A blokes gotta do what a blokes gotta do. My missus reccons kiting is dangerous. The fact is that I have been surfing, kiting and riding bikes long before I met her and will continue to do so.
If cost is of concern to justify getting a bike, just look at the real estate space you have in the bathroom for your stuff. I bet it is bugger all. Now think of all the crap your missus "needs" in the bathroom. That **** is not cheap.
A bike gives me that power rush you get from a sweetly powered kite or taking off on a solid wave. They'll soon get used to it when you come home alive a few times
PS. I have a pretty good insurance policy on my head though and so far haven't had to cash it in.
PPS. Have recently traded in the kite gear to get a sup ( tendonitis reasons ). The SUP is...boring quietly addictive. Ha Ha, now I have one less risk factor, time to upgrade the bike!
Most of Asia ride bikes... like 3 BILLION people.
My Mrs is cool with me riding, she even used to come riding with me (excellent pillion)... she's not OK with me paragliding.
TerryKiter... when riding you have to be confident; if your Mrs thinks you're going to die, you're setting yourself up for trouble.
Sh!t happens to all of us, and usually when you least expect it... but life is about experiences and the more you have the more you live. Any time you're going over 30kmh and you make a mistake it's going to REALLY hurt.
Riding bicycles on the road is INSANE... I've even been knock over while standing on the footpath with a bicycle.
Know the risk, enjoy the experience.
BTW: You're more likely to die from a Dr. than riding a motorcycle.
My last 3 bikes... no injuries.
(Just doing some mods) it's a Yamaha XT1200Z
Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. A week of being in the dog house is a small price to pay.
Scooters actually show surprisingly low on the accident stats for one simple reason. The riders are simply going from point A to point B. They're not trying to ride like a bat out of hell, they're not trying to wheelie, they're not trying to corner as fast as they can. Last time I checked I think they're were 1/5th of the accident rate of motorbikes.
I agree though on the cringing with scooter riders. No leathers, shorts, etc. I'd hate to see the result when they do come down.
This is my one
I'll replace it this year or next with this:
I was going to go with a StreetFighter, but it's too damn small for me and sounds like it's falling apart... like most Ducati's... looks real nice though.
Before I got the Super Tenere, I tried the Ducati Multistrada... again too cramped for me.
BMW sucks ass! Stupid farkers can't even make a bike that rides straight; on the other hand the 4 Yamaha's have never disappointed me.
^^^ The Multistrada was too cramped!?! Geez, are you about 8 feet tall? I can't even touch the ground with both feet when sitting on one.
Always had bikes and ride daily to the city and back. The better half minds a little but lets me persue my passion.
As everyones sharing bike pics, here's my current fleet:
and a 2010 R1 that i don't have a photo of right now.
I used to ride one just like this and rip off Kwaka 9's and Fonda Whores.
PS: No wife at the time but a slick chick who loved the vibration from the seat.
I've always had a dirt bike. Just ride with some caution, ride defensively, anticipate what others could do, and retain your buffer zones.
Open up the throttle a bit on the tracks when you have clear vision ahead.
This is my 450EXC, and it goes like a rocket!
The tracks around me, you usually have a clean view of what is coming up from ahead. There are only a handful of blind corners, but you can back off the throttle and listen for anything, and ride slow... It's all about staying as safe as you can... I've done over 20,000km on bikes, with no incidents.
Its a calculated risk and you may not do anything wrong to be injured.
I certainly don't support your motorbike addiction Listen to your Misses or at least treat her to a life insurance package so she can look after you when your a vegetable.There`s a harsh reality to riding bikes and some of the consequences are. (without-out posting anything graphic)
Cervical (neck) injuries usually result in quadriplegia;
C1 to C4 injuries may require a ventilator for the person to breathe;
C5 injuries often result in shoulder and bicep control, but no control at the wrists or hands;
C6 injuries generally yield wrist control, but no hand function;
C7 and T1 injuries can straighten their arms but still may have dexterity problems with the hand and fingers;
Thoracic level injuries and below result in paraplegia, with the hands not affected;
T2 to T8 injuries have control of their hands, but poor trunk control as the result of lack of abdominal muscle control;
T9 to T12 injuries allow good trunk control and good abdominal muscle control. Sitting balance is very good;
Lumbar and Sacral injuries yield decreasing control of the hip flexors and legs.
Besides a loss of sensation or motor functioning, individuals with SCI also experience other changes. For example;
Incontinence of the bowel and bladder;
Erectile dysfunction;
Fertility may be affected in SCI men;
Wide and rapid fluctuations in body temperature;
Inability to sweat below the level of injury;
Low blood pressure;
Chronic pain.
Very high injuries (C1, C2, C3) can result in a loss of many involuntary functions. For example;
the ability to breathe (may require breathing aids such as mechanical ventilators or diaphragmatic pacemakers);
inability to regulate blood pressure effectively.
I spent a bit of time in a trauma ward after the misses crashed her car. (spinal ward)
Lets say not a happy place. People are there for a reason. .Its horrific people in neck braces heads bolted to there back to re support and realign the spinal chord to repair the vertebra..
Bikes can be ridden safely but the odds of receiving a major trauma or a serious injury in the event of an accident increases significantly. So just be careful fellas.
Enough of this medical talk... and we've seen enough bikes. When are you all going to post pictures of your wives
(hey, just kidding )
Here's a bike pic... last day of winter. Guess where it is in SA