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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

How about a sky sports forum

Created by Mr. No-one > 9 months ago, 30 Sep 2008
Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
30 Sep 2008 10:13PM
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I've just got my hang gliding licence and wondered if there would be any interest in a sky sports forum since there's already a photo section.
Most pilots seem to chech out the weather here first before heading out to fly as you would sailing or planing the weekend.
Most clubs have there own forums but there not that chatty or user friendly as seabreeze.
As this site is constantly getting bigger and better extending itself outwards, maybe it could also go upwards.

Went to Gero for the long weekend, Friday had a sweet wavesail at Sunsets and then flew HGs behind the radio towers up Chapman Rd. Found out there's quite a few people who do both and all within 10 km's of town.
There were around 12 HGs and 3 PGs at Forbes farm where I had my first licenced flight, awsome. Top guys and girls out there.

My first flight at Gero.

WA, 7608 posts
30 Sep 2008 10:21PM
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Are you licensed to go tandem? I wouldnt mind coming for a fly with you. Is that possible?

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
1 Oct 2008 9:48PM
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Yeah, no worries Greeny, you can sit on top.

Sorry, I can't take passengers and I don't have a tandem wing. I've heard they do it down in Albany, look'n forward to heading down there Boxing day. There's going to be a mass gathering at Shelly's Beach for a week or so and hopefully get some sailing in. The best I can do for now is strap on a handycam. I guess I could take my pythons on board. Chris sent me these shots and the paragliding guys take some wicked shots.

WA, 7608 posts
1 Oct 2008 10:35PM
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Cool no worries
Can you do forwards yet?

WA, 506 posts
1 Oct 2008 10:55PM
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luvly backdrop ;just like hawai

WA, 3856 posts
2 Oct 2008 10:53AM
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Mr. No-one said...

I've just got my hang gliding licence and wondered if there would be any interest in a sky sports forum since there's already a photo section.

I believe it's pretty well catered for already with sites like and many others...

Try this goog:

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
2 Oct 2008 8:00PM
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The Oz report should now be called the USA report, looks like it got to big for Oz. Thanks anyway, worth a shot.

Q;"Can you do forwards yet?"
A; Not yet but I,ve done a double knife edge backie and body drag, both by accident but what a rush.

Going out to Mt. Bakewell at York on Sunday. It's looking real good by the graphs, could get crowded up there. be a nice way to finish the weekend after sailing Scarbs on Saturday.

QLD, 187 posts
2 Oct 2008 11:54PM
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can i ask have you done any gliding over lenticular clouds?

i hear you can surf the mountain waves

although it seem you would need very consistant wind speed to avoid turbulence?

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
3 Oct 2008 3:26PM
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I've haven't had the chance yet to fly near any clouds but I haven't been flying long. As you know a lens cloud forms at the top of a standing wave down wind of a ridge like water flowing over a rock causing ripples behind it. These ripples can be flown great distances and can produce very smooth lift but under the the ripple is a zone of extreme rotor turbulance that can tear an aircraft apart.
I've seen these clouds on the coast here aswell, they can be caused by wind flowing over the top of thermals, they just need something to flow over to get them started , be it hills or other lift. they appear as long thin lens shaped clouds that can strech for miles and can form in sets. I guess being on one would be like riding a swell, on the face is sweet but you don't want to be under it.
Have you done any flying? I'm hopeing this subject can "Take off"

The Grinch
WA, 733 posts
3 Oct 2008 9:01PM
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As much as I would love to have a go at Paragliding or hang gliding, the statistics are terrifying.

WA, 7608 posts
3 Oct 2008 9:47PM
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I was out SUPing this morning and in the distance I could see a parachute over the Burns Beach/Quinns cliffs. As it got closer I could see that it was one of those propeller doover lackie things. It was mad.

WA, 7608 posts
3 Oct 2008 9:59PM
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Something like this?
A motorised tea bagger!
If you look closely he is wearing his boardies over his pilot suit

WA, 7608 posts
3 Oct 2008 10:12PM
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Check out the rack... I mean loops

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
4 Oct 2008 10:27AM
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Greenroom said...

Check out the rack... I mean loops

That's the biggest hair dryer I've ever seen!

There was a paramotor out at Wylie last month flying with us. Dunncan could fly past so slow and low you could have placed a cup of tea on his foot as he went by.
Just got sent this shot from Pete of last weekend when I was dog fighting a crop duster, he won.

The rescue crew and myself after being shot down

No damage, walked away

QLD, 7428 posts
4 Oct 2008 12:44PM
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The Grinch said...

As much as I would love to have a go at Paragliding or hang gliding, the statistics are terrifying.

What are the injury/fatality stats? - worse than kiting I would expect.

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
4 Oct 2008 11:28AM
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I don't know about paragliders but of all the HG pilots I've asked none of them personaly know anyone who has died hanggliding. As with cars there are always deaths but how many do you personaly know who have? but good question, I don't know if I want to know.

QLD, 187 posts
4 Oct 2008 9:59PM
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Here is some photo of a friend whom we've lost contact, these of photos of him preparing for a cross country flight, bear in mind this is a microglider. It took him only one day to assamble with the wing.

i've done paragliding once without the "hair drier" at the back, but handgliding is definately as pure flight as one can get.

looking forward to getting my private license for a single engined plane hopelly soon.

QLD, 312 posts
4 Oct 2008 10:38PM
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how much do hang gliders and para gliders usually set you back?
Can you get good used gear?
Can you basically do it anywhere there is a descent thermal?

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
4 Oct 2008 11:33PM
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You two guys are in the best state for flying, Starboarder, you'll have to keep us informed when you start. I'm looking at buying a mosquito powered harness which has a 125 cc motor and folding prop at your feet so I can take off from anywhere. Once in a thermal shut it down and fly like normal then it can be restarted to fly back to the car.
Felixk, I payed $2000 for a second hand HG that came with 2 harnesses/parachute, vario, UHF radio, tow rope, bridles, windsocks, study books, helmetwith head set, everything needed to fly cross country or off a hill. I also bought a new sonic 190 glider for around $5000 with paragliders being slightly less. There's not a huge market for used gear so there heaps of quality gear for bargin prices, it's a buyers market. A grand can get you a good wing.
If you head to Mt. Tamborine it's magic, I think it works on a westerly but there's plenty of spots over there. Take a look at the HGFA website forum section, they have gear for sale for both HG (stiffies) and PG (floppies) and all related links.
Well, I'm gunna have an early night, tomorrow I'm going flying!

QLD, 312 posts
5 Oct 2008 11:16AM
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So what's the average lifespan of a HG? Is it like kiteboarding where you have to replace your gear after only a few seasons? Do i need to do a parachuting course?

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
6 Oct 2008 5:42PM
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I've heard around 200 hours which is a heap of flying. An Airbourne Fun is the most common glider used by schools and coast flyers because there strong and stable and a lot of advanced pilots keep one for fun (start around $1500 S/H, $5000 new) . With regular flying it will last 5 years or more before the UV rays effect the sail and then it's around $1800 to slip a new sail on the old airframe (your choice of colours). Keep the sail out of the sun and dry when not flying and you can get over 10 years.
There's no need to do a parachute course, it's part of the course though you'll never need it, it's very rare a wing should fail but if it should it's a matter of pulling a handle with the chute attached and then throwing it past your feet like it's a handbag with a brick in it.
Keep the Questions comming.

Had 2 hours worth of airtime yesterday at Mt. Bakewell and it was magic. Flew in formation with three Wedge tailed eagles less then a wing span away. The middle one was directly in front looking over his shoulder at me 5 metres away and didn't seem to mind at all. For a moment felt like one of the family. In the second shot you can see the towers on top of Mt. Bakewell, if you have ever tried takeing photos while windsurfing this is harder.

QLD, 312 posts
6 Oct 2008 10:11PM
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I'm soo going to do this one day! Just need to build up my funds hopefully I will be able to get a course in over the summer. I take it you don't need much wind to do it?

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
7 Oct 2008 7:27PM
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Awsome dude, it's the best think I've done in a long time. Flying can be done in 0 to 20+ kts. I thought about paragliding for ease of transport but found HGs have a much wider wind range, are quicker, glide further and are safer though take longer to setup (about 10 minutes).
I know PG pilots who have turned to HG for there safety and HG pilots to PG because there easier to travel with though there are some hanggliders that pack down to 2 meters long.
It's a small world Felix, I came here from Norman Park myself for a holiday, just haven't gone back.

WA, 113 posts
12 Oct 2008 11:41PM
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i know a guy who bought a hang glider out of the paper, read a few pages of the manual, then went out and got pinned to the side of a cliff

WA, 4485 posts
13 Oct 2008 4:13PM
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Nath said...

i know a guy who bought a hang glider out of the paper, read a few pages of the manual, then went out and got pinned to the side of a cliff

Let me guess.. he is the nong that goes up to kiters on the beach and asks: "Is that fun?" "Is it hard?" "Do you need a kite" "What happens if I pull this?"

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
13 Oct 2008 8:47PM
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getfunky said...

Nath said...

i know a guy who bought a hang glider out of the paper, read a few pages of the manual, then went out and got pinned to the side of a cliff

Let me guess.. he is the nong that goes up to kiters on the beach and asks: "Is that fun?" "Is it hard?" "Do you need a kite" "What happens if I pull this?"

NONG? I never asked any such thing!............Oops
Ian, is that really your last name? did kids at school tease you about it? have you thought of changing it?

G'day Nath, very funny good to hear from you. I have wised up a little since then but it wasn't as bad as being pushed off my bike, by the way, how is Shan?

WA, 113 posts
13 Oct 2008 10:47PM
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shan reckons it wasn't her, it must have been mr on-one
might have to check out this flying business one day, hold off on those big air bail outs!

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
16 Oct 2008 11:26AM
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I guess Shans right, My eagerness out weighed my ability.
I could really see you guys doing this or paragliding, it's got big hills, big air and potential risk, what more could you ask for?

(Mental note to myself; do not bail out, although I do carry a parachute,....hmmmm.)


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"How about a sky sports forum" started by Mr. No-one