That is impressive but i would rather go with "The Ballistic", designed and built in W.A. by Edge Products. It is powered by a Subaru WRX powerplant and I guess drive train too. of Edge Products highest volume customers are Arabs to whom they sell and send six off road buggies containerised at a time.
These have to be the best desert warfare wagons ever designed and built.
Fitted with 1000 cc + motorcycle engines they are capable of 100 mph across the desert terrain with the capability of 2 soldiers aboard and with a machine gun or rocket launcher attached would be a devestating weapon against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
A whole lot better and less exspensive idea than those $1mill crates our guys are getting around in over there now.
If the Army adopted the idea and went all out by allowing a budget of $100k per vehicle, I am sure it would get more than 10 times the effectiveness of their current cavalry vehicles.
Unfortuneatly Defence Spending has been issued orders from the pollies to not buy anything Australian and only buy second hand crap from the Brits or the Yanks. (No offence Desert Yank

Australia's Defence Personell are not being supplied with the best possible tools to work with.