Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by poor relative > 9 months ago, 2 Apr 2009
poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
2 Apr 2009 4:57PM
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A man realized that all matter is just energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.


WA, 12441 posts
2 Apr 2009 5:06PM
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I've been trying to get to that point for the last 40 years. If anybody knows how he did it please tell me.

Intellectual knowledge doesn't help, you have to be there for it to really mean something.

Here is one man who got there, unfortunately his body died back in the 50s

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
2 Apr 2009 6:17PM
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Our brain is so phenomenally powerful that it deliberately restricts our knowledge. We don't understand how the brain works because it won't let us... the brain realising that we will try to replicate it with a machine or implant chips in it etc.
It is also clever enough to make up stories like P.R's (that we don't exist, and life is but a dream etc), in order that we are still at a loss to explain things... resulting again in the preservation of the brain.

QLD, 4087 posts
2 Apr 2009 8:26PM
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From an engineer's point of view, what's the extra power for? Future upgrades? Like the dashboard of my old bike that had warning lights for features that weren't installed yet.

If that's so, I wonder if there's a scheduled release date for the upgrades?

As for the consciousness, I'm sure I caught a glimpse the other day on a left-hander. Could go back and try and find it again, I'm sure it's there somewhere.

QLD, 5610 posts
2 Apr 2009 8:27PM
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"Life, loathe it or ignore it, you cant like it." ......Q. Marvin.

NSW, 9029 posts
2 Apr 2009 10:38PM
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Life is survival, taking one breath after another to feed your lungs that feeds your blood that keeps the heat pumping. I often think about life. As a Christian I believe some eventualities that many do not accept.

Are we just energy slowed down? Why does certain matter subject other matter to pain, suffering and death? We are more than energy slowed down.

NSW, 5784 posts
2 Apr 2009 11:12PM
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poor relative said...

A man realized that all matter is just energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.


that man was the great bill hicks, not the first man to stumble upon this life changing/saving enlightenment, this true meaning of evolution, but one who stood true to his convictions, never scared to tell it like it is.

he never sold out
even when he knew it would kill him (or rather 'they' would stop him)

he also realised that 'they' know this and control us in their game by manipulating with fear us and keeping our spirits, our souls, our true path of evolution [which is/was always the spiritual and has never been the phsyical (darwin was a shill/fraud) ] at such a basal low vibrationary level and so far from where we should be (at this most critical of times ), that now probably as never before in modern history have we been more preoccupied and disseminated from the 'whole' with ridiculous meaningless entertainments, self rightousness and detrimental perversions.

next month april 11, come and see david icke speak at melbourne convention centre...

WA, 988 posts
2 Apr 2009 8:16PM
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Life or The meaning of life?

Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations

M Python

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
2 Apr 2009 8:30PM
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theDoctor said...

next month april 11, come and see david icke speak at melbourne convention centre...

Ahhh David Ike, sports presentor turned schizophrenic. The modern day equivelent to Ron Hubbard

Wiki says....
At the heart of Icke's theories is the view that the world is ruled by a secret group called the "Global Elite" or "Illuminati," which he has linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic hoax. In 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.

WA, 2331 posts
2 Apr 2009 8:31PM
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NSW, 5784 posts
3 Apr 2009 12:04AM
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ahh wikipedia,

.... the morons guide to idiotism

[discussion closed/]

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
2 Apr 2009 9:22PM
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Not just wiki his site is pretty contraversial too.

He's not shy voicing his delusional stuff.

WA, 6277 posts
2 Apr 2009 9:32PM
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Scroll forward to 3:24...

VIC, 1579 posts
3 Apr 2009 1:04AM
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...... Life is nothing but a tender, extravagant and solitary paranoic critical unfolding of time and space. (QED)

WA, 93 posts
2 Apr 2009 10:07PM
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Why worry about it. Just enjoy your life to the fullest because you never know when your number is up!

WA, 12441 posts
2 Apr 2009 10:42PM
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noels said...

Why worry about it. Just enjoy your life to the fullest because you never know when your number is up!

It's for just that reason some people do worry about it.
They want to make sure, they go to the right place, if there is an after life.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
2 Apr 2009 11:27PM
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Funny isn't it.
People spending their whole life doing what their doctrine dictates so that all will be well when they die.
It seems death plays a huge role in some peoples life.

NSW, 3082 posts
3 Apr 2009 9:31AM
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I must be shallow cause thats too deep for me

QLD, 5610 posts
3 Apr 2009 8:41AM
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I'm so shallow ,I often touch bottom...s..

892 posts
3 Apr 2009 7:18AM
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Speaking of slow vibrations..
Try 7 Hz.

Imagine the authorities getting hold of one of French robotics scientist Vladimir Gavreau's "police whistle," sometimes called a "sound cannon." It's an infrasonic device so lethal there is reportedly no known defense against it. By lowering the frequency of sound below 15 cycles per second -- so low that the sound can't be humanly heard -- such a device is capable of spreading death and destruction from a source that is impossible to detect without special equipment.

Gavreau discovered that the wave length "most dangerous to human life" is 7 Hertz (seven cycles per second). Some of the invisible injuries to Gavreau and his team were more persistent. According to another account, they "were dangerously ill for days, their internal organs wracked with painful spasms as a result of their body cavities having resonated at the deadly frequency." They had only just escaped being "torn apart" by their own experiment. What's more, "the entire test building was shaken and nearly destroyed."

Claims like that are hard to believe. But others go further. In one test, reportedly "involving a device less than a cubic metre in volume," Gavreau's team "caused a large, fan-shaped portion of Marseilles to shake. Later, a mounted and remotely controlled version [of the device] was said to have 'burst heavy battlements and tank interiors open with a hideous effortlessness.'"


NSW, 5784 posts
3 Apr 2009 1:01PM
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poor relative said...

Not just wiki his site is pretty contraversial too.

He's not shy voicing his delusional stuff.

take a real good look at some of the things he's saying besides the between dimensional reptilian stuff, he is an amazing communicator... and there is no denying that the clamps are tightening on personal liberty at an alarming rate... personally, codex alimentarius and its implications scares the sh1t out of me..

but seriously... take a good look at prince phillip, on record saying he'd like to come back as a virus and wipe out the earths population, if anyone ever looked like a lizard its gotta be him.... and madonna, she's a freaking baby blood sucking lizard for sure....

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
3 Apr 2009 6:28PM
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Thats the thing about paranoia it never really resolves it just gets more and more insidious.

Misinterpretation of circumstance is a powerful thing especially if you've got a public profile.

theDoctor said...
he is an amazing communicator...

So was Hitler

NSW, 9205 posts
4 Apr 2009 6:01PM
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^ Exactly what I was going to say.

Ok, so what is consciousness, exactly? I think we should resolve that question before moving on.

There would seem to be 'levels' ie things are certainly different when i've had a coffee at 3pm to when I've woken up at 3am to catch a plane. What divides these 'levels'?

Rocks aren't conscious. Dogs are. Butterflies???

QLD, 6483 posts
4 Apr 2009 10:12PM
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evlPanda said...

^ Exactly what I was going to say.

Ok, so what is consciousness, exactly? I think we should resolve that question before moving on.

as long as it allows one to windsurf and bonk, it doesn't matter what it is

NSW, 5784 posts
5 Apr 2009 12:39AM
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evlPanda said...

Ok, so what is consciousness, exactly? I think we should resolve that question before moving on.

There would seem to be 'levels' ie things are certainly different when i've had a coffee at 3pm to when I've woken up at 3am to catch a plane. What divides these 'levels'?

Rocks aren't conscious. Dogs are. Butterflies???

some people i know would say 'if you have to ask, you're never gonna know'

not me but, i've lost count of the amount of times i've been on the mushies and have had deep and meaningful conversations with rocks, been told to wake up to myself by a passing dog and have been lost only to be shown the way home by a friendly butterfly.

i think its real funny that we're the smartest most advanced species on this planet.... because we say we are


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Life" started by poor relative