Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by ok > 9 months ago, 13 Jun 2010
NSW, 1088 posts
13 Jun 2010 7:38PM
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has anyone bought, used, or seen one ? looking to buy one hard to decide what size or wether to get a 3g one or not?

WA, 7608 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:37PM
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An oversized iPhone without the phone, usb, bluetooth and probably more. Save your cash and buy an iPhone.

3777 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:47PM
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Should be called the IPOO another usless bit of junk to waste money on

WA, 6666 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:04PM
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Saw one on the TV the other day.

Looked to me like an IPhone for people with arthritis, mobility issues or a visual imparement.

Which, in itself, probably isn't a bad idea.

3952 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:23PM
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I work in advertising and the guy in the pink suit who get's paid lots of money, drives a porche, and does very little in his day bought one from America some months ago.

I think he's a complete dick - but his ipad was fantastic and I want one. I will wait for the second generation though - can't wait.

NSW, 9029 posts
14 Jun 2010 7:38AM
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I checked one out in a shop. Its not a bad device. If you like reading then it has a good e-book reader. However the lack of connectivity as Oliver describes is a downer. Why can't you plug in your 3G USB modem into it? Why? Testra won't get its cut.

If your work pays for it, and the phone connection then no worries. The non 3G version is okay as long as you don't need always on connectivity. I too will wait at least for v2.

wave knave
306 posts
14 Jun 2010 7:45AM
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NSW, 4453 posts
14 Jun 2010 11:53AM
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Go on brainless n00bs go get one... all the "cool" people have 1.

I own 0 Apple products... even when they're given to me they immediately go on ebay.

Apple is an evil company who's primary goal is to lock the consumer in.
MS try locking companies in.

People buy Apple products before trying out/comparing other products it's like they've been brainwashed in to needing it.

NSW, 1088 posts
14 Jun 2010 3:24PM
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can anyone recommend a laptop or something similar which is a better option?

WA, 293 posts
14 Jun 2010 1:25PM
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What everyone certainly has its shortfalls..and is basically a giant iphone. However there are adapters available for your USB and SD cards.

You'd be be better taking a punt on the knock off iPED for $200 for starters. Atleast it has USB and SD inbuilt...and more importantly Flash!

You can pretend you have an iPAD no one will know.

Then maybe when the next gen ipad comes out get that.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
14 Jun 2010 3:47PM
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I got one a few weeks back. Fu$&@n love it. Suits my needs perfectly. What do you want to do on it?

NSW, 510 posts
14 Jun 2010 7:35PM
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2 big for ya pockets .. 2 big for a womens hand bag??
so ya gotta take a slammer version of a laptop case .. y not get a ****** laptop

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jun 2010 6:13PM
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^^ zeitgeist. Simple as that.

Laptop = yawwwnn... like soooo 90s.

igad(get) = hey I'm so kn funky I paid more for less and here is the proof! All worship me!! Prepare for dazzling solar rays as i bend to tie my shoes.

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jun 2010 6:16PM
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FlySurfer said...

Go on brainless n00bs go get one... all the "cool" people have 1.

I own 0 Apple products... even when they're given to me they immediately go on ebay.

Apple is an evil company who's primary goal is to lock the consumer in.
MS try locking companies in.

People buy Apple products before trying out/comparing other products it's like they've been brainwashed in to needing it.

Soooo true! You will never catch me buying Sony or Apple. Overpriced, underrated and you get locked in to using only their software/peripherals. The last point alone sh!ts me enought to never go there.

Freedom is choice. Being enslaved to another device and the manufacturer is not my idea of fun.

But boy aren't they shiny and new..

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
14 Jun 2010 6:32PM
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ok said...

can anyone recommend a laptop or something similar which is a better option?

any tablet pc built in the last 7 years?

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
14 Jun 2010 7:05PM
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getfunky said...

FlySurfer said...

Go on brainless n00bs go get one... all the "cool" people have 1.

I own 0 Apple products... even when they're given to me they immediately go on ebay.

Apple is an evil company who's primary goal is to lock the consumer in.
MS try locking companies in.

People buy Apple products before trying out/comparing other products it's like they've been brainwashed in to needing it.

Soooo true! You will never catch me buying Sony or Apple. Overpriced, underrated and you get

locked in to using only their software/peripherals. The last point alone sh!ts me enought to
never go there.

Freedom is choice. Being enslaved to another device and the manufacturer is not my idea of fun.

But boy aren't they shiny and new..

I think you'll find ms is the one to lock you into their operating system. Mac let's you run paralell or fusion which means you can run both. I have no brand loyalty to any computer company, make a product that works and I'm in. The iPhone for example is the best piece of tech I've ever bought.

NSW, 1088 posts
14 Jun 2010 9:49PM
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all i want is something that i can download music and movies on thats not gunna cost alot of money what does flash actually do?

WA, 293 posts
14 Jun 2010 8:10PM
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ok said...

all i want is something that i can download music and movies on thats not gunna cost alot of money what does flash actually do?

Flash runs on about 99.9% of website content these days..

well...not really but it's a very high percentage nonetheless

no flash = no website content ie videos, animations, interactive forms, web apps and games. Big example would be Vimeo videos

WA, 6277 posts
14 Jun 2010 9:09PM
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pooman said...
no flash = no website content ie videos, animations, interactive forms, web apps and games. Big example would be Vimeo videos


The popular video-sharing site features an HTML5 player that displays most videos on iPad.

Flash is so 90's

WA, 293 posts
14 Jun 2010 9:15PM
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nebbian said...

pooman said...
no flash = no website content ie videos, animations, interactive forms, web apps and games. Big example would be Vimeo videos


The popular video-sharing site features an HTML5 player that displays most videos on iPad.

Flash is so 90's

no ****?! my life is saved i'm getting and ipad now! thank god for vimeo! :D

WA, 6277 posts
14 Jun 2010 10:07PM
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I had a play with an iPad before they were released over here, I couldn't see the point for me, although there is one function that would be very cool...

You can use it as an external screen for a laptop.

So imagine this: You run an iPad as an external screen in a holder on your desk. You want to go watch TV but not bring your laptop... pick up the iPad and you're on the couch, surfing when you need to

As your only computer though, it would get pretty frustrating very quickly, at least for me... Look at all the ads for it, one hand is always holding the damn thing.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
15 Jun 2010 5:58AM
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It'll take a heap of movies and music and the screen is good. As far as always having to hold it, if you get the folding cover for it and it sits wherever you put it. If you are going to be using as your only computer you would probly be left wanting, as a mobile extension of you home/office computer it's a killier piece of gear.
And get the 3g, worth the extra if you need to be mobile.

WA, 2331 posts
15 Jun 2010 7:18AM
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dan berry said...

And get the 3g, worth the extra if you need to be mobile.

Just be real careful if you start surfing the net on 3g you could easily rack up huge bills without realising.
Make sure you are on a good plan, with plenty of download capacity.

I'll admit I am a bit of a mac hater (actually just a fanboi hater, their gear is good its the fanaticism that irks me) however work gave me one a couple of weeks ago to trial and I actually quite like it.
They seem to have gotten the form factor right, it feels nice in the hands.
the screen is incredibly clear.
Its surprising how using your finger feels good where the pens on the older tablets was a real pain.
It is limiting having to link it to Itunes and the lack of a USB port just seems dumb. Itunes in the cloud (which I believe is on the way) will help.

Would be a good tool for a rep who wants to show pictures or presentations, but at the moment it would be difficult to then turn it around and take someones order, so its not quite there yet.

I also dont like the way you cant create an in-house company specific app and just load it on without going through the app store.

best thing to do is go into dick smith, or wherever, and use one. Make sure you annoy the sales guy and use it for a good while before you make up your mind.

WA, 6277 posts
15 Jun 2010 7:48AM
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grumplestiltskin said...

I also dont like the way you cant create an in-house company specific app and just load it on without going through the app store.

You can do this (I've done it for the iPhone)... although you do have to pony up around $120 to become a certified developer.

That said, I don't see the point of traditional applications unless they are REALLY specialised, web apps can do just about everything you want now. iPad apps must be written in objective C, which I find pretty stupid. You spend half your time worrying about managing memory when you could be concentrating on your app.

And you don't need to install a web app

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
15 Jun 2010 7:52AM
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aS far as the download issue goes, you can check your useage in the settings and keep track that way. With movies I guess you would down load onto iTunes at home then transfer from there? Yea USB would be great but then you would be getting too close to laptop territory, not a good thing business wise for apple. Most of the files I handle on it are relatively small so I just email them and transfer that way.
We are about to swap from pc to mac for the home office, we need to keep using myob and the invoicing program which are both ms only. Does any one have experience with parallels or fusion to run the ms versions on a mac?

WA, 6277 posts
15 Jun 2010 9:27AM
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AccountEdge is the mac version of MYOB... we use it at work.

I use Parallels at home for the odd pc program, it really works well, very seamless transition between the two. You can even open windows programs as if they were mac programs, with no windows desktop at all if you want. That's just too freaky for me, I keep it inside the windows desktop thanks

QLD, 208 posts
15 Jun 2010 11:37AM
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Wah Wah Wah...

The misses has one, uses it for work - I've had a play, they're good fun and great for travel.

WA, 4485 posts
15 Jun 2010 11:04AM
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Hey dan I was more talking about hardware etc which admitedly is not as bad these days (I used to be a Mac snob for audio).

Having no USB on the i-flacid is plain dumb and bound to lead to painting you into a corner to only use overpriced otpions. No USB in this age - seriously how desperate are people for a new toy?

Hey if you love it, or your work pays for it go for gold. I can't see the point for my needs tho.

I am actually reminded of how hard I laughed at the zeitgeist guy here at work (you know 40+ single and spends way too much time/$$ on shiny tech stuff ) when he paid $500 for an original (2Gb from memory) i-plod. Ba ha ha ha, battery probs, only apple interface and expensive hardware, piddly 2Gb space - so taking good sounding CDs down to sh!tty low-res mpegs?? WTF??

8 yrs later the new music players (hell even i-plods - but i won't buy Apple) rock and are great value.. now.

The best thing about the i-flacid I reckon is that it will expand the market for better/cheaper tablet PCs and readers.

Look around it is not hard to find better/cheaper music players, tablet PCs or readers. Or follow the white cabled flock.

VIC, 5000 posts
15 Jun 2010 3:55PM
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^^^funny as hell photostrip!

In keeping with the theme...bought 2 'mp3' players for the kids Xmas pressies @$15 ea from Aldi's...they're great! just copy/paste from folder to folder, no I-store or I-tunes. Simple enough that a 4yo can work it too! (still not simple enough for me unfortunately)

NSW, 9202 posts
15 Jun 2010 7:15PM
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How do you know when somebody has an iPad?

They tell you.

NSW, 9202 posts
15 Jun 2010 7:22PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"IPAD?" started by ok