Colonialism brought Africa out of savagery and primitivism as it did Australia and introduced civilisation over tribalism.
Tribalism is still rife in many parts of the world, in particular Africa and Arabia which is where most conflict exists.
Aparthied was a system doomed for failure like Nazi-ism. Mandela was prominent during the crumbling of Aparthied but he did not bring it about and he was certainly no Saint. Just another Kaffir.
The main reason Aparthied was dismantled was because nobody would play cricket or football with them any more.
What a joke!!!
Mandela was a hero, a source of pride for most South Africans and an example for many others around the world. I'm sorry to see him go.
Just another kaffir he was not. Not by a long shot. He was a world class statesman.
Colonialism brought Africa out of savagery and primitivism only in the eyes of the colonialists. In fact Colonialism...civilisation...
introduced tribalism on a much grander scale. The haves vs the have nots.
The world needs more leaders like Nelson who was able to merge a nation under such difficult circumstances. He was very intelligent, humble and had great vision for SA. It always brings a smile to my face, every time i go back for a holiday to see how multicultural SA has become. South Africa showed the world how reconciliation can be achieved and are world leaders in this area. We just hope the new leaders of SA can take a leaf out of Nelson's book when it comes to leadership and vision.
Speaking of tributes on social media, the Paul walker thing have me the **s. The number of people giving heart filled tributes, you would have thought they were best mates. Then Mandela who I think was more influential didn't get a mention really in comparison
One would have to be concerned about where SA is now heading after Mandela has left this earth. From his tribal background, be it, he was right or wrong; daylight runs a distant second in the leadership, and political stakes.
The current crop of leaders that filled the void after Mandela moved into retirement, have not shown any great statesmanship or leadership. Sadly the possibility for the current SA profile to slip into the mould of a few other states with leaders just filling the coffers of close tribal ties and close family to the detriment of the state, on the African continent is closer than one would like to see.
Two things Joseph, has to do is, keep China on side, and don???t upset the cash flow.
Second is, don???t p1ss those Zulus off to the point they resort to solving issues as in the early nineties, with brute force. Zulus get in the chair, all other also ran tribes will suffer greatly.
One thing I do agree with is Japies slant on things, him being a lad who experienced first hand, how life is on that side of the world. My Nephews have worked and run business for over 15 years in Africa. They do report on some nasty things that never make the front page or on the news stands, enough to make one shake ones head in disbelief and discussed.
i can't judge mandela ( also arafat, kadafi etc )
but i have a strange feeling that when the last "freedom fighter" from that era will go,
something in this world will be lost completely
^^^ Fidel in a suit! If he shaved that beard no one would recognize him.
Maybe it's false. Maybe he sneaks into Disneyland occasionally.
This is a parody site, but sadly enough, I think it's actually true, there aren't many politicians people will miss