM
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*disclaimer I own a Gopro

If you are just going to stick it on the side on an MTB or Moto helemt i'd get the Contour because it's much smaller in front on profile and suits that application very well. If you plan to do absolutely anything else i'd get the Gopro. It's almost bomb proof, waterproof to 100m, has a massive variety of mounts for almost any application which for sheer versatility puts it miles ahead of the contour.

I use mine on my MTB, winsurfer, name it

<< That picture is from GoPro

SA, 7 posts
5 May 2012 11:09PM
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Im Gwendy's son and we will prob be using the camera in the surf/motobike helm/skating/kiting pre much most thing. we have been lookin at the GPS applications in the contour range (contourGPS and freedom +).

Not sure if GoPro have this in any of there cams.

Does anyone know how well the GPS is or is it not worth investing in?

QLD, 1051 posts
5 May 2012 11:55PM
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Have GPro HD - (only consider HD2 if gopro) lots of others on the market too!!

+ v.versatile, hard to kill - indestructibly tough, good battery life, good range of mounts, when in action it is set and forget. It is simple.
- single focus fish eye lense 1:1 so zone of interest is limited (alot of boring stuff when kitesurfing - basically the rider), if U R serious about securing to mounts then hassle working out if on or not i.e. U are most likely to turn on at beginning of session and let it run, fish eye effect can limit what U can get out of photo in editor. Condensation is a hassle if U have forgotten to setup for water / snow environment - invariably in the middle of the case lense!!, any review is after download - (U can get accessory screen now but realistically none of these cameras are designed as tourist type they are for action). There R 2 buttons period. The user interface is a set of abbreviations -
(most negatives have been improved on HD2)

I have yet to use the wrist mount to follow (fairly closely) and film my son riding.

I would like to try the HD2 to test if the higher definition / receptor size gives better resolution - the promo' video looks awesome - but the slick factor is out of my league.
Because of the quality limitations tend to use it less and less for fun, just specific recordings.

The best shots have been hand held or on an extension pole - much steadier. A video on a helmet makes U realise how good your eye/brain handling is - the results are mostly very jerky - U learn to move your head less and eyes more!! The time lapse is better. Had interesting montage effects from time lapse when skiing - not on the slope but walking around in the lifts etc - one set by mistake when went into a mini-mart with it still running.

The image stabilising software I use sets the center of the picture as stabile and moves the frame accordingly - to limit the distraction from the edge of the frame it clips the viewing area - resulting in some better and some rubbish footage.

I have not used the contour - have read reviews very large footprint overlap - each have nifty features. When skiing Contours mostly mounted on side of helmet - this position gives a smoother video - and easier to capture what U R looking at. To use a Contour in serious water environment kiting/windsurfing/wake boarding/surfing would need to buy the waterproof casing.

I would buy the one which gives the highest definition shot.
HD2 > Contour
HD < Contour

GPS?? Adds another dimension - allows movement / time when traced out on PC but otherwise unless racing / plotting regularly would put picture quality way ahead of anything else.


WA, 866 posts
6 May 2012 12:46AM
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Time machine has spat the dummy because I have put too much HD GoPro Hero2 rubbish on the Mac hard drive.

But there are a few nuggets in there !

And I'm not talking bio hazard

....quantity, not quality will overwhelm you.......



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gopro V Contourroam" started by Gwendy