What about our South Australian Polly, appointed to the Cabinet, Minister for Roads @ Traffic, big mouthing on Hoons etc, with 4 other portfolios, with 30+ driving offenses/convictions and unpaid fines, including disqualifications. A minister, who has roads and traffic taken away from him. Still minister for prisons. Think I will volunteer for time in his jail, recon it would be great, with respect. There is no respect there from the top of the tree, how can one expect pumped young blokes to show respect for anything
Kevin David Barron, 48, also received a lifetime ban from driving when he was sentenced in the Perth District Court today. He was made eligible for parole, meaning he could walk free from jail after serving five years and six months behind bars.
And i suppose he blames his parents???
Has to be the new hip hop catch phrase.
You tell me what is a HOON
You want HOONS then start promoting it ,,,and that the authorities are doing
Having resently been subjected to the hoon legislation and having my car taken,with out being found guilty of anything, highlighted to me the mental disorder , hostilities and sterro typing the community has placed on the youth of today, and the jelousey of sum lurking in the the community to make statments to that effect about there perceived interpritation to report a hoon.
If your wheels loose traction with the roads surface ........you are a HOON and can have your car impounded with out charge under this legislation. Ask your self are you a hoon ????? i say so ...............
Fix the roads with my taxes
I am yet to come accross a more devisive set of rules / Law that only hightens future hostilities of youth towards all law enforcement agencys .
What is wrong with people ...........looking out there windows waiting to hear and see a hoon ......... Is this normal
0-50km flat out is not a crime
A Thumping will tuned V8 is not a crime.
And if you got nothing else to do apart from bitch get a life
Thumbs up for the Australian Top Gear its not as good but the cars are.
GO FORD..............
Next time a plane even better a fighter jet flys over the top of your place ,and you run out to have a look,remember to go ring the cops.
Some of the people i drive with really scare me. It is not just speed. But complete retardedness. There is little consideration for what other drivers want (that doesn't change with age it seems), not confident enough where it counts, and overly confident where they shouldn't be.
There is little anticipation, no checking of side streets, always trusting green lights, lack of head-checks all that sorta stuff.
The drink driving one is a huge problem. And to be honest i think it is the girls that do it more often, with a "it'll be fine" attitude. I hate this, and really think it is ridiculous. I really couldn't care less if they kill themselves in this situation, it is the poor person they could crash into that is the main worry.
I'll admit, i go over the speed limit occasionally, but never when it is inappropriate. Some people don't use the time/place judgement and go nuts everywhere.
Also, a lack of understanding of how a car controls. Probably an experience thing. But so many people i know have crashed/written of cars in the wet by taking corners to fast, and freak out when their car either doesn't turn at all, or over steers and they spin out.
Peer pressure is a big thing also. I get told occasionally stuff like "stop driving like a pussy, you can go faster". They shut up when they realise they'll be walking if they don't shut it. Lots of people just cave in though.
Lack of concentration is another thing. People just drive around with their heads completely elsewhere. Loud music, talking to 4 other people in the car etc. This is probably the most important thing. If you're paying attention, you really shouldn't cause an accident.
Army run boot camp 500+kms inland - away from a town - a few left around from Howard era. The punishment is in your face and not anonymous...
Drink(drug) driving (- no bystanders hurt)
1st offence - 1 week (get the idea - doesn't kill your life)
2nd offence - 2 months (break the habit stuff's up your life)
3rd offence - 6 months
anymore jail - 5+ years.
Same theme for most stupid road activities. (Road rage, Auto Theft, XSive Speed in built up area, assaulting a cop... yarda yarda)
Like skate parks - need speed parks with no public liability (a few caste in concrete rules) but same access to services as for a road (ambulance fire etc)- like a blue light race track...
Speed is fun - most adrenaline kicks are fun.
The key item is risk assessment - sadly missing with too many cars + youth - alot of this comes with experience.
A pity nothing else is as easily accessible and offers the same as a car to play in without the collateral damage when things go wrong.
I need some wind
3rd world West Coast burn out
We've had a bad patch here with lives lost on the roads...none drug/alcohol related, more leading toward fatigue...
It's sad to hear, and yet the fatalities keep rising.
Gidday Loner....
to me, your name, says it all. While a good percentage of young people are herd animals, aping the rest, they will act as sheep. A judis goat [no brainer] will lead, most everyone else follows.
Maturity gives every young person the ability to act in a way that will help their wizeability and longlivety. I was a bit of a packy or herdy until I realized that the pack people were loosers. It absolutely saps the makeup of the individual, fights against the d.n.a. within themselves, snookers their creativity.
No one has had a better life than I. Which was due to my selective responsibility, I only realized that i had this choice around 18
Very sadly......
Last night, HOONS KILL another INNOCENT MOTORIST. Drag racing hoons last night caused the death of an everyday motorist. 1 DEAD 4 INJURED BADLY,AND SECOND CAR OF HOONS DEPARTED THE SCENE TAIL BETWEEN THEIR LEGS. GUTLESS BSSSSS IN SUBARU. relatives take dead dog pet, to bury
Google.... Adelaide Now for above story also "parents of warn" story
What reli said is true, driving fast and recklessly is FUN!
BUT, and a big BUT... I reckon we live in a society where personal responsibility and accountability is all but completely overlooked. Where do young people learn these things nowadays? Its not like mum and dad are home and its not like school consists of much more than learning how to pass tests (generalization - but its more true now than ever before).
How many immature/selfish 17 year olds do you know? Now put them in a car and there's nothing to hold them back.
It's a matter of respect as it is one of values - including others lives! Scare campaigns FAIL. Speed limits FAIL. Limited power/weight ratio FAIL. Longer license restrictions FAIL. My point is, so long as they feel it's OK to endanger others there is no stopping them...
People advocating more laws have missed the whole point, especially when Mr Plod is only willing to enforce the speed limit and state politicians are unwilling to spend on proper driver training and can only put into place bandaid solutions that restrict our freedom to little real effect.
I think it's a bit 'today tonight' to blame kids in particular. My cousin has been in hospital 2 months now and counting, cause: an oldie coming off night shift falling asleep. My oldest friend lost his father and 2 sisters, cause: truckie on speed.
Personally I think arrogant careless pricks in large 4wds are just as dangerous, as are senile oldies who like driving the wrong way up freeways. Like this http://www.perthstreetbikes.com/forum/f14/death-driving-charge-against-senile-elderly-man-dismissed-80876/
In a dangerous situation I'd prefer a 'hoon' (hate that word) behind the wheel than a nervous nellie. Why? When I was 17 I had a 2ltr ford escort and spent plenty of time getting it sideways etc. Never had even a minor accident. In the last few years I've been in the middle of 2 major pile ups on the gateway motorway, the worst one the 6 cars in front hit and the 5 cars behind me. In both cases I drove out untouched, and I credit the driving skills I learned as a youngun.
So, how do we help teach respect to the younguns?
This week marks the anniversary of the end of compulsory conscription in NZ, and a number of the guys who were in that last intake have commented that they hated it at the time, but now see the value and positive impact it had on their lives later on. One of them identified "respect, discipline, and knowing how to get out of bed in the morning".
Apparently it was reincarnated as 'national service', but that was ended after a campaign of civil disobedience by a single organisation. Probably relatives of the lot who've recently made smacking your children illegal, and prostitution legal..[but don't let me get started on that!]
Maybe compulsory service could work again, although I don't think it's fair to expect the military to make up for crappy parenting - perhaps it could work to break the cycle? No other organisation has respect and discipline deeply enough ingrained to even stand a chance.