Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Obama Deception (Moco)

Created by K Dog > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2012
K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
4 Jun 2012 2:42PM
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Not sure if anyone has seen it, but I find the odd conspiracy theory movie entertaining and this one doesn't fail to deliver. These guys seriously need to work on substance and not just emotional outcrying and spooky music everytime a Bilderberg? Employee drives past..... or Obama fails to deliver on a policy he is secretly working with the intergalatic reptiles........... seriously funny stuff.....

Sure the Fed Reserve is a joke, and they should focus on that... but instead they go nuts............

WA, 6415 posts
4 Jun 2012 4:57PM
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The wildest,most ludicrous,most laughable theory of them all......the boogie man theory.....funny cause the masses buy it

And the trails present in a crystal clear blue sky day,with nearly zero percent humidity,well they are cloud or extra long lasting exhaust fumes.

Go back to watching reality tel-a lie-vision,and feel safe and secure again in the knowledge that all is as told.

WA, 1227 posts
4 Jun 2012 6:22PM
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petermac33 said...
And the trails present in a crystal clear blue sky day,with nearly zero percent humidity,well they are cloud or extra long lasting exhaust fumes.

I've been up there heaps of times in RAAF aircraft, painting all sorts of stuff for all to see, WITH CONTRAILS!! I can assure you no-one ever managed to put chemical tanks into a Macchi without the pilot knowing. Perfectly blue, cloudless Spring and Summer days are prime for condensation up high - anything between 30,000 and 45,000 feet.

Find another cat's tail.

QLD, 2770 posts
4 Jun 2012 10:08PM
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don't bother using logic dinsdale.
you must either be:
a) in on the whole plot
b) hoodwinked by the powers that be into believing the contrails are explainable by simple science
c) turned into a dullard by fluoride/BPA/chicken hormones
d) an illuminati agent subtly steering seabreeze users away from the truth lest we rise up in a burst of outraged consciousness & smite down the corporate establishment

WA, 899 posts
4 Jun 2012 9:15PM
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i would be quiet about the answer D


WA, 4642 posts
5 Jun 2012 12:13AM
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petermac33 said...

The wildest,most ludicrous,most laughable theory of them all......

I thought that was your silver price prediction pweet.
A few years ago when silver was over $40 per ounce, you advised us all to sell everything including the family home and buy silver.
So here I am in a rented sea container in a trucking yard, under the flickering light of an old kero lamp, having sold everything including my nice house by the seaside, invested it all in silver at $41 per ounce, and now it's down to $28 per ounce. ???
I may be old and saline but I'm pretty sure $28 is less than $41.

Should I sell out of silver and buy something else?
I don't like to appear ungrateful pweet but I'm starting to lose confidence in your powers of prediction, even though I know you don't outsource your thinking.

WA, 6415 posts
5 Jun 2012 5:07AM
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Have actually been telling people to put money in silver for last 3 years,was around $12 per ounce back then,so still a decent return. Highest it got to nearly $50 from memory,but yes i do now believe stockmarket is rigged.

Property has dropped significantly just like i said it would though cheaper property has retained much of it's value.

And going to drop a further 50 percent for sure.Thinking the nano sized aluminum particles in the trails have contributed significantly to your alzheimers pweedas.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
5 Jun 2012 7:51AM
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petermac33 said...

Have actually been telling people to put money in silver for last 3 years,was around $12 per ounce back then,so still a decent return.

HI Peter

Not wanting to call you a liar but YOU'RE a LIAR

Given that you post 99% of all your communication on here, the other 1% being with the person you buy milk from, it is inevitable that you would have posted "Buy silver" at some point on this forum.

Please can you link to a thread from June 2009 where you advocated buying silver.

It's ok if you don't want to. I don't really think that you're a liar

NSW, 2005 posts
5 Jun 2012 8:27AM
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ginger pom said...
I don't really think that you're a liar

Well, he is or he isn't ?

WA, 4642 posts
5 Jun 2012 10:51AM
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ginger pom said...

HI Peter

Not wanting to call you a liar but YOU'RE a LIAR

Don't pay any attention to him pweet. He's a pom.
Not only that, he's a ginger.
And to top it all off,... he's a victorian !!!
Although I think there is a higher concentration of aluminium nano particles over there so we can't be too harsh on them.

QLD, 12325 posts
5 Jun 2012 3:53PM
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May be this is the way things happen.

Quite a dark theme to this movie which I think more asks a question than answers anything.

A tad more credible than "Enemy of The State".

WA, 6415 posts
5 Jun 2012 3:42PM
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Prior to posting on this forum,have been telling people to buy silver when it was around $12 an ounce from memory, on this forum perhaps around $15.

I can't watch any y/tube video as error occurs when download adobe flash player,life goes on.

NSW, 9202 posts
5 Jun 2012 6:53PM
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petermac33 said...
And the trails present in a crystal clear blue sky day,with nearly zero percent humidity,well they are cloud or extra long lasting exhaust fumes.

There's just one thing I don't get.

Here are supposed chem trails:

Here are undisputed chem trails:

Do you notice anything vastly different about the two images?
Do you think there might be a good reason for that? It has something to do with the seabreeze site.

WA, 15849 posts
5 Jun 2012 4:55PM
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^ One is actual chemicals?!?

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
5 Jun 2012 7:21PM
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petermac33 said...

Prior to posting on this forum,have been telling people to buy silver when it was around $12 an ounce from memory, on this forum perhaps around $15.

I can't watch any y/tube video as error occurs when download adobe flash player,life goes on.


You joined this forum in September 2009.

You have made eight posts a week.

Please link to a single post where you mentioned buying silver.

Or you are a liar ....

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
5 Jun 2012 7:30PM
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You did however make a prediction on 16th June 2010 that the stockmarket would fall by 50% soon. See link below

I would say that until you are able to recognise your own errors you should be a little slower to jump to conclusions.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
5 Jun 2012 8:07PM
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Skid said...

A quick google found these...

Note: Silver hit an all time high 29th April 2011 on USD price

First link - silver will hit $150 per ounce... June 2011 (Silver is lower now than it was in June 2011)

Second link - Buy silver but I sold all my silver a year ago... May 2011 (meaning silver was sold in May 2010) (Silver is lower now than it was in May 2011)

Third link - and I have to admit that peter did say it, put all your money into silver... June 2010... though it appears that he had actually sold all his silver the month before. (had he not sold his silver he would have made a 50% over two years)

So, Peter said twice that you should put your money into silver very soon after the market peaked and before that he said that you should put all your money into silver... but actually sold all his silver.

So he said "buy silver" three times, two of which after the market peaked and one at roughly the same time he sold his silver....

NSW, 9202 posts
6 Jun 2012 11:42AM
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...and the $AUD has taken a ride over the last few years. Gold and silver are (usually given) in $US.

Don't listen to anyone that can "predict the future". It's that simple. Don't think you can predict it yourself either. Adopt appropriate strategies. It's all luck, and you can't prove otherwise (that's a dare).

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
6 Jun 2012 3:40PM
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ginger pom said...

Skid said...

A quick google found these...

Note: Silver hit an all time high 29th April 2011 on USD price

First link - silver will hit $150 per ounce... June 2011 (Silver is lower now than it was in June 2011)

Second link - Buy silver but I sold all my silver a year ago... May 2011 (meaning silver was sold in May 2010) (Silver is lower now than it was in May 2011)

Third link - and I have to admit that peter did say it, put all your money into silver... June 2010... though it appears that he had actually sold all his silver the month before. (had he not sold his silver he would have made a 50% over two years)

So, Peter said twice that you should put your money into silver very soon after the market peaked and before that he said that you should put all your money into silver... but actually sold all his silver.

So he said "buy silver" three times, two of which after the market peaked and one at roughly the same time he sold his silver....

so what are you saying Pom......Peter is a fraud?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Obama Deception (Moco)" started by K Dog