Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Importance of a helmet.

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 10 Sep 2010
3777 posts
10 Sep 2010 5:51PM
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Today i was riding (downhill mountain bike)up in the hills with a friend and he came of at relativly slow speed probally just under 20 kph the obstical he was navigating over was at least 5 foot high given that he is six foot and locked into pedals when he came of he landed head first on a log and smashed a helet into two peices.
This saved him from unthinkable head injuries. But left him bruised with a big headeache. His hydration pack also padded the landing.
I was only 2 months ago i critisized the police for fining me 50 dollars for not wearing one.
So after seeing that i will be wearing a hemelt alot more I think that i will be using my gaff helet alot more when i windsurf aswell.

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
10 Sep 2010 6:00PM
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Very true

I hope he is going to hospital anyway - an impact like that could do all kinds of damage to the neck or brain, and he'd not like to find out the hard way in a couple of days

3952 posts
10 Sep 2010 6:08PM
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I always wear one after my board fell on my head and the fin scalped me in 1ft surf requiring 12 stitches, not quite sure how it could have happened but it did demonstrate that things can go very wrong in the mildest of conditions.

WA, 4485 posts
10 Sep 2010 6:42PM
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Hey buster - ditch the Gath and get a Protec (or similar) for waaayyyyy better protection. I've had both and almost wouldn't bother with an original Gath.

Glad ya mate is ok.

Now put some clothes on!!

SA, 1390 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:43PM
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Sounds nasty, there was a lady on the 7pm project the other night trying to get the helmet law changed because they don't believe there is a significant drop in injuries since they were implemented. It didn't matter to her that there are a lot more people ridding now than there was before or the dangers associated with extreme ridding. I think if they changed the law now that there would be a huge raise in injuries.

Glad your mate is OK, Braking a helmet is serious.

VIC, 1395 posts
10 Sep 2010 9:54PM
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waxman said...

Sounds nasty, there was a lady on the 7pm project the other night trying to get the helmet law changed because they don't believe there is a significant drop in injuries since they were implemented. It didn't matter to her that there are a lot more people ridding now than there was before or the dangers associated with extreme ridding. I think if they changed the law now that there would be a huge raise in injuries.

Glad your mate is OK, Braking a helmet is serious.

I heard a bit about that arguement too. her points were.
- helmets discouraged people from riding bikes, non compulsory helmet laws might encourage people to ride. especially the flailing rent-a-bike systems which are unworkable with compulsory helmets.
- improved conditions, lighting and an increase in bike paths have improved safety to negate helmets.

However, when it comes down to it, helmets save lives.

Bought a protec wake tonight on account of the prevalence of trees in the new spots and my particular preference of kite

WA, 399 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:01PM
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Mark _australia said...

Very true

I hope he is going to hospital anyway - an impact like that could do all kinds of damage to the neck or brain, and he'd not like to find out the hard way in a couple of days

true that, definitelly tell your mate to go & have it checked out by the doc

I had a similar accident last year when mountain biking. Went over the bars and smashed head first into the ground. The nurse at the race told me to go home & apparently I'd be sore because I had some deep tissue bruising...

I drove myself home with a lot of pain in my neck and upper back. Took a shower and got my GF to drop me to royal Perth emergency.

I was on a stretcher with sand bags around my neck in less than a minute!

24 hours, Xray and CT scan later it turned out I broke two vertabraes - compression fractures between my shoulder blades. luckily away from the spinal cord. The neck was in pretty bad shape too. Add some minor brain trauma - vertigo, troubles concentrating, nausea for about 2-3 weeks, and almost 4 weeks on pain killers at night.

Helmet probably saved me from being a vegetable ...

But I was back on the bike about 4-5 weeks later, couldn;t really turn my head around much but I was riding again

NSW, 864 posts
10 Sep 2010 10:04PM
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Many years ago I was riding my pushie along the road and came off doing around 25 kph. I ended up skidding along the bitumen mostly on my head (the rest of me was mostly on the bike). As I skidded along, using the top of my head as a brake, it occurred to me how happy I was to be wearing a helmet.

WA, 4564 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:07PM
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waxman said...

Sounds nasty, there was a lady on the 7pm project the other night trying to get the helmet law changed because they don't believe there is a significant drop in injuries since they were implemented. It didn't matter to her that there are a lot more people ridding now than there was before or the dangers associated with extreme ridding. I think if they changed the law now that there would be a huge raise in injuries.

Glad your mate is OK, Braking a helmet is serious.

People like this lady in question, years gone by would have been Teradactyl crap
Anybody who doesnt wear a helmet, has no respect for their immediate family, themselves, nor society, who in the end get stuck with servicing those who have a permanent disability resulting from head trauma that could have been prevented by wearing some protection

VIC, 1395 posts
10 Sep 2010 10:27PM
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mineral1 said...

waxman said...

Sounds nasty, there was a lady on the 7pm project the other night trying to get the helmet law changed because they don't believe there is a significant drop in injuries since they were implemented. It didn't matter to her that there are a lot more people ridding now than there was before or the dangers associated with extreme ridding. I think if they changed the law now that there would be a huge raise in injuries.

Glad your mate is OK, Braking a helmet is serious.

People like this lady in question, years gone by would have been Teradactyl crap
Anybody who doesnt wear a helmet, has no respect for their immediate family, themselves, nor society, who in the end get stuck with servicing those who have a permanent disability resulting from head trauma that could have been prevented by wearing some protection

I might get " i wear this helmet out of respect for my family" etched into my new helmet. then i will feel empowered and less dorkish.

WA, 5921 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:57PM
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ive had 3 bike helmets, but they fall to bits due to the rather cheap construction . just a dollar worth of foam with a thin layer of plastic. all that for $60.when the third died I realized i was spending more on helmets than bikes, and stopped wearing them.
having a long narrow skull doesnt help, as none of the 3 ever fitted properly.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
10 Sep 2010 11:02PM
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pretty important windsurfing too sometimes....

3777 posts
11 Sep 2010 2:09AM
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he is ok just got out of hospital 9 hours later ;-) thanks guys for your support xoxoxox love you all wear a helmet

3777 posts
11 Sep 2010 2:54AM
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this is the jump my mate hit it so fast he could of cleared the lot .=Jump is wheelchair matreial looks kinda crap but it gnarly at hight speed .

WA, 399 posts
11 Sep 2010 9:37AM
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landyacht said...

ive had 3 bike helmets, but they fall to bits due to the rather cheap construction . just a dollar worth of foam with a thin layer of plastic. all that for $60.when the third died I realized i was spending more on helmets than bikes, and stopped wearing them.
having a long narrow skull doesnt help, as none of the 3 ever fitted properly.

try different brands - from experience each brand has a slightly different fit. I have a melon (round head) & Giro helmets fit very well. SPecialized & Bell seem to have more narrow shape. There's planty others on the market.

You might also try something more expensive, it's still only a foam with plastic shell but more expensive buckets generally have more options for adjustments giving you better fit and solid feel.

I personally think the extra $$$ are just a marketing hype but for me the extra comfort and better fit is worth it given the amount of time I spent on the bike

SA, 1390 posts
11 Sep 2010 6:42PM
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I used to use skateboard style helmets, tough as nails with the thick plastic around the foam. You just have to find one that meats standards. But no matter what helmet you get you need to treat it with respect and if it has defects replace it. At the end of the day the helmet is what may save your life.

I fractured my scull when i was 5 years old. A helmet would have prevented it.

QLD, 7428 posts
11 Sep 2010 9:15PM
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I had a helmet testing prang on a pushie some years ago. It was a hard shell Bell. They dont use those any more.
I was cruising down a hill in traffic and an oncoming car turned in front of me. I smacked into the passenger side door without slowing and hurtled over the top and bounced down the road. I woke up in cas at the general with a couple of school boys in white coats picking bits of glass out of me and sneering at my cheap watch.
I think the helmets are useful.

QLD, 492 posts
11 Sep 2010 11:49PM
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mineral1 said...

waxman said...

Sounds nasty, there was a lady on the 7pm project the other night trying to get the helmet law changed because they don't believe there is a significant drop in injuries since they were implemented. It didn't matter to her that there are a lot more people ridding now than there was before or the dangers associated with extreme ridding. I think if they changed the law now that there would be a huge raise in injuries.

Glad your mate is OK, Braking a helmet is serious.

People like this lady in question, years gone by would have been Teradactyl crap
Anybody who doesnt wear a helmet, has no respect for their immediate family, themselves, nor society, who in the end get stuck with servicing those who have a permanent disability resulting from head trauma that could have been prevented by wearing some protection

where do we draw the line in the sand, do people who drive cars, ride motor bikes,eat too much, drink alcahol, don't exercise, etc have no respect for their families or society, i think the financial and emotional costs of servicing the injury and disease from these vices are far greater than from push bike accidents.

maybe we should be forced to wear helmets when travelling in a car (race car drivers wear them so do motor bikers.)it might prevent a lot of brain injury resulting from vehicle accidents.

the helmet laws in qld came in while i was in my very late teens or 20s, i;d been riding a bike to school for 12years without helmets and so did the majority of kids without major incident, then they tell us we need to wear a helmet. we even used to ride our trail bikes around the farms without helemets(or shoes).

interestingly enough helmets arn't needed on private property.
i only wear a helmet because i can't afford the fine for not wearing one
life is full of risks, no need to wrap society in cotton wool.
as i said, where do we draw the line.

3777 posts
12 Sep 2010 12:46AM
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3777 posts
12 Sep 2010 12:50AM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Importance of a helmet." started by busterwa