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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Leprechauns at Gnaraloo

Created by poor relative > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2011
This topic has been locked
WA, 4485 posts
21 Sep 2011 11:32AM
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those guinness pies bring out your funny side Rello.

Leperdude - give it up bud

It's like watching this.. over and over..

Only Luke was likeable.. and cool

QLD, 2057 posts
21 Sep 2011 2:56PM
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Maybe Petermac33, RSC and Leprechaun are the same dude?

WA, 92 posts
21 Sep 2011 6:43PM
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busterwa said...

your personal attack (slander)on the Gnaraloo leaseholders.
Throwing accusations and slander attacks without evidence on a public forum is not the correct way to go about your cause.

Im sure many of the users on seabreese/people who have visited that wonderful area appreciate it respect it and truly thankful they have the opportunity to go back.

Wow slander is a serious accusation , could you be more specific on the false accusations I have made ?. If anyone feels vilified or defamed because of something I have written I sincerely apologize . But it is my duty too try and get more people aware of what's going on in Ningaloo Marine Park and get some change to land management practices .Our coastal fringe is a very unique and fragile Eco system.

Take a look at how many goats occupy the cliffs at Red Bluff . The native vegetation there place has been absolutely hammered over the last few years .In summer it is a daily occurrence to see 30 or 40 goats strip the lace bare down to the hi tide mark. Red Bluff is a special tourism lease which is managed in accordance with the pastoral lease it was excised from .This arrangement will not work ,40 goats being run on 50 hectares is an extremely high and irresponsible ratio of stock to fodder.

The problem Quobba face in this situation is the goats are nigh on impossible to muster at Red bluff due to the topography of the land . Goats are instinctively attracted to cliffs and steep
rocky terrain as a defense mechanism . More should be done to keep the goats from gradually destroying all the native flora on this special tourism lease .

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:42PM
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Leprechaun said...

The problem Quobba face in this situation is the goats are nigh on impossible to muster at Red bluff due to the topography of the land . Goats are instinctively attracted to cliffs and steep rocky terrain as a defense mechanism .

In NZ where we have real hills and high country they have been mustering goats, sheep (my favourite), cows plus anything else that wants to have a crack, in country far more extreme than your pet project. I am sure that Australian farmers are more than capable of getting a few goats down from those hills if they please. We use a combination of brains, dogs, horses and our feet in the high country - things that are a plenty over here as well.

I think you should come clean with who you represent / support etc. Honesty is best policy. There is no drama having a view point but I think that there is a problem when people try to influence other peoples views on a site like this without at least declaring their interest before having a crack at others. Thats only fair. It goes the same when people try and peddle their products eg: "found these super cheap wetsuits at this place if u need one u should buy from them "etc. Reminds me of the dishonesty that certain people in public office were elected on the back of.

WA, 92 posts
21 Sep 2011 7:46PM
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busterwa said...

your personal attack (slander)on the Gnaraloo leaseholders.
Throwing accusations and slander attacks without evidence on a public forum is not the correct way to go about your cause.

Im sure many of the users on seabreese/people who have visited that wonderful area appreciate it respect it and truly thankful they have the opportunity to go back.

Wow, slander is a serious accusation ,if anyone in this forum feels falsely accused please let me know it is not my intention to make up stories that are not true therefore I will stand by everything I have written .

Take a look at the damage rangeland goats have done to Red Bluff on Quobba station over the past few years. The difficulty management face there is it is nigh on impossible to muster the goats that inhabit the cliffs and escarpments . Goats are instinctively attracted to this sort of topography for self preservation. Red Bluff is a special tourism lease and because of a flaw in the legislation the lease holder can run goats on it. What I find unacceptable is the equation of running 30 or 40 goats on a 50 hectare lease . This is way beyond the acceptable stock to fodder ratio and is extremely poor land management on a special tourism lease .

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
21 Sep 2011 8:41PM
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you are still referring to goats in the MARINE PARK (do we need to mention that yet again?)

And as Buster says - your first post was accusing the landholder of stealing wetties from people camped at Turtles, and then calling anyone staying at Gnaraloo "Gnarlosers"

but now you claim to have only good intentions and not be taking an adversarial stance or accusing ppl of stuff?

WA, 3271 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:14PM
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No need to start a new topic leprechaun. It gets too hard to keep track of.

I've got no beef personally with you or your stance against the goats in that part of the world I've never once said they are not there, or that if they are there they are not a problem.

My dramas are your inability to use the quote button properly, which you seem to have fixed, the ongoing claim goats are in the ningaloo marine park. Marine park = ocean. Goats don't like swimming. And lastly that pastoral leases are included in the ningaloo world heritage area. They are not and there is a ream of information available on the net and in print to support this.

Don't just take my word for it, several people on here are far more qualified to offer this info and have done so. And you haven't provided us with any info to support your claim about where the marine park or world heritage areas are, as I have said before I will eat a big serve of humble pie (preferably guineas pie) if you provide evidence contrary to mine.

WA, 949 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:18PM
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WA, 3271 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:33PM
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Oh man. Don't tell me there are llamas in the marine park too!

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:42PM
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Chris6791 said...


I will eat a big serve of humble pie (preferably guineas pie) if you provide evidence contrary to mine.

Guinea Pie - is that Guinea Fowl or Guinea Pig?

NSW, 4188 posts
22 Sep 2011 12:48AM
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Certainly feels like this to me:

Given there is a picture of a llama on a surfboard a few posts above I would suggest this thread has run it's course.

Please don't spam the forums with new threads for topics that are still active. It makes the place untidy...

PS: I wonder if that makes the surfing llama the new shark jump?

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Leprechauns at Gnaraloo" started by poor relative