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Kronic will be banned

Created by felixdcat > 9 months ago, 17 Jun 2011
WA, 3519 posts
17 Jun 2011 5:15PM
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Well done power!
Now it will be sold under the counter
it will cost 3 x more (more profit for the mob)
3 x more people will smoke it as it will be cooler
and they will fine people caught selling or buying it (more profit for the power)

Bah! lets go back and support the local growers (of wine and beer of course).

WA, 15849 posts
17 Jun 2011 5:17PM
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Na people will just go back to the natural stuff I recon. No harm no foul.......

NSW, 1088 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:41PM
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if you were ment to smoke u would have a chimney on ur head.

let dead beats be dead beats

Mark _australia
WA, 22343 posts
17 Jun 2011 6:51PM
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doggie said...

Na people will just go back to the natural stuff I recon. No harm no foul.......

Yeah lots of things occur naturally that are harmful.

Can't stand the 'natural' argument for something that causes so much harm.

WA, 1305 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:07PM
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Have known lots of pot smokers over the years (and there are alot of them ) , the only ones who have ; created a problem ,
been a problem,
had mental problems ,

HAD those issues before they smoked and still do ,

I know SO MANY smokers who are in their lat 40's and some into their 60's who have run , and still run very reputable, and profitable buisinesses, have very happy well adjusted families, including their children, and continue to do so .There are also a few that hold Govt jobs , but I cant go into that
Lots of people drink , but only SOME have problems with it ,and thats FAR worse for you than a smoke once and a while,( and yes I have partaked in the herb , but 1 or 2 joints a year aint going to harm me)
Sorry Mark , I am not with you on the : it causes so much harm one ,--- those that do , probably did before and always will

Mark _australia
WA, 22343 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:13PM
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I've also seen many normal teenagers become paranoid wrecks within months of smoking it. Hospitalised with no chance of ever being normal.

Many people drive pissed and don't kill themselves or anyone, maybe it should be legal?

WA, 1305 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:22PM
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Sorry to here that , I recon I have a few years on you Mark , and fortunatly for me and those concerned , I've not come across normal ,nice well adjusted teens ,turning foul or having to be admitted for problems that relate to smoking pot.
Have employed soooo many over the years,

ANYONE who drives PISSED should be locked up!!!
There is no excuse for that

WA, 15849 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:32PM
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Mark _australia said...

doggie said...

Na people will just go back to the natural stuff I recon. No harm no foul.......

Yeah lots of things occur naturally that are harmful.

Can't stand the 'natural' argument for something that causes so much harm.

Mate that other thread is rotting your brain, people will go back to the natural weed, I dint say it was a good thing. Jeez!!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:33PM
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I think all drugs should be legal.
It then becomes a health problem that health professionals can finally educate the public about without fear or prejudice
Crime disappears overnight.

I see nothing but positives from legalisation of all drugs.

WA, 1305 posts
17 Jun 2011 7:34PM
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poor relative said...

I think all drugs should be legal.
It then becomes a health problem that health professionals can finally educate the public about without fear or prejudice
Crime disappears overnight.

I see nothing but positives from legalisation of all drugs.


shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
17 Jun 2011 8:06PM
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doggie said...

Na people will just go back to the natural stuff I recon. No harm no foul.......

Heroin and Cocaine are natural stuff and come from a plant...

Poor smoking implement shops will have their profits halved.

ACT, 2174 posts
18 Jun 2011 7:39AM
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its a sad state of affairs when you can jam illegal heroin up your arm in a legal injecting room for the sake of harm minimisation but you can't have a couple of tokes on a spliff at the weekend for fear of being drug tested at work on monday and loseing your job .

yet i know others that have taken to ekies , amphetamines and LSD because its undetectable after a few days and get away with it

please bear in mind "drugs are bad nnOK "

VIC, 3829 posts
18 Jun 2011 8:53AM
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shi thouse said...

Select to expand quote
doggie said...

Heroin and Cocaine are natural stuff and come from a plant...

Poor smoking implement shops will have their profits halved.

Those two are derived from a natural product....pot is a natural product...big difference

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
18 Jun 2011 12:05PM
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Tux said...

shi thouse said...

Select to expand quote
doggie said...

Heroin and Cocaine are natural stuff and come from a plant...

Poor smoking implement shops will have their profits halved.

Those two are derived from a natural product....pot is a natural product...big difference

The active ingredient that is in pot is THC. This too is a derivative of the the natural product. The process of accessing the active ingredient also involves a chemical process of heating or burning.

At the end of the day the desired effect of mind altering is what is required.

Just because the process of growing and accessing this active derivative is more straight forward it doesn't distinguish between what is natural and what is not...big indifference.

WA, 3271 posts
18 Jun 2011 12:16PM
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Last I heard Kronic was grass clippings and herbs soaked in chemicals and dried out. And people want to smoke it?!?

I've lost count of the number of people I have come across that smoke pot or inject amphetamine etc that think its harmless, and are totally oblivious to the fact that their health and mental health are suffering so badly they have done irreparable (sp?) damage to themselves, their jobs/careers and most importantly their family and friends.

WA, 3519 posts
18 Jun 2011 12:55PM
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Chris6791 said...

Last I heard Kronic was grass clippings and herbs soaked in chemicals and dried out. And people want to smoke it?!?

I've lost count of the number of people I have come across that smoke pot or inject amphetamine etc that think its harmless, and are totally oblivious to the fact that their health and mental health are suffering so badly they have done irreparable (sp?) damage to themselves, their jobs/careers and most importantly their family and friends.

That goes for vine and beer drinkers, tobacco smokers, addicted gamblers, Huns drivers etc...
Should we get more of the nanny state to make us stay home in a wool cocoon so we will not get hurt?

NSW, 5780 posts
18 Jun 2011 3:13PM
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Sailhack said...

This shroom is also natural...but that doesn't mean it's good for you.

oh but they are....

smurfs can't be wrong

world would be a better place if more people smoked pot and ate a cap every now and then

the secret is moderation

NSW, 6451 posts
18 Jun 2011 3:55PM
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^^^^^^Trust him
He's a Doctor

WA, 4485 posts
19 Jun 2011 11:32PM
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And talking of shrooms.. just for good measure

It's all fun until weeks later your at the dentist..

WA, 986 posts
20 Jun 2011 12:28AM
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A list of "natural" plants that can kill or harm you. "Natural" does not mean good.

ACOKANTHERA, fruit and flowers

ACONITE, (Monkshood), roots, flowers and leaves

AGAPANTHUS, African lily, foliage and bulb

ALOE, high in oxalates, irritant

AMSINKIA (Tarweed), foliage and seeds

ANEMONE, Wildflower

AMARYLLIS, A. belladonna digitalis, bulbs contain alkaloids; berries and other parts

ANGEL TRUMPET TREE, Datura arborea, flowers and leaves

APPLE SEEDS, see Cherry Laurel


ATROPA BELLADONNA, all parts, especially black berries


AVOCADO, foliage

AZALEAS (RHODODENDRON), all parts are fatal!

BANEBERRY, (Doll's Eyes), red or white berries, roots and foliage

BEGONIA, tubers, foliage and blossoms

BEACH PEA, Lathyrus manumus

BETEL NUT PALM, all parts

BIRD OF PARADISE, Strelitzia, foliage, flowers and seed pods

BITTERSWEET, Solanum celastrus, dulcamera, berries

BLACK LOCUST, bark, sprouts and foliage are poisonous

BLEEDING HEART, (Dutchman's Breeches), foliage and roots

BLOODROOT, Sanguinaria, all parts

BLUE-GREEN ALGAE, Mycrocystis, all parts!

BLUEBONNETS, (Lupines), Lupinus, all parts


BOXWOOD, Buxux sempervirens, all parts

BUCKEYE HORSE CHESTNUT, sprouts and nuts

BUTTERCUP, all parts


CALADIUM, all parts

CALLA LILLY, all parts

CAROLINA JESSAMINE, flowers, leaves and sap

CASAVA, roots

CASTOR BEAN, seeds are fatal!

CELANDINE, Chelidonium

CHRISTMAS ROSE, all parts, especially leaves

CHERRIES, Prunus (wild and cultivated), twigs and foliage are fatal!

CHERRY LAUREL, all parts are very dangerous; contains hydrocyanic acid


CHINA BERRY TREE, Melia, berries are poisonous

CHINESE EVERGREEN, Aglaonema, foliage


CHRISTMAS BERRY, (Toyo), berries are poisonous

COLUMBINE, Aquilegia, all parts

COMMON PRIVET, black or blue wax-coated berries and leaves

CORAL PLANT, Euphorbium, entire plant

CHINA BERRY TREE, Melia, berries are poisonous

CREEPING CHARLIE, black or blue

CROCUS, all bulbs

CROTON, inside plants are safe, outdoor plants are dangerous

CYCLAMEN, foliage, stems and flowers

DAPHNE, Laurus, the berries are fatal!

DAFFODIL, (Narcissus), bulbs may be fatal

DAPHNE, the berries are fatal!

DEATH-CAMAS, all parts are poisonous, roots are deadly!

DEADLY NIGHTSHADE, all parts, unripe fruit and foliage

DELPHINIUM, (Larkspur annual), all parts
DESTROYING ANGEL, (Death Cap), Amanita, all parts

DIEFFENBACHIA, (Dumb Cane), all parts, especially the sap

DOGWOOD, fruit slightly poisonous


ELDERBERRY, leaves, shoots, and bark

ELEPHANT EARS (Taro), entire plant and fruit is poisonous

ENGLISH IVY, Hedera, berries—all ivys are toxic

EUPHORBIA, (Spurge), (Crown of Thorns), (Poinsettia), leaves and flowers & latex-like sap

FALSE HELIEBORE, all parts are poisonous and the root is deadly!

FIDDLE LEAF FIG, Ficus lyrata, liage and latex sap

FIG, Ficus benjamina

FOXGLOVE, Digitalis purpurea, whole plant can be fatal

FIDDLE NECK,(String of Pearls) Senecio

FLY AGARIC, (Fly Amanita mushroom), whole plant

FOUR O'CLOCK, Mirabilis, whole plant

GELSEMIUM, whole plant

GOLDEN CHAIN, seeds and pods may be fatal

HEAVENLY BAMBOO, Nandina, all parts

HELIEBORE, Ranunculaccea, all parts

HEMLOCK ROOTS, all parts

HENBANE, all parts

HOLLY, leaves and berries

HORSE CHESTNUT, all parts, including bud

HORSETAIL REED, Equisetum, all parts

HYACINTH, Hyacinthus, Garden variety, not water; bulbs, foliage and flowers

HYDRANGEA, whole plant

IMPATIENS, (Balsam, Touch-Me-Not, Snapweed), whole plant

IRIS, underground stems

IVY, all parts

JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT, root is irritant and astringent

JASMINE, YELLOW, all parts

JATROPHA, (Pursge Nut, Curcas Bean, Peregrina, Psychic Nut), seeds and oil

JERUSALEM CHERRY, fruits and leaves

JIMSON WEED, (Thorn apple), all parts

JOHNSON GRASS, Sorgum, all parts are toxic

JUNIPER, Juniperus, all parts

LAMBKILL (Sheep Lauren), leaves

LANTANA CAMARA (Red Sage), green berries are fatal

LARKSPUR, (Delphinium), foliage and roots are dangerous, seeds may be fatal!

LAURELS (Primus varieties), all parts are fatal!

LILY-OF-THE-NILE, Agapanthus


LOBELIA, (Cardinal flower), all parts

LOCOWEED, all parts

LOCUST, Lobinia, all parts

LUPINE, Lupinus, seeds, pods, and foliage

MACHINEEL, all parts

MARIJUANA, all parts

MAY APPLE, all parts

MESCAL, (Peyote), all parts

MILKWEED, all parts

MISTLETOE, berries are fatal!

MOCCASIN FLOWER, (Lady Slipper), all parts

MOCK ORANGE, all parts

MONKSHOOD, foliage and fleshy roots

MOONSEED, berries may be fatal


MOUNTAIN LAUREL, young leaves and shoots are fatal!


NARCISSUS BULBS, (Daffodil), can be fatal


NECTARINE, fruit okay, inner seed only

NEPHTHYTIS, Syngonium, foliage

NICOTIANA, Nicotine (Bush Tobacco) wild and cultivated, leaves

NIGHTSHADES, (European Bittersweet, Horse Nettle), all parts, especially unripe berries

OAKS, foliage and acorns

OLEANDER, foliage

PANSY, Viola, all parts



PENNY ROYAL, Hedeoma and Mentha, foliage and flowers

PEONY, all parts

PEPPERS, Capsicum, foliage

PERIWINKLE, Vinca, all parts

PHILODENDRON, Monstera, leaves and sap

PINKS, (Sweet William, Carnation), Dianthus, all parts


POKEWEED (Pokeberry), Phytolacca, roots and fruit are dangerous

POINSETTIA, (Note: recent research supports the claim that the poinsettia plant is non-toxic and at worst a stomach irritant. While not fatal it should not be eaten by people or pets. Therefore, it should not be fed or used as a landscaping plant in habitats. )

POISON HEMLOCK, all parts are fatal!

POISON IVY, all parts


POISON SUMAC, all parts

POPPY, all except California poppies are dangerous

POTATO, sprouts and foliage are fatal!


PRIVET, Ligustrum, leaves and fruit

PYRACANTHA, Pyracantha, foliage and fruit

RANUNCULUS, all parts

REDWOOD, wood chips are poisonous to fish, turtles,
and other aquatic animals

RHODODENDRON, (Azalea), all parts are fatal

RHUBARB, Rheum, leaves and leaf blade are fatal!

ROSARY BEAN, (Jequirity Bean, Crab's Eye, Precatroy Bean), Abrus, seeds commonly called "beans" are fatal!

ROSEMARY, leaves of certain varieties are harmless, others are poisonous

RUSSIAN THISTLE, Carduus or Silybum, foliage and flowering part

SAGE, Salvia, leaves of certain varieties are harmless, others are poisonous

SALMON BERRY, Rubus, foliage and fruit

SCARLET PIMPERNEL, Amagallis, foliage, flowers and fruit

SCOTCH BROOM, Cytisus, seeds

SENECIO, whole plant

SHASTA DAISY,(Chrysanthemum), foliage and flowers

SKUNK CABBAGE, Symplocarpus, roots

SNAPDRAGON, Antirrhimum, all parts

SQUIRREL CORN, Dicentra, all parts

STAR-OF-BETHLEHEM, Ornithagalum, all parts


STRONOMIUM, all parts


SUNDEW, Droscera, foliage toxic

SWEET PEA, stems

TANSY, Tanacetum, all parts

TARO, stem and leaves

TAR WEED, Eriodictyon, foliage, flowers and seed pods

TIGER LILY, Lillium, all parts

TOAD FLAX, Linaria, foliage



TOMATO, foliage and vines

TOYON BERRY, Heteromeles, berries are toxic

TREE OF HEAVEN, Ailanthus, foliage and flowering parts

TRILLIUM, (Common), foliage


TRUMPET VINE, (Challis), Campsis, Nicotiana, all parts

UMBRELLA TREE, Schefflera, all parts

VENUS FLYTRAP, Dionaea, foliage and flowering parts

VERBENA, Verbena, foliage and flowers

WISTERIA, Wisteria, seeds and pods


YELLOW OLEANDER, all parts, especially kernels of the fruit

YEWS, (Yucca, Spanish Bayonet), Taxus, foliage, flowers and berries are toxic

YELLOW STAR THISTLE, Centaurea, foliage and flowering parts

YERBA SANTA, Eriodictyon, foliage and seeds

Only the stems are cooked for human consumption

QLD, 3615 posts
20 Jun 2011 9:11AM
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^ nah, just because it kills you doesn't mean it is bad for you.

3777 posts
20 Jun 2011 10:35AM
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few mates had a big smoke of it on the weekend continuous laughing for about 25 min out side a dominoes pizza store at a blue dominoes sign and people in pizza uniforms couldn't even order pizza..
After trying i must say it was a fun drug as a once off to see what the fuss is about but obviously has no place in a workforce environment especially working with heavy equipment and jobs which require communication .
Im glad it has been banned.

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Jun 2011 12:40PM
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Mark _australia said...

I've also seen many normal teenagers become paranoid wrecks within months of smoking it. Hospitalised with no chance of ever being normal.

But it's illegal so that could never have happened.

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Jun 2011 12:46PM
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</smart point>

But what Mark said is true. I think people think of it as a "harmless" drug. It used to be, but the stuff is so damn strong nowadays it has to be taken with some consideration. If you smoke like a few cones every day I reckon it's the equivalent of drinking a bottle of spirits or so every day. You're going to get ****ed up.

Even though it is illegal a huge number of people still use it, regularly. The fact is the total damage caused by it, real damage, pales in comparison to the damage caused by alcohol and cigarettes.

...did I just contradict myself?

All in moderation.

Those that don't drink and smoke die healthy.

QLD, 3615 posts
20 Jun 2011 1:19PM
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busterwa said...

few mates had a big smoke of it on the weekend continuous laughing for about 25 min out side a dominoes pizza store at a blue dominoes sign and people in pizza uniforms couldn't even order pizza..
After trying i must say it was a fun drug as a once off to see what the fuss is about but obviously has no place in a workforce environment especially working with heavy equipment and jobs which require communication .
Im glad it has been banned.

That's great. But those guys in the Blue uniforms do look funny. So maybe it has no affect.

WA, 6277 posts
20 Jun 2011 2:47PM
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The line between drug and poison is very very fine... most drugs are classified as poisonous, including alcohol.

Too much coffee will kill you. Too much water can kill you.

Personally I agree with PR

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
20 Jun 2011 6:16PM
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poor relative said...

I think all drugs should be legal.
It then becomes a health problem that health professionals can finally educate the public about without fear or prejudice
Crime disappears overnight.

I see nothing but positives from legalisation of all drugs.


Nanny state laws sh1t me...

QLD, 4083 posts
20 Jun 2011 6:38PM
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nebbian said...

Too much coffee will kill you. Too much water can kill you.

I've had two coffees today, and a lot of chocolate. I don't feel so good.

VIC, 5000 posts
20 Jun 2011 6:39PM
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Wanna hear something funny...I had to google 'Kronic', never heard of it until this thread started!

Waaay back, when I was a teen, a work colleague (apprentice) and a few others decided to try boiling up (insert exotic flower name) and eating the petals, as it was growing in our local botanical garden. I turned up at his place the next day to get a lift to trade-school and he was still hallucinating!

2 of his mates ended up wandering the street that night with no pants on & getting locked up, whilst he swore that I had called in to have brekky with him that morning! He even remembered the conversation he had at brekky with me and his ex girlfriend's dad (who had passed away a couple of years before!)...totally trippin!

As for dangerous - I was too young to drive, so he drove the 2hrs to trade-school. he fell asleep 3 times on that journey & went onto the gravel, I had to grab the wheel and yell at him each time, he also drove into some peoples driveway that he thought he knew!

WA, 4485 posts
20 Jun 2011 4:57PM
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Sailhack said...

Wanna hear something funny...I had to google 'Kronic', never heard of it until this thread started!

Waaay back, when I was a teen, a work colleague (apprentice) and a few others decided to try boiling up (insert exotic flower name) and eating the petals, as it was growing in our local botanical garden. I turned up at his place the next day to get a lift to trade-school and he was still hallucinating!

2 of his mates ended up wandering the street that night with no pants on & getting locked up, whilst he swore that I had called in to have brekky with him that morning! He even remembered the conversation he had at brekky with me and his ex girlfriend's dad (who had passed away a couple of years before!)...totally trippin!

As for dangerous - I was too young to drive, so he drove the 2hrs to trade-school. he fell asleep 3 times on that journey & went onto the gravel, I had to grab the wheel and yell at him each time, he also drove into some peoples driveway that he thought he knew!

Kn L!!

Lucky to survive the drive with the Walrus there SH.

How ironic - you couldn't drive coz it was against the law so Timothy Leary pilots the space shuttle into unchartered territory.

My 2c?

Unless you have shares in a private prison nobody gains from drugs being illegal - oh except dealers. They certainly gain from drugs being prohibited.

Prohibition has never worked, never will.

Decriminisation/legislation as PR suggests is the go.

Tricky part is the transition.

Problem is when - as a society - we have had the fun stuff kept out of reach, then it becomes like the Sizzler buffet, it is gonna be a full on ride until the novelty wears off.

Drugs r bad tho m'kay. (seriously they are)

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
20 Jun 2011 6:36PM
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You see i don't think so.

A conspiracy theory once told me that the USA held out bringing their lads home from Vietnam for a long time as they were worried about how many lads would come back as opium addicts, however when they did come back few continued with their habit.

I don't believe more people will use drugs than they do already. But legalisation not only means that you get what you buy it means total transparacy of where the substannce has come from.

How can you tell your experimenting larger than life bullet proof teenager "say no to drugs" when all their friends are telling them its great and that the oldies don't know sh!t.

Lots of things in society are bad but making drugs illegal is not going to stop people from using them or even restrict their availability. Everyone knows someone who can get them a $50 baggie.
However making them illegal will tie up huge amounts of money, lead to corruption on a grand scale and facilitate crime.
It also drives users underground and makes what is essentially a health problem a legal one.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Kronic will be banned" started by felixdcat