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Margs Fire

Created by Woodo > 9 months ago, 23 Nov 2011
WA, 792 posts
23 Nov 2011 10:33PM
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Why would the DEC be conducting burn offs anywhere near this time of year? I completely understand the need to burn off but does it have to be done at such a high risk time? Hoping they can get this blaze under control before more homes are lost and here's hoping nobody loses their life due to negligence.
Weather forecast for early tomorrow isn't looking good.

6657 posts
23 Nov 2011 10:51PM
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Absolutely agree - can't understand it at all , yeah hope no-one is at risk (or worse) woodo.
+1 here

VIC, 411 posts
24 Nov 2011 9:07AM
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I'd say those that have lost there houses already will be a tad on the annoyed side of things,
Someones gonna need mighty deep pockets,

WA, 2154 posts
24 Nov 2011 8:07AM
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Yep...the whole situation is one that never should have even happened.
Some of my friends were evacuated last night. Not good.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
24 Nov 2011 8:12AM
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Because the burning that should have happened a month ago was restricted due to CHOGM. The Govt did not want the tiniest little bit of haze around the city.

Image is more important than peoples lives.

WA, 792 posts
24 Nov 2011 10:24AM
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Mark _australia said...

Because the burning that should have happened a month ago was restricted due to CHOGM. The Govt did not want the tiniest little bit of haze around the city.

Image is more important than peoples lives.

If that's true i am****** disgusted.

WA, 365 posts
24 Nov 2011 11:18AM
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Same thing happened around Denmark a year or two back, and believe it or not, again today!

WA, 4642 posts
24 Nov 2011 11:31AM
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Nah it's all ok because now we can blame it on global warming, and daaayngerous climate change.
Gee it's hot today. Yes. It's because of global warming.
It was a bit warm last night. Yes. It's one of the effects of daaayngerous climate change.

WA, 706 posts
24 Nov 2011 11:42AM
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Mark _australia said...

Because the burning that should have happened a month ago was restricted due to CHOGM. The Govt did not want the tiniest little bit of haze around the city.

Image is more important than peoples lives.

Not quite Mark...

I just heard on ABC an interview held in the Margs area with reporters and a senior FESA gent who said that particular prescribed burn was initiated in early September and has been "fed" several times since to keep it going in the required area. I think he said the last "feed" was a few days ago????

Obviously it hasn't gone to plan but I'm not sure you can link CHOGM and the DEC in this case especially when it isn't the only burn that's been going on in the last few months.

It's quite concerning that when a prescribed burn goes wrong the DEC haven't done enough to protect peoples properties AND when a fire of unknown origin destroys peoples properties in the country the DEC haven't done enough to protect peoples properties because they didn't do enough prescribed burning

The term rock and a hard place comes to mind.

But I'm sure everyone agrees that it is a sad day for all the people involved and that we hope that no casualties occur.

Best wishes to everyone down there........

inside grunt
WA, 72 posts
24 Nov 2011 1:19PM
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My house (and many others) are in the direct line of the fire at gnarabup/prevelly. The DEC lit fires to 'burn off' by dropping sparklers from a helicopter on Monday. I knew, as well as I am sure they did, that Wednesday was going to be strong N winds.!

WA, 7608 posts
24 Nov 2011 1:23PM
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My brother lost his house. We were lucky it didn't hit our place. Not happy. It could have been fatal.

WA, 7608 posts
24 Nov 2011 4:41PM
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Watch Channel 9 News (WIN) at 6pm. My brother took the camera crew to his house. Burnt to a crisp.

6657 posts
24 Nov 2011 4:50PM
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Jesus that's bad shiz greenie - real shame & my best wishes to your lot eh?

WA, 1916 posts
24 Nov 2011 5:14PM
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Mark _australia said...

Because the burning that should have happened a month ago was restricted due to CHOGM. The Govt did not want the tiniest little bit of haze around the city.

Image is more important than peoples lives.

wasnt it pissing with rain a month ago?, must have been hard lighting a fire then.

bad idea to not get the fire undercontrol with the predicted weather forecast as it was.

sorry to hear about your brothers house greenroom, hope they all ok?

3777 posts
25 Nov 2011 8:59AM
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The council should implement fire exclusion zones. Unfortunately The department of conservation dosent honor people clearing native vegetation and felling trees.recomended by FESA (fire and emergency services The council must implement 20 metre+ exclusion zones around suburban dwellings in high risk fire areas As stated by fesa Fire A emergency prevention. The DEC are incompetent and negligent in protecting people and there properties. They place people lives in risk to save a few trees. Things will change . Thought they would of after the Victorian fires.

WA, 421 posts
25 Nov 2011 9:29AM
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Just talked to my sister-in-law who is a firey station officer and is down there with her crew from Freo. She said that the amount of burnt out country is incredible and everything is just burned black. houses, bush land etc. she also said that the fire is under control for now and she expects to be back in Perth tomorrow. she is buggered, which is to be expected.!

WA, 2940 posts
25 Nov 2011 10:24AM
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All this blame laid directly at FESA/DEC and the prescribed burn . I think we also need to look at the properties and did the land owners upkeep their properties to a safe standard .

Just look at the roleystone fires ,hardly anyone in the hills clears their properties of tinder . I know we never did when i lived in the hills .

I am not trying to blame land owners specifically but i think there needs to be better education of land owners and not just putting the blame on FESA but of course i am going to get red thumbed for my thoughts as it's the seabreeze way

Buster you say DEC/FESA etc should be more concerned with saving properties rather than a few trees . Why exactly do you think they have been doing the burns for the last few months ?

Yer thats right to save a few trees

It was to try and remove alot of dry undergrowth to stop this **** . Yes their timing may have not been perfect but they are doing stuff that should have been done by landowners themselves .

3777 posts
25 Nov 2011 10:41AM
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Appendix 4: Perth Hills Bushfire Review Terms of Reference
The Inquiry will seek to address all aspects of bushfire risk management in the Perth Hills area with specific reference to:
The adequacy of current preventative measures, specifically prescribed burning and other bushfire mitigation activities.
The impact of land use, environmental and building laws, practices and policies in the affected areas, affecting bushfire prevention, mitigation and response and what, if any, changes may be required.
The actions that can and should be taken by landowners, residents and tenants in relation to bushfire risk management including undertaking vegetation clearance,

Clearing fire exclusion zones recomended by FESA around main dwellings is the answer DOC has alot to answer for.

If the doc is so good why would they fine you up to half a million dollars for clearing native vegetation to create a fire exclusion zone.

WA, 2940 posts
25 Nov 2011 11:25AM
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grass and leaves and stuff like that is considered native vegetation ?

like i said not trying to pass the blame away from DEC/fesa etc , just saying that homeowners need to be held accountable as well . I highly doubt all these properties were well maintained .

WA, 792 posts
25 Nov 2011 11:51AM
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dusta said...
I highly doubt all these properties were well maintained .

And how did you come to this conclussion? Just an assumption?

WA, 2940 posts
25 Nov 2011 11:59AM
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Woodo said...

dusta said...
I highly doubt all these properties were well maintained .

And how did you come to this conclussion? Just an assumption?

no from our family having a property just off caves road very close to prevally i see alot of properties with plenty of **** that would ignite . So no assumption here mate .

Like i said the blame cannot be solely put on the dec , landowners have to be accountable for some of the blame .

WA, 792 posts
25 Nov 2011 12:31PM
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dusta said...

Woodo said...

dusta said...
I highly doubt all these properties were well maintained .

And how did you come to this conclussion? Just an assumption?

no from our family having a property just off caves road very close to prevally i see alot of properties with plenty of **** that would ignite . So no assumption here mate .

Like i said the blame cannot be solely put on the dec , landowners have to be accountable for some of the blame .

Fair enough then.
All i have to say is there would be no fire if the DEC didn't light one.
IMO careless decision making on their behalf has resulted in this.
Thoughts go out to everyone this has effected down south.
I'm just glad all my friends down there are safe and there has been no loss of life.

WA, 2940 posts
25 Nov 2011 12:33PM
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Woodo said...

Fair enough then.
All i have to say is there would be no fire if the DEC didn't light one.

hmm considering the conditions i would have to disagree with you there . There was always the possibility considering we have had a fairly dry winter that something could have ignited a fire this week . Yes DEC choose a retarded day to do stuff not just in margs mind you as the fire in munster was a "controlled" burn .

WA, 7608 posts
25 Nov 2011 12:41PM
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It's the beautiful south west, why would you want to clear your block of surrounding trees? That's the risk people take. Insurance covers this risk.
Doesn't matter how clear your block is, in the given temperatures and wind forecast, it wouldn't have saved your house.
A bloke in Gnarabup did everything in regards to fire safety. He even got rid of trees that were considered a fire hazard. In fact his house was the one on the front cover of the paper. He had green grass around his house. And the only two trees that didn't burn were the ones that are fire safe trees. I'm not sure of the proper name. So no degree of clearing would have saved a house in the path of the Margaret River fire. It jumped the river!
It's the DEC who are to blame.

WA, 792 posts
25 Nov 2011 12:56PM
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dusta said...

Woodo said...

Fair enough then.
All i have to say is there would be no fire if the DEC didn't light one.

Yes DEC choose a retarded day to do stuff not just in margs mind you as the fire in munster was a "controlled" burn .

And there we have it.

WA, 975 posts
25 Nov 2011 4:38PM
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WA, 975 posts
25 Nov 2011 4:41PM
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6657 posts
25 Nov 2011 4:59PM
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Jesus & mary mother of god - that is baaaaaaad bad shiz , poor people (& animals)

WA, 3271 posts
25 Nov 2011 5:21PM
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For this partucular fire DEC are to blame, but if it wasn't lit at the hand of DEC it would eventually have been someone with an angle grinder, cigarette butt or at the hands of an arsonist.

No-one wants the bush around their neighbourhood charred from a controlled burn, but so many don't accept the risk that comes with a block in the bush that doesn't have any fire mitigation measures and a high fuel load. So many are totally ignorant of their risk, they are under-prepared and under-insured and protest loudly against control burns and their impact on the environment.

Nor do many understand that a fire in conditions like this one (regardless of ignition source) WILL accelerate out of control at a rate exponentially faster that the combines ability of FRS/VFRS/DEC/BFS's abilities to respond.

I feel sorry for those that did everything right in preparing and adequately insuring their home and keeping safe their family and sentimental items but still lost everything, but for those that weren't adequately prepared, they must wear some responsibility and not just blame DEC.

You've got to love the position DEC are in, conduct control burns with the best of intentions and get screwed, don't conduct burns, but a fire happens anyway through arson or what ever, and they still get screwed. It's a lose/lose game and I have no idea why anyone would want to take on the top job at DEC for that reason.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
25 Nov 2011 5:31PM
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Chris6791 said...

For this partucular fire DEC are to blame, but if it wasn't lit at the hand of DEC it would eventually have been someone with an angle grinder, cigarette butt or at the hands of an arsonist.

No-one wants the bush around their neighbourhood charred from a controlled burn, but so many don't accept the risk that comes with a block in the bush that doesn't have any fire mitigation measures and a high fuel load. So many are totally ignorant of their risk, they are under-prepared and under-insured and protest loudly against control burns and their impact on the environment.

Nor do many understand that a fire in conditions like this one (regardless of ignition source) WILL accelerate out of control at a rate exponentially faster that the combines ability of FRS/VFRS/DEC/BFS's abilities to respond.

I feel sorry for those that did everything right in preparing and adequately insuring their home and keeping safe their family and sentimental items but still lost everything, but for those that weren't adequately prepared, they must wear some responsibility and not just blame DEC.

You've got to love the position DEC are in, conduct control burns with the best of intentions and get screwed, don't conduct burns, but a fire happens anyway through arson or what ever, and they still get screwed. It's a lose/lose game and I have no idea why anyone would want to take on the top job at DEC for that reason.

Bl00dy well said.
Of course for those who do a job that does not involve the lives and safety of others, where you are criticised whatever you do, it is easy to whine on the internet or on talkback radio.

QLD, 59 posts
25 Nov 2011 7:40PM
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Chris6791 said...

For this partucular fire DEC are to blame, but if it wasn't lit at the hand of DEC it would eventually have been someone with an angle grinder, cigarette butt or at the hands of an arsonist.

No-one wants the bush around their neighbourhood charred from a controlled burn, but so many don't accept the risk that comes with a block in the bush that doesn't have any fire mitigation measures and a high fuel load. So many are totally ignorant of their risk, they are under-prepared and under-insured and protest loudly against control burns and their impact on the environment.

Nor do many understand that a fire in conditions like this one (regardless of ignition source) WILL accelerate out of control at a rate exponentially faster that the combines ability of FRS/VFRS/DEC/BFS's abilities to respond.

I feel sorry for those that did everything right in preparing and adequately insuring their home and keeping safe their family and sentimental items but still lost everything, but for those that weren't adequately prepared, they must wear some responsibility and not just blame DEC.

You've got to love the position DEC are in, conduct control burns with the best of intentions and get screwed, don't conduct burns, but a fire happens anyway through arson or what ever, and they still get screwed. It's a lose/lose game and I have no idea why anyone would want to take on the top job at DEC for that reason.

Agree 100% well said, Very few people now taking responsibilty for their own actions.
Live in the bush, fire is a risk, live in Nth QLD cyclones are a risk, go in the water sharks are a risk , live with it or not. Choices.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Margs Fire" started by Woodo