Found this surfing the net....
Just wanted to share...somes great work
(and no I have no idea who he is)
But I would love to hang a few photos in my home
His stuff is defiantly worth a look
his flickr
His profile on flickr
his site
I don't know if this has been posted previously but I just found it whilst looking for something else.
Could be photoshop B/S but either way it gives a perspective of size.
Couldn't find any info re who, what, when or where.....any knowledgeable people out there?
You can throw up whatever you want but only a parent would understand why this is the best photo in the world
Another one I took, this time was climbing in Bulgaria.
And this one a couple of weeks ago, pointing the camera out of my bedroom window. Was very much a quick shot and then will i quickly fumbled around in my drawer for a wider lens the light had gone.
Nice solitude^^^ WA71 took this from Byron lighthouse I remember thinking how much I would love to be on that boat