Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Labour Party fails again

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 30 Jan 2011
NSW, 6868 posts
7 Feb 2011 4:13PM
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After three pages of toing and froing.............

We are debating exactly the wrong solutions.

Instead of arguing about who is going to come up with the spandulicks to fix the whole avoidable mess up we should be considering a class action against both the federal and state governments for profiting from developments on land that is now demonstrated to be clearly unsuitable.

We use the proceeds to construct a massive computer to replace Canberra and all the leeches inside it.

We can then use it to coordinate all known scientific knowledge of Australia and to make all future decisions involving any develpments requiring human resources.

Only an electronic decision making process is capable of being programmed against skullduggery and bribery, which, as I see it, is the root cause of the problem we face.

Regardless of the result of the politcal debate, any birdbrain can see that this is going to happen again and again under the current system.

Surely anyone with half a brain can also see that the whole show needs a major revamp?

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
7 Feb 2011 1:33PM
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maxm said...

logman, dam71, Mark_A,

You guys are a great example of the problem - bugger what's best for the nation as long as your side wins.

Maxm WTF!!????

I said all governments of all persuasions waste money on crap then can't afford infrastructure. That is whyI disagree with a levy

What is good for the nation is to be able to afford the necessities of life like water supply, health etc and being able to rebuild after natural disasters. There is no party politics or taking sides in that statement.

NSW, 864 posts
7 Feb 2011 4:59PM
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Mark _australia said...

maxm said...

logman, dam71, Mark_A,

You guys are a great example of the problem - bugger what's best for the nation as long as your side wins.

Maxm WTF!!????

I said all governments of all persuasions waste money on crap then can't afford infrastructure. That is whyI disagree with a levy

What is good for the nation is to be able to afford the necessities of life like water supply, health etc and being able to rebuild after natural disasters. There is no party politics or taking sides in that statement.

Yeah, sure Mark. But you only whine about Labour. dam71, you too. If you walk and talk like a duck, excuse me for thinking you could be related to Daffy.

OK, so no levy. Where does the money come from for your rebuild? Have you got a secret stash? Magic?

japie... like your sentiment but it's flawed. I'll happily join the team to program that 'puter for you. If it decides to exempt anyone by the name of maxm from all taxes, that wasn't anything to do with me, OK??

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
7 Feb 2011 5:42PM
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Mark, again isn't the basis of your "no" position to the Levy, based on the fact that you don't like Gillard, you don't like labor, you don't like overseas aid and all the "crap" spending. But you can't run a government by the lowest common denominator. So every time the police force wants new Tazers you cut the Art galleries funding. And whenever there's a bushfire you cut the funding for the Tazers. And every time there's a flood we cut bushfire equipment. A cyclone....... we cut flood relief. We have to be able to deal with more than one thing at a time and not prioritize every item. If we don't have confidence in our decisions we'll just lurch from one decision to the next and one disaster to the next.

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Feb 2011 5:44PM
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Maxm, nothing will ever be pefect, so therefore yes there are flaws.

However our current system is so flawed that it makes criminals out of many and misdirects the majority from their true potential.

We are driven by economic gain that is totally out of kilter with both our humanity and our environment and will be our ultimate demise unless we wake up sooner than later.

It is unethical right to it's very core.

It fills our prisons, many of which have a vested interest in being full as they are "privatised", and it drives people to feed off one another, keeping the most sucessful at playing the system, our most undelightful humans, to the top of an unnecessarily segregated world.

It is in our nature to share.

Any fool can see that when there is no want there is very little crime and when there is no crime there is no fear, no war, no vested interests in seeing that our youth are distracted from reality and honed for a lifetime of slavery that requires you work until you are almost dead.

The **** keeps rising to the top and we expect politicians to change things?

They are there to protect the money guys and the money guys jerk the chains.

Sure a centralised electronic decision making process may have it's down sides, I cannot see any, but it would as sure as hell cut through some bull****!

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Feb 2011 6:01PM
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log man said...

If we don't have confidence in our decisions we'll just lurch from one decision to the next and one disaster to the next.

How can we have confidence in any of the decisions that are made? The process is so deeply flawed that anyone analysing it in the future will just shake their heads in awe.

Like that

And they are not our decisions, they are our govenments decisions and they always fall within a very narrow bandwidth

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
7 Feb 2011 3:06PM
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maxm said...

Mark _australia said...

maxm said...

logman, dam71, Mark_A,

You guys are a great example of the problem - bugger what's best for the nation as long as your side wins.

Maxm WTF!!????

I said all governments of all persuasions waste money on crap then can't afford infrastructure. That is whyI disagree with a levy

What is good for the nation is to be able to afford the necessities of life like water supply, health etc and being able to rebuild after natural disasters. There is no party politics or taking sides in that statement.

Yeah, sure Mark. But you only whine about Labour. dam71, you too. If you walk and talk like a duck, excuse me for thinking you could be related to Daffy.

OK, so no levy. Where does the money come from for your rebuild? Have you got a secret stash? Magic?

If Liberal were doing the same thing I would also complain.

Where does the money come from you say? All those wasted things I identified about 3 pages ago in this thread

Like millions of $$ to change the name and logo of a Govt utility
Or millions for schools in Indonesia (note: as I said I am not against overseas disaster aid, just other stuff like the schools thing)
Or maybe the millions in overseas fact finding missions by pollies or spent on consultants to do a study and come up with the bleedin obvious

This list goes on and on......

It is only because normal people are not privy to, or cannot understand the hundreds of pages of Govt budget docs, that they don't see the wastefulness of our Govt.
In a natural assets rich country like this we should have a billion bucks in a disaster fund all the time.

How the hell are they promising a 40bil broadband network but dont have 5bil for flood damages NOW?

WA, 7671 posts
7 Feb 2011 9:43PM
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NSW, 864 posts
8 Feb 2011 1:27AM
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OK, I should probably declare up front that I am not a bolted on Labor voter. In fact I voted Howard into office all those years ago (couldn't see the back of Keating fast enough). I also stand proud to say I very emphatically voted Howard out! I'm not a Greens supported either... in fact I did one of those internet assessment thingies once and the end result seemed to be that the Greens were a bunch of jackbooted Nazis compared to me. But, hey, you don't want to believe the internet too much!

Mark _australia said...

If Liberal were doing the same thing I would also complain.

You better start complaining then mate!

Where does the money come from you say? All those wasted things I identified about 3 pages ago in this thread

Like millions of $$ to change the name and logo of a Govt utility

When I first left school, I got a job with the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commision. A couple of years later, the then Liberal state government spent big squids changing the name to the Water Resources Commission. Nothing else changed. They both do it.

I still remember John Howard's razor gang. Remember them? They were going to slash government waste. Don't remember them saving us an awful lot. Did Little Johnnie leave his last job with zero waste? HAH!

Or millions for schools in Indonesia (note: as I said I am not against overseas disaster aid, just other stuff like the schools thing)
Or maybe the millions in overseas fact finding missions by pollies or spent on consultants to do a study and come up with the bleedin obvious

This list goes on and on......

Lots of stuff here. No sensible person would disagree with you about the pollies and their overseas junkets although both sides do it so caning just Labour is pretty one sided. Agree? For me, complaining about "millions for schools in Indonesia" is like complaining about the cost a squirt of sauce on a family sized pie. It's negligible! We'd have to withdraw this kind of money from thousands of countries, not just one, so as to come up with 5 bill.

It is only because normal people are not privy to, or cannot understand the hundreds of pages of Govt budget docs, that they don't see the wastefulness of our Govt.
In a natural assets rich country like this we should have a billion bucks in a disaster fund all the time.

How the hell are they promising a 40bil broadband network but dont have 5bil for flood damages NOW?

No.. that's where you go wrong. Why should we have "a billion bucks"? That'd be a billion of my bucks! It isn't the government's money, it's my money. We should have those billions, not the government unless the government can make a damned good case as to why they should have it instead. Neither side ever did.

For a decade, Little Johnny and the Libs hoarded my money for no apparent purpose. They didn't have any plan for it, they just took my money from me so that Costello could stand up every budget and look smug and tell me how he'd done a wonderful job at taking my money from me. No plan, just piling it up so Costello could roll around in it like Scrooge McDuck. The dick.

Now if Costello had got up and said he was putting the money aside for a disaster relief fund and then Labour blew it and then we had a disaster and the money was gone then I'd agree with you that Labor had really cocked it up big time and they should get everyone's #9 boot up the sphincter.

Instead, what happened was that Labor got power and had a big pile of money and no plan. Then things went to shyte worldwide and Labor gave me back a little of my money to get us over it. Then the disasters hit.

As far as I'm concerned, Labor did the right thing - that time.

NSW, 864 posts
8 Feb 2011 1:29AM
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Pugwash said...

Tend to agree with you pugwash! Some here could just as easily be talking about football. I'm probably one of them!!

(...actually, I don't know anything about foosball...)

3777 posts
7 Feb 2011 11:08PM
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Charity starts at home. Open up the gates to a country with cant afford to sustain its own people.. sell of anything that makes the goverment money then make the taxpayers fork out for the anything non sold as non profit.Thus increesing power utalitys and the cost of living. Make a bull**** carbons emmision scheme and Get high speed internet.

Im sorry this labour goverment has done nothing but ****ed me in the ass.

I also say thanks for taking my pay rise away this year the one that covers so called inflation. If i went to my boss and asked for 5 dollars a week extra he tell me to go get ****ed.

3777 posts
14 Feb 2011 12:20PM
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I was just informed today im not elliagable for the 7k first home buyers to buy/build my first home cause the total value of the land and house is over the limit. Yet another kick in the bollocks..

WA, 15849 posts
14 Feb 2011 12:29PM
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busterwa said...

I was just informed today im not elliagable for the 7k first home buyers to buy/build my first home cause the total value of the land and house is over the limit. Yet another kick in the bollocks..


WA, 6277 posts
14 Feb 2011 2:31PM
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japie said...

Only an electronic decision making process is capable of being programmed against skullduggery and bribery, which, as I see it, is the root cause of the problem we face.

But then you have those evil programmers siphoning off every odd half a cent into their swiss bank accounts... Man I want that job [}:)]

NSW, 6868 posts
14 Feb 2011 5:54PM
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Here is the answer:

NSW, 9202 posts
15 Feb 2011 12:04AM
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^ We need a futurist for that? You could've asked Johnny Rotten, even.


Sure the Labor party may be ****e, but who else are you going to vote for? The current Liberal party?

Even in QLD where Bligh absolutely, without a doubt has to go, the Liberals looks like bunch of haphazard, blindly shooting at anything that moves, hypocritical, confused... idiots.

Frankly I've given up all hope and I've started my own, one man society.

For example:


The Queensland Opposition says although it welcomes the State Government's decision to release 25 per cent of Wivenhoe Dam's supply, west of Brisbane, it still raises questions.

Opposition Leader John-Paul Langbroek has questioned what has changed since last year when the Government was told about predicted extreme weather events.
"In October when the Cabinet was briefed, why didn't they take that decision then," he said.

Mr Langbroek has called on the Government to release more flood modelling.
"It's also important for us to get ... the modelling released that will show exactly what happened or what would have happened if Wivenhoe had been lowered to 75 per cent," he said.

"Would that have prevented Brisbane and Ipswich and south-east Queensland from being flooded?"


The water body's decision to open the flood gates at the officially 100 per cent full Wivenhoe came under fire from the state opposition.

Opposition spokesman Jeff Seeney told parliament the dam was not completely full.

"Is not this release of water from Wivenhoe Dam, when it is holding only 40 per cent its available storage capacity, a clear indication that the government has learnt nothing from the water crisis," Mr Seeney said.


By the way take a look at some of the comments regarding releasing water from the Wivenhoe dam back in October at bottom of the last link. Very funny.

NSW, 9202 posts
15 Feb 2011 12:10AM
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japie said...
Only an electronic decision making process is capable of being programmed against skullduggery and bribery, which, as I see it, is the root cause of the problem we face.

Like... the law? It's not electronic, but it's exactly what you're talking about. Making it electronic would not remove humans from the decision making process. I am a programmer for a living, all we do is translate human decisions into code, that then goes all wrong.

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
14 Feb 2011 10:22PM
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busterwa said...

I was just informed today im not elliagable for the 7k first home buyers to buy/build my first home cause the total value of the land and house is over the limit. Yet another kick in the bollocks..

Well I will help you out.

Build 2 houses of half the value each.
Put one in my name (this part is essential for the plan to work)
I will claim the $7K, and you can get your $7K
I will give my $7K to you

Then you have a house and $14K CASH

3777 posts
14 Feb 2011 10:43PM
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good scam mark but you have already been raped 14+ in stamp duty.. glad i bought the land long time ago !
That 7 grand first home owners was to get a 100.000 litre rainwater tank to service the fire brigade to protect my house when it burns to ashes because the government wont let me clear a "fire exclusion" zone around the house without facing prosecution under the "clearing of native vegetation act..
What chaffs my balls more than sand and half shells is do good conservationists.

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
14 Feb 2011 10:53PM
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I will also give you a Russian bride, an iPod, a pair of Nikes, and a lead on where a dead african blokes uncle had $1trillon USD

NOW are we on?

3777 posts
14 Feb 2011 11:07PM
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done deal mark! ill throw in the boom !!
Anyways i better get of this site before i get to parro. Misses gave me a carton of corona (wrapped in ribbon) and a card that said "quote... Im Glad my heart found you" "unquote im glad she has gone to sleep as she was the bearer tv remote tonight.
Another 6 beers and ill be passed out on the front lawn with the neighbors kelpie!

50 posts
15 Feb 2011 8:12AM
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To all you saps that voted the labor party in..... you're welcome for the complete balls up they have created for the rest of us. thanks <hugz>

p.s. here is another thought, if we are going to be hit with a levy then why would i bother donating to anything flood releif related?

another well thought out knee jerk policy thust onto the australian domain by the Ronald McDonald wanna be.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
15 Feb 2011 1:06PM
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exarch said...

To all you saps that voted the labor party in..... you're welcome for the complete balls up they have created for the rest of us. thanks <hugz>

p.s. here is another thought, if we are going to be hit with a levy then why would i bother donating to anything flood releif related?

another well thought out knee jerk policy thust onto the australian domain by the Ronald McDonald wanna be.

Well said exarch, and said in that sort of high pitched whining tone that goes up at the end of the sentence. The sort of tone that always seems to be saying, "what about me?" or "I never got any of that??!!"

WA, 14671 posts
15 Feb 2011 10:35AM
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exarch said...

To all you saps that voted the labor party in..... you're welcome for the complete balls up they have created for the rest of us. thanks <hugz>

p.s. here is another thought, if we are going to be hit with a levy then why would i bother donating to anything flood releif related?

another well thought out knee jerk policy thust onto the australian domain by the Ronald McDonald wanna be.

A very well thought out, logical, factual argument.

Welcome to the Liberal party. Do you want to be in charge?

WA, 15849 posts
15 Feb 2011 11:09AM
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busterwa said...

done deal mark! ill throw in the boom !!
Anyways i better get of this site before i get to parro. Misses gave me a carton of corona (wrapped in ribbon) and a card that said "quote... Im Glad my heart found you" "unquote im glad she has gone to sleep as she was the bearer tv remote tonight.
Another 6 beers and ill be passed out on the front lawn with the neighbors kelpie!

Now thats politics

NSW, 864 posts
15 Feb 2011 7:14PM
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doggie said...

busterwa said...

done deal mark! ill throw in the boom !!
Anyways i better get of this site before i get to parro. Misses gave me a carton of corona (wrapped in ribbon) and a card that said "quote... Im Glad my heart found you" "unquote im glad she has gone to sleep as she was the bearer tv remote tonight.
Another 6 beers and ill be passed out on the front lawn with the neighbors kelpie!

Now thats politics

He's got my vote!!

WA, 271 posts
15 Feb 2011 5:01PM
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We can whinge as loud as we want but we will always remain impotent. The age old edict of democracy reigns supreme "Keep the plebs fed and entertained and the world is yours"

NSW, 864 posts
15 Feb 2011 10:37PM
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Toots said...

We can whinge as loud as we want but we will always remain impotent. The age old edict of democracy reigns supreme "Keep the plebs fed and entertained and the world is yours"

Bull. That only applies as long as the plebs play along - look at Egypt!

So what you should really say is "keep the plebs happy and the world is yours". And isn't that what democracy is fundamentally about?

WA, 271 posts
15 Feb 2011 8:45PM
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maxm said...

Toots said...

We can whinge as loud as we want but we will always remain impotent. The age old edict of democracy reigns supreme "Keep the plebs fed and entertained and the world is yours"

Bull. That only applies as long as the plebs play along - look at Egypt!

So what you should really say is "keep the plebs happy and the world is yours". And isn't that what democracy is fundamentally about?

Egypt was never a democracy in the first place, and its very much a long long way off from even entertaining that luxury (if you can call it that) if at all (keep in mind the opposition party dont even want to take over the government now and have made it clear ). Egypt was/is a dictatorship run by a despot, now run by the military. Dont confuse people power with democracy, the two are mutually exclusive. Its nearly illegal to protest in a Democracy, go on try an unorganised protest in Australia and see how far you get(see also recent protests gone wrong in Britain). Democracy is just another form of government but also relies on popularity contests. It is not in anyway fair to all, only complicit to a majority and only a minority in that majority faction are actual benefactors. Not to mention how corruptable a democracy is, and the dangerous facade it maintains.
You might want to read up on and comprehend a bit of history starting with the fall of Rome.
Democracy is in no way about keeping everyone happy. But if you can keep a majority fed and entertained then you can get away with anything, which is exactly what politicians do everyday, to the disgust of the whinging impotent forum dwelling plebs like you and me.

50 posts
17 Feb 2011 1:45PM
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FormulaNova said...

exarch said...

To all you saps that voted the labor party in..... you're welcome for the complete balls up they have created for the rest of us. thanks <hugz>

p.s. here is another thought, if we are going to be hit with a levy then why would i bother donating to anything flood releif related?

another well thought out knee jerk policy thust onto the australian domain by the Ronald McDonald wanna be.

A very well thought out, logical, factual argument.

Welcome to the Liberal party. Do you want to be in charge?

Actually yes and no....

Yes because i could slap people very hard for not getting things done.

on the other hand the number one job of any government is to get re-elected.

hence the killing of krudd and the ambush by krusty. it was just enough to keep the party in power = job done.

soo instead of being caught up in the perpetual "if i was in charge argument" perhaps time is better spent on scrutenising and holding heads to the chopping block....... Melbourne Myki anyone?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Labour Party fails again" started by busterwa