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Hitler and the Vuvuzelas

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 18 Jun 2010
NSW, 9205 posts
18 Jun 2010 1:44PM
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Apparently you can get rid of them with a decent graphic equaliser.

WA, 4485 posts
18 Jun 2010 12:00PM
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I laffed hearty at the suggestion an equaliser could filter them out. Minimise a tad maybe but then you dull down the clarity of commentators too.

Pretty surprised the broadcasters haven't tried phase reversal on the background mics? Then again maybe they have already and it's twice as bad to start with??

Go back to AFL for some sanity.

Er.. crackin goal from the Koreans against Argy bargy last night. Short lived joy for the poor sods tho.

QLD, 14471 posts
18 Jun 2010 2:59PM
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gold panda!

first time in my life i've agreed with hitler.

WA, 293 posts
18 Jun 2010 5:04PM
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They've turned the equalisers, on for the last few games.

Not that I know much about it, but apparently they have isolated certain frequencies of the vuvuzelas and focused on them.

They played an example of it on sunrise this morning. It certainly doesn't remove the vuvuzelas but bloody hell it makes a difference you can actually hear the commentators.

WA, 4485 posts
18 Jun 2010 5:48PM
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My guess is they are isolating the background or field mics and running a parrallel out of phase? Haven't heard the comparison though. If it's in stereo that would leave a 'hole' in the middle for a mono vocal (mixed in later) to sit in nicely.

It's pretty shabby for the solution to have taken them this long BTW.

I haven't been able to watch a heap of the games, not cause the horns but rather the lack of excitement.

Until it gets to the pointy end most games are so defensive and boring to protect the aggregate scores.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Hitler and the Vuvuzelas" started by evlPanda