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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

How you should use a toilet

Created by zacd > 9 months ago, 31 Jul 2013
VIC, 103 posts
31 Jul 2013 1:42PM
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I posted here a few months ago asking everyone about toilets for a project I was doing at uni.
I tried to take into account what people said and ideas people had.
Anyways I finished it and I was fairly happy with how it came out and thought some people here might be interested.

It is a competition but its judged by dyson so sadly I cant try and con everyone into voting me or anything.

Hopefully it does ok and helps me to find a job! Some of the other stuff on there is pretty good and worth a look.

QLD, 4873 posts
31 Jul 2013 2:03PM
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Well done. Great presentation and clever design.

PS - I reckon if you put a slight fall (out) on the foot step it will shed any potential ponding of spillage from standing users - i.e. men who don't have the best aim

408 posts
31 Jul 2013 12:32PM
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Toilets! Don't tell me about toilets.
I was at work a few weeks back and had a huge feed of brown rice, half a bbq chicken and a tin of tuna. Roughly half an hour after I had consumed this meal of high fibre and protein, I got that familiar pain and rumbling in my lower intestine. I instantly raced toward the toilet at the end of the corridor, as I got through the door I thought I may be on the verge of losing my dignity, and the respect of my colleagues. I reached the toilet, turned around and feverishly tried to unbuckle my belt. I only had my trousers about halfway down when I lost all control of my bowels. When I turned around I could not believe my eyes. The toilet, cistern and wall were splattered beyond recognition.
That afternoon I couldn't even look the cleaner in the eye as I let him in to begin work. When he mentioned the mess in the toilets I said " ahh yeah, some people are animals aren't they?"

VIC, 103 posts
31 Jul 2013 2:33PM
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Thanks sausage,
It doesn't really come across in the images but there is a slight angle backwards on the step. (Something I must have overlooked when putting up images!)
Hopefully any spillage would go away from you. towards the back of the toilet and not leave a puddle or noticeable drips falling down the front of the step!

WA, 2371 posts
31 Jul 2013 1:30PM
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Looking forward to buying one or two zacd...great design and presentation...

WA, 1267 posts
31 Jul 2013 5:41PM
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As an optional extra, a couple of foot rests which can be fixed to the back of the door may be a draw card.

QLD, 2995 posts
31 Jul 2013 7:45PM
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But does it eliminate "splashback"?

VIC, 446 posts
31 Jul 2013 7:47PM
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QLD, 825 posts
31 Jul 2013 8:11PM
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ghost4man said..

Toilets! Don't tell me about toilets.
I was at work a few weeks back and had a huge feed of brown rice, half a bbq chicken and a tin of tuna. Roughly half an hour after I had consumed this meal of high fibre and protein, I got that familiar pain and rumbling in my lower intestine. I instantly raced toward the toilet at the end of the corridor, as I got through the door I thought I may be on the verge of losing my dignity, and the respect of my colleagues. I reached the toilet, turned around and feverishly tried to unbuckle my belt. I only had my trousers about halfway down when I lost all control of my bowels. When I turned around I could not believe my eyes. The toilet, cistern and wall were splattered beyond recognition.
That afternoon I couldn't even look the cleaner in the eye as I let him in to begin work. When he mentioned the mess in the toilets I said " ahh yeah, some people are animals aren't they?"

If not a joke, your feral. If a joke, still feral.

NSW, 2510 posts
31 Jul 2013 11:12PM
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pretty cool but for one thing ive always wanted in a toilet design....... an easy access to the sewer / pan collar for clearing of random stuff that gets lodged in there, resulting at times, in removal of the loo itself to get at it.
its pretty much all i do for a living

edit - i stand corrected after watching the display again. i like much.

408 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:24AM
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youngbull said..
ghost4man said.. Toilets! Don't tell me about toilets. I was at work a few weeks back and had a huge feed of brown rice, half a bbq chicken and a tin of tuna. Roughly half an hour after I had consumed this meal of high fibre and protein, I got that familiar pain and rumbling in my lower intestine. I instantly raced toward the toilet at the end of the corridor, as I got through the door I thought I may be on the verge of losing my dignity, and the respect of my colleagues. I reached the toilet, turned around and feverishly tried to unbuckle my belt. I only had my trousers about halfway down when I lost all control of my bowels. When I turned around I could not believe my eyes. The toilet, cistern and wall were splattered beyond recognition. That afternoon I couldn't even look the cleaner in the eye as I let him in to begin work. When he mentioned the mess in the toilets I said " ahh yeah, some people are animals aren't they?"
If not a joke, your feral. If a joke, still feral.

Hi Guys,

I just want to point out that I have been subjected to a prank from my work colleagues so please disregard.

It seems I need to not leave my account open whilst my friends are about.

Whilst typing this my work colleagues are currently in tears laughing at my expense.

Payback is a bi..h


VIC, 103 posts
1 Aug 2013 1:29PM
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I can't say it 100% eliminates splashback but it would do a pretty good job. I've shaped the bowl to try and keep any splashback within the bowl!

408 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:30AM
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ghost4man said..
Toilets! Don't tell me about toilets. I was at work a few weeks back and had a huge feed of brown rice, half a bbq chicken and a tin of tuna. Roughly half an hour after I had consumed this meal of high fibre and protein, I got that familiar pain and rumbling in my lower intestine. I instantly raced toward the toilet at the end of the corridor, as I got through the door I thought I may be on the verge of losing my dignity, and the respect of my colleagues. I reached the toilet, turned around and feverishly tried to unbuckle my belt. I only had my trousers about halfway down when I lost all control of my bowels. When I turned around I could not believe my eyes. The toilet, cistern and wall were splattered beyond recognition. That afternoon I couldn't even look the cleaner in the eye as I let him in to begin work. When he mentioned the mess in the toilets I said " ahh yeah, some people are animals aren't they?"

I must sheepishly offer an apology as I have been subject to a work prank from my colleagues. I made the mistake of leaving my account open and I guess the rest is history. Apologies if the above has offended anyone.

Cheers Ozzie

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:37AM
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QLD, 2995 posts
1 Aug 2013 7:15PM
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zacd said..

I can't say it 100% eliminates splashback but it would do a pretty good job. I've shaped the bowl to try and keep any splashback within the bowl!

Awesome! No more need for a "splash-pad"!

WA, 360 posts
3 Aug 2013 12:47PM
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Nut pinch can become an issue as you age...Maybe a cut out in the lid as an entry gap for your figs.

Also don't have the water level to high (unless you heat it).

3777 posts
3 Aug 2013 7:27PM
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Hate to unblock the jest? Why would you want it more water efficient anyways? Most people are drinking processed sh1T anyways!

NSW, 2510 posts
4 Aug 2013 12:41AM
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one of the biggest problems with the increase of water efficiency people forget is after it goes past the loo theres a whole lotta pipe that stuffs gotta get through. ive lost count of how many paper n poo blockages ive cleared, with no visible cause, other than lack of water to push it through. some are several metres long. some cost hundreds of dollars.

VIC, 103 posts
4 Aug 2013 1:19PM
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See I think almost all toilets now aren't water efficient. They might save water but just cutting down the flush isn't what I would call being efficient. What I was aiming to do, is use the water better so that all of the water is used in the best way. Which is the aim of distributing the water in the flush more evenly and reducing water compared to load would mean that you could flush a good amount of water and overall still save water. Hopefully this would make sure the toilet stays clean for longer and reduce blockages.
Thanks for all the compliments though, I had my final class this week so now will start job hunting. So if anyone knows of anything it'd be awesome if you could let me know!

2129 posts
4 Aug 2013 2:07PM
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Already been done:

Wanga F One
QLD, 231 posts
4 Aug 2013 6:27PM
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How's about a reading of the weight deposited, highest scores ect.

QLD, 2995 posts
4 Aug 2013 7:40PM
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zacd said..

See I think almost all toilets now aren't water efficient. They might save water but just cutting down the flush isn't what I would call being efficient. What I was aiming to do, is use the water better so that all of the water is used in the best way. Which is the aim of distributing the water in the flush more evenly and reducing water compared to load would mean that you could flush a good amount of water and overall still save water. Hopefully this would make sure the toilet stays clean for longer and reduce blockages.
Thanks for all the compliments though, I had my final class this week so now will start job hunting. So if anyone knows of anything it'd be awesome if you could let me know!

Fancy working in England? These guys would be right up your alley (so to speak)

VIC, 5047 posts
5 Aug 2013 12:10AM
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It weighs the contents of the bowl so it can use the correct amount of water to flush. How does it deal with floaties and Klingons?

VIC, 103 posts
8 Aug 2013 2:22PM
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Gorgo said..

It weighs the contents of the bowl so it can use the correct amount of water to flush. How does it deal with floaties and Klingons?

Well the shape of the bowl should reduce the amount of Klingons and because the water is flushed around the whole bowl it there is also less chance.

The flush distribution should also be more efficient at sucking the water down (like when you swirl a water bottle around the water comes out quicker) so hopefully they wont be too much of a problem.

The sensors need to be set to zero when you install it and if their is not enough weight to register their is an infrared sensor that will give a minimum flush.
So if there is anything sticking around they should either be added on to the next load so more water to compensate or if they are big enough to register the toilet will flush again to get rid of them.

I hope that makes sense.

I need to make a fully working prototype to really know for sure if it works.

ikw777, I wouldn't mind working in England, do you know someone there? After spending 6 months living in Germany last year the idea of two European winters in a row isn't super appealing. But I'm just super keen to start getting into it all properly and a job is a job even if it is a little cold!

WA, 1267 posts
8 Aug 2013 4:58PM
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Have you tried to put your idea onto The New Inventors on channel 2?

QLD, 1499 posts
8 Aug 2013 10:44PM
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zacd said..

I can't say it 100% eliminates splashback but it would do a pretty good job. I've shaped the bowl to try and keep any splashback within the bowl!

Sometimes, after a particularly potent vindaloo, a bit of splashback is not entirely unwelcome....

2129 posts
9 Aug 2013 4:39AM
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Perhaps a teenie bit off topic..... but check out this!

This series of youtubes if some of the funniest s*hit I have seen online in ages.

And yet this one is toilet related:


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"How you should use a toilet" started by zacd