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Interview the next person

Created by Cassa > 9 months ago, 2 Jul 2011
WA, 1305 posts
2 Jul 2011 9:42AM
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For example, you can ask whatever you want:

- What's your worst/best memory of high school and why?
- What was your favorite pet you had as a child and why?
- If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?
- What is the most rewarding experience you have had and what made it so?
- Who or what inspires you and why?

So to the person below me: What was your worst experience in the last 10 yrs, be it on the water or not?

NSW, 4453 posts
2 Jul 2011 1:01PM
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Cassa said...
So to the person below me: What was your worst experience in the last 10 yrs, be it on the water or not?

September 23, 2007 ~13:20hrs
Breaking my farking back in 3 place and a couple ribs. It was on the beach while I was paragliding > bum hit a rock @ ~ 40km/h compressed my spine and farked me good.

6 weeks in hospital.
Had to learn to walk again.
Right leg paralysed from the 10hrs of surgery.
Right foot burning right now as I type.
Get cramps all over my legs now.
Lots of numb and tingly places.

To the next person: What was your best memory from the past 10 years.

NSW, 4188 posts
2 Jul 2011 1:04PM
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Neat idea for a thread - I like it!

Worst kite related experience in the last 10 years:

In some pretty serious surf and serious wind, while riding out over a wall of white water that ended up being a lot bigger than I expected, somehow I punched the bar in to the side of my head, dazing me. While I was dazed the kite flung back towards the shore, leaving me just outside the break and the kite in the impact zone about to get turned in to confetti.

Of course I chucked the kite (safety and all) and had to swim in still half dazed holding on to my board. There were two of us out that day and I was a long way upwind of the other guy.

I lost count of the number of times I got smashed in to my board / the sand on the way back in. And had at least 5 hold downs where I was clawing at the water to get a breath. By the time I got back to the beach I had taken a few decent mouthfuls of salt water and spent the next 45 minutes coughing my guts up.

Moral of the story - don't go out in anything you would not be prepared to swim out and then swim back in through, because one day you will have to...

Edit: oops - flysurfer beat me too it, so let's run with his "next question"

NSW, 2110 posts
2 Jul 2011 1:10PM
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Hey Cassa
I will get it started mine was getting divorced just on 10 years ago dividing up all our crap and fighting for custody of the Staffy we had at the time I cant imagine what it would be like to go through it with kids.
PS I got the staffy
( also one for Mac giving myself an alcohol induced liver dysfunction after a week of drinking bundy every waking minute of the day at the birdsville races on a boys trip

Ok What was your best experience in the last 10 years?

VIC, 980 posts
2 Jul 2011 3:18PM
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Great idea for a thread -

My best experience in last 10 years? -

Well I have had a few (grandkids being up there) but the best experience was .... and it will sound weird... getting cancer! Met some amazing people through it all, doctors, nurses and other patients. It has completely altered my life for the better.
Started windsurfing (I now surf as well), worked on my artistic side and working towards becoming a full time sculptor, and am now cancer free (touch wood). Definitely best experience!

Next person - Who or what inspires you and why?

WA, 986 posts
2 Jul 2011 4:03PM
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Fred hollows. Quite often the saint like level set by heroes seems difficult to reach. Jesus et al. Fred on the other hand was so real. He drank too much, He swore in public. He wasn't above stealing from the rich hospitals to help his poor patients. He was a great man but just as important he was real.

What is your favourite colour?

QLD, 1496 posts
2 Jul 2011 6:38PM
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elbeau said...

Fred hollows. Quite often the saint like level set by heroes seems difficult to reach. Jesus et al. Fred on the other hand was so real. He drank too much, He swore in public. He wasn't above stealing from the rich hospitals to help his poor patients. He was a great man but just as important he was real.

What is your favourite colour?

Blue. No yell....auuuugh......

So, what is your favourite movie line?

WA, 1305 posts
2 Jul 2011 5:53PM
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And with that ;- Whats your favourite animated show?

NSW, 807 posts
2 Jul 2011 9:30PM
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Tough question. I would probably have to go with Invader Zim:

Although the Simpsons would be a favourite as well.

Next: What's your favourite TV comedy show?

WA, 2519 posts
2 Jul 2011 8:06PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Tough question. I would probably have to go with Invader Zim:

Next: What's your favourite TV comedy show?

At the moment: The Big Bang Theory...

What's your favourite cut of steak and why?

WA, 5921 posts
2 Jul 2011 9:43PM
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Had an argentinian Rump steak in Puerto Iguasu,4years ago
FF incredible. Australian have no idea how to make a nice peice of beef
what wind sport would you like to try next?

QLD, 1496 posts
3 Jul 2011 12:20AM
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landyacht said...

what wind sport would you like to try next?

So what's the best cure for flatulence?

WA, 986 posts
2 Jul 2011 10:40PM
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Simethicone 200mg AKA Gasbusters

What is the meaning of life?

QLD, 4873 posts
3 Jul 2011 12:46AM
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Can't think of a question

Who would you most like to spend 10 minutes with? [porn stars excluded]

QLD, 2770 posts
3 Jul 2011 11:48AM
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billy connolly....

funniest pick up line you've used?

QLD, 1496 posts
3 Jul 2011 12:04PM
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Q: " do you like your eggs in the morning?"

A: "Unfertilized!!!"

worst pick up line you've used?

NSW, 4188 posts
3 Jul 2011 12:54PM
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Q: " do you like your eggs in the morning?"

A: "Unfertilized!!!"

What was the first car you owned, and why did you buy that particular car?

QLD, 12324 posts
3 Jul 2011 1:53PM
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It was a '59 Volkswagen beetle. First one with the big rear screen. Bought it because it was only $250 and my Mum and Dad helped me pay for it.

My navy apprentice pay was $20 per fortnight so saving that amount of money was not real easy. That pay rate did not go up for 4 years.

What was your first job pay rate and how long were you on it?

VIC, 869 posts
3 Jul 2011 3:43PM
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about what seemed like $2.50 an hour at Safeway. An actual fruit and veg boy, weighing your stuff and bagging it for you.

Had it for about year and a half in high school
Then I stole a Mars bar one night whan packing the shop up, thinking it was justified by my low wages. To this day it's the only things I've ever pinched and I regret it even know.

My question: What have you pinched?

NSW, 2495 posts
3 Jul 2011 3:47PM
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my mates girlfriend. she was hot though

whats the dumbest thing youve ever done?

NSW, 4453 posts
3 Jul 2011 3:52PM
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saltiest1 said...

my mates girlfriend. she was hot though
whats the dumbest thing youve ever done?

Dumbest thing I've done was when I was leaving the UK, I sold a whole bunch of stuff to this 1 guy and he walked out without paying or I forgot to get the money off him.

Then he wouldn't answer his phone, finally got through and he said he was the guys brother.

Also once transferred some money to the wrong account... but I eventually got it back.

What's the worst thing you've wasted money or time on?

3777 posts
3 Jul 2011 4:15PM
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A car is the worst investment / time etc i have wasted money on.

Q: First experience drunk?

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:22PM
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machinations all age gig,sitting in the park with the boys and some tawny port. mates said they were council workers coming and i laughed then stumbled away with my bottle while they went to the lock up waiting for mum or dad to come and give em a flogging. wish i stayed cause i puked all night.
whats the best prank you have played on someone?

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 10:49PM
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Best prank?
Probably on Dad.... His 70th Birthday! We were half tanked, and someone bought him a fishing rod.... We rigged it up, threw a line into the canal out over his back deck, and my brother was around the corner behind a bush, tugging on the line... My brother-in-law was holding the rod.... And it looked like they had landed a big shark !! We were pissing ourselves... Tim (the brother-in-law) handed the rod over to Dad, and Dad thought he was onto the biggest fish of his life.... My brother Cameron emerged from behind the bushes holding the line, as "the shark" stopped tugging on it !! Pure GOLD !!! Dad loved it more than catching a big fish !! Hook line & sinker, as they say !

Next Question - Favorite wave & why !

QLD, 12324 posts
4 Jul 2011 1:08AM
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A. The wave of success because success is a many spoked wheel that is able to be sustained if most of the spokes are strong.

Q. Do you believe that the only success is in living your life in your own way?

WA, 3519 posts
4 Jul 2011 10:22AM
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A. Yes because you learn by making mistakes and then at you funeral you will have the song my way played !

Q. Have you done something you are not too proud of?

1145 posts
4 Jul 2011 7:22PM
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Well that last question scared the **** out of me and others I guess

Q-whats your biggest regret ?

ACT, 2174 posts
4 Jul 2011 11:10PM
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felixdcat said...

A. Yes because you learn by making mistakes and then at you funeral you will have the song my way played !

Q. Have you done something you are not too proud of?

A. got involved with a mates girlfriend

A. (Biggest regret)not being mates with him any more ,he became a bikie

Q. what happens to your soul when you die?

QLD, 7932 posts
5 Jul 2011 10:03AM
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buy new shoes
Q favourite way to end the day

WA, 24860 posts
5 Jul 2011 8:11AM
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Having some mates over drinks in hand,goes without saying and watching your fav' team win.

Q- who's your fav' team?

WA, 15849 posts
5 Jul 2011 9:17AM
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A - Saints

Q - Do you have a nemisis?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Interview the next person" started by Cassa