They serious about this,
Went out for a durry and to see how much more my seats have cracked in UV (There stuffed but still comfy) and there's a blooming flyer on my bike...
Geez, someones on a mission.
Your safe here. Nobody knows what they are hehe . Anyway, enjoy those mountains when the wind isn't blowing and stay safe
Your a TOOL if you dont wear protective clothing.
Numberplates should be required just like it is on a car.
A high vis vest is just crock of shat! but More highly visible clothing should be available on the market.
My bike
I brought it over from the UK, cos nobody would buy it there... but I'm a true Aussie thinker, so I'm all in favour of Day Glow ****** wear.
I think we should have 4 number plates and have to pay 4x rego too... 1 for each side.
We should have to wear helmet, gloves, knee guards, elbow guards, and Huggies so when the f@rkers spring from behind the bushes cos you were going donkey speed in a retarded turtle zone and you sh!t yourself, you don't soil your f@rking day glow homo wear. Imagine that brown stain, it will make you near invisible to the average Aussie.
Neck braces, jackets with airbags, and helmets with cool gel should also be made compulsory... but only those that are extra expensive cos they have some retarded Oztralian Standard sticker.
Now that we're at it... ALL bikes must be painted in day glow colours, and have an extra high brake light so truckers can see it, and we can sit on it in-between rides.
In the mid-90's, moved to Perth for a place to work and live. I was a bit naive back then. On studying maps, I noticed a lot of areas and suburbs were mountains (Mount Lawley). When I moved to Perth, I was very disappointed
These rules are a disgrace, and will be abused by police.
Maybe an example, I got pulled up yesterday by a cop with an attitude problem who thought i was speeding, but had zero proof (he was travelling in opposite direction). Since he couldn't fine me for speeding he yellow stickered my bike because it didn't have a red reflector below the number plate (this is hardly affecting the roadworthiness of the bike considering the rear park light is automatically on 100% of time). He then also tried to fine me for having a tinted visor since the visors don't arent Australian standard rated (beside the fact that i can wear a helmet without a visor and its fully legal - and he was wearing sunglasses).
If the new laws are implemented it just gives additional power to the police to be absolute c0cks. Like Benjamin Franklin said:
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"
Yesterdays experience does not motivate me to stop for cops in the future.