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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

JJJ Hottest 100

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 27 Jan 2011
WA, 4485 posts
28 Jan 2011 5:25PM
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lotofwind said...

The old folk have spoken

Your dads didnt like your music when you were younger either.

And I bet in your younger years you thought you would never become uncool like your dads and keep listening to JJJ the youth radio station.

Your now only 2 steps away from wearing your shorts pulled up to your nipples and
and finding a grey hair in your pubes

My folks weren't music heads but by my early teens i was discovering some gold in their collection at the same time I was getting into punk, English/Oz alternative, 60s sh!t, chart toppers and anything that is candy to the ears.

I don't think there should be any boundaries on music that popularity, fashion and a 'use-by date' put up.

And I like high pants that stop my nipples getting burnt too!

yours sincerely,


WA, 554 posts
28 Jan 2011 5:33PM
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The "jays" and some of its listeners are like a party that you just can't quite get into. Always seems to have an undercurrent of unspoken coolness that only a select few understand.

Each to their own, but apart from Roy and HG I could never get into JJJ.

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 8:39PM
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Yeah, but funky, when you have man boobs that sag down to your belly button you dont need to pull your shorts up that high.

My parents records consisted of Dr Hook, Elvis and Marcia Hinds(My dad had a thing for her) LOL

I remember when my mum bought a John Farnham record and thought she was so hip with the youngens.Classic.

I listen to a huge range of tunes, from new JJJ stuff to 80's/90's grunge to old school (doors,hendrix,radio birdman,the clash).
Different days/moods call for different music.
Its all good.

QLD, 14476 posts
28 Jan 2011 8:42PM
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ok, flame suit on......

this whole pretence that some of us are too old and out of touch with "youth" music is a load of bollocks,

when was the last time you guys actually got out amongst it in your local band scene and heard the bundles of talent out there just doing their thing and not getting air play.

i'd say it's more a case that the majortiy of JJJ listeners don't have a clue what real music is as their only exposure is the dribble they get fed from day to day on high rotation by the programers. the whole thing has become an imploding circle or commercial music feeding its ever growning commercial fan base. and the hottest 100 is fairly strong evidence.

why are bands they're playing writing music? to be successfull or to make art and make a statement. not the latter i reckon.

if the J's were really supporting up and coming artists then why aren't they playing metal or jazz or punk or electronica in general rotation, they play middle of the road fashion orientated tunes. they don't play the truely independant artists making music, if they did most of the listener to be honest would switch off.

i think if jjj are playing bands 6 months before they get commercial airplay then we have a serious problem on our hands.

oh, and 4zzz in brisbane did the hottest 100 first in australia, and they aren't afraid to play true alternative music, and their journo ask serious question that might not be popular.

rant over.

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 10:05PM
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Gestalt said...

ok, flame suit on......

this whole pretence that some of us are too old and out of touch with "youth" music is a load of bollocks,

when was the last time you guys actually got out amongst it in your local band scene and heard the bundles of talent out there just doing their thing and not getting air play.

i'd say it's more a case that the majortiy of JJJ listeners don't have a clue what real music is as their only exposure is the dribble they get fed from day to day on high rotation by the programers. the whole thing has become an imploding circle or commercial music feeding its ever growning commercial fan base. and the hottest 100 is fairly strong evidence.

why are bands they're playing writing music? to be successfull or to make art and make a statement. not the latter i reckon.

if the J's were really supporting up and coming artists then why aren't they playing metal or jazz or punk or electronica in general rotation, they play middle of the road fashion orientated tunes. they don't play the truely independant artists making music, if they did most of the listener to be honest would switch off.

i think if jjj are playing bands 6 months before they get commercial airplay then we have a serious problem on our hands.

oh, and 4zzz in brisbane did the hottest 100 first in australia, and they aren't afraid to play true alternative music, and their journo ask serious question that might not be popular.

rant over.

If you go to a BDO or SITG (JJJ supported/advertised)you will see that there are plenty of rock/acoutic style acts that the Jay's also play and support, but the youth like what they like,request what they like, and voted for what they liked.
Did you listen to the bands they un-earthed this year and last year?
Many different styles, but if it wasnt what the youth want to listen to,,they never got anywhere.
JJJ are not going to play music that the youth dont like,they play what they want and request and vote for.

The pub bands you are talking of, the youth see them also, but times have changed, its not what they want to vote for,,some do,,but
majority rules.
Dosent mean they cant listen to that music or you cant.JJJ play what todays youth want to hear.

You asked if the bands are writting for success or to make a statement??Im sure the bands you have seen at your local are all playing,practising,writting and doing the pubs for free and hoping never to get paid for their work.In reality, they are hoping to win JJJ's unearthed so they can get paid for their work.

If its too loud,,,your too old.

QLD, 14476 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:22PM
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yeah, i don't bother with bdo, to many wankers at the gold coast events.

you're missing the point lotofwind,

jjj has spread the net too far by playing commercial music they have attracted commercial fans who are now voting for commercial music and the whole concept is spiralling along.

you can argue all you want that tripple j supports unearthed etc but again, with a main listening audience of commercially fed sheep there is no way in hell that non commercial bands are going to get through. you either sound a certain way or you fail.

you're joking, lots of local bands play music becuase it;s a release, it's fun, or they got something to say. not because they want success..... that 's the whole bloody point. do you think nirvana wrote songs to be successfull.

art is not about success it's about passion and substance. if you approach art to be successfull you are not an artist you are an employee.

loud, i like loud!

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 10:26PM
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So the bands at the pub you watch arent getting paid?

Why did nivarna get paid thousands of dollars to play gigs and made millions from cd sales??Surely they should have done it for free if they were true artists?

Members of nirvana now are in foo fighters,,,,,,Im still waiting for a free concert because they are in it only for fun.

Of course they want to make big money and get as much radio time as they can.

QLD, 14476 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:30PM
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your manipulating my words to try and prove your point. have fun with that.

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 10:36PM
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I must be missing the point
Please explain.Seriously.Im not understanding that bands dont want to get air time and make lots of money, but are only doing it for fun and to make a statement.
Im not trying to mix your words,,just dont get your point.

The youth go out and party at pubs more than the older,,use the internet for music more than the elderly,,they know whats out there.
This is what they like and what they want at this stage in the music scene.
In 5 years it will be toataly different and they will be saying "youth of today,,,dont know what they are missing out on,,,back in my day,,,"'

QLD, 14476 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:42PM
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no, you do get my point, but you are unwilling to accept it as you like an argument. it was clearly stated above but here it is again very clearly for you.

britney spears writes or has written songs whose sole purpose is to make money. it's not art it's employment.

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 10:46PM
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Nah,,chill,,not argueing,,,its a discussion. In your opinion,Brittny is only after money,,she probly thinks she is an artist,,in her eyes only
And some(wierd) youth like her voice,,,,,,,so let em.
And I would agree she is commercial,,,but what has that to do with JJJ????

Hey,,back in the early 80's,(your hey day maybe?) The most requested songs on rage were Boy George,Wham and Duran Duran.

JJJ dosent play her anyway.
Or maybe your having trouble with your transister radio machine and are tunned into a commercial radio station.
So still not explaining your point,except that you dont like brittney or young people music?

QLD, 14476 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:49PM
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they may as

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 11:16PM
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What are the commercial bands that JJJ are playing Gestalt??
I hardly ever listen to commercial radio.

WA, 7674 posts
28 Jan 2011 8:19PM
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NSW, 6451 posts
28 Jan 2011 11:23PM
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Am I the ping or the pong
Its all good,,,,,,oi,,have you heard Brittnys latest song,,,It rocks da house.Almost as commercial as the fooies have gotton and nirvana ended up

But Gestalt likes them,,,,so they cant be commercial or be in it for the coin.

What are the commecial bands JJJ are playing???

WA, 7674 posts
28 Jan 2011 8:55PM
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Too right it's all good pong...

Oooooooo Gestie luvs Britney...



Now... Leave the fooies alone... I am sure there is a pugsie on youtube about that, like (edit: sorry, the vid below may contain some dodgy language):

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Jan 2011 12:24AM
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Damn,,I though I was ping.
Hey,,,dont get me wrong.I love the fooies.
I just wish they were real artists and in it for the love of it and to make a statement,,not the bah ha ha

QLD, 14476 posts
29 Jan 2011 12:30AM
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hey i'll be pong!

lotofwind, you are confusing getting paid for what you do and writing music to get paid. there is no difference between britney spears and the local band who's trying to write a hit single only that britney is better at it.

there are plenty of bands and artists out there that don't care for commercial success, sure they want to be able to buy food. plenty of other bands throughout history have turned down major record deals also. some very big names.

it's a bit steep to say that nirvana did what they did to be rich. kurt often spoke out AGAINST THE CORPORATE MODEL AND HIS DISSAPPOINTMENT OF WHAT THE BAND HAD BECOME. but that's a whole other conversation. geffen turned out to be the wolf in sheeps clothing. you forget (or aren't aware) of the stink that occurred after albini recorded and mixed in utero.

it's the age old debate, does success mean that i sold out. well i'd suggest the answer depends on what motivated the band and how they got there.

personally i'm not a big fan of the foo fighters. don't own a single record. doesn't mean i don't think each member of the band is highly talented and have much respect for them. so maybe it's the production their big label uses to make them more palatable to the masses......


hey, i don't love britney but i can listen to a bit of avril,

QLD, 14476 posts
29 Jan 2011 12:37AM
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lotofwind said...

What are the commercial bands that JJJ are playing Gestalt??
I hardly ever listen to commercial radio.

well kanye west for starters.

i could go on but that pretty much says it all right there.

WA, 949 posts
28 Jan 2011 10:46PM
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I don't mind the music... If only they stopped talking so much ****, but maybe I'm just getting too old??

NSW, 2510 posts
29 Jan 2011 4:16AM
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ive just discovered this new technology called "compact discs". they even work in cars!

i dont have to listen to jjj going down hill anymore when i slip one in.

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Jan 2011 8:34AM
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saltiest1 said...

ive just discovered this new technology called "compact discs". they even work in cars!

Wait till you discover MP3.
A litte bit of plastic the size of a match box that can hold MILLIONS of songs.
Its gotta be witch craft I tell ya.

NSW, 2510 posts
29 Jan 2011 10:51AM
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lotofwind said...

saltiest1 said...

ive just discovered this new technology called "compact discs". they even work in cars!

Wait till you discover MP3.
A litte bit of plastic the size of a match box that can hold MILLIONS of songs.
Its gotta be witch craft I tell ya.

no. that is not possible. next youll be telling me therell be a black president and a woman pm! dreaming.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Jan 2011 8:46AM
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QLD, 14476 posts
29 Jan 2011 10:58AM
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that's quality pr... still laughing.

have you heard much of cocker's solo stuff over the last few years. he's taking no prisoners... respect!

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Jan 2011 9:23AM
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I've liked Jarvis's stuff since day dot.
As a bloke he's a wanker tho.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
29 Jan 2011 12:49PM
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Gestalt, can't agree more. Ive watched music change from a world altering artistic statement to manufactured fashion accessory. I remember when "dark side of the moon" came out and Led Zep volume 11, The Cure's "pornography", Blue oyster cult,unknown pleasures,rattlesnakes,murmur.....etc . These were all bands and albums that changed music. And don't think I'm some old **** who's music stopped at 1980. Problem is I ask a 19 year old who's staying at chateau log at the moment who's great and who's crap and he responds that Presets are ok, Pains of being pure at heart are ok but he prefers AC/DC and the Doors. Nothing makes me sadder. That's not his music, It's mine. Music must exist in a time and that time has gone. Now is a new time and "the young people of today" are being served up (generally speaking) music that is either out of context or out of ideas. I had one of those light bulb moments the other day, walking down Brunswick st. Fitzroy with my circa 1980 The Cure "killing an Arab" T shirt on ,( yep it still fits ) and walking past is a geeky 18 year old WITH THE SAME T SHIRT!!!!!. The only difference is his T was a piece of fashion mine was an indication to the world that this is my tribe, this is who and what I 1980 anyway

Reflex Films
WA, 1448 posts
29 Jan 2011 11:31AM
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log man - well said.

I know its each generation's role to get grumpy and think that there is no real music any more..

- i really struggle to see any musical movements that have the energy and excitement that a young
U2, The cure, The Police, Nirvana (Kurt was able to get new tyres for his VW beetle with his proceeds from Nevermid - and that was about it). Pixies, Grand master Flash , Michael Jackson, INXs (early days),Stone Roses, Public enemy, Talking Heads, Sonic Youth - and thats all just in around 10 yearsWhat has 2000 - 2010 given us?

Remember that for every r and B clone tune out there that you hear on the radio a real artist has been displaced, disenfrachised and discouraged. Which is why i get so angry when i hear the latest Usher etc etc pissweak tune on the radio.

There are still some great artists out there - but Music on mainstream radio is Mcmusic - its been packaged and managed and the last concern is whether it sounds any good or not.

There are still awesome artists out there but they have become criminally hard to find underneath the pile of rubbish that is served up on the radio (this includes triple J - but to a lower extent than commercial radio)

WA, 15849 posts
29 Jan 2011 2:51PM
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Boobs (.)(.)

WA, 4485 posts
29 Jan 2011 3:19PM
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poor relative said...

I've liked Jarvis's stuff since day dot.
As a bloke he's a wanker tho.


As for BDO - once upon a time JJJ had their finger on the pulse and managed to sign up awesome bands for BDO before they really cracked it on the top shelf.

Whose headlining these days?

Rammstein, Tool, Stooges, Primal scream etc?

I'm not sayin theye aren't (or weren't?) good bands, but in most cases they have played BDO 3 times before, and/or haven't released a decent toon in a decade. I mean give me a fkn big break!?

$$$ rule and BDO is flogging a clapped out dead corporate horse.

Funnily enough JJJ won't play any classic alternative toons on air and resemble a top 40 hits (hits hits hits) station but they will sign up clapped out bands to fill the big name slots coz 'happening' bands are too exxy/difficult to book.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"JJJ Hottest 100" started by doggie