I've been using PC's since MS Dos, and prior to that I was using Workbench on the Amiga.
For some reason I've always hated Apple... with a passion bcos:
- I hate their users attitude; are generally superficial retards with no f'ing idea, who can only come up with BS like "Windows crashes, Macs don't"
- Their expensive
- I thought they had no SW
- No games
- Not expandable
- No right or middle click
But recently I was told I could buy, use for 2 weeks and return an Apple product... so I bought a MacBookPro retina used it for 18 days and returned it... and then bought another which I'm keeping.
Here's what I like:
- It's REALLY configurable... everything is a file (no registry), it has little apps which launch other apps and the Apple Dev site tells you all about them.
- USB3 flies, on my Win7 NEC USB3 I can copy a 20GB file in ~4:40 minutes, the Mac will do it in 1:50. It doesn't tell you how fast it's transferring but I used an app that said ~200Mb/s, the PC will start off @ 320Mb/s... then end at 90.
- It's fast, my equivalent Mac software actually performs much better... it could be bcos of my 1GB/s SSD, but my comparison PC has 2x256GB RAID0 and much faster GPU... but the Mac apps just seem to load everything faster.
I had a lot of issues adapting to the new OS, but a couple hacks/apps later and I've got right/middle clicks, and everything I used in a PC.
What are your thoughts on the Mac vs Windows.
well this sums up pretty well what an apple user is like . Mac's have their place and windows devices have their place in the market .
IF Mac's were so f$@##cking awesome like fanbois say they are then they would be the backbone of governments and big corporations the world over
Reminds me of the comedian a few (OK, many) years back who said
"who needs a 486, nobody can wank that fast"
Still true it would seem
Try using the in-built SD card reader what a joke. I could rant for days.
Safari - refuses to keep the most used bookmarks near the top; YouTube ad blockers stop working for no good reason; you can't tell Java aplets to work without completely setting security to nil.
Can't play proper games... or if you can, there are no fixes for issues cos you don't game on Macs.
Autocorrect is cool, except when I really don't want it to do so then I have to stop my typing and use the arrow key.
Selecting text blocks with the keyboard is all messed up.
OS updates are easy but **** everything up. I shouldn't have to keep restarting the audio core thingy just to use the volume control :o
But I really like the swipey touchy click pad. Which makes up for all the headaches
i loved the "new iphone looks the same as the old, how will anyone know i've upgraded?"
there's the rapid swing towards PC for video work, with some 3rd party hardware manufacturers now not supporting the mac. it will be interesting to see where apple is at for desktop "power" computing in a year or so.
they've never been interested in supporting large enterprise environments and have said they are now really only focusing hard on mobile devices. it might be the beginning of the end for apple as we've known it
Apple vs Windows
We had a windows machine which I used for music production...missus got a video camera (older cassette type one) and wanted to put on the PC to edit....3 months 4 different cords and half a dozen patches/downloads/new editing software later we finally had the content on the PC and could edit...near the end of this process I decided to go back to Macs for music so I got a new imac plugged the video i and the boss was editing 5 minutes later....thats why I like them when you ask it to do something it does it...when you plug something in it works
I've grown up with both and worked support for both.
For me personally, PC.
I heard someone online talking about fixing their apple.
Instead of
"go to shop, get fixed"
it went like this
"I tweeted my personal Apple Geek to set up an appointment at my local Apple Genius Bar for an Apple iFix consultation and I'll get an iCoffee while I'm waiting"*
*might not have been exact words, but you get the idea.
ive been using PC for most of my working life. I recently bought a mac air for picture, video and music editing. They both have there good and bad points. The mac was simple to connect to my server, and use for formatting word processing stuff. The bad: The trackpad is stuffed after 13 months of a 12 month warranty, need to 'force quit' some of the software regularly. Nothing too much different to windows really.
I like how the mac software like pages and numbers can open the windows Word and excel files. Unfortunately windows cant open mac stuff. The software Pages and Numbers were really cheap compared to MS Office.
I think because the PC's are cheaper, and do the job, they will continue to dominate in the engineering world. Ive never seen an autocad drafter use a mac?
Autodesk has a zillion dollars and not much to spend it on, so they invest in everything. They offer A'cad for Mac, plus for tablets of both apple & android flavours.
But I've never heard of it being used on a Mac. I could imagine some crusty old arty types who used a board to do the more artistic cad (set design, home renos maybe) might choose Mac. Never in a business environment.
I don't know much about any computer but how stupid are the apple stickers on cars. I find people right into their apple are the same people with trendy clothes name brand but living at home with mum at age 29/30
But there's so many customizations... Macs are more like Android, whereas Windows like iOS.
Want Info (Properties) on a file icon... no problem.
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:showItemInfo true" ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
You can create kb shortcuts for ~everything. You can automate ~everything.
Also Finder (Explorer equiv.) has tags... so say you have 1000 movies, and your Mum asks for your best rated movies. In Windows you can't find them bcos their in Action, Drama, Comedy...
In Finder you can leave that structure, but also include tags... sure you can do similar things in Windows Apps, but Macs have it baked in.
In Windows... the manufacturer creates drivers. In OS X Apple does, but bakes it in to the OS and makes the frameworks available... so you can modify them; don't like the way the trackpad works... no problem write download an app that changes it.
I could go on...
There are some stupid things though... like closing all windows in OS X doesn't close the application... you have to quit it.
Finder doesn't have decent hierarchical navigation.
Like **** I'm going to tag every single file that's dumber than start rating photos, songs or videos LOL
Hate having to run secondary apps to get Safari to toggle through tabs with trackpad gestures... especially with all the options built in already.
The problem with Mac OS is there are so many fernicaty ways of doing the simple things that Apple forces you to use... then overwrites all your custom settings at the next OS update /rolleyes
Why would I want to do that?
"Is this a good photo? Let me not look at the photo but check the rating. Ah yes, 2 stars - clearly not worth looking at. Good thing I don't use Thumbnail view, then I would have had to look at it..."
Whee, I make me laff.
I've been using a PC as long as you, it sounds like - and have never had to reset my custom settings why should I spend time learning how to restore settings?
Apple... telling you how to use your **** since forever.