That is not on! I mean, I can see the value of said sign above someones bbq,bar area, or shack. Full props and at first glance it may fall under the first glance 'soft crime' that is attached to all cool bar paraphenalia that you can get your hands on it's almost like an open invite to steal BUT....................
this place has been my valhalla since I was about 15 (as a pox arse queenslander living inside the great barrier reef where proper surf is something u see in magazines)
20 years on I have put off many trips there and I will get there one day (it's a bazillion k's) The point I'm trying to make is I reserve the right for my eyes to glass over and my dick get hard at the sight of that sign at full volume of my favourite band after a road trip of thousands of klms. I seriously look at wa jobs and dream about uprooting my whole family often just so I can go there on holiday. In reality it might be a single day after I kook out and DIE but Fark.. It's like going to NY and not seeing the empire stat or the statue of liberty. Im sure I'm not alone
Put it back Farkheads! and if they dont, maybee someone else can. I bet some smelly backpacker stole it. FAIR SUCK OF THE SAV
maybe a chance for some seabreezers to get together for a working bee, build and paint one and have an excuse to drive up and put it in place
In the meantime maybe they can erect a sign in its place that reads "THIS SIGN HAS BEEN STOLEN"
I bet the dickheads dumped it somewhere nearby too.