Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Here's a different way of using a seabreeze

Created by Mr. No-one > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2009
Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
21 Jun 2009 7:08PM
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I couldn't belive it when I saw this on Utube. It's an aussie guy who's flying a hangglider without a harness or helmet. When it comes to mad, aussies are right up there.
If you've got any other crazy stunts feel free to add 'em

QLD, 7428 posts
21 Jun 2009 10:28PM
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He's a bit young to be living so dangerously.

I think I'll put hang gliding back on my list things to do before I die. I think it would get boring after a few hours but maybe not. Soaring is another one I'd like to go for, and parachuting. God I've led a sheltered life.

I have to say though that that vid of the paraskiing down the Alps was the most amazing bit of fun I've ever seen.

WA, 7608 posts
21 Jun 2009 8:45PM
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That is by far one of the sickest videos I have EVER seen!
You cant get much more hardcore than that!
One slight error and he could have slipped and fallen to his death!
Now that bloke has some big figs or just no brains? Im calling the big figs!
The closest thing to flying hey!?

WA, 1588 posts
21 Jun 2009 10:02PM
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Just got back from 4 day mega tour of the BMX/skate parks in the south west
Two guys stood out one in Bunbury..... Could do just about every trick in the book
And the guy with the chicken hat beanie in Mandurah doing back loops omg

BMX on the ramps is on the rise just don’t stack it as the concert hurts

WA, 1321 posts
21 Jun 2009 10:07PM
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yeh thats really cool stuff!!! how easy does he make it look!

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Jun 2009 10:42AM
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KEARNSY said...

yeh thats really cool stuff!!! how easy does he make it look!

He does make it look easy. ... hmmmm

Who was it that was getting into hang-gliding last year? How is it all going???

1979 posts
22 Jun 2009 9:02AM
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That was pretty cool. I wonder if that guy cracked the schits when he found out someone used a Don Henley song for the clip?

NSW, 4188 posts
22 Jun 2009 11:15AM
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too funny - that clip is ancient! :-)

Is it me or was that filmed at long reef in Sydney?

WA, 4485 posts
22 Jun 2009 11:56AM
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Now there is a guy who knows how to harness the wind.

All fun n games until one slip and then it's 80kgs of hamburger patties do deal with

It takes bigger figs to put up a vid with a Don Henley soundtrack!

VIC, 1395 posts
22 Jun 2009 8:29PM
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i'm not even brave enough to wear those shorts

WA, 7608 posts
22 Jun 2009 9:25PM
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evlPanda said...

Who was it that was getting into hang-gliding last year? How is it all going???

It was Mr No One who started this thread.

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
23 Jun 2009 12:44AM
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Correct, give that penguin a fish.
Yeah, I got my licence last September and am hooked as I was when first learning to windsurf. They say windsurfers make the best HG pilots because they have good weather understanding and know how to correct the sail/wing in wind gusts as you would a sail, makes for a good head start over everyone else.
Yes it was Sydney, should have done a bombie over the water.
Mr.Panda, all is going well. I'm progressing through the skill levels very fast which I have to give sailing a lot of credit for. Here is a couple of pix of my latest (fourth) glider. It's the highest preformance flex wing glider avaliable as used in the world titles that is quite hairy to fly and a relief to land.
With a few more westerlies on the way we'll be flying Dutchies for the next few months so drop in, these guys love to brag about their sport.

j murray
SA, 947 posts
23 Jun 2009 4:42AM
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i think that was the bloke who was ..just standing , looking on, when a wayward kite swooped and carried him away....he didn't want to go. He was high enough at the time, even a, liddle ...bit over the top LOL its a bit like an aircraft with its wheels up , i wonder what was the diameter of his anus, reckon it was pretty small, very tight even [}:)][}:)]

WA, 150 posts
23 Jun 2009 7:30AM
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After receiving many request's for photo's of Mr. No-one gliding (mostly from him!) I've found a few from last winter at Cottesloe. If anyone's intending on going down to Cott to see Mr. No-one be prepared to push through the crowd of groupie's that gather around him!

QLD, 14 posts
23 Jun 2009 10:55AM
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Mr NoOne, just wondering what sort of dollars are required to get into hang gliding...initial training and gear hire, and to buy a glider? Nice video too.

QLD, 1499 posts
23 Jun 2009 6:33PM
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Right at the end of the video you can see he has zinc cream on his nose. Good to see he is being careful out in the sun

NSW, 3075 posts
23 Jun 2009 7:23PM
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Definitely filmed at Long Reef headland. Back in the 80's there were heaps of hang gliders up there in any decent E/nor easter.
Now you cant even slide down the sand hill on cardboard like we used to when kids.
All bush generation, sand stabilisation etc. Probably more likely to get sconned by a golf ball from some nong these days.
Great viewing.

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
23 Jun 2009 10:26PM
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Skid said...

Right at the end of the video you can see he has zinc cream on his nose. Good to see he is being careful out in the sun

respect, good eyes.
Aww,stop it Col your embarrassing me, nice presentation though.
Hey YZed, for me it was $2200 for the pilots licence and I bought all the gear ( glider, harness, helmet, radio, another harness, vario-altimeter, wind socks and tow gear) second hand in good nick for $2000 as a bundle so under 5G's will do it. At the same time I orded a new glider for $5150 as Col has kindly shown above, new ones start from around $4300.
I don't know about hire but the school provides all gear for the 8 to 12 day course. Your in a good place to try it, the worlds number one ranked pilot (no, not me) flys at Conungra HG club, Johnny Durand. is a good site for info which was an aussie site but is now american as the gear for sale will show.
This is the next thing on the shoping list.....
This is one glider rack I got a laugh out of.......

QLD, 6123 posts
24 Jun 2009 11:05AM
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Mr. No-one said...

Correct, give that penguin a fish.
Yeah, I got my licence last September and am hooked as I was when first learning to windsurf. They say windsurfers make the best HG pilots because they have good weather understanding and know how to correct the sail/wing in wind gusts as you would a sail, makes for a good head start over everyone else.
Yes it was Sydney, should have done a bombie over the water.
Mr.Panda, all is going well. I'm progressing through the skill levels very fast which I have to give sailing a lot of credit for. Here is a couple of pix of my latest (fourth) glider. It's the highest preformance flex wing glider avaliable as used in the world titles that is quite hairy to fly and a relief to land.
With a few more westerlies on the way we'll be flying Dutchies for the next few months so drop in, these guys love to brag about their sport.

four gliders in under a year!
thought windsurfing and kiting were gear intensive!
do you have to wait around for wind? what are the best conditions - does it conflict with good sailing conditions? Just how dangerous is it? (with a harness!)

TAS, 2213 posts
24 Jun 2009 5:46PM
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You reckon that's good flying? Check this out - I want this guy to fly every plane I go on!

WA, 93 posts
24 Jun 2009 3:52PM
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That's awesome!

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Jun 2009 7:35PM
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Thats absolutely ASTOUNDING!

WA, 658 posts
24 Jun 2009 7:18PM
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WA, 975 posts
24 Jun 2009 7:56PM
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DL said...


Thank god !

Im with you DL, tis bullash1ta!

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Jun 2009 10:33PM
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DL said...


Oh God yes. (reinserts critical faculties) That's embarrassing.

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
24 Jun 2009 11:58PM
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Heard it's fake but done well.

"four gliders in under a year!
thought windsurfing and kiting were gear intensive!
do you have to wait around for wind? what are the best conditions - does it conflict with good sailing conditions? Just how dangerous is it? (with a harness!)"

The first glider I wrote off years ago on the first fly. I tried teaching myself but had a bad instructor , done it properly this time. The big red one was to learn on. The 2000 buck one I bought for the equipment ,it's small for me but now I use it on the windy days. The high proformance topless (no kingpost) popped up earlier than intended but couldn't pass up the offer.
Most people buy a novice wing and fly it for a year or two then an intermediate for the same time or more. If their still keen they buy a topless after about three years or so. The majority travel around with only one glider which covers all flying conditions, I just got greedy.
If you are towed up behind a car, ultra light or using a powered harness wind is not needed. Once your up, find a thermal and stay up for hours.
If flying from coastal sites such as on the the first post Utube or duchies, 10 to 20 knots onshore is ideal (onshore for flying, sideshore for sailing) so there's no conflict.
On large hills or mountains such as Mt. Bakewell at York you can take off into a thermal when it comes up the slope on very light wind days (<5knots) or ridge soar and thermal (around 15 knots is perfect).
It's as safe as you want to make it. Beginer wings like Airborne "Fun" as used in schools and by pros for coastal flying are very stable, easy and safe to fly but go out in dodgy conditions and the risk starts to rise or by using a glider beyond your skill level. It's easier to learn than windsurfing or kiteing with the first solo flight often on the second day of the course. I've had no injuries and don't intend to, not even a bruise

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
29 Jun 2009 1:10PM
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This was not my proudest moment 8 seconds long.

WA, 150 posts
29 Jun 2009 3:14PM
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Bondy said "This was not my proudest moment 8 seconds long."

When I first saw this I thought "not another video of Bondy and his girlfriend again!"

WA, 471 posts
29 Jun 2009 4:26PM
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QLD, 6123 posts
29 Jun 2009 11:17PM
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General said...


ACT, 1258 posts
30 Jun 2009 1:14AM
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mr no one, I've heard that paragliding is slightly safer than hang gliding. Is this true and could you breifly explain the main differences between the two sports?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Here's a different way of using a seabreeze" started by Mr. No-one