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Has Romney blown it?

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2012
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 Sep 2012 8:51PM
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Big setback in his campaign the last 24hrs....very damaging one would think. I imagine the democrats will have a field day with the video.

4214 posts
19 Sep 2012 6:59PM
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What's on the vid ? Is it a Rob Lowe type vid ?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 Sep 2012 9:07PM
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Scotty88 said...

What's on the vid ? Is it a Rob Lowe type vid ?

Nothing major just said the following to a bunch of his wealthily benefactors and campaign doners

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney says in one clip first posted on Monday afternoon. "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

He has pretty much polarized the debate straight down the middle whilst polls are close. He needs every possible swing vote he can muster.....But it looks like he has just told almost half of them that they are losers.

WA, 2775 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:07PM
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no- I hear Romney made the mistake of telling the truth about how many potential voters are hooked on govt. handouts (47%?) and that they cannot be expected to vote for a party that will cut the amount of govt. aid they get.

its the old "more bread/ bigger circuses" story again


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 Sep 2012 9:10PM
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sn - I am not disputing or agreeing with him - just pointing out that he might have completely farrrrrked his chances of election to the high office.

NSW, 4188 posts
19 Sep 2012 9:14PM
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Who's Romney?

Doesn't he ride for Slingshot?

WA, 485 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:21PM
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He forgot the large amount of pensioners and war veterans who make up part of the "47%" who probably would have voted for him, and would have to be complete morons to do so now.

WA, 7671 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:48PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

Who's Romney?

Doesn't he ride for Slingshot?

Nope, he rides a Cab.

NSW, 6937 posts
19 Sep 2012 9:52PM
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NSW, 9029 posts
19 Sep 2012 11:12PM
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The Republicans blew it when they nominated Romney. The only Republican candidate who had a chance to win and possibly pull America from the abyss of ruination was Ron Paul.

Paul would have shown how the big government / big business / big war policies of Obama are dragging America towards disaster.

In that video Romney is telling the truth though. It's an election between those who believe in creating wealth and those who think it's the job of the government to redistribute that wealth for their benefit. The beneficiaries would never vote for Romney.

WA, 6415 posts
19 Sep 2012 10:16PM
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Before his election or should that be selection win,Obama said he will withdraw the troops from [illegally invading] Aghanistan,but he did a Gillard or even worse and increased the troop numbers.

But still there is trust in the Political system.

Hold on, go back to watching Today Tonight or the News for more false left/right brainwashing.

WA, 14734 posts
20 Sep 2012 6:47AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Scotty88 said...

What's on the vid ? Is it a Rob Lowe type vid ?

Nothing major just said the following to a bunch of his wealthily benefactors and campaign doners

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney says in one clip first posted on Monday afternoon. "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

He has pretty much polarized the debate straight down the middle whilst polls are close. He needs every possible swing vote he can muster.....But it looks like he has just told almost half of them that they are losers.

How dare he! People that believe they are entitled to health care, food and housing? From the government that they elect?

What is the world coming too!

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Sep 2012 10:42AM
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sn said...

no- I hear Romney made the mistake of telling the truth about how many potential voters are hooked on govt. handouts (47%?) and that they cannot be expected to vote for a party that will cut the amount of govt. aid they get.

its the old "more bread/ bigger circuses" story again


Why is work considered virtuous and not harmful?

WA, 1104 posts
20 Sep 2012 11:10AM
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Wealth is not created it is transferred

Unless you're a creationist

1595 posts
20 Sep 2012 3:24PM
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It's the inconvenient truth, people criticize politicians for lying and spinning the truth yet here we have a candidate being completely clear and truthful.
What you folks don't understand is that only a fraction of that 47% actually vote, here we have poor people, drunks, druggies and ignoramuses making up a significant portion of that 47%, the dregs of society if you will.
Pensioners and war vets in the US vote overwhelmingly Republican.
In the last election there was so much excitement over this young hip guy that would supposedly change everything it mobilized huge numbers of young people and minorities who usually don't vote and don't care, this got him elected. Also there was a lot of voting fraud, illegal alien Mexicans voting, now several key states have passed voter ID laws where you actually have to show a valid ID to vote, imagine that? Some large cities are already showing a significant drop in registered Democrat voters, hmmm?
Also the luster is off after Obama has shown himself to be just another corporate shill who has mismanaged our economy, everything has gone wrong, Afghanistan, Iran, employment, economy etc... I just can't see him winning.

1595 posts
20 Sep 2012 3:26PM
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Not to mention that a significant portion of that 47% are felons and not allowed to vote.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
20 Sep 2012 3:28PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

It's the inconvenient truth, people criticize politicians for lying and spinning the truth yet here we have a candidate being completely clear and truthful.
What you folks don't understand is that only a fraction of that 47% actually vote, here we have poor people, drunks, druggies and ignoramuses making up a significant portion of that 47%, the dregs of society if you will.
Pensioners and war vets in the US vote overwhelmingly Republican.
In the last election there was so much excitement over this young hip guy that would supposedly change everything it mobilized huge numbers of young people and minorities who usually don't vote and don't care, this got him elected. Also there was a lot of voting fraud, illegal alien Mexicans voting, now several key states have passed voter ID laws where you actually have to show a valid ID to vote, imagine that? Some large cities are already showing a significant drop in registered Democrat voters, hmmm?
Also the luster is off after Obama has shown himself to be just another corporate shill who has mismanaged our economy, everything has gone wrong, Afghanistan, Iran, employment, economy etc... I just can't see him winning.

WA, 485 posts
20 Sep 2012 4:42PM
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evlPanda said...

sn said...

no- I hear Romney made the mistake of telling the truth about how many potential voters are hooked on govt. handouts (47%?) and that they cannot be expected to vote for a party that will cut the amount of govt. aid they get.

its the old "more bread/ bigger circuses" story again


Why is work considered virtuous and not harmful?

It all stems back to (mainly) the industrial revolution, when the ruling classes realised that there was tremendous profit to be made by harnessing the labour of the proletariat - and then managed to get the clergy on side to preach the virtues of hard work. The introduction of full time paid work, rather than work enough to just harvest / grow / earn to supply your families immediate needs did NOT coincide with an improvement in quality of life for the workers.

Interestingly few people question this today and are happy to work 40-50 hour weeks when the first couple of hours of labour would be enough to cover our NEEDS (food / basic shelter) and the rest of our time is basically spent earning the means to buy useless **** and keep ourselves occupied.

NSW, 6937 posts
20 Sep 2012 6:50PM
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Here red thumb this as well:

WA, 213 posts
20 Sep 2012 6:59PM
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Stinkin republicans were asleep at the wheel during the GFC

QLD, 12337 posts
20 Sep 2012 11:24PM
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japie said...

Here red thumb this as well:

Nah yaps. You are right on the mark. Serious

VIC, 137 posts
21 Sep 2012 12:49AM
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It all stems back to (mainly) the industrial revolution, when the ruling classes realised that there was tremendous profit to be made by harnessing the labour of the proletariat - and then managed to get the clergy on side to preach the virtues of hard work. The introduction of full time paid work, rather than work enough to just harvest / grow / earn to supply your families immediate needs did NOT coincide with an improvement in quality of life for the workers.

Interestingly few people question this today and are happy to work 40-50 hour weeks when the first couple of hours of labour would be enough to cover our NEEDS (food / basic shelter) and the rest of our time is basically spent earning the means to buy useless **** and keep ourselves occupied.

Without incentive there is no innovation and thus no evolution of society. If we all worked for our needs and our needs only, we wouldn't be making posts on this forum, over the internet, on a computer, at a desk, on a seat, on a floor, in a room, in a house, on a block of land and in Australia for that matter....

WA, 6415 posts
21 Sep 2012 12:08AM
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Few years back were the two candidates not both members of the same secret society?

Bush and Kerry i think it was.

Coincidence of course out of 300 million population,they both just happen to be members of the same secret society.

Yes, i hear you sailhack,giant monolithic coincidences do occur.

It's so secret they can't tell us the real agenda is of course World UN Government.

But first chaos must come.Then the people will demand it [martial law] from their officials.

NSW, 9029 posts
21 Sep 2012 6:53AM
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petermac33 said...

Few years back were the two candidates not both members of the same secret society?

Bush and Kerry i think it was.

Coincidence of course out of 300 million population,they both just happen to be members of the same secret society.

Yes, i hear you sailhack,giant monolithic coincidences do occur.

It's so secret they can't tell us the real agenda is of course World UN Government.

But first chaos must come.Then the people will demand it [martial law] from their officials.

The real agenda isn't world government. The agenda is about loyalty to the gang or party and keeping the money flowing in. For Obama he wants to create a legacy so he can go on $200K speaking engagements after he finishes his second term as president.

I don't think there has been any big consipiricy to stuff the American fiscal system up. Its been millions of wrong decisions over time taken by hundred of thousands of people, taking the easy way out to kick the can down the road rather than making a hard decision.

WA, 6415 posts
21 Sep 2012 5:36AM
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Bush Senior,

Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge.

Been talked about by nearly every head of state including the Pope.

But still Moby you choose to cling to the idea that there is no NWO.

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Sep 2012 10:20AM
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It all stems back to (mainly) the industrial revolution, when the ruling classes realised that there was tremendous profit to be made by harnessing the labour of the proletariat - and then managed to get the clergy on side to preach the virtues of hard work. The introduction of full time paid work, rather than work enough to just harvest / grow / earn to supply your families immediate needs did NOT coincide with an improvement in quality of life for the workers.

Interestingly few people question this today and are happy to work 40-50 hour weeks when the first couple of hours of labour would be enough to cover our NEEDS (food / basic shelter) and the rest of our time is basically spent earning the means to buy useless **** and keep ourselves occupied.

Hurrah for Bertrand Russell!

SailCoothara said...
Without incentive there is no innovation and thus no evolution of society. If we all worked for our needs and our needs only, we wouldn't be making posts on this forum, over the internet, on a computer, at a desk, on a seat, on a floor, in a room, in a house, on a block of land and in Australia for that matter....

But we should question if we are evolving in a good direction. In many countries work is life. Modern, first world countries. What are we working so hard for? To stay ahead? To get ahead? To progress? Of where, of whom, to where? Who really cares?

I know Seabreeze is great for conspiracy theories, but the truth is much, much scarier; There's nobody at the helm!

If we can look back at past society and propose it was so awful, then it stands to reason that future society can look at ours and do the same. And so on, and so on, and so on. Forever. At some point shouldn't we say "enough is enough"? We can make so much more than we need already (see useless ****), let's actually focus on enjoying our lives instead of building for the future that never comes.

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Sep 2012 10:34AM
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I mean take "Capitalism". What, in essence, makes it much different from any other theism? If we just follow its ways everything will work out. You have to have faith in "The Market" as it knows best. We know this because somebody said so in a great book. Don't ever question "The Market" as it's beyond reproach. Priests that study the market tell us about it on television each day. some people even devote their lives to the market, and to them we look to for financial guidance. "The market" decides how much I toil and judges my worth. I give it ~10% of my income. If I work hard I'll have a good retirement/afterlife.

I say the market doesn't exist. The market is dead.


And it's not just Capitalism, you can slot any other theism in the above an it's the same. It goes much, much, muuuuuch deeper than that. It's subtle and it may not even be advisable to see its/your own face, if that's even possible.

My map is breaking up


Who the hell put LSD in my coffee?

WA, 6666 posts
21 Sep 2012 9:05AM
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"Has Romney blown it?"

I thought this thread was going to be about a leaked video showing sexual liasons and stained dresses, and something all american happening in the oval oriface.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
21 Sep 2012 11:11AM
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Americans are going to spend 6 billion dollars choosing their leader this time.

What a monumental waste of money. Their political system is horrendous. Why are we even talking about this - their election isn't for another year and a half!

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Sep 2012 11:41AM
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^ Nah. The money's still there. Its just in different hands now. It hasn't been tipped into the ocean or anything (see panama canal French attempt). It goes around and around and around ...and around.

...never really getting to somewhere it is sorely needed.

WA, 485 posts
21 Sep 2012 9:56AM
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SailCoothara said...

It all stems back to (mainly) the industrial revolution, when the ruling classes realised that there was tremendous profit to be made by harnessing the labour of the proletariat - and then managed to get the clergy on side to preach the virtues of hard work. The introduction of full time paid work, rather than work enough to just harvest / grow / earn to supply your families immediate needs did NOT coincide with an improvement in quality of life for the workers.

Interestingly few people question this today and are happy to work 40-50 hour weeks when the first couple of hours of labour would be enough to cover our NEEDS (food / basic shelter) and the rest of our time is basically spent earning the means to buy useless **** and keep ourselves occupied.

Without incentive there is no innovation and thus no evolution of society. If we all worked for our needs and our needs only, we wouldn't be making posts on this forum, over the internet, on a computer, at a desk, on a seat, on a floor, in a room, in a house, on a block of land and in Australia for that matter....

True - we might just be chatting with our family or neighbours after putting in 4 or 5 hours looking after our little vegie garden and pigs and chickens.
Ok that's probably an oversimplification - but is a world where a significant amount of people work massive hours and don't like their jobs and resent that there is too little time to do the things that matter - but that's ok because we have a 4 bedroom house and 2 cars and a garage full of toys - REALLY progress. Is this what all of out amazing innovations of the last 200 years have produced for us - longer work hours, more stuff, increasing populations and a natural world under pressure.

PS I work a 40 hour week, but it's I'm just not really sure what else to do........


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Has Romney blown it?" started by Ted the Kiwi