those guinness pies bring out your funny side Rello.
Leperdude - give it up bud
It's like watching this.. over and over..
you are still referring to goats in the MARINE PARK (do we need to mention that yet again?)
And as Buster says - your first post was accusing the landholder of stealing wetties from people camped at Turtles, and then calling anyone staying at Gnaraloo "Gnarlosers"
but now you claim to have only good intentions and not be taking an adversarial stance or accusing ppl of stuff?
No need to start a new topic leprechaun. It gets too hard to keep track of.
I've got no beef personally with you or your stance against the goats in that part of the world I've never once said they are not there, or that if they are there they are not a problem.
My dramas are your inability to use the quote button properly, which you seem to have fixed, the ongoing claim goats are in the ningaloo marine park. Marine park = ocean. Goats don't like swimming. And lastly that pastoral leases are included in the ningaloo world heritage area. They are not and there is a ream of information available on the net and in print to support this.
Don't just take my word for it, several people on here are far more qualified to offer this info and have done so. And you haven't provided us with any info to support your claim about where the marine park or world heritage areas are, as I have said before I will eat a big serve of humble pie (preferably guineas pie) if you provide evidence contrary to mine.
Certainly feels like this to me:
Given there is a picture of a llama on a surfboard a few posts above I would suggest this thread has run it's course.
Please don't spam the forums with new threads for topics that are still active. It makes the place untidy...
PS: I wonder if that makes the surfing llama the new shark jump?