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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 8 Jun 2009
NSW, 9204 posts
8 Jun 2009 10:52AM
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This morning on the way to work I witnessed an appalling site. A radar trap where a full 50% of drivers using the road were being pulled over. Obviously I was one of them, I counted while I waited.

In fact there were so many people being pulled over that I saw a truck nearly collide with the queue as it struggled to join it, and as I left not one but two trailers were sticking out onto the road blocking traffic as they too struggled to join the queue of drivers being booked.

I am frankly appalled that 50% of drivers on this stretch of road are exceeding the speed limit so recklessly. I am ashamed myself that I was doing 13KMH over the limit (juuuuust in the $200 zone).

This is a 60 zone:,152.939644&hl=en&geocode=FdtjWv4dfMwdCQ;&mra=mi&mrsp=1,0&sz=14&sll=-27.636014,152.950201&sspn=0.039464,0.077248&ie=UTF8&ll=-27.630539,152.940502&spn=0,359.922752&z=14&layer=c&cbll=-27.630648,152.940443&panoid=cBEhN3OLudMFGTNMeV5UoQ&cbp=12,218.53,,0,5

PS. I'll probably regret this when I cool down.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
8 Jun 2009 8:55AM
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evlPanda said...

PS. I'll probably regret this when I cool down.

Like having drunk sex with an oversize ugly chick?

WA, 15849 posts
8 Jun 2009 9:37AM
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Thats not bad, you could live a police state like WA!

WA, 8768 posts
8 Jun 2009 9:45AM
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Just to rub it in

It's not only sign posted it's painted on the road

jeeze those dirty rotten coppers are sneaky buggers,152.939644&hl=en&geocode=FdtjWv4dfMwdCQ;&mra=mi&mrsp=1,0&sz=14&sll=-27.636014,152.950201&sspn=0.039464,0.077248&ie=UTF8&ll=-27.630539,152.940502&spn=0,359.922752&z=14&layer=c&cbll=-27.630648,152.940443&panoid=cBEhN3OLudMFGTNMeV5UoQ&cbp=12,218.53,,0,5

VIC, 5000 posts
8 Jun 2009 11:51AM
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That stretch of road you posted looks familiar...I reckon I saw the vid of you getting that ticket.

Perhaps you should've been this guy...

j murray
SA, 947 posts
8 Jun 2009 11:32AM
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LOL..... if she keeps this rate up she wont have to sell the railways and ports...........
.............ROFL [}:)] [}:)]

NSW, 9204 posts
8 Jun 2009 12:04PM
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poor relative said...

evlPanda said...

PS. I'll probably regret this when I cool down.

Like having drunk sex with an oversize ugly chick?

How did you... who...?

Yeah, it is posted. I am going to pay the fine.

I am going to complain though, should be an 80 zone. There are no intersections, there are no problems with visibility, not even a corner. Prior and post this 500m section it is 100K. It is definitely not a black spot, the only time it is even remotely dangerous is when the trap is there.

No danger + low speed limit + 50% of drivers speeding = blatant revenue raiser?

I'm still spitting over $200. Could have been some new gear, like a fin.

VIC, 5000 posts
8 Jun 2009 12:47PM
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Panda, I objected to a speeding ticket 18mths ago for doing 67 in a 60 zone & got off...I went to the exact site that was stated on the ticket, took a photo of the 80km sign that was about 20m away and sent it, along with a letter explaining why I could've been doing that speed (basically, I mentioned that 1. I was either slowing down from the 80, and left it a bit late...2. I was prematurely speeding up.) In the letter I mentioned that I hadn't had a ticket in over 10 years, I make a point of not speeding in built-up areas (didn't mention open road) and that I thought it was "very poor form" that they would resort to parking a camera car within a 20m vicinity of an 80km zone...I also stated that I believe that the area that is zoned for 60km should be reviewed as it is not near shopping, school, or residential zones, it has a service lane running parallel, and that it is on a main hwy...

Not sure if they read all of my letter, or infact believed me...but it got me off the hook!

NSW, 9204 posts
8 Jun 2009 2:13PM
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^ That sounds exactly the same as my situation. Will do : )

WA, 4485 posts
8 Jun 2009 2:13PM
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Wifey (who NEVER speeds) copped a $300 & 6 points fine on the way down to Pemberton on the long weekend (double demerits and double points).

I was catching some zzz in the shotty and woke as the incident happened. Fair enough she was going 93 in a 70 zone, although she honestly believed it was a 90 zone as she had already exited the country town quite a while back and was (ahem speeding) south, as were the all of the cars in front, which were also over the limit but not stopped. We were stopped as we were the last car in a line.

The unhappy dyke (sorry but she was definately both) that issued the ticket had a bad attitude and knew they were operating in a really sneaky revenue collecting spot. Wifey was clocked going down a slight dip in the road and 50-100m freakin metres before it actually is a 90km zone!! Bad form.. Add to this that at the time most Perth coppers weren't even issueing tickets due to industrial action. Kn kn kn kn kn fk!!![}:)]

I am all for making the roads safer and understand the need to stop cars hooning through country towns (strange that the coppers were on the leaving side of the town rather than the entering side??) but set-ups (and this was a classic one) like this don't achieve anything other than a lack of cred for the coppers involved.

BTW Panda would the infringement-fest described above have anything whatsoever to do with the fines kitty being unusually low due to weeks of no fines being issued? Might just be - I'd say.

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
10 Jun 2009 10:15AM
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getfunky said...

Wifey (who NEVER speeds) copped a $300 & 6 points fine on the way down to Pemberton on the long weekend (double demerits and double points).

I was catching some zzz in the shotty and woke as the incident happened. Fair enough she was going 93 in a 70 zone, although she honestly believed it was a 90 zone as she had already exited the country town quite a while back and was (ahem speeding) south, as were the all of the cars in front, which were also over the limit but not stopped. We were stopped as we were the last car in a line.

The unhappy dyke (sorry but she was definately both) that issued the ticket had a bad attitude and knew they were operating in a really sneaky revenue collecting spot. Wifey was clocked going down a slight dip in the road and 50-100m freakin metres before it actually is a 90km zone!! Bad form.. Add to this that at the time most Perth coppers weren't even issueing tickets due to industrial action. Kn kn kn kn kn fk!!![}:)]

I am all for making the roads safer and understand the need to stop cars hooning through country towns (strange that the coppers were on the leaving side of the town rather than the entering side??) but set-ups (and this was a classic one) like this don't achieve anything other than a lack of cred for the coppers involved.

BTW Panda would the infringement-fest described above have anything whatsoever to do with the fines kitty being unusually low due to weeks of no fines being issued? Might just be - I'd say.

Panda's in QLD, coppers are paid by the State, so the answer would be no Funky. They're just being wa**ers.


WA, 4485 posts
10 Jun 2009 12:27PM
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Oops.. sure they wern't so desperate for chrissy function funds they didn't scoot over to banana land?

I forgot panda was from Qld.. he has always seemed to make sense previously.. strange?

QLD, 4087 posts
10 Jun 2009 5:34PM
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Maybe because I've taught you to understand Queenslandish over the last three seasons?

WA, 4485 posts
10 Jun 2009 5:33PM
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Are yes.. the inspiration behind Welsh eh Green Mwyvnderleshntl?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Hoons" started by evlPanda