My name is jamie but when I was little my Aunties allways called me Jimbob.
as in "good night Jimbob from the Waltons" Jimbob was already taken so had to add a sa on the end.
I always run my name on my sails then people know me straight away.
I Entered a Geraldton Wind Surf Club speed / slalom all in any gear down winder with approx 30 starters . Wind was a fast building solid Geraldton southerly 20knots from Bucanon street Mt Tarcoola to Pt Moore light house on a old windsurfer one design....fully fully fully lit in the harness with the center board around my shoulder ,,,,water was squirting 10 feet high the entire way.
There was 2 markers to get around a Z course before arriving at the sand spit of point more and running up the the official Tent.
I was way compeditive but eventually got left behind but had the most incrediable dual with the back markers.
The achievement for me was i didnt fall off and had the board planning flat out the whole way. Result 2nd last
Funny enough for this effort i was crowned KING OF THE POINT ..........the yr eludes me
Pissed a year later a mate logged me on at his house to seabreese to respond to the same event to talk about leg ropes for kites as he was getting enquiries for them to do the even ( they had just come on the sceen ) Anyway Anyway
He laughed spilt beer and stiched / typed /logged me in asKING OF THE POINT
Now that what good mates are for its been a great / usefull/interactive / site so i just kept usen it and meet uses cool doods along the way
A good mate used to call me and a girl friend moon doggie & Giget, then just started calling doggie for short.
I collected all the comics when I was a kid and would never miss Felix appearance on the TV, I loved it specially the bag of tricks. I had a big box full of Felix comics and when I turned 20 I joined the army my kid brother raided my room and sold all my comics for a pittance I have a Felix tattoo on my arm
Old Quake (original) player name. It's stupid. I use it quite a bit online because nobody else has it. I never thought I'd use it so much, and now I'm stuck with it.
Thought about creating a new user that kills evlPanda.
when I was in South Amercia the girls would struggle to understand "Kev" and I would end up having to say it 3 or 4 times. One day a mate decided that "Ted" would be easier so I became Ted the Kiwi and it stuck. Well it beats some of the other nicknames I had in previous lives thats for real.
I'm a delicate little thing -120kg and 188cm.
I was either Bruiser or Bruised (aka Bruce) -
It really depended on whether my brother started it or I finished it.
Woodo, Woody or Woodrow have been my nicknames for as long as i can remember. Just drew one out of a hat.
When someone calls me by my first name it usually takes a few goes before they get a response as i think they are talking to someone else...
Started out with Echunda (bad R2D2 says it in Star wars) then evolved to CHUNNY.
Just googled it and came up with this:
Funny when you google stuff. I thought I came up with CHUNNY all by my lonesome, but it seems peeps are smarter than me.
Nickname is Eddy however most of my surfing mates call me "latedropeddy" due to my surfing take off style (or lack of). When I go surfing I'm usually the guy in the lineup that is falling from the sky getting pitched and providing chuckles as I get sucked over the falls.
30 plus years in the mining industry, mate hung the Mineral, many years back, as in Mineral Mick, and it stuck.
Mates all use Mineral when talking to me in most conversations.
first in best dressed for me came across seabreeze trying to find a windsurfer mast to experiment with, within weeks we had our own forum.
thanks Laurie,
............and waveslave,and decrepit and nebbian..................
paranoid! I even changed my login to reply to this post cos I think they were on to my old one
"you would be paranoid too if they were after you"