EB I recckon about 2.5 mins, I dont handle my child with care as I have fingers like sausages and he is used to it now, I dont hurt him, well he never complains but I lift, roll, place, wipe x 3 or more depending difficulty of cacca, cream on balls and bum, then I do his, lift and drop him onto nappy, velcro up, night suit on......... Slam dunk back into cot all done!
I have actually videoed a change to send to wifers relatives in Italy, I will see if I can find it and get the time the change took.
Glad to hear the slush puppy machine is all good now
Hey EB,
Me and my big assumtion,
Yesterday - 4mins .15sec
2nd Yesterday - 4mins .05sec
Man I got some work to do, however I am sure that when the boy needs a change at some ridiculous hour in the morning the change feels like it's over in seconds
Go figure
I need my little fella to do poo poo again, must do in 2.30 to be supa change god!!!
Cheers GT
To be honest I though that I would be one of those gagging father types when hit by the smell but some kind of survival instict cuts in and it's like linning up a 5000hp Nitro funny car for a 1/4 mile run, nail the foot and dont stop untill you pass the finish line.
Get caught up in the clean up not the OMFG IT STINKS IN HERE GAGGGGGG!
I thought all Mums are super human and are impervious to their siblings disgusting smells??? It is nice to know that, because even when you smell this stuff you keep marching on.... Good on you MTC
I have a mate who is a sympathetic chucker, I pretend to spew and he starts gagging Really handy for when he give me the sh1ts
Heheh Night night