OT - My sister rang me up a couple of years ago just after getting of a flight from Paris to Hong Kong and relayed that she ended up sitting next to this rather eccentric but really sweet guy. They got chatting, she asked him what he did, he said he was a singer slash musician, she said oh like classical or opera, he said no not quite. Discussion led elsewhere for the entire flight then after disembarking and going through customs my sister yells out across the custom's line, "lovely to meet you Jarvis, maybe we'll catch up some time". She went home and told her friend that she meet this really sweet guy called Jarvis Cocker on the flight and her flatmate fell off her chair and died with laughter whilst trying to explain his credentials. We have a great laugh about it whenever there is a Pulp song that pops up (much to her embarrassment)
BTW - there's 30 seconds of your life you're never goin to get back.
not all bands are writting music to be commercial.
grandfather had their album recorded by steve albini at electrical audio. they paid for the recordngs, documented the whole process and then offered the album up for free download.
their website
the recording process.....
couple of live vids
^^^^^^The old folk dont think so.
They keep saying "Its not because Im old,,,,,but" LOL
The youth still love the Jay's,,,things have changed,,let go of your teenage years and age gracfully.
"the past is in your head,the futures in our hands"(the living end,,probly near the end of the generation change).
The old folk are not ment to like youth music and the Jay's,If they did,the youth wouldnt listen to it.
Back in the day they use to play commercial radio songs as well,,Perl Jam etc
Nothing is as good as when you were young. sigh
The youth voted for what they wanted,,they could vote for any music released this last year,,,,this is what they wanted.The youth have spoken.
Hey Oliver isn't that guy Leslie West from Mountain. I tried for a vid but couldn't find one. And Gestalt,what if Grandfather supported Grandaddy on tour?
the youth argument is retarded. there is no doubt jjj is a commercial station, they play kanye west for god's sake.
and the argument that the youth voted for what they wanted is also majorly flawed.
jjj are the ones that pick the tunes to be played. ie, they then get the "youth" to vote and have their say on the songs they presented them and it empowers the "youth" to feel like they are calling the shots.
they are only voting on what they are exposed to. jjj needs to adjust it's "exposure" meter.
that falls directly on the head of the music director. and that's the odd thing. if you look at kingsmills picks in the unearthed section, he obviously has excellent taste.
so why are those bands, which are young and alternative and australian not getting major airplay on jjj yet the middle of the road, commercial, record labelled backed crapola bands on high rotation.
1) When I listened to JJJ back in the 90's, the quickest a commercial station would pick up a nice fresh JJJ high rotation song would be 4 months - usually it was the best part of a year. The song would be special for a good amount of time. Now a popular JJJ played song can get picked up on Nova in a matter of weeks if not days.
2) You generation X'ers want it all. You are quite happy to have had your musical tastes that totally freaked out your parents' but want the generations that are below you to have a musical journey that pretty much repeats yours. Or at least one that you expect to understand. They require different songs to identify with their own formative years.
3) The top ten on the JJJ hottest 100 is not indicative of the best of JJJ in the previous year but merely those songs that had a wide appeal. The better JJJ songs are usually found between position 20 and position 80.
4) Not every year can be more epic than the last
5) JJJ is not perfect but it is a hundred times better than ads fest radio. It amazes me that most employers don't want JJJ on at work because of the occasional swear word in a song but accept repetitive adverts all day every day (nova and nova) claiming to 'cure' mens erection or ejaculation problems being played in the workplace. WTF is with that?
6) I don't have a point for 6
7) When Kanye West is played on JJJ I think of it like an advert break and tune out for 3.5 mins :)
8) "Get off my lawn you raggamuffins and go out and rebel in ways that conform to my way of thinking"
Mr. Jetson, love the Idea that "the youth of today" want to rebel and have their own music, and hasn't it always been like that but there are **** periods of music there are **** artists and so on . My beef is that I'm all up for the youth to annoy the **** out of me with music I don't understand,wearing clothes and hair I just don't get. The only problem is I understand the music,the fashion etc, most of the time it's music from my youth(AC DC,Jimmy H,Led Zep etc) ,how depressing that the desire to create a new way is subjugated into consumer music. So there's the problem , I want NEW and great music but it's a bit thin at the moment. And if I see another kid in pointy shoes,stretch tight leg back jeans, new romantic hair and a ****ING RAMONES T SHIRT I'll vomit. Lotofwind, I totally understand JJJ top 100, and that's the problem........will you please annoy the **** out of me...... with some great music that I don't understand.
hey oliver,
i've been to festivals all over the world and a lot of festivals that make the bdo look like muso kindy.....
bdo sucks period.
they killed livid as well. for that they will never be forgiven. your mates are slurping at the commercial pig trough.
I haven't listened to JJJ for a few years. It's only on the radio when my daughter is in the car.
I gave it up when they started giving airplay to Aussie Hip Hop