(I guess they are chasing the pink dollar)
I've had a few, I suppose you'd call them bi-sexual experiences. What can I say, it was the 90's and I was curious. Everyone was doing it. I can honestly say that they are no different from you and me, apart from some annoying gay stereotypes like their choice of clothes and music, that I feel we should be allowed to rib them about because that means we treat them just like anybody else. The bi-sexual experience itself was actually much, much more arousing than I ever imagined. I honestly recommend all of you try it at least once, just so you understand what the **** (< censored so you don't know what word it is) you are talking about. Honestly I lost count of the number of times I came. I often find myself fantasising about doing it again, although I keep this hidden from my wife. Anybody else slept with two girls? How was it for you?
A friend of mine said he had an awesome foursome in the 90's and and said pretty much the same thing as you ep.
It's going to make me look twice at that "meat" in the burger now might just get the salad from now on
ROFL!! A very happy ending there Panda!
Oh well we are human.
For the record pretty much my only luck in the two-for-one deals, the boyfriend of one of the two lass' turned up at the house just before the serious 'business time'. "WTF!!! I didn't know you had a boyfriend!!" I say.. she blushes..
and we all scramble for clothes!
Too many suasages for the Barbie(s).
It's much more fun in the movies. Real life is more awkward.. "Who's hand/foot/appendage is that anyway?"
After this add I shall never look at the special sauce on a Big Mac quite the same again. Let alone Happy(ending) meals or the sausage Mc Fkn!!
New macca's ad
Two all beef cakes with panties
Special sadism
on sesame seed buns
Those gay McDonald's ads should be banned. Gay people have enough problems with AIDS and discrimination without adding obesity, diabetes and heart disease?
busterwa..oh my freaking lordy....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5.18 mins..I don't think so....45 seconds was bad enough