Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Muslim man granted judge-only trial in NSW

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 9 May 2012
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QLD, 663 posts
9 May 2012 6:06PM
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Nah, I don't think he mixed it up...

I read the same headline off ninemsn....

Its the press that are putting up headlines that make you want to read further!

QLD, 663 posts
9 May 2012 6:07PM
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Im Onto Page 2????

Been talking about this too long...


WA, 1104 posts
9 May 2012 4:07PM
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FIFO stands for Fit in or F** off.

I know, I bought the T shirt last time I was in Dampier

WA, 15849 posts
9 May 2012 4:10PM
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whippingboy said...


FIFO stands for Fit in or F** off.

I know, I bought the T shirt last time I was in Dampier

Lol I know I was just giving Mark some shiz re his abreviations

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
9 May 2012 4:31PM
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and the preface - AWOL?

6657 posts
9 May 2012 4:34PM
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A Wanker On Line

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
9 May 2012 4:37PM
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I saw it on a redneck sticker and I knew what FIFO meant but not the AWOL before it.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
9 May 2012 6:40PM
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Mark _australia said...

There is no story there

However pweedas has a point that there could be a strong voice amongst Muslims that he should have been treated differently and that can be a precursor to hatred

A precursor to hatred.....WHAT....There's plenty of hatred already......from the rednecks on this forum

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
9 May 2012 4:47PM
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log man said...

Mark _australia said...

There is no story there

However pweedas has a point that there could be a strong voice amongst Muslims that he should have been treated differently and that can be a precursor to hatred

A precursor to hatred.....WHAT....There's plenty of hatred already......from the rednecks on this forum

I meant them hating us.
We have seen previously where a court decision has made a particular group strike out against society in general, and you have to admit that there is potential here. That's all we said - 'maybe'

Read all the first page instead of scrolling down looking for the comments by 'rednecks' to fulfill your preconceived idea that there must be hatred here

(EDIT: welcome back, I wondered where you'd been all day whilst this was going on )

WA, 15849 posts
9 May 2012 4:48PM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Mark _australia said...

There is no story there

However pweedas has a point that there could be a strong voice amongst Muslims that he should have been treated differently and that can be a precursor to hatred

A precursor to hatred.....WHAT....There's plenty of hatred already......from the rednecks on this forum

I meant them hating us.
We have seen previously where a court decision has made a particular group strike out against society in general, and you have to admit that there is potential here. That's all we said - 'maybe'

Read all the first page instead of scrolling down looking for the comments by 'rednecks' to fulfill your preconceived idea that there must be hatred here

redneck wonderland

WA, 304 posts
9 May 2012 4:48PM
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I see these bumper stickers quite often: "Australian Way Of Life - Fit in or F Off" (AWOL FIFO). They usually come combined with the Southern Cross constellation on the rear window and a UNIT sticker. Usually on jacked-up utes (in which case there is typically a "Save Wedge" sticker too). Lots of them in our neighbourhood. In fact, I think we stick out a bit with our sticker-less and relatively new Asian sedans - perhaps it's time to "upgrade" our wheels in order to "assimilate better into the local society".

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
9 May 2012 4:51PM
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^^ aah I am now informed. Couldn't work out the AWOL

WA, 15849 posts
9 May 2012 4:58PM
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Mark _australia said...

^^ aah I am now informed. Couldn't work out the AWOL

I didnt know that one either

I think my interpretation was better

WA, 1227 posts
9 May 2012 5:08PM
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dinsdale said...
Er, no!! That highlights one of the biggest problems we're having in this, and most other western countries. That is, complete ignorance about the infestation which keeps coming our way.

Here, read it for yourself:-

A few other muslim apologists here could educate themselves a little too. The whole koran is there for your edification.

d1 said...
Nice rightwing resource you've got there. Ever thought about how easy it would be to subject the Bible to similar "research":

Come on, drag yourself together. IT IS THE KORAN!! I linked you to THE KORAN. It's not someone's research, it IS the koran. I covered this EXACT thing in another thread just a few minutes ago. Any more dribble like that and you'll short out my monitor.

d1 said...
The Bible on Women Rights: It's OK to offer your virgin daughters to a crowd for gang-rape (by example of Lot in Genesis 19.8)

That's a narrative, NOT a doctrinal statement. It was the act of a scared man, saving his (and his mates) skin with a pretty cowardly act.

d1 said...
Let's not drag Abrahamic Religions into this - the issue is simple assault that has been pimped by the press in order to sell a story, where there is no story. As Mark said.

Wrong!! You said,
d1 said...
Of course the Koran doesn't actually say this, or anything of the kind.

YOU dragged an Abrahamic religion into this, only you had no idea what-so-ever what you were talking about, so I called you on it. Now you want to slip and slide and grease your way out of it by dragging another Abrahamic religion into, whilst grasping any out-of-context red herring you can. You made the statement. Perhaps next time you'll put your brain in gear before engaging your fingers on the keyboard.

ACT, 2174 posts
9 May 2012 7:09PM
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my imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend blaaa blaaa
blaaa my imaginary friends book is true and yours is incorrect and
made up raaa raaa raaa

lets go blow up a bus cause its full of infidels

we have a mandate to free these people from tyranny
ohh and how conveniant they have oil to burn

shouldn't matter what religion,colour,or sexual persuasion ,the fact is
he's a grubby woman basher

WA, 304 posts
9 May 2012 6:05PM
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dinsdale said...

YOU dragged an Abrahamic religion into this, only you had no idea what-so-ever what you were talking about, so I called you on it. Now you want to slip and slide and grease your way out of it by dragging another Abrahamic religion into, whilst grasping any out-of-context red herring you can. You made the statement. Perhaps next time you'll put your brain in gear before engaging your fingers on the keyboard.

Great advice! Now kindly follow it, read carefully above, and edit your statements. I especially like your style of highlighting your own mistakes in bold

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
9 May 2012 6:08PM
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Seems god was a c**t too

The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9).

Makes the Koran look like the beano

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
9 May 2012 6:11PM
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hamburglar said...

the fact is he's a grubby woman basher

...trying to weasel his way out of it.
Thankfully the court saw through his evil plan.

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
9 May 2012 6:28PM
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poor relative said...

Seems god was a c**t too

The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9).

Makes the Koran look like the beano

Now go read all the New Testament that does away with that crap.
Only the Muslims and Jews believe in all that old testament stuff, but of course it is unpopular to say so

TAS, 451 posts
10 May 2012 10:37AM
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As I understand it, the argument he put forward was that his prospects of getting a fair trial in Australia were slim, on the basis of his religion.

The commentary in this thread proves his point was valid.

The question about judge only trial is not about whether he was right or wrong to bash his wife under islamic law. It was about his prospect of receiving a fair trial - something about which Australian values are very clear.

I would disappointed to think we were losing this particular set of values

Of course the potential precedent is the scary thing - but what does it say about current Australian values that he was ever able to successfully argue this point initially?

WA, 3519 posts
10 May 2012 10:16AM
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brady said...

As I understand it, the argument he put forward was that his prospects of getting a fair trial in Australia were slim, on the basis of his religion.

The commentary in this thread proves his point was valid.

The question about judge only trial is not about whether he was right or wrong to bash his wife under islamic law. It was about his prospect of receiving a fair trial - something about which Australian values are very clear.

I would disappointed to think we were losing this particular set of values

Of course the potential precedent is the scary thing - but what does it say about current Australian values that he was ever able to successfully argue this point initially?

So your point is: If you live in Australia and you commit a crime being from a muslim country, Pastafarian, Uzbekistan, Papouasia, Timbuktu...... etc, to get a fair trial you should be judged by some tribal, custom, traditional rules that are current in those countries?
Nice….. in the Pastafarian bible it is said that steeling money from a bank is not really stealing if the amount is less than $100,000,000.00 or more than $1,000,000.00. I am going to the bank next door I am sure they will treat me fairly and give me the money! Hope they are not redneck racists!

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2012 10:22AM
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brady said...

As I understand it, the argument he put forward was that his prospects of getting a fair trial in Australia were slim, on the basis of his religion.

The commentary in this thread proves his point was valid.

The question about judge only trial is not about whether he was right or wrong to bash his wife under islamic law. It was about his prospect of receiving a fair trial - something about which Australian values are very clear.

I would disappointed to think we were losing this particular set of values

Of course the potential precedent is the scary thing - but what does it say about current Australian values that he was ever able to successfully argue this point initially?

Do you think if you were in his position in his country the judge would have even given you the opportunity to do the same?

QLD, 32 posts
10 May 2012 12:32PM
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Proud to live in Aus regardless of what any muslim bashing redneck thinks. Australia's got good people, my neighbours and wider community are wonderful unfortunate few are rude and stereotype us. I pay tax, give to charity, im praised in the community (im a President of a Charitable organisation) however not many people would realise what my religion is cause i sorta look euro.
In regards to 'women bashing' doesnt happen in Islam. Probably in some secs but never in my family or wider islamic community.
Islamic culture built around the man protecting his wife and family, cause thats what he is.. a man. At the end of the day your wifes another mans daughter and you need to show her respect and protect her from sleezes.
If your chick wants to run wild with her clothes off honestly you let her. But shes definitely not your type if your so religious. Bashing your sister in law isnt going to make her more religious :s bashing any girl is a discusting act and i have no tolerance for that kind of ****. Thats why i support White Ribbon Day. These people (like this women basher) who try to use their religion as a way of escaping punishment is sad.
In Islam the women choose whether or not they want to be covered or not. My sister decided to wear a scarf, but my mum and other sisters dont. In christianity you can choose to be a nun. The same situation, covering yourself is seen as an act of empowerment and is in fact formal attire in muslim countries, the women are not opressed :s or forced as some western media outlets would want you to believe.
This man seems lost and is blaming his wifes sister for his own insecurity. There is no justification for beating your women (or your sister in law or any women) in Islam. Doggie i genuinely hope justice is served!
BTW!!!! Australia and its laws are extremly lenient! This is FREEDOM! you can do what ever you want! (offcourse within the boundaries of law) but what im saying is, you can go clubbing all night long, or you could sit in a temple praying to God all night long. Your free to choose! Whether your drinking all night or praying all night, your still Australian. What you do in your own time is your 'behaviour' it does not determine where you 'belong'. Quiet frankly Australia gives me the opportunity to live free but I choose to live life on principals of giving charity, paying my taxes, showing respect to my fellow Australian and the Australian way, attending Anzac day ceremonies, not drinking alcohol, spoiling my fiance, praying to God, eating healthy, training in the gym etc
In my religion I believe most Australians will be rewarded by God because of how good they are, some a million times better then those who call themselves 'muslim'. I hope God rewards me for being a proud muslim Australian and for writing this to stop hate. I dont blame people who hate actually (cant blame them in todays world) but i would ask that you stop learning about Islam from and instead learn from a muslim..

Random vid

QLD, 663 posts
10 May 2012 12:37PM
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Well said mate....

Glad to see someone put up an opinion who is obviously from a position that is educated and informed on the cultural beliefs and differences of both cultures.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 May 2012 1:55PM
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The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Muslims are nice people. The overwhelming majority of people that call themselves Lefties, Liberals, Bogans, Punks, Sceptics, Fishermen, Christians, Communists, Atheists ...even Kiteboarders, are nice people. When you get to know them.

When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

WA, 4642 posts
10 May 2012 12:24PM
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evlPanda said...
That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

"Not at all scary"??
In that case why are all these refugees leaving their "not at all scary" countries and risking their lives to come here???
Could it be because they consider that their daughters being blown up in their schools for daring to get an education is just a little bit scary maybe?
Or any one of the dozens of other atrocities being comitted in the name of their beliefs are scary?
Obviously they find something scary enough that they risk their life to escape it.

I should add that if everyone had the same mindset as Adziz then there would be no problem, but sadly, that is not the case. Some have the stated aim of establishing a world wide islamic state by whatever means are necesary. And their version of an islamic state is nowhere near as benevolent as the view which Adziz holds. And God bless you Adziz. You sound like a great guy. Long may that continue.

Also, to call someone cowardly because they state their point of view only adds to the problem. If the opinion is wrong then say why, don't try and silence their view by trying to make them feel small.

WA, 344 posts
10 May 2012 12:43PM
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brady said...

. It was about his prospect of receiving a fair trial - something about which Australian values are very clear.

It wasn't that at all. It was an attempt to tilt the playing field to his advantage on the basis of his religion.

Nothing wrong with working the judicial system in an attempt to better the outcome for yourself. Lawyers do it all the time, especially when selecting jury. But singling yourself out as a minority on the basis of religion in a multi-cultural society is...well...un-Australian.

Personally think that justice has prevailed and the proof is in the pudding as he plead guilty to charges (albeit lesser ones) once his ploy had failed.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 May 2012 4:03PM
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pweedas said...

evlPanda said...
That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

"Not at all scary"??
In that case why are all these refugees leaving their "not at all scary" countries and risking their lives to come here???
Could it be because they consider that their daughters being blown up in their schools for daring to get an education is just a little bit scary maybe?
Or any one of the dozens of other atrocities being comitted in the name of their beliefs are scary?
Obviously they find something scary enough that they risk their life to escape it.

You are putting the people fleeing, and the people they are fleeing from in the same ...boat.

I should add that if everyone had the same mindset as Adziz then there would be no problem, but sadly, that is not the case. Some have the stated aim of establishing a world wide islamic state by whatever means are necesary. And their version of an islamic state is nowhere near as benevolent as the view which Adziz holds. And God bless you Adziz. You sound like a great guy. Long may that continue.

Translation: You sound like a great guy Adziz. God bless you ...but please tell your family to stay where they are because they want to establish a world wide Islamic state by whatever means necessary.

WTF man? WTF?

Also, to call someone cowardly because they state their point of view only adds to the problem. If the opinion is wrong then say why, don't try and silence their view by trying to make them feel small.

I explained why I see their opinion is wrong very, very clearly. I always try to.

Again: When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

Do you find Adziz scary?

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2012 2:16PM
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evlPanda said...

pweedas said...

evlPanda said...
That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

"Not at all scary"??
In that case why are all these refugees leaving their "not at all scary" countries and risking their lives to come here???
Could it be because they consider that their daughters being blown up in their schools for daring to get an education is just a little bit scary maybe?
Or any one of the dozens of other atrocities being comitted in the name of their beliefs are scary?
Obviously they find something scary enough that they risk their life to escape it.

You are putting the people fleeing, and the people they are fleeing from in the same ...boat.

I should add that if everyone had the same mindset as Adziz then there would be no problem, but sadly, that is not the case. Some have the stated aim of establishing a world wide islamic state by whatever means are necesary. And their version of an islamic state is nowhere near as benevolent as the view which Adziz holds. And God bless you Adziz. You sound like a great guy. Long may that continue.

Translation: You sound like a great guy Adziz. God bless you ...but please tell your family to stay where they are because they want to establish a world wide Islamic state by whatever means necessary.

WTF man? WTF?

Also, to call someone cowardly because they state their point of view only adds to the problem. If the opinion is wrong then say why, don't try and silence their view by trying to make them feel small.

I explained why I see their opinion is wrong very, very clearly. I always try to.

Again: When you cherry-pick a bad example from a collective, and then label all or most of that collective the same, you are fear-mongering. And if you think about it is the most cowardly thing a person can do. That is: being scared of something that is not at all scary, and inciting others to be scared of it too.

Do you find Adziz scary?

No I didnt but, is it wrong to be scared and not say anything? I will tell you right now that I am scared of islam and what it represents particually the extreemists.

SA, 956 posts
10 May 2012 4:39PM
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I partly belive some of the propaganda here but to me when women are surpressed and mutulated around their parts in the name of religion, then it has no respect from me. read to be a slave for the pleasure of the male.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Muslim man granted judge-only trial in NSW" started by doggie